

Thursday December 23, 2010 at 1:18 PM

Christmas Comments - http://www.christmastext.com


doesn't have to be christmas or anything

just discuss the traditions you and your family have

talk about the ones you love, or the ones you would like to throw out with the fruitcake

for example, every year, we watch the original miracle on 34th street while drinking cocoa and decorating the tree

and in my husband's family, his mom makes homemade pizza for christmas.  lol THAT'S THE BEST ONE, TBH

and then there's my favorite one: shopping the day after christmas at target to replenish my tissue paper, boxes, and candy bowl.

how about you, campers?  let's talk tradition.

the funniest part in one of the best christmas movies of all time (and also jandco's favorite) for your time:


A More...Compact Fic

Thursday December 23, 2010 at 1:07 PM

Sooo, most chapter fics out there are kind of...epic. Which is all fine and dandy. Sometimes you just can't get enough of characters.

...Sometimes, it's nice to read a short fic though. One that tells a specific story and lets it finish without getting a little all over the place.

Certain authors are wonderful at these. Jandco, americnxidiot was, lambcullen....

I just need a few, I should be reading a real book and writing fanfiction so I can't be lost in an epic fic right now. Got any fic recs for a good, short story?

One where Edward isn't a manwhore, please......I won't be too picky since I know there aren't many.


Rec Me Good

Thursday December 23, 2010 at 11:09 AM

Here's the thing... a lot of stories start out very promising, and then, they just fall flat. I have searched high and low, and... nothing. I only want the best of the best...

By that, I mean...

I have a major girl crush all over the likes of WTVOC and JANDCO

There's something about their writing... they are... fantastic. Scotch, Gin & The New Girl is most definitely one of my all time faves, and hot dog, I'm all over Bound for Glory, too. Problem is? They're human beings, and can't give me 15k updates daily...

So, problem is-- I need more.

* High School/College fic preferred

* Love the relationship dynamics in their stories

* Love their Bellas

* Love the whole running away thing in BFG.

* Nothing super angsty or full of cliches, please.

Please, help me out here... I'm sort of all kinds of desperate, people.


I'm Bothered

Thursday December 23, 2010 at 9:45 AM



Disclaimer:  I would never, EVER, start a campfire to diss a story or a writer.  That is NOT my intention here.



The recent mass popularity of a certain fic, has begun to bother the piss out of me.  Not because I don't think the concept is fun and new... not because of "sour grapes" or jealousy... and NOT because I deny anyone the right to like exactly what they like for whatever reasons that they like it. 


I just mean... some fics are like potato chips.  I like chips.  (The size of my ass can clearly show that.)




Potato chips are a great snack.  They're fast and easy and satisfy a quick craving.  I get it. 

I'd just really love a campfire that gives respect to those meatier, more satisfying fics, that take time to prepare, and really give you something to chew over for a while.  Fics that stay with you much longer than a handful of greasy potato chips ever could.





So share with me.  What fics would you qualify as steak???  Prime rib??? 

Luna StarFire


Thursday December 23, 2010 at 7:38 AM

So ladies...who will start the bidding?

I think I've died.


Life changing experiences?

Thursday December 23, 2010 at 6:33 AM

I was gone for 3 weeks at the beginning of the month, working in Kenya at a rural medical clinic. I know you were all heartbroken by my absence. I was totally heartbroken missing all of you. Gotta say, going without internet for 3 weeks was hell but it wasn't the fic that I missed (though I did miss it a bit) - what I missed most was the people. So I want to take this opportunity to say that I love you all and you're what keep me in the fandom.

Now that the sappy stuff is out of the way, let's get on with the real reason I started this campfire. Being in Kenya was a life changing experience for me and I had a revelation of sorts. Everyone I met, both Kenyans and Americans, seemed so sure of the path they were on and none really seemed to be drifting aimlessly, the way I sometimes felt. I realized I've been staying on the sidelines in my own life far too much and it's time for action. I now know that I need a purpose, something to aim for above "good enough". Still working on my plan for exactly what I'm going to do and how I'm going to accomplish it, but now that it's been started, I know there's no way things will go back to the way they were. The trip really helped me to realize that I need to take the reins in my own life.

