

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 6:42 PM

I was gone for awhile. My computer and I have a mutual hate for one another.

Now I'm back.

I'm sure you ALL tossed and turned in your beds wondering where I was lol


ANYWAY, what did I miss?

What were the christmas contests? Who won?

Any new fic that I just HAVE to read?

Any new drama? Mwahahhaha





End Island Update!!

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 6:06 PM

This is a plain-looking campfire tonight because I'm lazy and in a hurry.

There was an udpate today!  If you read the story, come inside and discuss! 

I will post a comment inside once I've read the update... I'm late to the party today and now stupid FFnet won't load the chapter! >:-(  But I wanted to hurry and get this up so that those of you have already read it can go ahead and comment if you want!


buffy continues with graduation day parts 1&2

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 4:33 PM

yes, it's been weeks.  sorry.

actually no, i'm really not.  no one participates anymore, anyway.  :'(

so now that we've reached the end of season 3, season 4 is next.  those of you know what this means...

ANGEL, SEASON 1.  i'm hoping this will entice you guys to play with me again.

i will be posting links for each buffy with its corresponding episode of angel.

starring the david boreanaz, in case you weren't aware.

let's finish off season 3 with a double header...


graduation day, parts 1 & 2

Cordelia: What's her saga?
Xander: She's freaking.
Cordelia: About what?
Xander: The Mayor's gonna kill us all during graduation.
Cordelia: Oh. Are you gonna go to fifth period?
Xander: I'm thinking I might skip it.
Cordelia: Yeah, me too.



Who wants to be richer than a Cullen?

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 3:41 PM

So tonight's Mega Millions lottery drawing is currently $355 million.

THAT'S $355,000,000 baby!!!

I've collected money from our team at work to buy tickets and then I will also buy one just for me from my own stash. Damn, I really wish I had my own Alice Cullen to tell me the winning numbers....

If I won I would BUY A HOUSE (no more renting!!!!), travel Europe for a couple of months vacation, and donate donate donate. Seriously, I think half the fun of that much money would be all the charity and good you could do with it!

So Campers, come inside and tell me three- and ONLY THREE- things you would do with that much money. Whether you want to buy an Aston Martin a la Edward, spend it all on your pet, or donate it all to your church, come let me know!



Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 2:31 PM

This year I found out what the heck a 'meme' was.  All thanks to jumping Rob.

Internet Meme (from Wikipedia)

The term Internet meme (pronounced /'mi?m/, rhyming with "cream"[1]) is used to describe a concept that spreads via the Internet.[2] The term is a reference to the concept of memes, although the latter concept refers to a much broader category of cultural information.


I would love to know what everyone's favourite meme is or better yet a gif meme.  Mine is below.


Oh and James Van Der Beek is awesome because he made a gif celebrating the 10th anniversary of the crying Dawson meme.


Avi A.K.A

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 1:25 PM

So we have our avi's, who identify who are here on ADF in a visual way. We get used to our friends avi's on ADF: 

G.A.W a.k.a Bobby Long.

LJ Summers a.k.a Keira Knightly.

Or me, Hayley Hairflip!

To make this interactive, why did you choose that picture as your avi? 

And to make it more fun, if you gave your avi a fun caption-if you can for your avi- what would it be?

mine would totally be "Loreal, because you're worth it", but that's so unoriginal

FYT (and because he's on 90210 in 30mins)

ETA: I forgot to add why I chose my avi *facepalm*


Fandom Fun

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 12:14 PM

Hey everyone!

So I just returned from a week and a half in the greater Olympic Peninsula/Seattle/Puget Sound area visiting with family and friends and attending my cousin's wedding.  That's home for me, though I now live in Northern California. 

So anyways, I had the opportunity to meet one of my good fandom friends in Portland on the way back home.  I met calamityme in a McDonald's playland, lol.  Hey, it's a life saver with young kids on a long trip.  Don't judge.  Anyway, she was sweet and wonderful and we had a nice time chatting amongst the screaming kids.  My one regret is that I forgot to get a picture with her. :( 

We also stopped in Kalama, Washington to see the high school where Twilight was filmed.  I've seen it from the freeway many times as we go up to Washington 2-3 times a year but this was the first time we had the time to stop and school wasn't in session.  Since it's a 2 minute drive up the hill from the freeway, we thought, Why not? :)

Anywhoo, the point of this post is that I want to hear your stories of when the fandom has stepped into your real life.  Have you met a fandom friend in real life?  Have you gone and seen where the movies were filmed or have you taken a trip to Forks?  I myself grew up going to (or through) Forks since I lived in Port Angeles and we used to do a lot of outdoorsy stuff as a family.  Post pictures or share your stories: the good, the bad, the funny. 

