
where you at?

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 2:30 PM



I've noticed the Forest is a bit quiet today, so I am guessing a lot of Campers are out and about: shopping, weekending, baking cookies, etc.


Just check in with me for the hell of it. If you've never posted from your mobile device, now's your time to figure it out!

(by the way, from the G1, you have to hit SOURCE in the comment box in order to type. I then type in html, but if you don't know any html, you can just type in English, and even though the formatting of your phrases will be shit, we'll still get the drift.)

And if you manage to post a pic of whatever you're doing right now, you'll make me EXTRA happy!!

see more from me inside.

Luna StarFire

Ho, Ho, Ho...ohhh RUM!

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 12:16 PM



1. How did you get your user name?

2. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be and why?

3. If you could go back in time and give your younger self advice, what would it be and why?

4. What did you want to be when you were little?

5. What do you order at starbucks?

6. If you could play any musical instrument, which would it be and why? ?

7. What's your favorite thing to do when you're upset??

8. What's your favorite movie??

9. What's one food you can not live without?

10. Would you rather have the superpower to read minds, or the superpower to be invisible?


Waste not Want not.

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 3:11 AM

I love cooking "fun" stuff from time to time, but honestly I'm a crap cook and we usually end getting take out...which inevitably just goes bad in the fridge.

...So, I was wondering, do you guys have any recipes/ideas for leftovers?

Share whatever ideas you have! particular Cinnabuns? My husband got like 8 HUGE ones and they're just sitting in the fridge...


ETA: Low-fat pasta recipes WELCOME!


"The Plan" where are the stalkers?!

Friday December 17, 2010 at 9:08 PM

Ok...since we've exhausted all 140 character on twitter over this fic...let's discuss the epicness of The Plan by QuantumFizzx

Wanna catch up? It will probably only take 30 minutes to read all the short little chappies...



Friday December 17, 2010 at 8:34 PM

Hey guys.

I just started using my twitter again - it's been a LONG time.

Looking for some followers :P

If you follow me - I garentee a follow back :)

Thank youuu so much!

caitlintaylorr is my name.


also - sorry, if i'm volating rules. Wait, it's friday, right? That makes it okay, doesn't it?!? 

I told you it's been a while :(


12 days (give or take) of christmas continues...

Friday December 17, 2010 at 8:18 PM

Christmas Comments - http://www.christmastext.comSnow Text -

your mission, dear campers, should you choose to accept it:

find the ugliest holiday sweater the internet has to offer & post a picture of it in this campfire, but here's the twist: it requires a caption.  the rangers will choose the best one-two combo that makes us laugh the hardest: ugliest effin' sweater of all time, combined with the perfect commentary.

one lucky camper will win a $100 gift card to my favorite store on the planet- sephora!

so, think you got what it takes?  if i could win, my entry would look something like this^^

Gimme the corn cob pipe first so i can bust like a bubble

Compton and Aspen together, know you know you in trouble

Ain't nuthin' but a snow thang, baby

Two loc'ed-out frosties goin' crazy

Different Forest is the website that pays me

Unmeltable, so please don't try to melt me

details: -one sweater and one caption per camper- no sharesies on the sweaters

-we need both sweater and caption.  you forget one, you're out. (again-if you don't have a caption with your sweater-you are disqualified)

-winner will be selected by a jury of your peers the rangers.

-go to the sephora website for an incentive to win

-if you have a question, feel free to ask in this campfire

-campers are encouraged to comment on the submissions

-good luck



And the winner is....

Friday December 17, 2010 at 7:24 PM

This was TOUGH. Really really TOUGH! We cried, we swooned, we gasped and we laughed. I, along with all of the Rangers, want to thank everyone who participated and took time out of their lives to write and put their work out there. We are honored and grateful that you paticipated in our bit of fun.

There are ten more contests to go-one of which will be announced......TONIGHT!

Ok-I am rambling



Foi Pur! We have posted her story in the comments


Congratulations! Come on down and collect your $100 Amazon gift certificate.