Here's the interactive part:
Have you ever had an experience that you knew was going to change the course of your life? Was it a trip or a person or something else entirely? Tell me about your life changing experiences, things that helped you grow as a person. Or tell me if you're still waiting for it to happen.

Also, catch me up with what's being going on in the fandom. I've been gone since Thanksgiving so I'm sure I missed a lot with everyone!



Anyone get really into a book...

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 11:35 PM

Anyone get really into a book to be totally weirded out by the end? I just  got done reading "The City of Bones" The Mortal Instrument series, and I was totally diggin' it now I'm not sure...




U.S. road trip

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 6:20 PM

um.  yeah.  so this is my first campfire...  *waves meekly*  couldn't think of a clever title...

hi!  i'm bellsielle aka linda.  i lack social grace.  just a random FYI.

there is a very real possibility i will be taking a very long U.S. road trip in the next year or so.  (the 48 contiguous states and maybe some canadian border hopping)


what state are you in?  let me know of a place in your state that is an absolute must-see - i love museums, curiosities, monuments, and anything absolutely stunning in nature is great.  historic towns?  absolutely.  giant balls of twine?  sure.  quality flea markets and unesco world heritage sites?  hells and yeah.

just give me ideas.

oh!  and also restaurant recs - i'm pretty low-key.  i like dives.  i love sawdust on floors.  i'm not vegan.  i'm not taking anything fancier than jeans and black v-necks with me.

so let me know!  THANKS!


ETA:  you all are just so freakin' awesome for offering up all this info!  j/s.

i really appreciate it....  and keep it coming!


Well La Di Da

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 5:51 PM

So, I've been forced to start a karaoke campfire :p We haven't done it in a while huh? I know you all miss it.

No theme, sing what you wish, lets hear your wonderful voices :)

Here is Vocaroo, remember to include the link my lovlies.



Heart Fail

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 5:41 PM

So, I'm popping my campfire cherry here tonight. After an absolutely epic fail (do people still stay that?) of a day, I just found out that the guy who I've crushed on for at least 3 years is engaged. I am currrently sipping a Vodka Tonic and am in need of a good cry. So send me your best Heart Fail fics. Thanks!!!


What are you doing... right now.

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 10:45 AM

Me? I'm sat here with a bag on my head waiting for my hair dye to finish... doing whatever it is hair dye does on your head.

I'm also contemplating how his hands are possibly this big:

And is it wrong that I find this strangely attractive:


So what are you doing on this fine Tuesday WEDNESDAY Evening?

Here in the UK most colleges kicked out today right?

Are you counting down to Christmas?

Wishing it was over and done with?

Or are you making like a lazy bum and doing nothing constructive with your day?

I want to know: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?


ETA: Working over Christmas has my brain all confused.



Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 10:43 AM


 HO HO HO You Humpday Hoes!  It’s time for the:

In the spirit of the holidays, let’s give gifts to our favorite fan-fic characters. Don’t tell us the fic you are thinking of, but tell us the character, and tell us the gift you want to give them. The gift can be something that character needs, something they would love, or something they have lots of and would like more of. Everyone else will try and guess which fic the character’s from!

1. State character name
2. Describe or post a picture of the gift you’d give them
3. Optional: state why you’d give them the gift – this can include additional clues to the fic (but don’t give away the title).

Example 1:
I gift Bella Swan a new blackberry, because Bob was smashed to smithereens and Fred is not an adequate replacement.

(Answer: How My Life Was Ruined in 14 Days)

Example 2:
I would gift Edward Cullen and Bella Swan (A Couple Gift) a subscription to some honey of the month club. Why? Because I want to see them use it dammit!

(Answer: Branching Inward)

As always, special thanks to Capricorn75 for tolerating my Wed. morning PMs! 

