
1,2,3,4... i declare a Fanfic War!

Sunday January 9, 2011 at 12:26 AM

No...its not really War per se... more of a Preference List...

I want to know your 'ALL TIME - NO MATTER WHAT - REAL LIFE HALTING'... FAVOURITE Fanfic Authors!!!

I actually want a top 5....

The top 5 (if you are able to narrow it down) Authors who you love so much, that you are gauranteed to read their stories, no matter the content or plot. 

Hit me with them.... 


darkward fics

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 11:26 PM

hi! i have recently become obsessesed with fic in wich edward is dark..not that he cheates or hits bella..but he is very controlling and posessive of her..like the ones in which he kidnappes her..anyone have any recommendations of fics like this? but of course with canon couples



2nd Annual Mustache Bash

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 8:29 PM

SO my best friend Kristen hosts a mustache party every year. It's a big deal. Every body loves it. There is an adult pinata and contest and games. All day I've been making all our mustaches for the night. I'm wearing an Einstein and my brother's girlfriend is doing a little rectangle with a soul patch. One brother is doing a handlebar and my other brother is doing the "wolverine."

I'm REALLY proud of how these came out. Check them out! We're leaving right now, but I shall return eventually with pictures of all of us in our 'staches and probably drunk!

This one will win tonight FOR SURE!


AND to make this Twilight-y. Alice always liked to throw parties. Tell me about your inner Alice! What have been your favorite parties to attend? How about planning? Do you do themes? P.S. EVERYONE should have a mustache party. 


Sleep Talk

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 8:13 PM

This is a new fic that I started and I like. It's got 7 chapters, so far. Around 1,000 words per chapter.  The style in which it is written reminds me of Young Pilgrims. It only has around 50 reviews.  Check it out.

Chapter 1

Bella and Edward, a friendly conumdrum... Two weeks to figure it out. Two weeks to talk and kiss and touch. Two weeks to fall in love.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 7,463 - Reviews: 47 - Updated: 1-8-11 - Published: 12-20-10 - Bella & Edward


ETA: I now realize that it looks like I wrote this and I did not. i meant I started READING it.


Pistols and Petticoats.

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 8:07 PM

I'm verrah verrah excited...And I just can't hide it.

I just posted my very FIRST chapter of Pistols and Petticoats in the forest...completely awesome right?

You should all go read it or at least lie and say you've read it so my fragile, need to be loved, writer feelings don't get hurt.

I might have squeed when I got the tweet from ADF saying I had updated.


ETA: I have a bloody awesome beta and pre-readers so no need to worry about the chapters being horribly spelled/punctuated like my posts. :)


I am a ball of emo but check out this video

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 6:28 PM

I don't make a habit of watching fan vids -  if I do, I usually laugh. I know that this is probably ridic - but oh my God. This made me teary eyed.

Go ahead and make fun of me. If I weren't me, I totally would.


Twific Word for Friends

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 5:39 PM

I would like to play a game of Word with Friends using only words that seem related to Twifics.Obviously any word can kind of be related but like this morning I had the word erotic and it totally reminded me of Twific. Anyone interested in starting a game? I am very new to Word with Friends so I am not sur how to start it. My name is Beans827 if you wanted to start and invite me. Any takers???


It's Renesmee!

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 4:51 PM

I saw this video and instantly thought of "the child who shall not be named" trying to tear her way out of Bella's womb.

To make this interactive...did your babies move this much? Mine didn't. They were lazy then and they are lazy now.
Also, if you wanna, post pics of your belly bump
*side note* For those interested, if you have Comcast, New Moon will be on Showtime tonight

First Waxing

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 4:50 PM

Hey ladies I didn't try waxing until recently I have just been a frequent shaver my entire life but after seeing this video it made me not ever want to try waxing. I have learned from this video not to attempt waxing with this product but have discovered sugar waxing which is great and less painful. I'm not sure if any of you have seen this video but I found it on youtube of someone else's first experience with Waxing. I hope it makes at least one person laugh I know I did.

The Best part about sugar waxing is that if you don't like the way it feels on the first strip you can always use warm water to rinse it off because its just sugar and water.

Fluent in Sarcasm

Give a little bit...

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 3:54 PM

Give a little bit of your angst to me....
Ok so I am in the mood for some angst, am re-reading  Sleeping with a monster by SavageWoman which is excellent but...
I want more...
I'd like some good rec's that I can get my teeth into!
I have enjoyed the epicness that is
This is not my life by isakassees,
Your voice was all I heard by twimamma,
Reassigned Identity by Mk Marie ,
Kidnapped by madcowre,  
Witness Protection by twicrack83,  
Tunes with Tony Masen by Just4ALE.
Just to give you an idea of what i have enjoyed...
So REC me good please
Thank you
FinS x

Your scent is like a drug to me

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 2:17 PM

I need some help.  Hubby has a big birthday next week and he told me he needs some cologne.  I don't know what to get and once I start smelling them at the store, I get confused and they all start smelling the same.  I can't remember what I got him last but I know I liked it and got it at Nordstroms.  Which ones do you like on your man?



