To All The New Kids in town~~

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 10:32 AM

Hello and Welcome!

We've noticed a lot of new names and faces around here lately and we're so glad you came here to play!  We're a friendly bunch and we look forward to getting to know you better.   We like to maintain a peaceful Forest so we have a few rules and guidelines...

1.  ADF is a USER GENERATED site.  Meaning, YOU control the content.  You love Robert Pattinson and want to see loads of pics of him---then POST THEM.  If Taylor Lautner is more your style--then POST him too! Want to talk about Vamp fic or things you loved/hated about the books...START A CAMPFIRE!

2. We are a Twilight fansite but we love other things too that are related to the Twi-verse: The books, movies, the actors, fanfiction, the other movies the Twi-actors have been part of.  We love Harry Potter (books and films) we love Buffy, True Blood and other VAMPY things....we love The Hunger Games, Bones and Bobby Long.  ALL OF THESE THINGS, feel free to start campfires anytime.  We can't get enough of it.  ANYTHING ELSE-- please get RANGER APPROVAL for posting OFF-TOPIC CAMPFIRES.  There's always a Ranger patrolling the Forest, so we're easy to contact.  Just click the SMOKEY the BEAR icon on the top right to PAGE A RANGER and we will get back to you asap!

3. Every Friday is FRIDAY FREE FOR ALL where you can post campfires on ANY TOPIC, no approval needed.  This runs weekly from 12am on Fridays until 5pm Saturdays EASTERN STANDARD TIME.

4. Keep your campfires INTERACTIVE.  We like to share with the class here.  We welcome interesting discussions and controversial topics....we're a diverse group and we love to discuss differing opinions.  But keep it friendly...NO PERSONAL ATTACKS AT ALL will be tolerated.  Also... keep it pg-13 on the front page!

5. Jump in and join the fun. Don't be shy.  The only way we're gonna know you is if you join the party.  So comment!  Join the discussion...say HI!! 

For more information about ADF, just go the RANGER STATION by clicking the tent icon up top.  OR ASK QUESTIONS IN HERE!

Also... be sure to follow @DifferentForest on twitter for updates and announcements.

Now, for the fun part...

Whether you're a seasoned Camper, or a Newbie... get in here and say hello!  Introduce yourself, and tell me THREE THINGS ABOUT YOU:

1. Your favorite breakfast food

2. The MOST PLAYED song on your playlist

3. What are you wearing right now


I'm confused!

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 8:46 AM

I have found ONE picture of Kstew, and ONE picture of Taylor, Kristen and Rob at the People's Choice Awards that apparently aired last night.

There is no video (except of the entire red carpet arrivals which I don't have time to watch) or pictures other than the 7 (7??) on the official website.


I was shocked there was nothing on here either! You ladies are usually all over these things, which I appreciate!

Sorcha Cullen

About Me (Selfish B*tch)

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 1:33 AM

If you married the last person you texted,what would your last name be?


Were you happy when you woke up today?

+More confused by my Marilyn Manson dream....

When were you on the phone last? And with?

+earlier today. Mom.

Have you talked to a complete jerk today?


What are you excited for this weekend?

+nothing. because it'll be rehearsal and it'll be HELL

Are you scared to fall in love?

+I'm not sure anymore...

Do you think teenagers can be in love?


Last person you wanted to punch in the face?

+My friends ex gf

What time is it right this second?


Who was the last person you took a picture with?

+I have no idea

Are you single/?taken/?heartbroken/?confused?

+Single and have my heart set on my friend.

Do you find it hard to trust others?

+depends on the person..

Do you care too much/not at all/just enough?


How fast does your mood change?

+Can change in the blink of an eye

I bet you miss somebody right now?


Can you honestly say you're okay right now?

+Not really, but yes.

Do you tell people you're ok when you're really not?

+Depends on who i'm talking to

Where were you two hours ago?


Tell me what's on your mind?

+My dancing

Who is someone you wish you could fix things with?

+No one right now

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?


When did you last talk to your number 1?

+I dont have a # 1. i have 2 girls tied!!!

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?


Whats your 3rd text say?


Have you ever been in love?

+Thought i was

Who was the last person you texted?


Do you wanna get married?


How many best friends do you have?



Guess what?!?!?! It's YOUR turn!!!!


25 Random things

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 11:15 PM

I loved Facebook's 25 Random things-it touched a nerve with me because I learned more about the people I thought I knew so well and discovered more about the people I didn't . It was a phenomenal social experiment. Let's resurrect it!


mine is in the comments


Ya Watching?

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 7:01 PM

Are you watching the People's Choice Awards?

Mr. Pattinson is going to be there.

I bet he'll look hot.

EDIT: try this link:

Finding your place...

