
Gone Baby Gone

Monday January 3, 2011 at 2:19 PM

I just went to read Dream a Little Dream by the.littlest.ingenue and found that it was pulled :(  

Does anyone know what happened to her?

I was also holding out hope that she'd someday finish My Manic and I. I thought that was such an interesting little story.


High school fic

Monday January 3, 2011 at 12:56 PM

Hi Can you rec me some E/B high school fic please? Thanks:-) XXM

Ps: I am already reading SEI and loving it:-)


Kissy kiss or not?

Monday January 3, 2011 at 12:45 PM

The fandom eruption has begun.


Operation GRKU

Monday January 3, 2011 at 12:27 PM


Lookie what updated....



And yeah.  It's good.  If you haven't read the update, or the fic in itself, GO!  For all of you Emmett/Rosalie fans (*points to herself*) this is really the ONE fic that if you haven't NEED to.  

LJ Summers

Rangers' Fic Pics!

Monday January 3, 2011 at 11:00 AM

Hello, Campers!

It is a new year and I have a slew of fic list requests from y'all!  AWESOME!

Today's is a different kind of request made by multiple Campers here at ADF. I wrote to EACH RANGER and told them to expect this so I expect FULL PARTICIPATION from them.


"What about if the Rangers gave us THEIR favorite fics?" 

Outstanding suggestion!  So here is where they're going to do it.


1.  Each Ranger is going to share 7 (or 10) of their FAVORITE FICS in the FANDOM. They will share WHY these fics are their faves. 

2. Campers may respond to a Rangers' choice, but BE NICE and wait to READ THEM FIRST.

3. Their favorites have been solicited by YOU, the Campers of ADF, so keep that in mind.  If you have alternate recs, there are a LOT of lists on which to make them. This one is for THE RANGERS.


NOTE:  To the VIP AUTHORS in our STORYTELLING CABINS?  Your favorites have been requested, too! If you're a RANGER and an AUTHOR, you may choose to have different lists (lucky you!) or keep the same ones.  VIP AUTHORS will have to narrow down your favorites to FIVE FICS.  So get to thinking! ETA: Your campfire will be coming soon. 

I'm not a Ranger, so I have no recs to bring to this campfire. Mwahaha!



Meanwhile, if you're wondering what I'm talking about regarding fic lists, HERE IS THE MASTER FIC LIST.  Please check it out if you're looking for Camper-Recommended fan fiction in more than 70 categories!

purple edit: the campers have spoken!  see which rangers take your dare...


FF Sneak Peek

Monday January 3, 2011 at 10:50 AM

 Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Flouncing Twilighted?

Monday January 3, 2011 at 9:44 AM

I've been considering flouncing Twilighted.

Both of my stories are hosted there as well as and on my blog, so it wouldn't be the end of the world to remove them.

I contacted a big shot (the big shot) about an issue I had with one of their staff members (a vali beta) and was met with silence. I contacted said big shot through e-mail and personal message.

At this point, I can't/won't continue updating one of my stories there until I get a new vali beta (the other vb is awesome.) So now I feel like just... flouncing on the site as a whole.

Has anyone else done this?


The First Monday of 2011!

Monday January 3, 2011 at 8:25 AM you know why this excites me?

Because my kids are FINALLY back in school and LIFE can resume itself!


and Happy Monday!

I hope you all are recovered from the Holidays!  My Christmas tree is still up, but that will change....sometime this week idek.

Today is also a special day for another reason...

It's my daughter's 8th birthday!

Cherie loves DANCE, cookies, tacos, her iPod, our smelly dog, and of course BOBBY LONG! Come in and wish her a happy birthday!!

And while yer in here...tell me what you did for NEW YEARS....and if you have funny drunk pics, I WANNA SEE THEM.

Some Random for your New Year:

-Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as a medicine.
-Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.
-The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.
-Dentists recommend that a toothbrush be kept at least six feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
-The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
-The thumbnail grows the slowest, and the middle nail grows the fastest.
-Blue is the favorite color of 80 percent of Americans.
-A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.