Here is a pic from my time at the high school in Kalama. I'll post a couple more on the inside for those that are interested in my nerdyness.


To identify a certain novel

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 11:12 AM

Hi dears

I need to find the title of a book I loved and cannot retrace. Not a fantasy book. I was sure it was by John Irving, but reading the short synopses of his novels ,I can't identify that. Basically it was the story of a young man having an intense, forbidden sex episode with an older woman. All his life he will be conditioned by the experience until, many years later, he finds her again and they enter a good relationship despite the age difference.

Please tell me if you are sure. Another answer would be if you know of a literary website where they would answer questions and help me.

Thanks a lot.


Boston Fich00r Festivus

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 10:59 AM

It's booked, ladies! If you're from the New England/Boston area and would like to hang out with some fanfich00rs and eat chocolate, then this meetup is for YOU:

I've reserved a table at the Chocolate Bar at Cafe Fleuri in Boston's Langham Hotel for 1:00 PM on Saturday, March 26th. Please fill out this form if you plan on attending

Can't wait!



Fanfic My Fanfic

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 10:49 AM


The Twific Pimps are setting up for a new contest! We want to celebrate our love for awesome fics! Fanfic My Fanfic will allow superfans of select fics to write a missing scene or alternate ending of completed fics. 

We are asking what fics would you like to see fanfic'd? Let us know what you would be excited about and we will contact the author for permission :)


campfire approved by ranger GAW :)


iPad/iTouch/iPhone post!

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 9:54 AM


I have an iPad-tell me what apps I must get-what you can't live without 

Show us your wallpaper

Give us your tips on how to make these gadgets work their magic!


Southern Voice

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 8:11 AM

I know I am not the only Southern Belle in the fandom.

I was finally able to watch Twilight: Eclipse this weekend and with every fiber of my fried chicken lovin', sweet tea drinkin' soul was I dreading the Jackson Rathbone Canadian-esque Southern accent.  

Now, I have to admit, to my ears, it wasn't--shall I say it--half bad?  I think he actually listened (I know, right?) to real Southern people speak and hit it pretty well.  

I all those non-initiated to the Down South Society, I will tell you a little secret: not all Southerners sound the same.  Texas (which some would even argue isn't the South) is way different from, say, Northern Tennessee or Western Florida.  South Carolina has differing indicators from Arkansas.  Plus, a lot of what makes southern Southern is the slang: buggy rather than shopping cart, box as a shortened version of refrigerator, and a myriad other little tics.

What about it, y'all?  What did you think of Mr. Rathbone's accent?  Anyone else from below the Mason-Dixon want to discuss this or the fact that Emmett is supposed to be from Appalachia but Jasper is the only one with a "drawl" (which, if he's from Texas, should be a "twang")?  I'll invite all y'all from places elsewhere to join in, since I am from the hospitality state and all.  ;-)


A polite request...

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 7:00 AM

So *deep breath* I've been thinking about whether or not to post this for a little while now. It's a bit of touchy topic of late, but it's been bothering me, and I wanted to get this off my chest. I realize it's been discussed somewhat in a campfire not far below, but this is a different angle (IMO). This is in part a request and also in part unsolicited advice and opinion (dude, and we know what opinions are like).

The Topic: Flouncing Politely

First off, those of you who know me know that I'm not the most tactful, that I ramble, and on top of that I'm often oblivious to a lot that goes on. So forgive me for these things. Secondly, this is in no way, shape, or form addressed to one, or two, or even ten people. It's addressed to... everyone. Thirdly, while I want this to be interactive (I will get around to a question or five by the end, I promise), if this devolves into anything less than civil or polite, I'll ask a ranger to delete. Conversation is always good. Fighting, stabbing, useless whining, etc is... not so much.

Recently, as most of you are aware, some well known and beloved ladies in the fandom are deciding it's time to depart / pursue other things. There's a thousand reasons for leaving: it was a phase / you are no longer interested in Twific, you don't have the time, your spouse finally put a foot down, your kids are starving and require attention, a jerky boss, you want to write original fic, whatever. We could list the reasons for days. I don't want to discuss that here. Let's just say there are valid reasons and leave it at that.