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 6:34 PM

I started college this past August. I was all excited and ready to go, and when I got there, I thought "Wow, this is definitley the place for me". But, now I'm not so sure. In actuality, I feel very out of place there. Like I don't really fit in. It sucks because for one, it's a very small school, and almost everybody goes home on weekends, though I've made friends with a girl who lives six hours away from said school. People assure me that it will pass and everything, and I'm sure that they're right. But, it's not even homesickness, though I am. Like I said, I just don't feel like I really and truly belong there. So, I was curious to know if any of your campers went through this, or are currently going throught this, and what your advice would be. And for the freshman campers, how're you dealing with leaving home?


Edit-this was approved by wtvoc. Sorry for the mix up!


HIGH NOON by jandco

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 6:00 PM

Chapter 24: The Price of A Soul

Go read it and review (the image above is clicky).

This is jandco's EPIC post-Eclipse AU.

I sort of help.


Oh please let this be true

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 4:31 PM

The source is apparently A SERIOUS FILM WRITER.  Not that I would know.

"Robert Pattinson has booked his first major lead for when he completes The Twilight Saga. Pattinson will star in Cosmopolis, the Don DeLillo novel adaptation that David Cronenberg wrote and will direct. Pattinson, who just starred with Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz in the Francis Lawrence-directed Fox 2000 film Water For Elephants, will play Eric Packer, a financial wunderkind who risks his entire fortune to bet against the yen on a tumultuous day. His deed puts him in the crosshairs for assassination. The drama is a study of capitalism in a slightly futuristic metropolis.  Most of the scenes in the book take place in the limousine that transports Packer from place to place. Marion Cotillard and Paul Giamatti are also reportedly doing the film.

As Pattinson and his Twilight Saga castmates plan their careers after the series is completed--Bill Condon is directing the final film right now, Pattinson is following a path based on strong filmmakers. He took the role because he is a big fan of Cronenberg's work. He's repped by WME and 3 Arts."


ETA:  I should make this interactive, as the spirit of the Forest is participatory.

Who's your leading lady of choice for Rob (besides Kristen)?



Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 3:31 PM

Sorry if someone has already posted this I just saw it in an online newspaper. That's devotion! I've put the article to go with the picture in the comments. I hope she doesn't go off twilight anytime soon. 

I'm going back to the tutor. Good fic you should check it out if you haven't read it : )

Out of curiosity is there any book/film reference that you would want tatoo on your body?


you're here to take the cure

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 12:33 PM


can you spot who is in this video?


A Cry for Help

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 12:21 PM

Alright... that title is admittedly somewhat over-dramatic.  *shrugs*


Here's the deal.  I want to read Hydraulic Level 5.  Badly.  I'm in desperate need of a story that's going to suck me in and not let go.  It's on so many people's lists and everywhere you look there's something telling me that it's amazing... but I need some help.  

For anyone who has NOT started the story (I've only just started reading it but I wouldn't want to spoil anything for anyone)... I'll post my question in the comments.




Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 9:59 AM


This week’s game:   FIGURE OUT THE FIC DETAILS!

Happy New Year everyone! To commence the new year of Humpday Games, let us try something different. A game in reverse, kind of.

Tell us the fic. Tell us the character. Summarize the plot. Do any combination of these things.

Then, ask us to identify a missing detail, an omitted piece of delicious information. Look at the examples and you will see what this means!

Example 1:
In “The Plan” Bella asks Edward to eat more ________ for some flavor enhancement!

(Answer: Pineapple)

Example 2:
In “MoTU” Edward’s helicopter is named ________________.

(Answer: Echo Charlie)

Lots of love to Capricorn75. You didn’t win the mega millions lottery, but bb, you’ve won the friends lottery fo’ sure!

My first entry inside.

P.S. I cannot be around a lot today – RL calls. But everyone come in and have fun!!!


I'm visiting an old Boyfriend today...

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 8:07 AM

And his name is Trumped into Bed by gallantcorkscrews


So, I thought to myself: Maybe I built this thing up in my head? I always think back on it with such reverence as "the one that got away", maybe I was just putting it on a pedestal?

So today I took a deep breath and decided to just get coffee with this ex...aka re-read it.

And just, just, big fat mother frickin SIGGGGGH! It's so good. So so so good. And may have lost weight and been working out, can't be sure.


Anyhow, I'm depressed now, so if anyone that wants to rec me similar fics that would be awesome! I should be moving on really.

But if you just want to just spoon feed me chocolate ice cream and talk about how great this story is I'll accept the wallowing as well.


Mega Millions = LOST?

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 5:25 AM

Did anyone else get THIS!

Mega Millions winning numbers : 4, 8, 15, 25 and 47, with 42 being the "Mega ball" number.

I just want to say I cackled and let out a bad word when I realized that the winning numbers were the LOST numbers off by just one.

From Lostpedia - The Numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 are a major recurring theme in Lost.

WTF? I should have thought of that. Is that a conspiracy or something. Hurley won the lotto with those numbers. Those two winners better not be flying across the Pacific anytime soon because that's just crazy.

