
You know you're From

Friday January 7, 2011 at 9:10 PM

Have you ever seen the jokes about how you know you're from your city well i just found one for mine and it couldn't help but laugh at how true is it..

So i thought why not see how funny and true the other one's are for other cities I'm going to post mines for Chicago inside

BTW... if you go to Google and type in You know you're from and your city although sometimes it goes by state they'll pop up



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Please to be sharing?

Friday January 7, 2011 at 9:07 PM

So last time I made a campfire I asked for awesome pr0n to replace what was lost when my laptop had an epic crash.

And you all delivered. You delivered SO GOOD.

You gave me Rob, Jackson, PFach, and even some sexy Cam and Kellan.

Now what am I begging for?

Some of those lovely ladies.... Kristen, Rachelle, Ashley...

Hit me good, baby, because I have pretty much NO good pictures or gifts of them of my own anymore... Please to be sharing with me, my loves?


calling all french ppl

Friday January 7, 2011 at 8:14 PM

or even if you're not french.

if you have read the book "Jean de Florette"... please come inside and tell me about it please.

I know the general plot line and stuff (and no, have not read the sequel), and watched the first half of the movie. 

alas, I cannot get into it.  i've been reading it for the past 3 months (which is ridiculous, bc i usually finish a novel in an hour or two give or take)


so help me?  some details about your favourite scenes/moments?  your fave characters?  thoughts? I need clever comments so it seems like I know what I'm talking about tomrorow.


thankyou very much.  and oh god. I hope this works. 

and god, I should not be particiapting in adf karaoke right now.


So... What'll it be?

Friday January 7, 2011 at 7:18 PM

I declare this right here to be




Come on in.  How was your day?  Pull up a barstool and tell ol' Norm all about it.

Take out your wallet and share pictures of your kids.  Or random hot boys (that's even better.)  Share your favorite drink recipes...  tell me what yer drinking RIGHT NOW.  Post until you're sloppy so we can all laugh about your typing later.

DON'T MAKE ME DRINK ALONE!!!  (I'll be the wasted-looking blonde in the corner, who loves everybody after my third drink.)


What're you waiting for???





Claire, You Have Some Explainin' To Do!

Friday January 7, 2011 at 6:13 PM


So yay or nay? Was rob seperated at birth from Subo--or a foot?

(taken from : )


Tell me something good...

Friday January 7, 2011 at 5:44 PM

Okay, so I should say 'rec me something good' but the chaka khan song is stuck in my head lol!!

Anyway, I'm pretty bored at the moment...I know, no plans on a friday night, I'm such a broke los-ah lol! Looking for a good book to read, or a good movie to watch. I love sci fi/fantasy, thrillers, the occasional love story...

Someone sent me the first three Vampire Academy books, but I can't make myself read them yet. Anyone read them and love/hate them? If so why?

Movies I thought of watching...Easy A, the Town, Toy Story 3...opinions?

Any recs are appreciated, or share what YOUR plans are! So I can be jealous that you have a life, lol :0)

Happy Friday lovelies! Random model prettyness fyt!





Friday January 7, 2011 at 4:41 PM

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So, I found this absoutly hilarious! I was laughing so hard tears there were streaming down my face. 

What do you think? Funny? Not funny? 



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Even if you could care less about Breaking Dawn parts 1 and or 2, what is one thing that has you intreagied about the translation/adaptation from book to film?

Personally I am interested to see how Kstew will "act" as a graceful non stuttering Vamp.

Come inside and share!

Sir Rachel

Friday Night Pizza Party

Friday January 7, 2011 at 4:38 PM

My family has a tradition of eating pizza on Friday nights, either out or at home in front of a movie.

TONIGHT...we are going to LOU MALNATI'S and I am so stoked.

And I can't wait to eat some of this:


Being from the Chicago area, it's all about the deep dish.

But what pizza do YOU love?


What style?

What toppings?

Any favorite pizzerias?

Let's have a virtual pizza party together...all are invited!


Warm up your vocal chords everyone!

Friday January 7, 2011 at 4:32 PM

Yes its that time again!! KARAOKE TIME!I don't know about you but i have been waiting to do this forever! 


hopefully you know what to do but if there are any newcomers, heres the basic instructions:

                             -go to

                             - hit click to record, and Sing your heart out

                             -click to stop, then click post to the internet

                             -copy the html info, and then post it here at ADF

                               with the Embed Media button

                             -listen and respond, and just have fun!!


Don't Want to Sing???

then post a song in BIG BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL COLORS, and someone will sing it for ya.

Don't know what to sing? just ask and i will be happy to help! <3




Dumbledore's Army

Friday January 7, 2011 at 4:31 PM

Fellow Harry Potter fangirls,

I have recruited a new one. i_heart_the_doctor. during our almost 2 year friendship, i've been BEGGING her to read HP. finally, FINALLY, i convinced her. and she LOVED it! (*ahem*...just as i KNEW she would. people really need to listen to me more often)

she has turned into a gushing HP fangirl. (YAY!) 

so let's welcome her properly and spam her with some HP goodness, yea?

she's particularly in love with the twins and Bill. 



