
The Plan

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 4:32 PM

is it sad that i drop everything that i am doing when i get the email that it updated, just to go read it?


(and is it sad that i am totally obsessed with this fic?)


By Age Group

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 3:12 PM

I didn’t read much when I was younger and I don’t have any kids in my family so I have no clue as to what is age appropriate. I have to set up some book displays at work and need some guidance.

What do you read to toddlers? Do you read to toddlers?

What do boys read in the following ages? What about girls?
Elementary (preschool-5th grade)
Junior high (6-8)
High School

What do college/adult men read?

I’m not only looking for fun reading I am also looking for School/tutoring books that you might find in a kids room, journals, assigned school reading.

All I can come up with is Harry Potter, Twilight and Black Dagger Brotherhood.
Side question: Are there any books out there similar to BDB?

The only book I can remember having to read before high school was The Outsiders and the word bosom is there somewhere. One kid looked it up in the dictionary and I remember lots of giggles and a blushing teacher.



Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 2:35 PM

Have you been accused of cheating? How did you react? What did you say?

Give me your opinion on what I should say or do.(RANGER EDIT: we put your personal situation in the comments)

I have no idea what to say to him.



Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 12:04 PM


Hi so I am new to this website and I have like no clue how it works :P 

I am a fanfiction writer and I am looking to learn the ropes and stuff. 


prettiest girl in 2010

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 10:53 AM


I miss KStew Tuesdays, so how about one final campfire in 2010?


She giggled, she bitchfaced, she flipped everyone off, she showed a journalist a picture and everyone went nuts, she went on road trips, she worked extremely hard, she hung out with a boy named tom, and a prettier one who stares at her with the silliest smile. Did I mentioned that she giggled a lot?

Come show me your favorite pictures and looks. Share your favorite quotes and interviews. Play, fight, argue, kiss and make up. Have fun.


Oh, his discomfort pleases me greatly.

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 7:34 AM

Mr. Cullen is a stickler for professional attire in The Plan (yes, I'm obsessed, sorry about that all y'all).

What I'm wearing today qualifies for uber-professional-for anyone but Mr. Cullen.

What are you wearing today?  Would Mr. Cullen approve?

My outfit in comments.



Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 6:56 AM

Err... okay, so I just watched The Nightmare Before Christmas on TV. I've never seen it before, never really felt the urge to either, but I have a massive total of 4 TV Channels, and it was that or Bargain Hunt. K. So I watched it. And it creeped me out. And I'm like "How do people like this?"

Because people love this movie right? Like, they actually get tattoos, write songs and stuff from it. And I just don't get it.

So, I figure this would be one of the best places to come and just ask the question:


Just make this a Nightmare Before Christmas appreciation campfire. Because then I'll come home from work later and you'll have all explained to me why it's amazing - and maybe, maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'll get it.



Christmas dinner ideas...

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 2:20 AM

So, here's the stitch.


We don't have the traditional Christmas dinners.  One year it was Chinese, then Mexican, then somewhat Italian.  I'm drawing a blank as to what to have this year.  We thought, perhaps a BBQ, but that is something we do a lot of during the summer.


Any ideas are welcomed and I'll let you know which we run with.




Nook or Kindle?

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 12:32 AM

What can I say?  I'm lazy.

I know there's at least one campfire that addresses this, but I couldn't find it with the search feature and like I said, I'm just lazy.

What I really want to know is which of these is better for downloading fics?  I want to be able to easily read books and fanfiction on one little device!  I've read enough about both of them to know that essentially, they are pretty equal.

Another concern I have is the rumor of Barnes and Noble bankruptcy.  Anyone know the story on that?  How it might affect Nook owners?

FYT  (I love this pic of Rob--this is my FF Edward, right here.......::sighs::)


Happy Birthday Monkey Man!

Monday December 20, 2010 at 11:14 PM






Today is a special day, in fact its an epic day, it is a day that should be celebrated with much bacchanalia and revelry and monkey business because it is the day that one of my favorite people turns 26!

Now many of you new folk only know him as this fellow below....

But my Darlin Young Jackson is so much more than just 'Jasper"....