So tell me Campers...

Any New Year's Resolutions?

Anyone gonna try to lose weight or quit smoking or start drinking more wine?

What are your predictions for 2011?  Will the economy get better? Will Angelina Jolie adopt more kids? Will Water For Elephants be the BEST MOVIE EVER (i think it might!)

Talk to me!


Songs of the heart

Monday January 3, 2011 at 6:21 AM

I love music. Truly, I believe it is the entire embodiment of my soul. I play numerous instruments, sing, devour a cacophony of sounds as often as possible.

Strangely, what I have never asked is... what songs remind you of Twilight moments/characters?

I saw Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros last year (wow, so weird to say that) and was just relistening to their Up From Below album. The track "Jade" suddenly really reminded me of Alice Cullen...

She runs thru the valley of Death and of Sleeping
She laughs as she dances her feet wake the flowers
She comes a now running thru our gloomy town
Yes Jade is the Girl of the hour
We cant help but follow she’s buddha just watch her
She moves like an old gypsy woman but swears she’s a girl
And all that she asks we’ll allow her

For Jade is the girl of the hour

What I want to know is... what songs evoke the Twilight characters for you? I am a big fan of meaningful lyrics, regardless of the style, but have at it.

P.S. If you haven't heard anything by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, please youtube them. 'Home' is probably their best known track, but everything they have ever done is magical. At their gig, I felt like I had transported back in time to Woodstock and was truly loving my life (a rare occurence last year).


Lettuce Discuss

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 10:45 PM



Chapter 11 has posted!

Oh. My. Cornflakes.


I'm now officially on the edge of my seat. And I *ahem* have a big seat.

She has outdone herself this time!


Come in and let's discuss!


NOTE:  Prolly not good to read late at night alone if you get creeped out easily.


EDITED TO ADD:  Spoilers will be inside


Question about fanfic =/

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 10:33 PM

Hey guys =) 

So, I had a general question about this site...New to the whole thing and what not =/

Does anyone know if this is a place where anyone can post their fanfic stories? I have one completed and am in the middle of the sequel and I wanted to see if I could post it here. I'm not sure if there's a process of some sort or what I would have to do =( 

Any help would be greatly appreciated =) 


Remember Twilight?

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 9:59 PM

I am re-reading Twilight. It's been awhile for me and I had forgotten so many things!

Edward was so arrogant. So sure of himself. Funny (remember when he was funny?). He mocked Bella-she amused him.   He was achingly exquisite.

Carlisle-A leader. Strong, brilliant, in charge. Pure heaven

I had forgotten that Bella wanted to buy Renee a baby grand piano! That Esme was the one who made Edward play for Bella...the detailed descriptions of hunting and Carlisle's many delicious moments.


I want to know what you love about TWILIGHT-THE BOOK. That's right. Not Robert. Not the movie. Not fics. THE BOOK. I want to remember through you.



Hi. I'm here and stuff...

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 9:39 PM

Howdy.  Because of poor planning, I am forced to refer to myself as (rolls eyes) lindamaine, aka cullenboyz. lindamaine on fanfic, cullenboyz everywhere else. Ennahoo. 


Am I doing it right? This is a campfire?


Sunday January 2, 2011 at 9:27 PM

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well.  I have a question.  I just ordered a Kindle, will I be able to access A Different Forest and FF on the Kindle?



Please help me find an author!

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 7:52 PM

Please help me find an author...

Hello, I hope everyone had a great holiday and a Happy New Year. 

I was looking for some help, one of my favorite authors, SDFreeze, is missing.   Please forgive me if this topic has been discussed, I have not had much computer time with everyone home all week!

The Cube is one of my all time fav fics and I just went to show it to my daughter and it was gone, gone, gone.    Her ff account is cleared out and her profile is cleared as of Dec. 23rd.  She is no longer taking personal messages.   I hope all is well with this author, she is a real favorite author of mine.


