
Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 1:20 PM



Starry Eyed Inside

Update - Ch. 19




Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 1:11 PM

is a goner.


In her AN ARenee363 announced there is the fic will be postpned "indefinitely"


This was one of the fics that I had hoped would come back in the New year .....   




Youth, Caesar, and the Neverending Needles

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 12:12 PM

Youth, Caesar, and the Neverending Needles  

Summary: Roommates at the age of 17. More like jail mates. And you don't fall in love in jail. Well, you do if your father's a suddenly hospitable cop who takes in a dangerously beautiful deliquent as a favor to said deliquent's father. All Human.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 9 - Words: 39,653 - Reviews: 788 - Updated: 7-14-09 - Published: 5-2-09 - Bella & Edward

Doess anyone else remember this story? It's been  forever an a day since it updated. Do you know if the author (ahemyywe150 ) has given up on writing it.


Fandom against Domestic Violence contributions

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 11:15 AM

A little while ago, I signed up to write something for the Fandom Against Domestic Violence fundraiser. As of right now, there are 100 authors signed up - which is amazing! I noticed some are those authors are also campers, and since I haven't a clue as to what I am going to contribute, I thought I'd ask in hopes of gaining a little inspiration. 

I don't think it's necessary to say exactly what you might write for it, but will it be something original, an outtake, will you stick with the theme?

(Oh, and thanks AngiJ for helping me pop my campfire cherry!!)



Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 10:11 AM


This week’s game:

It’s that time of year – the time of year, we resolve to work out, donate to charity, be kind, etc. Yes – it’s time for


Let’s make resolutions for fan fic characters. Don’t tell us the fic you are thinking of, but tell us the character, and tell us their resolution. The resolution can be something the character would actually resolve, something they should resolve to do, or something you want them to resolve to do!!! Everyone else will try and guess which fic the character’s from!

1. State character(s) name
2. State his/her/their resolution
3. Optional: state why they’d make this resolution – this can include additional clues to the fic (but don’t give away the title).

Example 1:
Bella: to be more spontaneous and not rely so much on Bob, or Fred.

(Answer: How My Life Was Ruined in 14 Days)

Example 2:
Edward: to play less video games, and do more non-nerdy stuff with Bella!

(Answer: Falling For The First Time)

Special thanks to Capricorn75 for understanding my lame attempts at humpday humor!!

My first entry inside.


Fic please

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 10:06 AM

I don't usually do this but I have gotten lost in the real world and have abandoned fics.  Maybe its because I was reading them one after another and they started to run into one another and turned into one long story idk....But please HELP me get back into the wonderful world of Edward and Bella and help me escape the real world (at least when I am at work, cause nobody wants to be there).  So I ask you fellow campers PLEASE give me some thing that I wont be able to stop reading, one that might make me cry, laugh, be shocked and all of that good stuff....Lemons are good too ;)



Here is a list of what i have read

A rite of passage
A Rough Start
A Second Chance
Abbracciare il Cantante
American Boy
American Girl
Baby your the one
Bella Swan: Kidnapper
Better Than I Dreamt It
Between the Sun and the Moon
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Christmas With the Cullens
Deconstructing Dracula
Defying Gravity
Edward Cullen, Dick for Hire
Edward Wallbanger
Falling For You
Family of Perfection
For the Summer
Full Circle
Highly Inappropriate
Holding Out For You
Hydraulic Level 5
I Love College
Illegal Contact
Letting Go
My Escort
My Love, My Life
Our Last Summer
Reality Minus Expectations
Second Chances
Silence & Security
Such Great Heights
Summer Nights
Summer Sessions
Surely Grateful
The Best Man
The Lost Boys
The Loves of My Life
The Nymph and the Waterfall
The Port Angeles Players
The sound of your voice
The Tutor I
This Is Not My Life
Tropic of Gemini
Tropic of Virgo
What I'd Do for You 


Angry Birds Anonymous

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 9:07 AM

I seriously need a support group. 

I can't stop playing. 

I hate those stupid pigs. 

What games are you addicted to? 


Sitting at RSW

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 8:27 AM

What is RSW?  It's the Fort Myers, Florida airport.

I got up at 5 am this morning to catch a flight at 8 so I, my husband and v. handsome 25 yo son (he's single, ladies.  A little goofy but a nice young man.  Of course I am his mother, so I am prejudiced. Right now, he's reading my Kindle having bought a book to pass the time.)

We are still at the airport and it is now 10:15 am.  They kicked us off the flight because -- well, it's a long story  but it has something to do with the lousy weather in the Northeast US.   We are now scheduled to fly to Atlanta at 1 pm... then catch a flight to Dulles (Wash. DC) then we will drive to Baltimore.  It's my husband's father's 95th birthday tomorrow and we want to help him celebrate.