He is one of the most accomplished musicians on the scene, playing more instruments than I can find space to name. He is a song writer, singer, actor, producer, screenwriter and has his own production company. This human dynamo is beyond amazing and is also a top notch human being. I had the pleasure of meeting him when he took a picture with my small daughter, and I wont hear a bad word against him.

He is part of an up and coming band that has a rapidly growing following of rabid fans, and the 100 Monkeys were recently named by Rolling Stone as one of the top 5 breakout bands to watch. 


He is a consummate showman that is a  JOYGASM to watch. 
Come share your best porn and stories of love and monkey man madness and celebrate the love of all things Rathbone!!!!

Eclipse Rifftrax

Monday December 20, 2010 at 9:35 PM

What I'm doing's amazing.

Jake: Sam imprinted on Emily

Bella: Do I even want to know what that is

Rifftrax: Nah, it's implausible and boring, we should just switch scenes.


Jake: Look Bella, I'm sorry...

Rifftrax: About the sexual assault. (They say that a's quite amusing)


Carlisle: They must be playing with the blind spot of your vision

Rifftrax: It's really too bad they can evidently do that.


Then of course there's the Rosalie scene...which I won't be repeating....


.....Soooo, I'm watching Eclipse rifftrax. My fiance and best friend Pat tolerate my obsession because of this...they're amazing. I don't think they comprehend how they watch this movie more than I would on my own if it wasn't for them loving the rifftrax.

Anyone else buy these to watch them? Seen them yet? Watch them for other movies? Any favorite parts?

We watched Titanic rifftrax last week....they were freaking amazing.


oh my gawd

Monday December 20, 2010 at 9:08 PM




If you haven't read the newest update of The Plan, go read it.  Now.


challenge your creativity, forest-style

Monday December 20, 2010 at 8:11 PM

Snow Text -

 Christmas Comments -

up for grabs today: a $50 itunes card!

 this one's simple but not easy.  you know your rangers, the maintainers of this website, right?  they are:

wtvoc (withthevampsofcourse)










so... time to get creative.  we want you to amuse us by rearranging the letters in all of our names to spell out something funny.  

but wtvoc, you argue.  that isn't enough letters!

well, chickens.  that's why this one's a creativity contest.  rules:

-one entry per person; the first entry will be the one we count.

-rangers are not eligible to win.

-if you won a previous forest contest, you are ineligible.  don't be greedy.

-you may only use the letters found in the names of your rangers as listed in black above; i've included what "wtvoc" stands for to cut you all a break.  you're welcome.

-entries can be in any form.  a sentence, a phrase, an acrostic poem, whatever.  you may add punctuation and capitalization as you see fit, just no extra letters or numbers.

-entries do not have to use ALL of the letters and numbers; they simply can only have as many letters and numbers as there are in our names.  for example, you could make your entry  "Poo town!" and it would be eligible.  i never said that it would win, but it's allowed.

-we will be checking every letter in your entry to make sure you didn't try to sneak an extra "e" by us.  (there are 10 "e"s, i just counted)(and i got corrected, so thank you for catching that, basiacullen lol).

-we will be judging based on creativity as well as hilarity.

-use this campfire to submit your entries, or to make comments/ask questions.

-you have 24 hours from the time this was posted: contest closes at 10:12pm eastern tomorrow.

k, i think i covered it all.  go forth and create.  if you have any questions or i'm way too confusing, feel free to ask in this campfire.

good luck, and have fun!




The Sing Off, anyone?

Monday December 20, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Is anyone watching The Sing Off?

Who's your favorite group? 

Who should win the recording contract and $100,000?

Were you a NoTa or Beelzebubs fan last season?

Are Nicole Scherzinger's comments ridiculous or endearing?

How about Ben Folds? Did you know how involved in the a cappella community he was before this show?

Who's your favorite a cap group aside from The Sing Off?


This is what I do with my life (choir, a cappella groups, music education), and I love how much it's getting spread into mainstream media. Do you do something that's pretty underground that you wish would get more recognition?

ETA: Committed or Street Corner Symphony? (I'm a SCS fan, myself. But they were both amazing.)



Monday December 20, 2010 at 7:06 PM

no, not the movie!!! lol.

just wanted to let people know that there is a total lunar eclipse tonight. yay!

(yes, i'm a total dork like that!)

the whole thing starts at 11:29 pm cst, and the greatest eclipse (total eclipse) is at 2:17 am cst.

i hope that i'm not the only one out there watching this thing...


