Fluent in Sarcasm

Fic update

Monday December 27, 2010 at 8:05 AM

Yep! It's me AGAIN (can you tell it's my day off!?!)

So I Rec'd WTLC as an xmas prezzie,

This Rec is gonna be a "How are you not reading this fic!!!" rec, it just updated today, so lets give Katie a review boost that is well deserved!

Go read this...

Fight Like a Girl

Bella's a breast cancer survivor & moves to Chicago to finish school. B meets Edward & sparks fly- but what happens when B starts working at E's tattoo shop? & Why the hell is he dating Tanya? AU-Human. Rated M. B&E. Canon.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 67,805 - Reviews: 291 - Updated: 12-27-10 - Published: 10-21-10 - Bella & Edward


This is also the fic that no-one guessed during the last Humpday! where i gave a Harley Davidson Helmet as a clue!



Pen Pals

Monday December 27, 2010 at 4:49 AM

As geeky as I am, I miss letter writing. I'm not sure why. Anyone know of any good / reliable / safe programs for pen pals? I'm happy to write to people from all walks of life, anywhere over the world, including prisoners (so long as they won't have access to any of my more personal details). Bonus points if you know of any sort of thing like this that has a creative bent to it.

I hear of these sorts of things for holidays, but I'm looking for something that goes year-round and (preferably) isn't electronic.



In Memoriam

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 10:28 PM

I am on vacation and I miss my fellow Rangers terribly. I also miss YOU-our extraordinary campers.

Don't fret-the contests will be back when everyone is sober, un-stuffed with food and in "work" mode (hell-we may expand them through the dark winter months-remember we do things "differently" around here).

Many people are stranded by the bad weather and/or stuck in places longer than they anticipated. The holidays are joyous, wonderful times but for many, they are a time of stress, sadness and discourse. So let's start asking some questions that will bring everyone into the campfires during this holiday week. I will go first.

Who do you miss this holiday season? It can be an ex, an old friend, someone who has passed away, a pet, a celebrity, an author, anyone who has touched your life-it doesn't matter how well you knew them-let's talk about them here.

Mine will be in the comments.....



Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 8:21 PM

So we actually got snow here in South Carolina, and of COURSE I'm too sick to go out and play in it:( Stupid Throat!

So since I'm a little depressed, I need some super sweet Edward/Bella fics to cheer me up! So give me your recs people...help a sister out


P.S. I just popped my campfire cherry! I tend to lurk about and only comment occasionally....so don't leave me hanging and make me regret coming out of the woodwork:)


being Sly.

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 7:36 PM

So I got an e-book reader for Christmas. Yay!!! But being in Australia, and having a pretty technophobic hubby I was given a MiGear one. I have been trolling the net all morning trying to find free sites for ebooks that are recent and popular eg. vampire academy, twilight, sookie stackhouse etc etc and can't seem to find any that don't try to get you to buy 'premium downloaders" with them.

I'm getting to my wits-end here and thought.... well, just ask the girls, and select few guys, over at adf and see what they know, cos i know they know a lot.... if you know what i mean? confused?

anyhow.... can anyone point me in the right direction? I would prefer pdf documents, simply because my reader isn't all that flash. Also, they can't be drm protected. don't ask for much do i?

hope eveyone had a great xmas.... i did.... despite the fact my computer blew two days before and i'm stuck using my kids computer, without all my wonderful programs etc.....

Merry Xmas to everyone and I thank you in advance for all your help...


>> insert pic of your favourite person here <<


new changes...

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 6:07 PM

So today i decided to make some changes..... i'll put the entire story inside.

but i wanna know... what big changes have you made recently? are you happy that you did?




Hello Darlings..

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 4:28 PM

Sorry I'm a day late, but I was feeling a bit mashed after all the company yesterday. 

I'd like to take a moment to give a special nod to my faithful couch potatoes.

Your support has been wonderful-stay chipper and keep those hash browns up.