Nose to the grindstone.

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 1:37 PM

Hey Campers....I need to pick your brains... 


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


I'm working on my first fic.  I've got a solid outline, and having a great time.  I've got a great, helpful beta.  My outline is pretty solid.

All is well. 

This week, It's been tough finding the time to sit down and get my words on paper.  I don't want to make excuses, but real life obviously comes first, and little things have kept me away.  I've pumped out three chapters really quickly, and though the ideas for this fourth are in my head, I just haven't had the keyboard time.  I originally planned for Thursday - now I need just a few extra days to get it to my beta. 

My questions for writers are:

How often to you post chapters? Do you give your readers an estimated time frame for the next chapter?  Do you set yourself aside chunks of time designated specifically to writing?  What is your method for keeping on top of your writing?

My questions for readers are:

How do you feel about waiting for an update?  Does it bother you if it takes longer than you expected?  Do you like to have an estimation for the next chapter, or do you prefer to be surprised? 

Lettuce Discuss.

 Thanks for sharing - and thanks to the wtvoc for the thumbs up!! =)

Psst...isn't thinking Rob hot?


download fics to my Nook

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 12:50 PM

I just got a Nook for Christmas and I've been grabbing fics from fanfiction and putting them on my Nook, but I can't figure out how to download fics from other sites, like ADF, Twilighted or TWCS.  Can anyone help with that????



Saturday January 8, 2011 at 12:07 PM

From Breakingdawnmovie.org:

Carter Burwell is back and will be doing the score for BD 1&2.(This makes me verah happeh)

Also posted is an interview with Wyck Godfrey, who reveals where the break will be between the two movies.(The bold words open a pop up window for each article.)

 What do you think about the score and split point?           Is it different than what you hoped for?

Tell me about it!


Edit: The links are inside.

The Offspring

Does Anyone Else Think This Is Cute?

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 10:45 AM

I found this a couple of weeks ago while perusing Youtube.


There's another one inside.

To make this interactive, post one of your favorite Youtube videos or sensations.


All by myself

Saturday January 8, 2011 at 4:45 AM

Have you ever had a night when you have arrived home, nicely tipsy, and in no way ready to go to bed? But then... you try to call each of your friends and they are either out somewhere you really don't want to go or at home with their boyfriend/husband/kids?

I am so there right now.

Add to that, the fact that I am in a totally different time zone to the most of The Forest. It is 10.45pm on a Saturday night for me. This sucks.

In the interest of making this post Twi related... I just called one of my friends and his message was this: "Hi, this is ***. I can't come to the phone right now because I am loving up my boy on our 7 year anniversary. I'll call you back when we come up for air. *beep*." Bastard. Not only does he not want to come out boozing with me, he is also rubbing his smug relationship status too. I would hate him if it weren't so cute.

So, here is my question. What do you think the TTS characters would have as their voicemail messages? I'll start.

"Hey. This is Emmett. I haven't answered my phone because I'm doing something more fun right now... *cough*Rosalie*cough*. Leave me a message, including 2 good reasons why I should call you back and 3 reasons why I am better than you. Go... *beep*"


Through the Oak Door

Friday January 7, 2011 at 11:49 PM

Thank you, famouslyso, for the banner!

Chapter 12 is up!

Come and discuss!

* Yes, there are prolly spoilers inside*


Here Kitty, Kitty...

Friday January 7, 2011 at 11:08 PM

It's that time again.  Come share your favorite cat pics.  Can be your cats, internet kitties, lolcats, stuffonmycat, or the God of all cats (don't tell my cats I said that) Maru:



Friday January 7, 2011 at 10:59 PM

So I want to talk about this:

This is one of my favorite movie scenes ever. It's from Easy Virtue, which is one of my favorite movies (based on the Noel Coward play). It's not a cinematic masterpiece, and the acting isn't very consistent. What it is is fun.

And it also has this scene between Colin Firth and Jessica Biel. She's the American interloper who marries Ben Barnes' character. I won't give away the plot, but I think this scene is the best of the whole movie. Her chemistry with Colin (who plays her FATHER IN LAW, btw) is out of this world. It's wonderful. And it gets me super hot. just sayin.


I want this campfire to be a discussion of either



b)Tell me/post a video/pictures of some of your favorite movie scenes. They can be anything. I wanna know.

Or hell, it's late. Do whatever you like. Gif party, Colin Firth party, sexy men/women, cat videos, whatever you like.


I'm bored...

Friday January 7, 2011 at 9:16 PM


First --- | >> | 934 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 938 | 939 | 940 | 941 | 942 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
