
teacher, teacher!

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 3:05 PM

So in the eyebrow plucking tweezing campfire, I was reminded of a couple of funny bits of advice and anecdotes from my 11th grade phys ed teacher.  

Tell me, guise, what are some of the funniest things your teachers/professors have told you?  Is there any good (or bad) advice they've given that has stayed with you?  Was one of your teachers completely crazy and totally quotable?  



Thursday December 30, 2010 at 1:33 PM

ok... so i'm new to this gmail thing...  i've figured out how to change my background... but that's about it. 

can someone tell me how it and gchat work?

my address will be in the comments...

(good lord, i feel retarded... lol.)


Do you pluck your eyebrows?

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 1:07 PM

How often?  

Do you have someone else do it?

Do you have them waxed or 'sugared'?

Painful, ain't it?

I stopped after I had children.    So, that was a while ago :).  I am fortunate that I've never naturally had a uni-brow.


Here's a mischievous brow, that has been plucked to varying degrees, though not in this instance:


So You Want to Write a Fanfic?

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 12:53 PM

One of the things I hear about ADF all the time is that it's a great resource for writers. I, myself, have learned so many do's and don'ts--regarding writing fanfiction--from this site.

For all the aspiring fanfic writers out there, who may be comtemplating taking the plunge, let us (as writers) be supportive and share what we've learned. Like, what to do . . . and what not to do.

To make this more interactive, if you're a wannabe-writer, ask questions! Chances are, someone here knows the answer!

My advice is inside....




Thursday December 30, 2010 at 12:23 PM



My Little Black Ache

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 10:18 AM

AmyZini reminded me of this story last night. I re-read it and fell in love with it all over again. It hasn't updated since 11/09. Her FFn profile was updated in May, so she has been around. Does anyone know her? Ever heard if she plans on completing the story? I emailed her but haven't gotten a response.

I love the Bella/Jasper friendship in this story.




Thursday December 30, 2010 at 8:33 AM

You guys are so helpful when it comes to this sort of thing, so......

I need the following!


-Office shenanigans

-Bella/Edward, Boss/Employee (don't care which is which)


-Good Sexual Tension!!

I've read, The Plan, The Office, The Gentleman from Washington State, The Cocky and the Cougar.....hmmm a few more.

Please help me!


Filling up my kindle

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 8:02 AM

Hey there-

So I am at work, my boss bought me a gift certificate for amazon and I am filling up my kindle.


HELP. Suggestions????


I like sci-fi, futuristic, erotic stuff.

Not necessarily all of those in one book- but hey- that would be awesome.  I have read all of the JD Robb books, The Hunger Games, everything by Laurell K Hamilton etc.


I am looking for something new.


Can anyone help? please?


Creating a fandom?

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 4:16 AM

Hey chicos . . . so I've got a small confession to make.

I'm in LOVE with this world/book that I've read a couple of times, and it's not Twilight!


The thing is, there is SO much potential and playing room that I've thought about FOREVER (forever is my hyperbole read as one year) writing a fanfiction for it. Of course it's nothing like the Twilight fandom. I'd like to start out just filling the holes that the original story didn't fill for me. SO a sort of rewrite of that first book. And then take it from there. The thing is, this isn't a popular book by ANY means. It's a very little known story. So I'll be the first one doing this for this book. YIKES. I've sent a email to FFN to have them create the category for this book because it doesn't exist there yet. BUT I'm wondering how does one go about doing this. Do I email the author and tell them that I want to write fanfic about the story? Where does it all begin? Like did some one once upon a story email SMeyer and say hey, love what you've got going on, I can't stop thinking about ways to elaborate . . . can I do this? Because honestly the last thing I want is a C&D letter once I already got going. Granted, this is a REALLY unknown book, so I don't even know if that's possible.

But I've just got some general questions and I was wondering if anyone knew about stuff like this. Anybody been around since the start of a fandom, this one or a different one? Any fandom jumpers have experience in like REALLY new fandoms? Or, essentially, creating one yourself?


I'm super excited about this guys. So even if you just wanna chat with me about it. LOL, bring it on. But I'd love some helpful pointers in the right direction for this!


it's 3AM and I can't think of a title...

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 1:23 AM

Hey all (: Anyone still awake out there? I bet you're not from New York, because it's 3:13 AM here, and I'm just up because @TwiFicTrivia has been owning my life all week...

Anywho, I was wondering if you guys could rec me stories that are like Under The Apple Tree or Coming to Terms... I don't know what it is about those two stories, but they way they are written just own me utterly and completely.