Since I am a Floridian, I have no clothes for cold weather so I am anticipating freezing my ass off up there but I did bring layers and sweaters and all that stuff.  I even have gloves.   I plan on drinking a lot of hot beverages.

Okay--- here's what I am asking.   Got any good recs for me to read while I wait?  Nothing too angsty (don't want to sob in the airport).





Here's my son, Jon.   Not exactly Rob or Taylor but still pretty sweet. :)


100 Monkeys!

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 8:11 AM

I just bought a ticket to go see 100 Monkeys. Yep, I'm going by myself. I've decided that its not that big of a deal. 

I'm really excited yet kinda freaked out. I think it'll be fun though. As long as I get to see this man is person...



...I'll be just fine. So, who else has gone to one of their shows? Anything I should expect? 


New WFE trailer!

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 7:17 AM

Water for Elephants Finnish trailer with new scenes.

I cannot wait for this movie. I seriously need this movie in my life right NOW!



ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday December 29, 2010 at 3:29 AM

Another early morning post...








"Send a hope upon a wave // e&b" by Woodstockieee

and for TVD...

"The Golden Boy" by xRobaholic





Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 9:15 PM

I've been reading fan fic for quite a few years now (8) and I decided to re-read  some of my favorite (Buffy) fics from way back when...Fic's I believed to be amazing literary pieces only to discover ummmm...I was very wrong.    Now I don't know whether to be disappointed  by my expectations or impressed by how the quality of fan fic has grown. 

Has anyone else had a similar experience?


Regardless--Props to all the Hard-Writting Ladies out there...Thank you for writing.


Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 8:45 PM

Who else thinks that KStew would be better suited to action flicswanted Pictures, Images and Photos" />


Angelina Jolie as Salt Pictures, Images and Photos" />

a la Jolie


You make me feel alone

Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 8:17 PM

So I was wondering if any one in the forest is going to see 100 monkeys tomorrow night in Houston?  

I have had my ticket forever and planned to go with my friend, but she just canceled on me.  I mean, really, who does that?  I think it would be more fun, and make me feel a little safer to have some one to go with or meet up with at the show.

Any takers out there?


I wanna talk to you.

Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 7:38 PM


I wanna talk to more campers outside of the forest. Whaddya say?

I've got gmail, so I'm starting to gchat. gchat? Is that even what it's called?

I also have AIM....but I refuse to get a Twitter.

Are there any takers? Please let there be takers, or I'll have to delete this campfire later, in shame, and pretend I never posted it. My info will be in ze comments.





FYT? Please accept my humble offering of Conan in jeggings.



Just Putting it Out There

Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 7:08 PM

Today I watched Notting Hill...which I adore.  The entire time I was watching I kept thinking about Rob and how perfect he could be in this type of movie (think: Notting Hill and Love Actually, etc.).  I would give my right arm to see him play a lovelorn, quirky Brit in a romantic comedy.


Tell me, am I alone in this?



Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 5:48 PM

Hi everybody!

I don't know if i can post this right now but i do not care. I read The Fan a really long time ago- she had just started to write the sequel , and I decided to wait to read the end of The Fan until she had posted a few more chapters to the sequel. And now I understand that it was a stupid thing to do because i can't find the story! I have the link but it says it doesn't exist. Please help me understand what has happend . I'm kind of freaking out over here..



Expectations and Other Moving Pieces has updated!

Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 4:03 PM


Chapter 32 is here


Read and discuss


ETA  Here's the link to Chapter 1 if you want to start at the beginning :^)


How to Get Concrit

Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 1:44 PM

The post about negative reviews got me thinking.  How can you solicit concrit?  I mean the good comments that help you to be a good writer?

Any suggestions?


Dating is dumb

Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 11:58 AM

Okay foresters, I have come to a very important decision : I'm going to be an old cat lady.

I mean, cats are cool, right? LOL!

Seriously, dating is so dumb sometimes. I live in a small city and all of my single girl friends are married, so there's like no one to go out with. So I'm mostly at home or at work...I know I need to get out more to meet guys, but it's hard to do that by yourself, you know?

Also, I am thinking of trying (again). Did it once, dated a guy for about a month, but it ended up not working out. Anyway, come share your horrible dating stories, your worst date ever, (or best date ever) and listen to me whine some more lol !

Now here's a man I wouldn't mind going on a good (or bad) date with :

First --- | >> | 943 | 944 | 945 | 946 | 947 | 948 | 949 | 950 | 951 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