ADF personal ads

Friday January 7, 2011 at 3:45 PM

Free to a good home, one 5 year old hellion who says he wants a new mommy because I wouldn't let him go out in the snow without his hat, gloves, and I made him zip his coat. He's also going through a stubborn, picky eater phase and only wants to eat breakfast foods all day so you'll have to keep you freezer stocked with Eggo waffles. But don't let that discourage you...he'll save you a ton on your water bill because he is also anti-bath at the moment. He comes with all necessities except the Wii because mommy likes to play Just Dance.



To sweeten the offer, I'll throw in a moody 15 year old who loves to blast his music ALL FREAKING DAY.

So...any takers?


To make this interactive, post your own personal ads for people or things that are stressing you out at the moment.


Music Fire

Friday January 7, 2011 at 3:30 PM

Hello Campers!

So lately I have been kinda sick of the music on my computer....and I have days worth of music. But I downloaded most of it about 5 yrs ago when I got the puter, and haven't really since. SOOO I ask, any good music that I should be listening to that came out in the last 2-4 years??? I pretty much like everything depending on my mood so throw it at me! Epecially if you've got some I don't give a ^*(& b/c that's the mood I'm in.

I am having company tonight so I probs won't be able to make it back on and thank you for your contrabutions, SO I thank you NOW!!! :)


Calling all Happy Hookers!

Friday January 7, 2011 at 2:40 PM

Haha not really those type if Hookers!

This type!

Are there any in the Forest? Any Happy Hookers know of any great places to get great patterns for free? Want to share your own creations and/or patterns?

I found this Twilight Inspired hat thought I'd share and get the ball rolling.




Friday January 7, 2011 at 1:43 PM


How did you like em? How do you feel about an impending movie franchise a la Twilight?

Feel free to rant, rave, praise, or claim general indifference to the series.


My thoughts after the jump.


i just wanna read

Friday January 7, 2011 at 12:41 PM



Thing that make you go hmmmm

Friday January 7, 2011 at 12:11 PM

This week I said WTF many times while is was online here are two that stood out.
Syfy channel has created another vamp/wolf/supernatural show. Normally I would be excited and looking forward to giving it a shot but I am starting to think the theme is getting over done. I still haven't even watched Vampire Diares and Supernatural yet.
Toddlers in Tiaras does Madonna
I would find it funny if the little girl was doing it on her own but the mom pushing so hard seems so wrong.
So what has made you go hmmm this week?
What are you favorite vamp/wolf/supernatural shows?

you are cordially invited

Friday January 7, 2011 at 11:59 AM

it's my pity party, i will bitch/moan if i want to

you, dear camper, are invited to my pity party.  i'm having one of those days where my self-esteem has dipped, i'm down, i want to eat a greasy, delicious, fatty fat fattening in-n-out double double cheeseburger (or mmm oh god, maybe macho nachos with lots of hot sauce and extra sour cream from del taco), i'm listening to sad bastard music, i hate the place my life is at right now, et cetera et cetera ad nauseum.

so get in here and bitch/moan with me.  or bring some comfort for those of us who're sadfacing all over the map today.  :( :( :'(  BUT WE'RE NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR TALES OF HAPPINESS.

oh, and the source of my :( is that i just really wish i could find a job.  we are seriously considering leaving the state.  :'(

sad bastard johnny cash music for your time:


Wii Fit

Friday January 7, 2011 at 11:52 AM

I'm thinking of getting a wii and the wii fit thing.

Does anyone have one?

Is it any good?

Does it work for weight loss and toning? 

Will it give me legs like?

I'm guessing the answer to the last question will be no : (


Dum dum da dum...

Friday January 7, 2011 at 11:04 AM

Did that title translate as the wedding march?


So, here's my problem, every time some one brings up marriage around me I say the same thing: "marriage is still a thing?"

I'm terrified of it, and frankly think it won't be something I ever do. Kids sure, living together definitely, but marriage?! Scares the jebus out of me. It's sad really I love all the prettiness of a simple wedding, I want the wedding but not the whole...marriage...thing.

Anyhow, I thought I'd conference with you lovely ladies, a lot of you seem to talk about your kids and hubbies, so what convinced you that he would be around for like forever? And does the high divorce rate scare you at all?


***Also, weddings are pretty, I took this photo at my friend's wedding in the mountains, if you wanna share some pics from your wedding that might liven this post up! ;)


Am I seeing this right

Friday January 7, 2011 at 10:07 AM

Okay so I'm STILL playing around (in the middle of laundry and cleaning) with Fairusa's campfire of album creating.

Then this image came up on flickr.

Did ANYONE else immediately think vagina when they saw it? BWHAHAHA, don't laugh at me, I'm serious?!

To make this interactive, are there any photos out there that are one thing, but you totally see another? Didn't Georgia O'Keefe paint things like that?

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