Let's all celebrate together!






Friday December 17, 2010 at 7:16 PM

Yeah. We're back. 

Tell us something good. 



Brit Trailer Overload...

Friday December 17, 2010 at 7:14 PM

Christmas came early kids!

Hot on the heels of the WFE trailer, Tom Sturridge has his own movie coming out, WFF- Waiting for Forever in February and it looks goooooood.

What do you think of the trailer? How delish are these Brits and their American accents?

Random aside- watching this trailer made me think of half the fics I've read about Edward/Bella as kids...what do you think????


Thanks to littlesecrettt/littlesecret84 for approving! Will find a hot KStew pic to post to thank you :)


Most thoughtless/passive-aggressive gift?

Friday December 17, 2010 at 6:52 PM

This year, I'm in a position where I have to make all my gifts because I can haz no dinero. There's a school of thought that handmade gifts are more thoughtful and meaningful than something bought, but I freely admit that for a certain couple of people, it's a case of: "Hey, last year I put a lot of thought and money into a nice you-specific gift and basically got handed some old stuff from the closet that you didn't want anymore, and now I have no $$ anyway, so here! Have a strangely-shaped knitted bag in the butt-ugliest color I had in stock."

It's hard to bring this up even with friends because some will say you should be grateful for any gift. Usually I am, and can find uses for almost anything. But I seriously think some people are passive aggressive or just plain rude about gifts sometimes--my father's wife giving me a book on job hunting with a note on how when I wanted to start looking, she'd help me (when I had been aggressively searching for months already and her "advice" was worse than useless) was a prime example.

Start looking, indeed. Kiss my ass.

Anyway, there are plenty of sites where people share "worst gift ever" stories, and a lot of them end up being a case of "your trash would be my treasure" and the gifts were nice, just not the recipients' cup of tea. But what I want to know is, which gifts that you've gotten clearly sent the message that the person a) just didn't care about how you felt, or b) was very likely actively trying to needle you or send a not-so-subtle message?


Look alikes

Friday December 17, 2010 at 6:25 PM

Shinzonx started a campfire about Jacksper looking like Gavin Rossdale. And so I thought we'd have a look alike campfire.

Because I CANNOT get over how much Zac Efron looks like Jared Leto. Like Zac WILL grow to look EXACTLY like that dude in the future. *gasp* I didn't even know who Jared Leto was until I was when did Zac Efron grow up? Where's hot4j--need her opinion here!


How about you guys. Got any look alikes?



Friday December 17, 2010 at 5:40 PM






Friday December 17, 2010 at 5:20 PM

Now that I have your attention.

Hello Characters, 

Today is a good day. I awoke this morning in my childhood bedroom 3000 km away from school and work to the dulcet tones of renovations and roofing. I couldn't even be pissy because I was so excited to be home! Home! I'm so happy! I've come to realize that school, work and finally being of legal age has taken away from the amount of movies that I watch. I barely saw any new movies this year, mostly reverting back to older movies that have been on my "to-watch" list for years.

So, campers, I want to know what you thought of the movie offerings this year. From Hollywood blockbusters to indie introspecs to international movies to the best new documentaries. What was the best? What was the worst? What made you think? What made you cry? What do you wish you'd never seen? What do you plan to watch when you have time?

I have three weeks of time off and I'm back in the middle of nowhere. Gimme some movies peoples. 

This vid is a mash-up of 270 titles from this year. Pretty freakin' amazing if you ask me. 


Allright, I'm walking down to the liquor store and I expect an excellent discussion by the time I get back. 

why hello!!

Friday December 17, 2010 at 4:56 PM

it's Friday night and being the lame person that i am, i'm sitting at home....

so what do i do? search youtube!!

mostly it's music covers but there have been others like this one:


so what are some of your favorite videos?
here is one of the songs that i could listen to over and over:

Well hello there!

Friday December 17, 2010 at 4:25 PM

Well, I'd better introduce myself.

I supposed you should just call me Sheeba, Queen of Taters. It will keep things simple.

