
Secret Santas

Monday December 20, 2010 at 1:53 PM

So this weekend I have been surprised with many gifts of unknown origin. Today I got one that I can't figure out where it came from. Sorry for the blurry picture :(

If you sent this, please let me know since I would love to thank you :)

To make this intereactive, What have been some of the best Secret Santa experiences you've had?

approved by Ranger Emibella



Dead Reckoning

Monday December 20, 2010 at 12:41 PM

I'm sure some of you here will be interested to know Charlaine Harris posted the first chapter of the new SVM book to her website today


You can read it here


Lurking Eric thanks you for your time


a special message from the thrifty ranger

Monday December 20, 2010 at 12:20 PM

hi, campers. your uncle wtvoc likes to take care of you, and today that extends to saving you a buck (or eight).

click on this link to print out a coupon that gets you 8 bucks off the eclipse dvd (also the blu-ray). enjoy! i saw it at target yesterday for 15.99, so that makes it 8 bucks. cheap!

also, today is the last day to get shipping by christmas at most internet websites. i happen to know for a fact that sephora is offering free 2-day shipping today, so get your shopping done now!

share your tips and favorite websites for good deals in this campfire.

i like http://www.savingsmania.com (which  is where i found the eclipse coupon)



Monday December 20, 2010 at 11:30 AM

Don't know if there's already been a campfire about this, but I'm just too in awe to not, so;

Today I saw this! And it was AWESOME!

My appreciation for this man sky rocketed!

Seriously, how did I not notice how HOTT he was before?

So basically this is a Burlesque (of all sorts not just the film, cause come on the 'art of tease' is just amazing) and Cam Gigandet appreciation campfire :D


FF Sneak Peek

Monday December 20, 2010 at 10:44 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


What r u wearing?

Monday December 20, 2010 at 10:28 AM

I figured I might as well take advantage of the epic FFA and post something fashion related.  Something you must know, every morning when I get to work, after I check my emails, the first thing I do is check Lainey's gossip site before going to visit my fashion go to's such as Gofugyourself and The Sartorialist.  I love, love fashion.  However, what I love more is seeing the ridiculous outfits that women with money (i.e. actresses/famous people) will wear.  I see their choices and I just shake my head and think, oh honey, you need to fire your stylist or hire a good one.

Example 1:  Nikki Reed.  Why is she always wearing such awful outfits?  Who picks them out for her?  If she has a stylist, can she fire her and hire a new one?


Come on inside and post pics of people who you think need help from the fashion police?


It's Monday?

Monday December 20, 2010 at 9:40 AM

it feels like Sunday to me...but that's because I worked yesterday and I never work on Sundays...


is it just me? or is the internet dead today?

I can't believe Christmas is only 5 days away.  I need to get my butt in gear and SHOP omg.  I'm soo gonna be that loser standing in line at the mall on Dec 24th. LOL


so get in here and wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Instead of the random crap that I normally share with you on Mondays I'd like to do something a little different.  We usually do the fun getting to know you campfires in the evening, but then our Campers on the other side of the planet tend to miss out...so let's do this NOW.  Ok?

Fill in the blanks:

1. The HOLIDAYS do not feel complete to me until ____ .

2. One thing I absolutely LOVE about myself is ____ .

3. If I could change ANYTHING about myself it would be ____ .

4. My middle name is ____ .

5. The last REAL BOOK I read was ____ .

6. The last person I ____ in front of was ____ and we both laughed hysterically.

7. My favorite snack snack/appetizer/hors d'oevre is ____ .

8. The last person I said I LOVE YOU to was ____ .?

bonus question: Bobby Long is amazing because ___ .


Favorites Lists

Monday December 20, 2010 at 8:12 AM

Let's talk ffnet favorites. 

Do you click "add story as a favorite" whenever you read something you enjoy?

Are you uber-discerning? Is adding a fic to your favorite list akin to declaring to the world that it's one of the ultimate best things you've ever read?

Do you have 100 favorites? Five?

Is your favorites list languishing to the point that you haven't added anything in forever and don't really remember what's on it?

Do you use it to display what you enjoy and show people what great taste you have? To get more people to read the fics you like? Both?

Come explain the inner workings of your profile to my curious mind...


Branching Inward

Monday December 20, 2010 at 7:09 AM

Did anyone read the latest chapter of this amazing fic? I loved it, the homecoming was awesome, and the writing was wonderful and emotional as usual. However, I am very distressed by the very last part about Bella promising to remember the tree: "Yes, Edward. I'll remember this." I laughed a little. I didn't know then—I couldn't have known—that this was a promise that would prove to be among the most important of my life. "I'm tired. Let's go home." What was that? Is he sick? Dying? I hope I am reading too much into this, because if something happens to him, I think a part of me would die, too! Does anyone have any less world-ending theories? Happymelt??? A little help here?

BTW, here's the link to the latest chapter: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6372008/13/Branching_Inward


Pretty snow

Monday December 20, 2010 at 5:46 AM

Who has been covered in snow lately? *raises hand*

Yeah, it can be a pain in the ass, especially when the buses won't run and the trains are void of heating, making you arrive at your destination a popsicle - that is, if you're lucky enough to arrive at all...

But on the other hand, it's also very pretty. Don't you remember all the fun you had as a kid, playing in the snow? I for one haven't seen a cover this thick over here since the late 80s. That's not counting the 3ft I stood in on a mountain in Switzerland, because that was on holiday in the spring.

I think we got about 8 inches of snow at the moment and it looks so pretty!!

Here's a pic I took this morning, looking out of my BFF's living room. It's a close up of the tree in her backyard.