Uh oh...not one of these again! D:

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 7:16 PM

Yeah, I apologize for this. I know these campfires are annoying, but I'm looking for a fanfic, and I've been looking for it for like, three days. You guys are my last hope!! D:  I think it's complete, but I'm not sure. Here's a summary, from what I remember of it:

Summary: Edward left in New Moon. Bella is not doing so good. However, after a mishap with a Christmas Tree, she winds up finding her birthday presents hidden in the floor boards. With this comes the realization that Edward was lying when he said he didn't want her. And she's determined to find him. She tries many ways, calling Carlisle's supposed new office, sending Alice a subscription of a magazine with a note from her. I skipped through the middle, so I'm not sure what happens there. Eventually, Edward comes back to her, begging for forgiveness. And I think they live happily ever after, I can't quite remember. 

It's a magnificent story, and I'm not sure why I didn't put it on my favorites. If anyone has heard about this one, link me! D: 


Your beta and you.

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 7:10 PM

Hey campers!  I'm here to pick your brains tonight......


I recently started a fic, and I need one - but thats not the point of this fire. 

What I'm wondering is......

How did you find your beta? 

Do you use Project Team Beta? Why/why not?

What does your beta do for you? With you?  What do they help you with most?

Do you have prereaders? Why/Why not? How many?

How do you communicate with one another?

Anything else you'd like to share would be gravy!

Thanks to the lovely wtvoc for the a-ok!

And for your time.....My favorite reading Rob


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Weekly Fandom News - 1/2/11

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 5:26 PM

Congratulations to the following authors for completing their stories last week!

Did you recently mark your fic Complete? Let us know about it by filling out this form.

Voting for A Christmas to Remember Contest Ends
Voting for Gem Awards: Jasper Round Challenge Begins
Winners for Under the Mistletoe Contest Announced Today

The rest of the week inside the comments

We'll post this campfire every week, as long as ya'll like it. You can check for new stuff that's added. Thanks ♥

Got a contest or an event to add to the calendar? Click Here to fill out the appropriate form or email please.


Written In Blood - Why Vampires?

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 3:59 PM


A Different Forest is thrilled to kick off the new year by unveiling this new weekly editorial column "Written in Blood" by Octoberland.  


Hi everyone.  Just a quick note before we get started.  As you can see, the Rangers have had a moment of insanity graciously invited me to write a weekly column here at ADF.  This column will be posted every Sunday unless otherwise noted and all topics will be approved by the Rangers.  If there's a topic you'd like me to tackle feel free to drop me a line and let me know.  The opinions in this column are solely my own.  As always, please play nice.  And special thanks to the Rangers for inviting me to do this.  On with the show...


Why Vampires?


When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers I kind of wanted to be a vampire. – Angelina Jolie


Recently a friend of mine asked me on Twitter Why vampires? What was it about them that attracted me so much? The answer should have come easily. I’ve been in love with vampires for almost as long as I can remember but I had to stop and think. Indeed, why? I seem to recall that my 140 character or less answer was something along the lines of their power, confidence, and animalistic nature but the answer really is much more complex than that and I’m sure Freud would have a field day with it.

My first memory of a vampire is of this guy here:



*rest of article in comments 

RANGER EDIT: Some campers are asking if they can comment on the column-the answer is OF COURSE! Comment/ask/chat away!


yay I can post a campfire again!!

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 2:31 PM

ok so its a stupid title but I am pretty happy about it. :D

so anywho, Its probably not a big surprise that I am fan of The Tudors (see avi---->)

But I am also interested in that time era, I love reading books about Mary Tudor, Elizabeth, Anne and Mary Boleyn. So I was wondering if you all know of any stories in ff that are set in that time period. Also if they are set in the renaissance that would be great too.

Radar1230 rec this story over on twitter and it was great, thank you so much!!!

Unexpected Circumstances by savage7289

For your time:


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