
I know, I know

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 2:10 PM

I'm looking for... a story. I know! I'm sorry! *begs for forgivness*

Sadly I don't remember the title or the author, but I remember the details.


Edward is an Angel. I'm pretty sure he's the angel of death and he was sent to "collect" Bella. Buttt... he falls in love and then there's a whole lot of drama to go along with that. Alice and Jasper are in there too, and they don't wear shoes. At the end some angry Heaven people come to kill Edward but some miracle happens and him and Bella both get to stay alive. I'm pretty sure they're separated or Edward begins a new life.... the end is kind of foggy. They find each other at the very end.


Ringing any bells?


In my defense it was an amazing story. I just have no idea why I disposed of it.


Repo! The Genetic Opera

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 12:59 PM

This is one of my favorite all-time movies. Has anyone else seen it? 

Repo! The Genetic Opera Official Website

If you have, your thoughts/comments/favorite scenes?




As a gift, I leave you with the brilliance of Anthony Stewart Head:

Legal Assassin on YouTube


Related to the Dead Horse

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 12:49 PM

This campfire is NOT to rehash the discussion's from yesterday's pull-to-publish issues.  I was conversing with various campers who have opinions on both sides of the fence on this issue. (and no, I'm not naming names, duh...)


But there is an issue that was brought to my  attention by more than one individual that got me thinking and it actually kept me up most of the night.  Am I sensitive? Maybe.

To save space, it's inside.



Sunday January 2, 2011 at 10:42 AM

Some say they're overrated, some say they're underrated.

Soo. What do you think?

COLDPLAY- Simply amazing, or just hyped-up?

Oh, and also, to make it more interactive, post the lyrics of at least one song of theirs that you like. Or tell us which song you don't like, or do love. Or whatever. I'm drunk now. 

Please comment, cause otherwise, I'm just being a drunk fool. :)


Good plot wanted

Sunday January 2, 2011 at 8:01 AM

I'm a Jasper h00r. ;)

I'm looking for some good fic with a great Jasper. Can you help me out?

What's your favorite Jasper fic?


Here's what I'm looking for:

Can be J/E or J/B.

I'm a sucker for some good UST

Bad boy/troubled Jasper would be pretty good too or just f*uckhot 

But most importantly PLOT!! I need good plot and not porn in EVERY chapter.


Please and thank you


WIP ???

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 11:07 PM

Hey all you campers out there...I want to vent ANND ask.. (hopfully I can post this still?? )

So WIP ~ how do you feel feel about reading them?? For/against/either way a good fic is a good fic... If you write do you want readers to take part and offer you feedback as you go? If people read your fic after it's been completed, do you still get their reviews?

My comments are inside...

Also, my hubby went and got me Eclipse the other day on his way home from work b/c the stupid store was all sold out when I tried to pick it up. He's awesome!! :)


SMeyer's Questionable Eloquence

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 10:34 PM

SO, you guys.

I've finally started reading The Hunger Games, after much pimpage from you all.

And... I finally read the back cover. There's praise from Stephen King, which I thought was a neat little coincidence seein' as I'm also currently reading "The Stand."

He calls it "a violent, jarring, speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense...I couldn't stop reading."

Then, beneath that, I read...

"I was so obsessed with this book..... The Hunger Games is amazing."—Stephenie Meyer

Oh, SM... such a way with words.



The Top 100 Fanfiction Stories

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 9:54 PM

The following was posted on the Darker Twilight blog tonight:

The Top 100 Fanfiction Stories

Before reading, please note she mentioned there's about 30 stories that should have been on the list but aren't because the authors declined.

