Who has been covered in snow lately? *raises hand*
Yeah, it can be a pain in the ass, especially when the buses won't run and the trains are void of heating, making you arrive at your destination a popsicle - that is, if you're lucky enough to arrive at all...
But on the other hand, it's also very pretty. Don't you remember all the fun you had as a kid, playing in the snow? I for one haven't seen a cover this thick over here since the late 80s. That's not counting the 3ft I stood in on a mountain in Switzerland, because that was on holiday in the spring.
I think we got about 8 inches of snow at the moment and it looks so pretty!!
Here's a pic I took this morning, looking out of my BFF's living room. It's a close up of the tree in her backyard.
I know there was a campfire recently where we could all post pics as options for the new background, but I couldn't find it anymore. And I also think the current background is very very pretty.
But why not share our personal pics of wintery landscapes? To share the joy (and yes, also the pain) and show our snow-deprived fellow-campers the world we live in.