So without further adieu, I have enclosed some more potato goodness.


And remember, a day without potatoes has no appeal  (a peel? hahhhahahha...oh, never mind.)


The fixins' are inside.

Until next week, my darlings,



useless movie trivia

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 3:50 PM

i spend entirely too much time on IMDB. my brain is full of useless trivia that will never get me anywhere in life. except maybe one day i'll land on a trivia game show and win millions of dollars and never have to work again. i'm totally that annoying friend that says "Did you know...." during a movie. (never in a theater though)

for example, today i discovered that this character -


is voiced by this guy -

and that these characters -

are voiced by these people -


so..give me your useless trivia. doesn't HAVE to be movie trivia..just one of those things that you randomly tell people to make them think you're awesome and smart. (don't deny that you do it)


p.s. i'm only making this so i can test drive my new avi

p.p.s. i'm bored and sick, please humor me. 

p.p.p.s. i've been informed by i_heart_the_doc that i knew all of this before because she's told me many times. oops. 

Fluent in Sarcasm

A challenge...

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 3:19 PM

Hey guys and dolls,

lets get those brain cells a workin...

I WANT a list of fics, one to each category please for the fic that:

1. made you laugh the most

2. made you cry HARD

3. was a nail biter

4. scary

5. made you go "Awww"

6. best child

7.best in character (any character applies)

8. best out of character

9. made you (very) HOTT under the coller

10. the fic that when a chapter has ended has you shouting at your comp/laptop/kindle etc "Nooooooooooo" "say what" "huh?"... the fic's that has ppl lookin at you funny!

Let me know what, why, when, where, how ((and by who.. as per emmaline's request...))
 if you have any other categories that you want to add in ASK/ADD it and answer it!!!

Air your views let me know, tell ME about it!

Likes/dislikes  about scenarios

Come join me in my musings...


Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!!

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 1:55 PM

Ok, Campers...I'm hoping it's still a free for all...otherwise I'm going to get a Boxing Day spanking from the rangers (ouch!)


Who else on the East Coast is getting snowed under??


Here in the northern suburbs of New York City, we've been getting clobbered since around noon.  I've got at least 2 inches on my deck, and it's coming down in angry little flakes, thus spoiling my plans to head to Lord and Taylor to return one of the 2 pair of brown leather gloves I received (both cashmere lined!) and exchange the black velour Michael Kors zippie for a bigger size (ahem)  Plus, I got these awesome new Uggs with a button (NO idea...I asked for a pair of the short black Uggs to wear with leggings and this is what I got...but they are adorable!)  and I had the cutest outfit planned to wear with them today, and that got snowed out, as well as the company that we had coming tonight *sad face*


Good thing we've got lots of leftovers from yesterday!!


So, I'm going to cozy up and work on my fic, as well as maybe catching up on the ones I'm reading that I've fallen behind on thanks to the busy 2 month's I've had!


What are you planning on doing this cold and wintery day?

Make sure you bundle up!


Musical Connections

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 12:25 PM

Are there songs you hear and they immediately remind you of a fic you have either read or you're busy reading? Are there fics you read that remind you of a certain song? Tell us the song and the story! Don't forget to include the story links! 


I've Been Nook(ed)

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 12:22 PM

So, I have recieved the Nook for christmas. I've been playing with it all morning and now I'm starting to add Fanfics to it. I have about six that I really wanted on there which surprises me since I read fanfiction like it's a religion.

My question is what Fanfics do you have on your nook? Tell me the ones that you read over and over again.


mo kagen

Surprise ffn updates

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 10:05 AM

Hope everyone is having a great day after Christmas!

Did you take time out from family yesterday to read any updates?

Were there any surprises in your inbox / list on Christmas morning (afternoon or evening)?  Share what you read!