...So... any suggestions? Thanks <3


And btdubbs, here's some Rob pr0n for you lovely ladies (:


Ignorant Moi.

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 11:02 PM

I know that the forest has people from all over the world in it on a day to day basis, so i wanted to utilize that. I have a lot of questions about the customs etc... of other Countries. I can't be the only one with questions, right? So this is a campfire to ask them, no matter how stereotypical or silly they are :D

For example, i reaaaally want to know if Americans listen to Dubstep or Grime?


5 most recent "Alert Added"

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 10:34 PM

What are your 5 most recent "Alert Added" on FF.net?? I know this has been done before, but things have changed since then, right?!  Keep in mind that this is NOT the same as the last 5 stories that just got updated. These are the last 5 that you clicked "Add story to story alert."


Here are mine:

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Fridays At Noon

Aha Shake

The Ride

My Life, Now


P.S. Be a doll and add a link :)


Strange Addictions

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 10:25 PM

WOW-Is anyone else watching this show? Eating household cleansers-Talking through puppets, sucking your thumb at 24, excessive body-building, eating a half a roll of toilet paper a day, sleeping with a blow-dryer...


No judgements-just pure fascination.

Let's discuss addictions, obsessions (other than Rob and the Twilight variety), compulsions and other odd/quirky/funky things in our lives.

Mine will be in the comments





Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 10:00 PM

I'm running out of clever title ideas, ha.


I've read a couple of fics where either Edward or Bella is sick (coughing, runny nose sick), and they're just omgsoadorbs that the other person just HAS TO kiss them.

Not gunna lie, I'd rather eat a spider than kiss someone with a cold. The germs! The viruses... Ugh, it just makes me cringe.

(Feet always make me cringe, but that's an entirely different thing. Icky.)

Do people actually find sick people so cute that you can't just help but make out with them? I'm sorry if you do. I'm truly sorry. But I don't feel sorry if you get sick. /mom rant.



Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 8:17 PM

ok, so i'm a tech-tard.

hubs got me a nice kindle for xmas.  i have yet to really read anything on it. does anyone know if it's possible, and how, to download WIP onto the kindle?  i have transfered some fics onto it via pdf.  that was hard enough.  i can barely read it, the font is so small and i can't adjust it.

help please?




PWP or PWOP? That is the question!

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 7:04 PM

Okay folks... here's the deal. I write this little fic, and right now I'm concerned about it being labeled as porn with plot, or porn without plot. I don't want this to happen!

SO, my question is... what makes a story PWP for you? And what makes it PWOP? How do you feel about these types of stories? Do you get bored of all the sexin?

In my defense, my Bella is a hooker so there has to be sex. Ain't no hooker gonna get paid if she don't work it. Ya know?

You thoughts are greatly appreciated!



Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 6:01 PM

Ok, so I need help...it's still free for all, until the first, right?!

I have been getting really crappy news from my employer for most of the month.  And today they dropped a huge bomb...I will need to reapply for the job that I have held for over five years and I have to compete with the entire company. 

I feel so eff'd over right now!


Have we done a bizatch post recently?  Sorry if I missed it, but I need a bunch of you to scream and yell and kick with me! 



Perhaps a little picture of how I am feeling right now?

Followed by a little...


Bye Bye 2010!

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 5:05 PM

The week between Christmas and New Year's is always my favorite week of the year.
The pressure of the big holiday is OVER, the decorations are still up, the house is still packed with yummy food (and wine after I go back to the store to replenish my stock)
Everything is on sale at the store...
And I love all of the things on TV that highlight the events of the year.

Since the Forest is kinda quiet, let's sit around the campfire and chat, shall we?

Let's recap 2010...Answer the questions below and mine will be in the comments~~

1. What was the BEST thing that happened to you this year?

2. Name your proudest moment...

3. What is your biggest surprise of the year?

4. What is your FAVORITE of the year--

5. What's your New Year's Resolution for 2011?





Mashup Brilliance

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 4:33 PM

Have any of you heard the latest mashup by DJ Earworm? Here it is in case you haven't... it is brilliant!


Perfection thy name is Robert Pattinson

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 1:32 PM


Let us drool over how perfect he looks with Rosie (Tai)

EW and People were given some pictures for Water for Elephants promo!


The best looking vet in the world invites you in for more WFE goodness!


Edited to change pics to their UHQ versions. right click/view pic for the full thing

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