To be clear, I'm saying it's okay to move on if Twific / the fandom / whatever is no longer a priority. We're all adults and can make our own decisions. People come and go. It's just the way things are. If I've learned anything, I've learned that.  

What I want to discuss: the leaving itself and the effect that impolitely doing so has on others.

To those drifting, fading, or running away from the fandom, there are some things that I'd like to point out for your consideration:

 - You once loved it here. Or at least you loved it enough to stay however long you did. There are countless others who still love it. Please do not disparage what remains important to others as you exit. Just because you don't love it anymore doesn't mean that it's worthless or stupid or juvenile. Don't make a scene. Don't rant and try to justify your reasoning for leaving by bashing others. Just... leave. Do it quietly and maturely.

 - You and your work were / are loved by some. To some, you are not just a nameless entity behind a computer. Your words and actions have left a mark on people and whether or not you recognize it, you have formed relationships, however tenuous, with people who you haven't even spoken to. These people will miss you, at least temporarily. When people feel that something or someone is being taken away, it makes them feel sad, angry, helpless, etc. Respect that and respect the people who supported you while you were here.

 - For authors, your fics are ultimately yours to do with as you please. I'm not going to debate pulling; that's been done to death and there is no absolute right answer. Regardless of your decision, be cognizant of the fact that pulling your work does have a negative effect on A. your readers and B. other authors.  At least in the short term.

To those remaining, especially those who are relatively new:

 - Relax. Take a deep breath. Go read a good fic.

 - Yes, it hurts when someone you love and admire leaves. You feel abandoned, you feel sad, and you're left questioning yourself and why you are still here. That's normal. But it will pass just like anything else (actually it will pass surprisingly quickly). Don't rant at those leaving. Don't call them names and don't whine on twitter and on forums. All you are doing is stirring the pot and making others feel anxious.

 - If people pull their stories, don't worry about it. Yeah, it's no fun having something "taken" from you and it's perfectly within your right to be upset, but I promise that it's not the end of the world.

 - Stop worrying about whether or not the fandom is dying. And stop comparing fics from yesteryear to those now. We all see the past through rose colored lenses. It's too easy to say that "things were better way back when... " Maybe they were, maybe they weren't... Who cares? What does that conversation really accomplish? There are thousands of people left and hanging out with no intention of leaving any time soon, and there are hundreds of thousands of stories left to read, with hundreds more adding daily. And it's insane how many of them are GOOD right now.

 - This place (meaning the fandom as a whole) is meant to be fun. Unfortunately, however, women are catty, and if you throw enough of us together, the claws will inevitably come out. Don't get sucked in and don't be discouraged by all the drama. If you see it, chuckle a little, let it go, and be on your merry way.

Alright... I'm done. I told you I ramble.

The Interactive Part:

1. Do you agree / disagree with any of the points I've listed?

2. What else would you add? Did I miss anything?

3. How do you personally counter negativity?

4. Got any good recs?

5. How about posting me some Rob Porn?  I have a massive hormone-slash-sinus headache and am stuck at work, and I swear that that man's face is the cure to all that ails you. ;)


Unsolved cases? Little fics that left you thirsty?

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 3:11 AM

Hello all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I am one of the "suffer in silence" types around here. I have read a lot of stories and I write a little. I have watched some of the latest campfires and I like the way people here interact with each other. It is also a site you can find things outside of popularity lists. I got really tired of all the promotional marathon around fics and even flounced twitter.

I am here cause:

1 )I am searching for stories that have potentials, that left you want for more, even for those you are embarrassed to admit that you read. 

2)I am also here for the stories that depressed you, that you would not rec just because the emotional effect was too strong for you to share.

3)This campfire is about unknown stories with promising starts or plots. I repeat: Unknown Stories

4)This campfire is open for everybody. There are no cliques just every good intention to share.

Thank you all.


omg i love you....

Monday January 3, 2011 at 10:10 PM

What does FANDOM mean to you?

I’ve had a bit of wine which can sometimes lead to a nostalgic, love-fest kinda mood…..humor me.

