
$8 off Eclipse DVD

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 12:05 PM

Hey everyone,

I got an email today from Amazon with an offer for $8 off the Eclipse DVD.  I already have a copy but I thought I'd share the info in case anyone that wanted it still hadn't gotten it.  Check it out:

Customers who have shown an interest in "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" might like to know how to save $8 on "Eclipse" on Blu-ray or DVD at Amazon.com. Enter the promotional code TWILIGHT at checkout to receive the $8 discount on the "Eclipse" two-disc special-edition DVD, Blu-ray/DVD combo, single-disc DVD, or single-disc Blu-ray. This coupon can only be used once per customer and expires January 16, 2011. Restrictions apply: See below for details.

All U.S. customers who order "Eclipse" also will receive as a gift with purchase the Amazon Video On Demand rental edition of the movie that can be watched instantly on an Internet-connected PC or compatible TV one time within 30 days.

The fine print will be in the comments. 



Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 9:56 AM


This week’s game: (inspired by Toblerone's campfire earlier today)


Summarize a fic (without telling us the title) in three short sentences, or less.  It can be a literal summary, a snarky summation or a tarty tweet-like tribute.  See the examples for well, some examples. 

Note:  Examples are not all fic examples, but will give you an idea of alternative summaries.

Example 1: (from the website referenced in Toblerone's campfire)
Edward Cullen:  Hoo mama, I can't decide whether to drink your blood or kiss you passionately.
Bella Swan:      That's hot.

(Answer: Twilight by SM)

Example 2:  (from the website referenced in Toblerone's campfire)

Whine, Whine, Whine.  To be or not to be.  I'm Dead.     (Answer: Hamlet)

Example 3:  I interviewed him.  He tied me up, and I liked it.  I stuck around.  (Answer: MoTU)

Example 4:  Insomnia.  He draws, I bake.  We survived together.  (Answer:  Wide Awake)

Special thanks to Capricorn75 for post-b-day, humpday stickage.

My first entry inside.



What you were thinking when you wrote...

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 9:49 AM


Just in: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers is hosting a special International Fan Event in which 10 fans will be chosen to meet Meyer. The event coincides with the April 12 release of The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide.

Here's the deal: Little, Brown is partnering with Twilight Saga publishers in Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Taiwan and the United Kingdom to bring together each country's respective Twilight fan. The fan selected from each country will receive an advance copy of The Official Illustrated Guide and get to talk extensively with Meyer, who will answer their Twilight-related questions.

"The one thing I miss most about my first book tour was the chance I had then to spend quality time with my readers," says Meyer in the release. "At an event with just 10 or 20 people, I was able to get to know everyone a little bit. I could also more effectively answer each person's questions. I'm so excited to have that opportunity again, and to get to spend time with fans from many different places and backgrounds."

The Official Rules for the sweepstakes to select the fan from the United States (as well as one from Canada), including entry details and eligibility requirements, can be found on TheTwilightSaga.com. Details regarding the location and timing are being kept confidential.

I would LOVE to see someone from ADF win this! Can you imagine that meeting? Let's make a list of all the things we would demand to know! (I have a looooooooong list)



Charity begins with awesome

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 6:15 AM

Hey, so I'm following this guy's Twitter:

and he's asking for $5 donations to http://thirstproject.org, which appears to be a legit charity providing water wells to people that need them in developing countries - very worthwhile.

So that sounded neat, and I tweeted him saying I would donate $20 if he posted a photo of himself holding an "I love A Different Forest" sign. And then whoever was running the ADF twitter last night (while I was sleeping) retweeted it and now it's $100.

So head over to the @DifferentForest twitter and retweet, and pls think about making a donation anyway (whether or not we get the photo... but I really do want the photo, LOL). Little amounts of money add up to lots of money.

Let's post awesome photos of Michael Welch inside, who is a million times cooler than Mike Newton (although I never really got the hate-on for that guy, he's just a dude with a crush. I totally would have gone to see Face Punch with him.)


Super Fast Summaries

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 2:55 AM

This pretty much made my day.   <--------- CLICK


And I would like to share it with you.  