AND MYSTERY STICKING RANGER:  Whoever you are, I lurve you...  A LOT!

My first entry's inside.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 7:39 AM

OK, I know I basically sucked at posting this the last two weeks, but here I am!









Since it's the holidays, I'm posting some of my fave holiday fan videos.  One is a Twilight vid and the others are not even really fan videos at all, but they are SUPER ADORBS AND YOU WILL LOOOOVE THEM.  (<- This is me telling you that you HAVE to watch them.  They will bring a smile to your face). :D


JibJab Cullen Elf Dance! by bilahx3




"Animals of YouTube sing "Jingle Bells"" by klaatu42


"Animals of YouTube sing "Deck the Halls"" by klaatu42




What's The Weather Like?

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 6:07 AM

So I'm bored, waiting for Rob (partner) to come get me and take me sledging with our mates we haven't seen in 3 months :D

And it's SNOWING! look!

So what's the weather like where you are?

Pictures :D

Is it sunny? Or snowy like here?

Is the weather playing into your plans? Mine is obviously, can't go sledging without snow lol


Your Movie

Wednesday December 22, 2010 at 1:23 AM

The movie about your life has just finished playing and the credits are rolling... 


Which song is playing?

Is it a happily ever after? Is it a cliffy? 

Who plays you? 

What about the cast and crew?  Who are they and what did they do?


Couple of quick things..

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 11:24 PM

1. If you figure out who and what I am on Twitter, please pm me to let me know you sent a request and your twitter name; I am too much of a weenie to have unprotected tweets.  (Yes, I AM lame, thankyouverymuch)


2. At the request of my twife, I opened the package she sent us for Christmas tonight; It was full of awesomeness.  She introduced me to the wonderful world of the Ohio State  Buckeyes. I thought it would be cute to add the little hat to my avatar. She noticed.  I just got this:



I am so happy to be a part of something like ADF where people an be appreciated just for being themselves, and that people really notice the little things about you.


So what or who in the forest has

 touched your heart lately?


Favorite/Least Favorite Christmas songs

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 8:41 PM

Everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Christmas music almost as much as I love Christmas. Heck, if you know me well, you probably are privy to some pretty amazing Christmas songs to boot.

So I want this to be an epic Christmas Music discussion thread.

What song is your very favorite Christmas song?

Mine is "White Christmas".. It has Bing (omg, I think he was the first man I ever loved- and it was as the priest in Bells of St. Mary's. Don't judge)

But, anyway, on point... WHITE CHRISTMAS. It is beautiful, it is the reason that we actually WANT the white stuff falling from the sky and it is traditional without being preachy (as a side note, O Holy Night is my favorite preachy song) but I digress, my favorite Christmas song from the movie Holiday Inn....


Now, for my worst Christmas song. There are so many that are horrific but the one that is actually POPULAR and drives me CRAZY is "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree".  . it literally drives me insane. I almost broke pandora the other day giving it the thumbs down. It has nothing to do with Christmas, it has a grating singer and it is on ALL OF THE TIME. 
Here, if you must torture yourself....
Oh Brenda Lee, how I hate your voice. 
So now tell me and show me YOUR favorite Christmas songs or just come in and try to sell me on some crap-ola. 
BTW, my annoying list is a mile long and includes anything by Mariah Carrey so DON'T GO THERE.

ADF 12 Day Contest Time!

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 8:37 PM

And now for something different...

This time around, YOU are the Christmas Givers. Tis the season, darlings, and the user-generated Forest is giving YOU the chance to be the gift giver. Let us know which fandom member you think should win this next contest.

