I Would Like To

Saturday January 1, 2011 at 1:07 AM

Take this time to wish all the

ADF Rangers and campers

a very happy new year.

 May this year be better year than the last.

I wish you warm fuzzies all year long!




Edward and Bella die in Breaking Dawn!!!

Friday December 31, 2010 at 8:41 PM

According to an "insider" who has read the script, our beloved duo bite the big one in the movie.

Details inside...



Friday December 31, 2010 at 6:49 PM

So I'm home alone on New Year's Eve because apparently none of my friends want to hang out with me. Not sure what this says about me, or my choice in friends.

Since I'm home alone being lame, tell me what awesome thing you're doing to ring in the New Year. Let me live vicariously through you!


twilight skins?

Friday December 31, 2010 at 5:24 PM

Does anyone know where I can download (free) Twilight skins for WMP or Ipod? I have been searching and coming up with nothing.


Rob Asks

Friday December 31, 2010 at 3:32 PM


Rob is confused. He's not sure if it is already 2011 in your part of the world???

He's also been thinking hard about what his New Year's resolution is going to be for 2011

Mine is, I'm going to lose weight and get healthy. No really. I'm gonna do it this time.  It's 09:26 on New Year'd day and I'm going to run on the treadmill and then have some poached eggs for brekky. I am, I am, I am. In a minute.

My question to you is, What is your New Year's Resolution for 2011?

Have you ever made a resolution and actually stuck to it?

ETA: I have just spoken to the government of New Year's resolutions and it is official that they do not begin until the 2nd January (I just can't throw all this yummy xmas food away o_O)


2010 goes out with a bang

Friday December 31, 2010 at 3:28 PM




Friday December 31, 2010 at 3:02 PM

So, I'm looking for this story. Edward and Bella hate each other. But, their parents get along. They go on vacation together, and Bella and Edward have to sharea room, and Bella gets sunburned. And no one's sure why exactly they hate each other. If anyone can tell me then name, it's be greatly appreciated.


Happy New Year!


What should a New Year's Baby do?

Friday December 31, 2010 at 1:55 PM

I am a new year's baby.  In less than 12 hours I will turn 31.  I had a huge vegas party with friends from around the country to ring in my 30th, but right now I have no plan at all for this birthday.

What should i do??? 

  Hanging out with my parents in pajamas watching the ball drop on TV is one option. 

Spending the Evening at a party of mostly strangers is another. 

Spending the evening with two guys who want to try to make out with me is the another option. 

Staying at home and reading New Years centric fan fiction is an option too.



Have you ever had a last minute New Years Eve Adventure ala this fic:

1. Bella and Edward's New Year's Eve Adventure  by Dahlia J Black
A New Year's Eve car crash, jammed phone lines and a dash of fate bring Bella and Edward together for an evening neither of them was expecting. Add couple of surprising twists and a few colorful friends, and they're in for an evening they'll never forget.

DO you know any awesome fics that have great NYE stories????

Do you live in the LA area and want to invite me to your awesome festivities????


Looking for something new to read?

Friday December 31, 2010 at 1:21 PM

If you're looking for something new to read over the holiday break, the stories have started going up over at Yuletide - the annual "obscure" fandoms fic exchange.  The authors are revealed on 1 January.  There are a bunch of Hunger Games stories, and a bunch of Vampire Diaries stories, which I know will be popular around here, but with over 1400 fandoms represented, you're bound to find something you like! (Inception RPF? Muppet show fic? You name it,  it's probably here - I just found a fic about a painting.)



The best of 2010

Friday December 31, 2010 at 12:28 PM

It's New Year's Eve! At least, it still is where I am. Some of you might be ahead and already kicking it in 2011... so weird!

Aaaanyway... On this final night of 2010, let's get nostalgic and drool over the best Rob has given us in the past year.

And of course: HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Let's make 2011 a year worth remembering! How could it not, with Bel Ami, WfE and Breaking Dawn coming out?! Bring it with the Robp0rn! And I've got some major things planned for the coming year, so I'm positive 2011 will be a good year.

Jump in and start sharing, drooling, combusting...



Creating a Fandom/Transformative Works part II

Friday December 31, 2010 at 12:23 PM

Hola chicos, it's me again. Wanted to get this discussion out before the end of FFA holiday edition.