I see this is a nice and shady forest.

Everyone looks so friendly. (I don’t get to the forest much. I prefer a drier climate and my nails chip easily. )

Excuse me while I brush the dirt off-When the Mominator called on me, I was in the middle of my mud treatment.

Potatoes are dirty?


Like you’ve never had a mud facial?

Potatoes are lumpy?

Honey, one word: Cellulite-it doesn’t discriminate

There she was, The Mominator, pouring her heart out to me and bemoaning the sad state of Idaho’s economy.

Well! Let me tell you I had the answer for her faster that a potato sprouts in a refrigerator!

I told her I was in the position to help; I am The Queen.

And I know potatoes.

So help stimulate Idaho’s economy, and to soothe the poor Mominator's ills (and she is ill, it's so sad), I am taking time out of my busy queenly schedule to share some interesting facts about my subjects and a recipe or two.

I will be dropping by from time to time.


I look forward to meeting you all.

And remember:

"Without the potato, the balance of European power might never have tilted north."
                                                                       --Michael Pollan


Until next week, my little skin crisps...

Scrooge McDunk

Big Pimpin'

Friday December 17, 2010 at 3:51 PM

I'm here to pimp a new BxE one-shot by MoDunk:

It's a great story, and I'm not just saying that because I'm her beta, sister, and BFF. It follows Bella and Edward on a long - and rough - journey to H.E.A. If you're like me, you'll be hating on this Edward until the end, when you'll fall in love with him.

This is Mo's first story, and she was pretty nervous to post. I'm so proud of her for putting herself out there, and I'm hoping all you campers will give her some dap by checking out her story! With a little encouragement, I'm hoping she'll go forward with the multi-chap fic she's been working on (and gotten me hooked only two chapters in).

Thanks y'all!


Question, Kindle owners!

Friday December 17, 2010 at 2:50 PM

So, I've recently started using Twilight Fic Database to have stories sent to my Kindle and it's been the greatest thing everrr. Yesterday, I decided since I'm one of the last 8 people in the TwiFic world who HASN'T read Emancipation Proclamation, I'd download it to my laptop, convert to Kindle format and read it on the 8 hour drive I have in order to visit my family for Christmas.

But I hit a problem. IT DOESN'T WORK. As I said, I have six or seven fics on my Kindle and they all look and read wonderfully. It's just EP that's all wonky when I open it. 

All that shows up is this...

on each page. There are no written words or anything. This shows up for 14 or so page turns, then that's the end. I've tried sending it to myself like 5 times, but this happens no matter what. I even downloaded a program for my computer where you turn the PDF into kindle format and that didn't work either.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know how to fix it? I'd appreciate your input sooooo very much!


For your time :)


Last Review.

Friday December 17, 2010 at 2:26 PM

I know, it's FFAF and I should have a snazzy title but I'm too lazy to think one up, so no complaining or as we say in Scotland, "Haud yer wheesht".

Time to give me those rec's.  Link me baby.


What was the last fic that you reviewed (feel free to include the review if you like.)

What fic are you NEEDING an update from?


Come in and discuss the stories holding you captive and stealing you from loved ones.


****** Remember there could be spoilers in the thread. ******


Faking It

Friday December 17, 2010 at 1:51 PM

so...I am rereading Spanglemaker9's Faking It for about the umpteenth time and I got to wondering about how many Hollywood relationships are real and how many are faking it.

I think Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were faking it.

Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansen...faking it

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens...fake

Britney and Justin...fake

Who do you think is faking it?


What's Your Favorite...

Friday December 17, 2010 at 1:37 PM

Special Occasion recipe.

I thought that some of you might be looking for something different to try for the hoildays or just because. Maybe even something suitable for a hostess gift or something to take to a last minute party.

I'll share some of mine; feel free to share some of yours. Pretty please.

PS I'm probably going to be a horrible camper for doing this, but I'm pretty much lighting the fire and running. I feel terrible about that. Enjoy the fire!

Now where did I put the tissue paper?

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