Okay onto The Winners

100. Afterlife by thatisastrory at

99. Once Bitten, Twice Shy by Lifelesslyndsey at

98. Her Blood Sings by MidnightWalking at

97. Flying High with Silver Wings by FloridaChickie at

96. Falling Beyond Redemption by Aleeab4u at

95. Expecting by NanaMun at

94. Get Me To You by Chicklette at

93. A Lesson in Release by Lillie Cullen at

92 The Woods are Lovely, Dark, and Deep by bananapancakes7 at

91. All And Enough by NanamMun at

90. Siren Blood by MidnightWalking at

89. Only At Night by trampvamp at

88. Bonne Foi by Amethyst Jackson at

87. Innocence Lost by Cullen818 at

86. Not Like This by pomme_de_terre at

85. If Love Could Light a Candle by Pastiche Pen at

84. Eye Contact by silver sniper of night at

83. Tides by lambcullen at

82. Breakfast at Tiffany's by hmonster4 and Profmom72 at

81. Alphabet Weekends by The-Glory-Days at

80. Do You Remember? by LJ Summers at

79. Poughkeepsie by Mrs.TheKing at

78. The Blizzard by sheviking at

77. A Reason To Exist by Cullen818 at

76. A Pound of Flesh by jaxon22 at

75. Landscapes by lambcullen at

74. La canzone della Bella Cigna by Philadelphic at

73. Waking Up by RiaMaria at

72. Set in Stone by Psyche001 at

71. The Hardest Part by LJ Summers at

70. Atlas Shrugged by jeesiechreesie at

69. Legacy by AutumnDreamer at

68. Meyer University by Sh.C at

67. Camisado by Sophz456 at

66. Guardian by ChampagneAnyone at

65. Paradigm Shift by lillyofthevalley77 at http://www.fanfict

64. Underneath Your Scars by HammerHips at

63. And With Thee Fade Away by Derdriu O Faolain at

62. The Passenger by iamvamp at

61. An Unexpected Lady by Josie Swan at

60. Deconstructing Dracula by hmonster4 at

59. Dear Bella Swan, you're Playing with the Big Boys by Dobber17 at

58. The Mortal Life by hidingfromsomeone at

57. Tube by Annilaia at

56. Sketchbook Revelations by PolkaDotMama at

55. Errors & Omissions by Oh Jasper My Jasper at

54. On My Own by littleclarestar at

53. Deep Dish by starfish422 at

52. Midnight Desire by Twilightzoner at

51. The Renesmee Series by greenpeach20 at

50. Closer by TeamBella23 at

So now..

Do you agree with the stories listed?

Do you feel any are missing?

Are you shaking your head?


RANGER EDIT-we put the top 50 in the comments


Hockey Fans, REPRESENT!

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 9:49 PM

Ok, my first post in a really long time, I couldn't post because I didn't know about the "compatability view."  WOOT! (mucho love to Ranger JennyFly!


So yeah, who watched the WINTER CLASSIC tonight?

LET'S TALK Hockey and give the MEN WITH BIIIIG STICKS a round!


So, there's this one-shot...

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 7:30 PM

And I can't remember the name of it to save my life.  I've been searching for it for weeks, because I didn't want to have to bother all y'all with it, but it's making me a little crazy, so I thought, "What the heck?  Might as well.."

It starts out with Bella talking with her father about how they are to always help those less fortunate than they.  They serve at a soup kitchen/homeless shelter for the Christmas holiday.  While there that first Christmas, she sees a mom with several boys.  They're in used clothing, but they seem to be a loving and happy family.  She still can't keep her eyes off of one of them.  He gets up to play the piano for some Christmas hymns, but she never gets to talk to him and then he's gone.

Then Charlie dies and somehow she comes to live with the Cullens.  She's melancholy around the holidays and asks if she can serve at a soup kitchen, because it makes her feel close to Charlie.  It becomes her yearly tradition. 

Somehow at the end of the one-shot, she meets Edward again, but she can't figure out where she's seen him before.  It turns out he's the boy from that first Christmas at the soup kitchen.

Thanks for indulging my obsessive-compulsive habits.  :o)




A surprising story

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 6:43 PM

I would like to use the opportunity of free posting and to let you know about the story “Habits of a Day” by Natalone09. It is a dark, intriguing, emotional story, written in a surprising way. You see things happening, but you do not know why and what to expect. The answers are pieced together bit by bit. The storytelling is concise and evocative. It is one of my favorite stories. I am very glad that I have found it and I hope that it will attract more attention.

Summary: Two people live in a house, avoiding the world, each for different reasons. A man with special habits in the morning. A woman with the strength to face difference. Compromise or fate? AH, Short chapters, a little dark. Adult themes. E&B, Angst/Romance, Rated: M


" 'Edward is back,' he said. He had obviously guessed for whom my main concern was.

'So, he is alive...'  'Still' was the word that would appropriately finish my completely unnecessary conclusion, but I didn't let that slip."     


Are You Reading This?

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 5:56 PM

If not, you should be!