So some of you may know I'm essentially creating my own fandom. (OMG join my fandom! Still waiting on FFN's response, it's been 3 days FFN, get with it! And I promise I'm not a total crap writer, so hopefully you won't be sorry ;)

Well my discussion today is on the line between plagiarism and transformative work. WHERE is this line? What is acceptable and what isn't? Does one need to footnote/cite fanfic if a large chunk of text is taken from the book? Isn't it assumed that there would be source material in the work? Opinions? Thoughts? Information?

Okay . . . here's how I came to this crossroad. The book I'm going to start fanficking I liken A LOT to Twilight. In that it's a great source of potential. It captured me, and I devoured it, but after I had time to sit down and think I was left with lots of what ifs and questions. Well. I wonder what the very first Twilight fanfic was because I'd like to know how they went about it. Because I'm damn well sure it wasn't an AH. Maybe it was canon. Maybe it had actual elements of canon IN the story. Here's how this plays out for me:

The story I want to fanfic is a romance set in a different world entirely. So EVERYTHING about this world needs to be developed. There are so many things. And that's what I want to do. I want to fill in the holes essentially. I want to develop the backstory to the characters, to the regions they're from, to the duty they have now. Also I want to develop the plot. This is where this gets tricky. Because I LIKE the plot. It's clever and totally makes sense HOWEVER, I used a great deal of my imagination when reading it. And there are many elements in the plot that need to be built. Because I call it a "Hail Mary" as it's basically just sort of coming to light in the end. Not to mention the dues ex machina of an ending. WHICH, I'm a plot writer, so these things get under my skin and won't leave. BUT the plot itself is solid if it were delivered differently, so that these elements make sense and don't just come at the last minute for the "Hail Mary." Now I don't need to touch the romance, that element is just perfect.

So as I'm doing my outline I've got the first couple of chapters as all my own. Then around chapter three it would be the same as the books chapter one. And many chapters in the middle would correlate to actual chapters of the book. Because I intend to use the same plot, just weave it differently and I'd have to add my own elements to the mix so that it makes better sense, but essentially it's the same plot. AND I intend to keep the romance element the same. So lots of the scenes from the book are in the fanfic, entire scenes. I sort of think of it as a rewrite of the book. I've got lots of quotes that I placed in other locations. So if I think about it, like at least half of this fanfic will be the book itself. 

Is THIS plagiarism? I've been thinking about it all day? Do I quote and cite? Do I not use at all? Does it have to be my words exactly? How do I text this if I've got half as my words and half as the other. This issue only presents itself with this first fanfic (yeah I've got others planned). Because once I develop the world and do the "rewrite" I can start delving into it with basically "original fanfic" where I wouldn't use anything direct words from the source material.

ETA: I'd imagine it'd be like a canon version of Eclipse from Edward's POV. That would HAVE to have a lot of actual text from the book, even entire scenes woven in with the fanfic author's own words. ANY canon writers wonder this, or use large chunks of source material?

HELP. Any thoughts, opinions, discussions, information welcome. Gah I really wonder what the first fanfic for other books were like, specifically Twilight.

ETA: If you're an author, what is your opinion on fanficking your book? And to YOU when would you consider it plagiarism? What would you require done in the fanfic to give recognition? Or would the AMOUNT of text taken from the source material and used in the fanfic change your opinion of "allowing" fanfic?



Friday December 31, 2010 at 10:05 AM

Glitter Words


The Rangers here at ADF wish you all a very HAPPY and SAFE New Year!

Thank you to everyone who has made this place the FUN and inspiring site that it is, thanks to all of you who have chosen to claim this little part of the interwebs as your home.  WE LOVE YOU and appreciate all of your campfires and comments, fun and games, pics and stories... And we look forward to spending another glorious year with you!


Some of you have already brought in the New Year... some of you are just getting started!

I want to know how you're celebrating...

Are you going out or staying in?

What are you drinking?

What's your favorite party snack?

HAPPY 2011!


Whats the plan?

Friday December 31, 2010 at 8:54 AM

What's everyone's plan for new year's eve?


Is it a big deal wherever you are?


Do u follow a tradition?


I'll fill you in on my plans inside :-)


rec me good

Friday December 31, 2010 at 7:34 AM

so... i'm on a kick.

for books. (yes, real books)

that take place in the victorian era?  or ya know, regency-london?  historical romances, that stuff.

any good titles? any good books? any good authors?

help me out!!!! 