But here’s the dealio. A GOOD friend of mine has pretty much LEFt the fandom. And I understand, really I do…RL, kids, job, school…whatever….that stuff is important. I have all of the going on in my life too, I GET IT. For some…. it can get overwhelming, trying to balance the time spent online with the things that are important at home. I get it.

But I can’t help but ask HOW CAN YOU JUST LEAVE?

Seriously… look. I’m not exactly a Spring Chicken. I’m not the oldest person in the room either, but I’m certainly no longer wet behind the ears. I’ve lived life. I’ve had the ups and downs that only add to the FLAVOR of our existence. But I can’t help but wonder….


Talk to me and get to know me and you will learn….I’ve lived a diverse life. I’ve LIVED the life of ghetto, food-stamp poverty…and also of fancy-schmancy, pool-boy wealth…..I’ve lived among the toughest in the money-laundering Sicilian Mafia, as well as some of the few remaining FOUNDING members of the Black Panthers. I’ve lived with Holy-Roller, hard-core, Bible-beating Christians, REAL German Nazi’s (srsly….real German, born and bred Nazi’s), and tatted and scarred BLOODS and CRIPS who’s crimes would make your skin crawl. I’ve lived the life of the *literally* starving liberal artist…and the conservative PTA mom with the minivan. Well maybe NOT the minivan….but I get it.


How do you just walk away from this?

I don’t get it.

tell me what you love, tell me what you hate....tell me why yer STILL HERE.  I said this earlier on twitter.... I don't have to LIKE you.  But we are like a weird FAMILY OF CHOICE and I will DEFEND your right to be different, to be YOU with everything that I have.  and I can't just walk away from that.


eviekinz/Mr.Evie - Did I miss something?

Monday January 3, 2011 at 9:12 PM

I feel out of the loop and what not but back in 2009, I came across The Long Way Home and started reading but couldn't stick with it, I read all the one shots in that photography contest in the summer, etc.

I've Ride and I see an AN that clearly says one thing. I always assume because it IS the Twilight fandom and 99% of us are women. The male readers and writers are few.

I came across The Fandom Spotlight site and listened to a podcast and Mr. Evie is man. The FF profile is no longer eviekinz but Mr. Evie. Did her husband, brother, whoever take over or was I assuming wrong all this time that the author was a lady when in fact he was a man all along.

Was eviekinz a guy this WHOLE time? I REALLY feel funny asking but this has hand me scratching my head for a few weeks and I felt kind of weird asking so I never did.


The 1st TwilightBigBang!!!

Monday January 3, 2011 at 8:55 PM

Hello Lovelies,

Do you love to read Twilight fanfiction?

If so, come join us January 5th and be part of the first Twilight Big Bang. We have wonderful stories, banners and arts.

Stop by join, read and don't forget to comment on these wonderful fan works.

The button below would take you to our community.




Thanks to  jandco for approving TwilightBigBang posts




a dilemma

Monday January 3, 2011 at 8:53 PM

which one of these fics should I read first?


With Teeth

Brown Study

Paper CutOuts

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Branching Inward

Edward Cullen, Dick for Hire


these stories have been recc'd up and down and sideways all throughout the fandom... and idk which one to read first!  i'm assured they're all amazing... but which one is the one that I should read first?  Please help me out!  Give me reason, give me rhyme!  (<-- that sounded a helluva lot more eloquent in my head)


mucho gracias (<-- ya, can't speak spanish either)



Monday January 3, 2011 at 3:00 PM

I've started 3 different stories today, and NONE of them are doing it for me. I'm getting pickier as I read more, I'm looking for a story that I don't know what might happen. The element of surprise is gone in most stories i've come across lately. I've read the big ones, the popular ones, most of them anyway...

Why do Edward and Bella have to fall instantly in love as soon as they lay eyes on each other? AND feel the shock of a lifetime when they touch?

Why does Bella fall in an embarrasing way when she first meets him?

Why does the author feel the need to have the whole first chapter be Bella explaining her life? We know most of it!

I'm tired! Tired of it I say! Paper Cutouts was different, The Plan was intriguing...No "by the book" formula!

I want to be sucked in from the get go! Not waiting 4-5 chapters to figure out it's the same ol' thing!

I'm done now.


Young Pilgrims update

Monday January 3, 2011 at 2:20 PM

someone come discuss spoiler-ish type shizz

First --- | >> | 938 | 939 | 940 | 941 | 942 | 943 | 944 | 945 | 946 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