In case you spent the day away from ffn with your RL family:  here are a couple of the updates

The Harder They Fall    by Ironic Twist

First & Ten    by Nolebucgrl

Clockwork      by Derdriu oFaolain

Bear Valley Ranch Christmas 1909    by Lady Gwynedd


but what -o- what did I find in my ADF Christmas stocking on Boxing Day? !?!?!?!?

from VIP itzmegan73    

The Tutor   Ch 35 Outtake  Eight Years, Eight Months Later

The Tutor

The Offspring

No Real Reason For This Campfire

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 4:20 AM

There really was no reason for this campfire, except I wanted to show off my new avi.



Can anyone guess who it is????


P.S.- I'm having a better day. Thank you for cheering me up yesterday.


arms arms arms arms...

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 4:09 AM

Happy Boxing Day (day after Christmas):

and to make this interactive:

What part of your man's body do you like the best?

If you haven't got a man at this moment in your life, what part of Rob's /Alex's /Jared's /David's /Jackson's /insert hottie's name here's body do you like the best?


Outtake courtesy of Pattinsonlife.  My answer in the comments.


Show us your Edward Boobies!!

Sunday December 26, 2010 at 3:16 AM

Ok so I got an Eclipse Edward for Christmas from my 17 year old son and because the wonderful Idpatthat does it on twitter I decided to take a photo of him in my cleavage!

Here is mine, taken Christmas Day with my pretty red dress. If you have one, go on take a photo and post it. 


Wanna Help Me Spend Some $$??

Saturday December 25, 2010 at 10:52 PM

So maybe I'm addicted to my iphone.  I ended up with $75 in iTunes GCs for Christmas from different family members.  What should I spend it on?  I plan to download Eclipse (I already have the digital downloads of Twilight and New Moon). 

What else should I get?

Some of the apps I use the most are Google, E! online, Twitter, FB, Weather Channel, IMDb, Flixter/Fandango, Redbox, Shazam, Flashlight, local news and radio.  I don't play much games (WWF, movie trivia, Twilight trivia) but the kids have quite a few on there.   I read bunches of ff on my phone and love to listen to the Fic Pushin podcasts.  I thought about getting the All Recipes pro app, Star Walk and Goober's Lab.  What other apps do you like?

Music? I like pretty much anything but tend to download top 40 (don't judge - I have tweens).  What am I missing?

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!

Fluent in Sarcasm


Saturday December 25, 2010 at 4:33 PM






Twelve celebrities.Twelve fans.Twelve houses.Twelve weeks.One million dollars.That line grabs Bella Swan's attention from the first moment she reads it.The tag line to the most anticipated show of the year,I Want To Marry A Celebrity!Full summary inside.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 15 - Words: 120,031 - Reviews: 441 - Updated: 12-25-10 - Published: 8-21-10 - Edward & Bella


New Years Eve Plans?

Saturday December 25, 2010 at 4:19 PM

Hey everyone! Hope ya'll are having a very Merry Christmas, and/or Happy Holiday!

I know New Years Eve is still a week away, but it's on my mind at the moment. One of my besties and I are looking for hotels in New Orleans that aren't crazy expensive...we really waited too late, and now I fear we'll have to pay the piper *cough*overpriced hotel chain*cough*!!

Anyway, just wondering what everyone else is doing for New Years? Big plans to go out and party, or a quiet night at home with Dick Clark? I'm starting to think the latter is sounding better and better lol! And I can't help but wonder what our twilight people are up to...perhaps table dancing for Rob? *crosses fingers*



A few pretties! The rob pics, I love for some reason! The shirt is what I'm sure he wants to say to everyone, and damn him, he makes smoking look hot (even though it's gross!) :


it's nearly time!

Saturday December 25, 2010 at 10:26 AM


*is pathetically excited* Who else is going to watch? tis in 32 mins! :D 
Come be excited with me!
Update: okay that was freaking amazing! I laughed, i cried and overall loved it.... will no one come and spazz with me?
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