Whatcha Readin'

Monday December 20, 2010 at 6:55 PM

Here in the Forest we talk a lot about what fics we're reading but now I want to know what books  your reading.

So come on in and tell me what books your currently reading, what books you love,what series you can't get enough of, or who you favorite author is.



Dr. Who

Monday December 20, 2010 at 4:01 PM

Ever since I moved to the UK, I've enjoyed a long-standing Christmas tradition.  Steamed pudding with Brandy sauce?  No.  Crackers?  No. Mince Pies?  Nah.

Great television at Christmastime.

I've never quite understood the guys who schedule British television programmes, during the rest of the year.   They would put Snooker Championship on a major channel during primetime for an entire week.   Chelsea Flower Show gets a week too.  Ka-Razy.

But during Christmas, it's good films and comedy programs all week.

And Christmas day, most of the nation will be watching this:

What will you be doing when all the presents are open, the kids are occupied, and you are slightly inebriated and full of turkey?


Everybody loves some Sarah

Monday December 20, 2010 at 3:10 PM

Today is a special day.

Special, special day. 


Because on this day, the twentieth of December nineteen years ago, a very special camper was born.

Some call her Ssarrahh1.  Others call her Ssssssarrrrrrrrrahhhhhhhh.  But personally, I just like to call her Sarah.

We all love her for different reasons.  Maybe you share her our JKras obsession.  Maybe you come together with her once a week to watch some horror movies.  Perhaps you have a fun time imagining her spreading her happiness and love around the forest with a little apron on.  Maybe you're twitter friends.  No matter your reason, I think we can all agree that Sarah is one special camper that the forest wouldn't be the same without!


So, come in, show your love.

Post some pictures of JKras. (Sarah has a soft spot for a bearded JKras)

Maybe you would like to make her a vocaroo of yourself singing.  Or not.  Maybe just wishing her a happy birthday in your very best creepy voice.  

Talk about how much you don't like Emily Blunt.  If you like her, don't tell her that.

Discuss what your favorite horror film is. 

Or simply come in and say "Happy Birthday!"

Just make Sarah happy, and make this the best birthday ever!  I have made promises I must keep.

(I know GAW already mentioned Sarah's birthday in her campfire...  But Sarah is extra special and deserves an extra special celebratory campfire :D)



Season's Greetings

Monday December 20, 2010 at 3:06 PM

As I don't know how much I have time to "hang around" here this week, I wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all a Very Merry Holiday Season! Thank you for having created such a wonderful place - even for those-of-us-who-mostly-lurk.


P.S. love these lyrics:


 Walkin' Round in Women's Underwear
(sung to the tune of Walking in a Winter Wonderland)

Lacy things - the wife is missin',
Didn't ask - her permission,
I'm wearin' her clothes ,
Her silk pantyhose,
Walkin' round in women's underwear.
In the store - there's a teddy,
Little straps - like spaghetti,
It holds me so tight,
Like handcuffs at night,
Walkin' round in women's underwear.

In the office there's a guy named Melvin,
He pretends that I am Murphy Brown.
He'll say, "Are you ready?" We'll say,"Whoa, Man!"
"Let's wait until our wives are out of town!"

Later on, if you wanna,
We can dress - like Madonna,
Put on some eyeshade,
And join the parade,
Walkin' round in women's underwear!

Lacy things ... Missin',
Didn't ask ... permission,
Wearin' her clothes,
Her silk pantyhose,
Walkin' round in women's underwear,
Walkin' round in women's underwear,
Walkin' round in women's underwear!



Picspam, please!

Monday December 20, 2010 at 2:03 PM

I know I've already started a campfire today, but I'm in need of some new p0rn to motivate me to write. It's not that I'm lacking inspiration, I'm just having trouble putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and taking the words out of my head.

To add to my distress, I've had a shitty day. Snow made public transport difficult, my bike is on its last stretch (only 5 more months, dear trusted rusty contraption, I beg you!) and I'm just plain cranky.

So please, picspam me!

Anything RPattz will do, really. I'm not picky. Also: Jackson Rathbone, Jared Leto, Orlando Bloom... Robsten being cute together works for me, too. Pics, gifs, idc, just spam me!


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