CNN - Eerie "Lost" echoes in Mega Millions drawing

ABCNews -  Numbers Drawn Tuesday Has "Lost" Fans Pondering Winning Connection

That's just crazy!


And that's not right...



Forgive me rangers but the campfire yesterday was on topic about this but that was about what would you do and this is about the eeriness of the numbers and I never know who's on/awake, etc to ask then wait for approval.


In praise of Krismom:-)

Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 5:02 AM

Hi so I am not very eloquent with words so I am just going to get to the point quickly; one of my favourite authors is Krismom. Those of you who have read The Velveteen Mother know how beautifully she writes and captures emotions. Her stories are not your clichés sappy love stories that have taken over the fandom, she writes about characters that you can identify with and real life events that can happen to any of us.

Her new story Committed to Memory is different from anything I have read before. The writing is haunting and beautiful and real. It makes you think and feel and identify. It is sad, sweet, heart- warming and encouraging all at the same time. It’s a must read.

The story is 5 chapters in and has 136 reviews. Now I know that the number of reviews don’t mean much in Fanfic world, there are stories with lots of reviews which don’t offer anything of the value, even the lemon gets boring and repetitive after a while. I just hope that the reviews don’t reflect how many people are reading this story because not everyone reviews every chapter. So the point of all this rambling was go read it, you’ll love it. I know my words don’t do it justice but that first chapter will draw you in and keeps you all tangled up in there:-)



New contest: Caught With Your Pants Down

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 11:21 PM

approved by wtvoc

Photobucket Photobucket

Caught With Your Pants Down...A One Shot Contest!

Come take a journey with us down a path fraught with humor, adultery, embarrassment, excitement, exhibitionism... perhaps even a night in the
slammer. The possibilities are endless.

Wow us with your imagination. Take your favorite Twilight characters and show us what happens when they get caught with their pants down... in the dark of night, in the light of day, from the boardroom to the bedroom and everywhere in between. AH is welcome, but not required... even the immortal get caught with their pants down sometimes.

Come play with us!!!!!!

**This is an anonymous contest**




Submission Dates: Entries will be accepted from January 12, 2011 until midnight EST on February 4, 2011. **The deadline for use of our beta services is on February 2, 2011.

Voting Dates: Voting will take place from February 11, 2011 through February 19, 2011. The contest winner(s) will be announced on February 20, 2011.


WORD COUNT LIMITS: 2500 -15000







FOR OUR BANNER Photobucket




Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules:

Contest Rules:

Most queries can be answered by reading the contest rules, however, if you still need something clarified, please send an email to:

Polling will be hosted on our page. You will need an account in order to vote:

FreeWriters One-Shot Contest Page on FF.


*The admins reserve the right to adjust contest submission and/or voting dates if necessary.




Porn for the Poor

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 8:57 PM

So I recently had a really tragic, really horrific problem with my ole laptop Debby, resulting in the loss of EVERYTHING saved on her.

This included all the delicious TwiPorn I had saved on her.

Now, trying to update a couple fics, I find I'm lacking in certain.... inspirations... for it, so if you please--

SEND ME YOUR BEST! RobPorn, Jackson, Kellan, KStew... I want it all. All mine is lost. Please be generous with me, and post your favorite pics, gifs, links, whatever you have :)



Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 8:34 PM

Hello Ladies and Gents (yes we do have some male campers and they are awesome),

So I was finally able to bring my RL friend over to the dark side with offers of delicious Robpr0n and many satisfying twifics to read! Muhahahahahaha but I digress. She seems to have caught a slight case of C.R.A.F.T (Can't Remember A F**king Thing), so I thought I'd help her out. This is what she can remember:

Bella and Edward just graduated from high school....but Bella finds out she's pregnant. She goes and tells Edward but he kicks her out and tells her that he doesn't want anything to do with the baby.


My friend also believes that the author is/was named talk2strangers but i haven't been able to find it on, so she either posted it elsewhere, pulled it, or my friend is thinking of the wrong author.

Any help would be appreciated. My next mission is to get her to join Adifferentforest, so she can post things like this herself.

 ETA: Found it guys it was I couldn't find it before because it used to be called "alone" and then it was pulled but the author reworked it and is now posting it again under a new title.


FYT the aforementioned Robpr0n




A lesson for us all

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 7:24 PM

I am not perfect. I was just reading a fic and started to wonder... have I understood the definitions of passed and past, incorrectly for my entire adult life? Apparently, no. I haven't. Unfortunately, some authors believe the words are interchangeable. Please take note of the following:

I have been reading a fic by a BNA this morning. Trust me... even the mighty are confused.

Rant over. Thank you for your time.


I'm Sorry...

Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 6:48 PM

This right here?  IT'S JUST WRONG:



And that's all I have to say about that.

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