How would you summarize Twilight in 3 sentences or less? Or any book, for that matter. If you are bored, check out the rest of the books. I kind of adore their Hamlet: "Whine whine whine...To be or not to be...I'm dead." 


Tryyyyyy it! 



I am snowed in and so thankful to my bf for sending this link to me. Plus it is totally related to Twilight. So I had to share it with youuu. 






For your time. 


Edward's powers for one day, please.

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 11:37 PM

Do you ever wish you could read people's minds?

On most days, I don't.

But, there's a boy. A boy that I used to have something with. And things got messy. And now we avoid each other like the plague. Except, now that I'm in the same city as him, I see him a little more often.

Like, tonight, when I went to the movies with two of my cousins and him.

Do you ever wish you could have an Edward/be Edward? Or any of the Cullen's with 'powers,' for that matter?


It's that time again, campers!

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 10:29 PM



Through the Oak Door has updated.

Lucky 13, bb.


Come and discuss!


Absence Makes the <3 Grow Fonder

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 9:10 PM

I want to preface this by saying this not a campfire to rec fics that have been pulled and the author does not want them distributed.

I am looking for recs of old completed fics that are no longer available on FF.net or Twilighted... ones where the author does not mind them being shared.

There are so many out there.  Frankly, I don't know where to start.

Help a sister out and rec me something old and google.doc good!!!

Special thanks to G.A.W. for giving me guidance on this post. xo

eta: some pretteh FYT

An oldie, but a goodie : redford & streep in out of africa



Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 8:57 PM

I'm sitting in the airport

Waiting for a flight

Because mine was cancelled.

They reaccommodated me

Which is a euphemism for

They told me to sit and wait.

So I'm sitting in the airport

Writing this poem,

Watching the people,

Listening to someone's ABBA ringtone,

And eating cake.


How do you kill time when transportation fails you?


Has this ever happened to any of you

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 7:46 PM

I was reading this fic. I was a great story. Just the right amount of angst with a TON of UST. I mean a TOOOOONNNNN of UST.

All while reading it, I'm yelling to my laptop, "Just do it, already!!!"

Well 34 chapters later, they finally did it and after that I lost all interest in the story.

It wasn't that they story started sucking or anything, I just think that the UST was dragged out for so long that all I began to care about was E/B getting it on finally. Once it finally happened, I honestly didn't care about what happened in the rest of the story.


Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a such thing as too must UST?


Conversation Starters

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 6:14 PM

Are there any subjects you either embrace or totally avoid talking about when you meet someone new?



rec time

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 4:36 PM

hello my lovely ladies, i have a quick rec for you.  A b/e story for you that doesn´t fall under any category other then awesome.  Its 8 chapters in, a little ove 700 reviews and Rochelle has been reccomending it.  You know why?  Cos its awesome and different and exciting and guess what?!  It has a plot :O  love iiiiiit

its by Bronzehairedgirl620, not her first story but definitely her best.  No way to describe it but maybe some of you can take a peak and give it a shot ;)




Author Update: SDFREEZE

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 1:25 PM

Hello All!

This is my first campfire, I'm usually a lurker on here.  I was asked last night by friends about the author of The Cube, Tilt, and Drift: Sdfreeze because all of her works have been pulled from fanfic and twilighted.  I ended up finding my information from a thread already posted here.  I wanted to thank anyone who supplied information, as Sdfreeze's situation seems to be a serious one.  She does have a blog where she has begun to repost her stories as well as give some updates on her life.  She is such a talented writer, and supplied me personally with hours of laughter in the Cube trilogy.  I wish her all the best, and hope you all stop by her blog and give her some love.  This fandom can be an amazing place, full of even more amazing people - show her some support in this time of need!

Sdfreeze'z Blog: http://suddenly-sandi.blogspot.com/


<3 Buff

@Buff_82 on twitter


Where did it go?

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 10:35 AM

I went into the Bella's Sick! campfire intending to recc something on my favorites list that I read a long time ago. But when I went to get the link, it was gone! Here's the problem: I can't quite remember the title. The title wasn't particularly connected to the story, so I always had a hard time remembering it. I thought it was I Know You, but I didn't find it when I searched (and it wasn't Hmonster4's by that title).