Here’s how this will go:

*Come in and nominate YOUR FANDOM FRIEND whom you think should win this round by providing THREE COMPELLING REASONS why s/he deserves to win.
*Or second someone's nomination by VOTING in favor of the nominee with THREE ORIGINAL REASONS OF YOUR OWN FOR THAT PERSON TO WIN.
*You may only vote or nominate ONCE. If you nominate someone, that's your VOTE. If you vote in favor of a nomination, you may not later NOMINATE someone new.
You can only nominate ONCE. Others may VOTE IN FAVOR of your nomination by supporting it with THREE REASONS OF THEIR OWN FOR THAT PERSON TO WIN. Or others may come along and nominate someone new with three reasons in favor of the new nominee.
You got that?
*Whether it's a nomination or a vote, you need to provide THREE GOOD REASONS for that nominee to win because the winner will be choses based on two criteria: number of votes and persuasiveness of testimonials.

For example:

*Remember, you can only vote/nominate once.
*The winner will ultimately be picked by Rangers based on quality and quantity of nominations and votes, so do your pick justice and tell us how awesome they are and why they deserve to win. Share how amazing your friend is. And heck, that’s a lovely gift all by itself!
Please, if you are nominated, just accept the fact that you are wonderful and check the self deprecation at the Forest door.
*You MAY NOT nominate yourself, no matter how wonderful you are.
Rangers may not nominate, vote, or win, so don't nominate a ranger.
*If the Rangers monitoring the contest see a violation (failure to give 3 reasons, sucky reasons given, duplicate reasons, etc) they will mark the violation "DISQUALIFIED" and the camper has ONE CHANCE to make a NEW ENTRY that meets the terms of the contest. There's NO THIRD STRIKE. This Campfire will be monitored and screen-grabbed regularly in order to make sure comments are not edited after submission.

Come on in and nominate or vote for whomever deserves this gift… It is, after all, the giving season.

The winner will receive a  jandco  FLIPVideo Camera, so when you get together with your winning friend, you can document the moment!

Now...go forth and be warm hearted and get all mushy and tell us about your amazing fandom friends.

Questions: As questions about this contest arise, we will log them here

Q: Does the nominee have to be a Camper?
No, but S/he DOES have to be a active fandom participant, verifiable by checking ff.net account, twitter account, etc. And WINNER must register at ADF in order to claim prize.

Q: Can we campaign on Twitter and stuff?
Of course.

Q: Why is there a "DISQUALIFIED" banner added to my nomination/vote?
As Rangers monitor this Campfire, we WILL make note of NOMINATIONS or VOTES that fail to meet the guidelines. If your nomination/vote is caught lacking (you nominated yourself, your nominee is not involved in the Twilight fandom, you've nominated/voted more than once, you didn't list THREE REASONS in your nomination/vote, you copied previous THREE REASONS about the same nominee), you may try ONCE MORE, but there is no third chance.

Q: If the "NOMINATION" is disqualified, what happens to the VOTES that come after it?
Just because the nominating camper is a bonehead who doesn't follow the rules correctly, the subsequent Campers who wish to back that nominee won't face any red tape over it. See the sample entry showing a sub-par NOMINATION with excellent VOTES following it. The original nominator can save face by coming back and taking a second shot at THREE COMPELLING REASONS.





Hair Care?

Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 7:32 PM

Hey Ladies, I just wanted some opinions on what are the best Shampoo's and Conditioners out there or that you've personally used. I was recommended Dove shampoo and Conditioner heat therapy and by the next day I had such dry hair and my scalp was so dry I have never experienced that before. For the last 2 years I've been using African Black Soap as a shampoo or I would do a pre-poo(you know wash your hair with conditioner) but Its so expensive to keep buying that black soap and takes forever to get here in the mail. So anyway if you could just tell me what works best for you I'd greatly appreciate it. Or what you use to deep condition your hair. I have one of those old school pop up dryers that twists up and you sit under it but I'm not sure if its recommended to use those anymore. Also how often do you wash your hair? Don't answer if its too personal. Also have any of you used egg in your hair before?



Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 6:44 PM

So, I remember reading this story. It was called "Yes, For Forever". I can't remember who wrote it, but it was very well-written, and it was saved to my favorites on fanfiction.net. But, I can't find it. The story was about how Edward and Bella got married, her changed her, and all that jazz. It was written a couple of years ago. If anyone can find it or let me know what happened to it, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Happy Holidays!

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