I know there was a campfire recently where we could all post pics as options for the new background, but I couldn't find it anymore. And I also think the current background is very very pretty.

But why not share our personal pics of wintery landscapes? To share the joy (and yes, also the pain) and show our snow-deprived fellow-campers the world we live in.


Your Pick...

Monday December 20, 2010 at 5:23 AM

Based on what you guys have been saying regularly about the Black Dagger Brotherhood, I have been reading them. My SIL had them all and has loaned them to me. I'm not finished, matter of fact I'm only half way through them (the 4th, Which I think is good since I only started Wed.) I am in love, they are awesome!

What I want to know is...

Which brother is your favorite?

Mine is Zsadist, and that's without finishing them, I don't think it'll change.

Even with the scar, I think he sounds incredibly sexy. The tattoo's and pircings make him edible. I know he's a little crazy but I like that too. The epi for his book had me awwwing so bad

Also what do you still need to do for Christmas, are you like me and way behind.

I haven't even bought gifts yet. I suck!


Caption me this.

Monday December 20, 2010 at 12:06 AM

So I recently went through a few galleries and saved a ton of Eclipse screencaps for me to use in photo manips. I came across a few funny ones that I'd love to see your captions for. Here's the first one (click for large/full view):

Mine would be... "Why did you take a dump on the carpet again, dog? Who do you think is going to clean that?!"


black swan

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 10:59 PM

i just saw it, and i'm speechless.



you're so stupid, rose!

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 10:40 PM

ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

the rangers have voted, and a winner to the ugliest sweater/caption contest has been chosen!  

it was a close one as some of the entries made the rangers pee their pants/spit on their monitors/vomit a little bit

so, without further ado, the winning entry from...




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"I want you to draw me like one of your French girls, Jack. Wearing this... Wearing only this."

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

CONGRATULATIONS!  and shaddap, 1997 leo


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come forth, silent rogue, and claim thy $100 sephora gift card!

congratulate pulsepoint in this campfire!

new contest details announced tomorrow.... get your thinking caps on...


What's on the Menu?

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 7:33 PM

I love cooking. I love big holiday meals. It goes without saying that I can't wait to cook Christmas dinner! It's kind of ridiculous how much I cook for myself and two kids- one of whom is vegetarian and won't even eat half the stuff I make. My menu this year consists of:

Prime rib roast with au jus

Yorkshire puddings

Broccoli cheese casserole

Deviled eggs

Mashed potatoes

Cranberry salad

Honey and orange glazed carrots

Iced tea

Here's a pic of last year's food (I know the green bean casserole looks a little icky, but it really was good!). My mouth is salivating already.


Now Campers, I want to know what you will be making. Tell me what's on your menu, show me pictures. Cap loves the food porn, trust. DeeLovely and I are going to Vegas together in the spring, and everything we are doing so far revolves around the restaurants we plan to visit. 


The Big SUNDAY Rec Campfire!

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 7:16 PM


If someone said to you....


What stories would you tell them that they can't miss???

Why can't they miss them???

Remember to include a LINK to the story.

I want a huge list of stories campers, and I want stories of ALL TYPES.

For example. I am reading A PLAYER TO BE NAMED LATER by Hmonster4 and HeartofLife and it is 

INCREDIBLE. The writing is flawless, the characters are funny and I just can't wait to see what happens next.

And it's Emmett/Rosalie. :)



Forgive Me . . . Father?

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 4:30 PM

For I don't love you. As a matter of fact, I happen to hate you.

However, I know that this ISN'T the opinion of everyone around here. And I'd like to know and understand why. So this is where to do it!

Sanctuary by Jennyfly

discussion AND debate campfire



That's right. I want you to come in here and talk about, rage over, debate, swoon--whatever this fic made you feel or see or understand--come in here and tell us about it. Tell me what you loved? What you hated? What left an impact? And what fizzled out for you?

But more than that, I want to know from the people who loved it, WHY they did. From the people who loved Father Eddie WHY. Gimme something that might make me see him in a different light. (And it's not just Father Eddie, everything about this fic is up for grabs--yeah Carlisle I'm looking at you.)

ALL opinions are welcomed AND encouraged, and since I'm running the show you can get as vulgar or ragey as you want about it (I know I will!). As long as you RESPECT and don't' attack the amazing, talented, and supportive Jennyfly, or other campers, BRING IT ON. 


Lettuce talk about ANGER

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 4:12 PM

So, I have recently come across this new problem, and it's name is anger. I'm about to lose my boyfriend because I yell and fight with him all the time. It usually happens when I've been drinking, because I loose my filter. In all honesty, he is doing nothing wrong and is an amazing boyfriend. I, for some unknown reason, have decided that he is the newest target of my rage.

I'm horrible at dating, largely insecure and don't trust men for shit. I'm worried that the combination of the three is making something inside me RAGE..... IDEK....

So, my question to you guise is this..... Do you get angry? Now when I mean angry, I mean blind rage. I have a broken hand and a hole in the wall to prove it. So, is there anyone out there like me? And if so, how has it affected your life? How do you deal with it? 

Any suggestions on how to calm the fuck down and feel better about myself would be much appreciated! 



Sunday December 19, 2010 at 3:30 PM

I know wtvoc will be excited for this. I didn't have any idea tha they were releasing a song early! I LOVE IT.

YouTube Me!

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 2:49 PM

There are some HILARIOUS YouTube vids out there. So show me the funny!

I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Here's a little sneak peek at what I think is hysterical:

First --- | >> | 949 | 950 | 951 | 952 | 953 | 954 | 955 | 956 | 957 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