Friday December 31, 2010 at 6:31 AM




My own heart is wrung

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 11:36 PM

I've spent the entire day transfixed, enchanted, entertained, and gnawing my fingernails off reading Unto A Heart of Stone by jackiejones (twitter: @jackiejones11 )

There are not enough good words in my vocabulary to articulate how fu(king amazing this AU is. The writing is spectacular, the typos/errors are few, and the characters are SO REAL. I adore them.

I'm practically pulling my hair out right now because this is a WIP, and I want MORE.

But to the real reason I am stoking up this campfire: This story only has 319 reviews on, and with 28 posted chapters, and with a (give or take) 10% review rate (figuring in an average of three reviews per person), this means that this story has only reached about a thousand sets of eyes so far.

This is SHAMEFUL. I am not kidding when I so poorly express to you here how FINE this AU story is. The writer weaves such magic into her descriptions of places and emotion. She gives SO MANY details without being obnoxious about it.

SPOILER ALERT: For example, she shows us Edward's talent for reading people--- when he is HUMAN, and she makes the reader BELIEVE in his intuitiveness and shows how it shapes him into a confident young man. I've seen many depictions of Edward in 1918, but jackiejones seems to have put Canon Edward under a microscope in order to detect his human nature. For she convinces me that his uncanny ability, his father's education and employment, the booming city in which he lived, and the careful niceties of post-Victorian "society", and his mother's fierce love (all things taken as canonical fact if one simply studies original text and bothers to apply consideration to every possibly clue allowed by SM), how these things all combine, along with even his features, his stature, his musical ear... how all of these ARE Edward. She breathes life into the boy that was introduced to us all once dead.

So I beg you: Read her story, Review her story. Follow her on Twitter. ENCOURAGE HER IN ALL WAYS YOU CAN.

Dear Forest, join me in paying this author some long overdue and well deserved attention. Please don't let me down.

Also, I do have a photo of her, since I've had a drink with her. If I had only but known then the astounding presence in which I stood....

...but I'd never post a photo without consent, so instead of her face, here are her hands and her cocktail.

The Offspring


Thursday December 30, 2010 at 11:36 PM

I, The Offspring, have been obliged to make a birthday post. So let's all say:




Come inside and let's discuss the 17th anniversary of her 29th birthday!!!!!!!


100 Monkeys: The Day After

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 10:02 PM

Yesterday I had the amazing chance of going to a 100 Monkeys concert. I had seen a post by Bettiegirl42, aka Christine, about their concert in my area and decided to get a ticket spur of the moment. Since she knew I was going, we exchanged info and met up before the show. I was a little nervous about meeting someone I had only talked to online, but that didn’t last long. Turns out Christine is the coolest chick ever. It was so awesome getting to meet someone from the fandom face to face and discuss Fic and our mutual love of Jackson.

Anyway, a couple people demanded pics and vids from the show, so I’ve decided to share them in the comments. I will also tell you my tale of meeting Jackson face to face, and how I got to touch his hand. A little pathetic? Probably.

But first I wanted to take this chance and bring Christine out of the Twitter closet.
She’s new to Twitter and in need of followers. So campers, make sure you follow her and tell her ‘Hi’ or how much you envy her, since she got to meet Jackson too.

Follow Christine~ @Bettiegirl42

More inside…




Thursday December 30, 2010 at 8:14 PM

With Christmas, a number of birthday parties, a brand new Kindle and a decently budgeted Amazon Kindle gift card, I've totally been neglecting my FF account in the past few weeks.

While I'm still not in the mood to break into one of those epically long stories, I miss my FF.

Right now, I'm requesting some novella-style fics; ones like "Sold, Sight Unseen" by quothme or "Died and Gone to Heaven" by DoUTrustMe.

It'd be wonderful if you folks could help me out :)

Also, I'm pretty much a Canon pairing type of girl, but I'm down with any except Bella/Jasper hehe.


The write stuff

Thursday December 30, 2010 at 4:09 PM

Funny title, huh? Get it? Get it?

Today I was contemplating the strangeness of my desk, and I realized that it sort of reflected the strangeness of my writing. This made me wonder about other writers and what their writing environments looked like. Do you write at a desk? The kitchen table? Beside the River Wye? Describe your writing space, and take a picture if you can.

Mine, knitted daleks included, is in the comments.

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