Here's what I remember:

NM AU, Edward never comes back. During the motorcycle incident with Jake, she suffered some brain injury when she hit her head and developed amnesia. She doesn't remember Edward. Years later, she marries Mike and they have a daughter. 

She's diagnosed with cancer and has a limited time to live. While she's in NYC for business, she runs into Edward again (and still doesn't remember him). They meet on the boardwalk at Coney Island. 

I don't want to say more in case I find it and others want to read. It was really good and very nearly complete. I think it still had an epilogue to go, but the major storyline had been wrapped up.



Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 9:20 AM


Today is ranger Cappy's birthday!  As you all know, she loves Rob, so lets share some Rob love with her!

Happy Birthday, Cappy!  I love you, woman!

LJ Summers

Bella's Sick Fics

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 9:06 AM

Now, I was going to title this Sickella, but that just didn't work for me upon reflection. 

I tried.

I didn't do Sick Bella, because I didn't want anyone to think I was maligning Our Heroine.

So.  A Camper has requested a fic list for stories in which Bella is ill. Not just the mumps or chicken pox or even a good working bout of bronchitis, but wherein she is life-or-death ill.  

sick bells

I'm going to scour MY lists, you scour yours.  Bring on any "Bella's sick!" stories here and share them around the fire.

I am still updating the Master Fic List as we add these new lists, just so you know. :)

Thanks for sharing your favorite fics!

ETA: For clarification:  This isn't for blind/deaf/disabled Bella stories unless that disability is part of the life-or-death illness.  Thanks!


Gift Card Swap

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM


The book-swap campfire made me think of gift cards people get for the holidays; sometimes they don't like the store, or there's no branch of that store near them, or whatever. They're cheap to send (just a stamp) or even free if you email someone the codes, so it's worth a shot to see if someone else has a card they don't want and would love to exchange for yours.

Also, as wtvoc pointed out when I paged her, some states (like CA) don't allow GCs to expire, so someone might be able to use a card you thought was dead.

The catalog place I used to work at literally had seven figures worth of unclaimed GC money each year. It used to drive me in-freaking-sane. And with eBay getting so ridic with their fees lately, you lose about a quarter of the value selling cards (when you factor in having to take a loss on the value to begin with).

Anyhoo. Mine are in the comments. Post what you have and what you'd like in return, and hopefully a few people find a match and leave happy. :)

Campfire approved by wtvoc


Your opinion

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 8:29 AM

Okay these posts are totally hated and I get that I really do and I have debated for three days about whether to do this or not and I have decide to.

Please rec me something. I know there is the master fic list but I want YOU to rec me something... something you love and tell me why you love it. Try to convince me to read it. PLEASE! lol. I want something COMPLETE, I hate having to wait around I get bored.


- Canon couples (definitely Edward with Bella)

- No rewrite of twilight. So no 'This is my version of New Moon'

- No big grammar mistakes

- and most important UNPREDICTABLE like Bratty-Vamp's Best Man

Please let me know your stories and maybe write your own synopsis??


Vamps with FANGS

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 1:52 AM

Hello Forest

Has everyone read the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series?

I got up to get some water last night and ended up tripping over something during the process. This morning I realized it was Lover Unbound and by mid-afternoon my addiction to these hot vampires was rekindled. I've reread almost all of the books.

Is there fanfiction?

I heard something about JR. Ward not approving fanfiction, but I know that hasn't stopped everyone from writing it anyway. I cannot, for the life of me, find any of it though. 

I was hoping the forest could help with that. 

Rec me BDB. Please.

Or, something you've stumbled upon recently that made you remember why you love it. 


Rangers: Allowed... Right?

campers: related to vampires, always allowed.  only next time, make it clear that vishous > everyone else, including john matthew please and thanks.

Diana Wolfskill

Looking For "The Intern"

Tuesday January 11, 2011 at 1:45 AM

I was chatting with someone and she sent me this note:

i was wondering if you ever heard of a story called "the intern" (not sure who the author is)? it was recommended on a site that was supposed to lead to a link on twilighted but the story is not there. the summary is: The Cullens are a team of Seattle lawyers & Bella is Edward’s new intern.

So, how about it, Forest dwellers? I bet someone knows what fic this is. It sounds pretty good to me. I'm curious.

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