One kiss sparks the clues, but what do they all mean? Bella dreams of her future self, knowing the life she lives ends in tragedy. How can she change her story when she already knows the ending? The door is there, but where is the key? AH, ExB, Rated M.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Mystery - Chapters: 10 - Words: 45,575 - Reviews: 421 - Updated: 12-30-10 - Published: 12-4-10 - Bella & Edward

 (Link is the banner)


Help A Girl Out

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM

Happy New Years, darling campers! Mine's has been delightful so far. I have attended four cocktail parties, two of which were hosted by my social-gathering-crazed mommy.

My day has left me tired. But not sleepy tired. And there's only ONE thing I want to do right now.

Read. Fic.

You guys are always the first people I turn to when all hope is gone.

So please.

I want something . . . forbidden-esque. Hot.  I BEG YOU


-Mature and citrussy



-preferably something we haven't all read a thousand times. I don't know, something a bit different. It doesn't matter, but I'm just saying :)

Thank you.

TONGUE ALERT *points downwards*


Vampire Academy

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 1:33 PM

I just finished the first book of the series. I thought it was great but I have a problem...

I need answers badly!

Is there anyone in the forest willing to help?

I want spoilers. I will still read the books but I just can't take that much heartfail.

I will post in the comments the question that I really want answered but please feel free to discuss the series in here as well.

I think it is great so far. Disagree? Let me know. Agree? Let's talk!


What OWNS me?

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 1:25 PM

Right now:



Is anyone else excited about getting to worship at the alter of OPRAH 24/7?  Seriously the woman is an American Dream personified I wish they could bottle a fraction of her success and market it. 

Have you seen any of the line up previews?

I am most excited about this:  Mainly for Sidney Poitier who I think is crazy awesome and inspirational  (and who was my college graduation speaker, I got to serve him breakfast that day le sigh). 

Am I the only person ready to drink the kool aid like a faithful follower???


Hoping it is still Free Posting

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 12:59 PM

I want to thank everyone who helped me pass the time on the 29th by suggesting super wonderful fics to read as I was stranded at the airport.

(We were supposed to arrive at BWI at 1 pm that day -- didn't get to our hotel room until 2 am on the 30th!  I read a bunch of stuff, thank you very much.)

I had a great time in Baltimore and while it was cold, it wasn't too bad and my Layers and Gloves and scarf kept me fairly comfortable.

My son was happy that his school (UCF) won the Liberty Bowl.

And... I was actually able to post my first chapter of my new fic, Parma High, at about 12.30 am this morning. :)

It isn't a historical AH... it's a Teacher AH.  It's B&E and the regular cast of characters.

Here's the banner.I


Here's the interactive part.  I have a hard time keeping up with responding to reviews left on my stories. doesn't make it easy. I have a hard time remembering with which post I left off.  How do you guys keep that organized?  I would like to do a better job in responding to the people who are kind enough to leave reviews.


Rob and Kristen's New Year

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 11:17 AM

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart pose with a fan on Friday (December 31) on the Isle of Wight, England.

Hattie Bury posted the pic on her Facebook page after spotting the couple with some pals.

“My friend went up and spoke to Kristen who seemed shocked,” she wrote. “Probably because they seem to have grabbed no attention what-so-ever so a couple of overly grinning fans wasn’t the first wish she had for New Year.”

Last year, the Twilight stars also rang in the New Year on the island, which is off the south coast of England and about 80 miles from Rob’s family home in London.


Nice! What do you think?


let's make 2011 another great year!

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 11:04 AM

happy new year from the forest and all the rangers!

i woulda made this campfire earlier, but i just woke up, thankful that i'm not dying.

so, how was your new year's lasts night?  do you even remember what you did?

any resolutions you wanna share?  anything else?

talk to me, campers.

and remember- the free for all is still in effect until tomorrow at 6PM, eastern.  have fun while you nurse your hangovers!



Saturday January 1, 2011 at 7:31 AM



Ranger edited and stickied.



Saturday January 1, 2011 at 2:11 AM

ok, i know this isn't the best way to go about this, but it's after midnight, new year's day, i've downed about a magnum of champagne, and this just seriously made me say out loud: "what the mother f*cking f*ck?"

i'll just post this and see what people have to say....


am i the last dumb bastard to hear about this?

anywhoodles.  carry on.  happy new year!


ETA:  (actually, edited to edit)  apologies for the cursing - got carried away - are asteriskseses kosher?  sorry - bit drunk - hope no one considers "bastard" a swear word....

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