mo kagen

Is it real, or is it Memorex?

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 2:07 PM


The lovely picture below just popped up on my wallpaper

( I like random pics of the pretteh )

And I have always wondered.... Is this a real photo shoot picture of Rob, or a photoshop of Rob?

I don't think our Rob is that muscular, and the hands seem wrong to me...


Interactive :  

Post your favorite manips!  or man-nips!


You HAVE to read this!!!

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 11:07 AM

It's really long so I'll  put the actual story in the comments, but here's the link|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk5|32286

This is one of the most beautiful, saddest, sweetest, heart wrenching thing I've read. It's a news story about a young girl diagnosed with  ALS (LouGehrig's disease) and how she and her boyfriend deal with it.

I have been crying for about 15 minutes.


FML: Bitchalong.

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 10:48 AM

Yeah, I just had my first half of my frst of THREE impending root canals and I feel gross, grim, disgusted, nauseaus [I can't even try and check my spelling there]. My mouth tasts like Deep Heat/Icy cold. My head is pounding. Oh and the novelty of having half my face numbed has begun to wear off -although the numbing hasn't....I HAD TWO INJECTIONS TO  GET NUMBED...

I'm millions of miles away from my Mommy and this dumb ol' desert...

Also my cable died. It will not be fixed for DAYS.

So, tell me what's got your knicker in a twist? I'll be continuing my incessant bitching inside.

If you're not a Grinch like myself, please rec me some inspiration ExB fic...angst is cool, so long as there's a HEA [lemons encouraged]...except, it can't be on Fanfiction.


That's right, I can't even go to FF and just BROWSE.

So, let's bitch/moan/whinge together?

[I just want some Fics/TLC PLEASE.]


Dear Santa

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 10:35 AM

This year I've been very good and would like it if you would get me:

A Kindle, per favore.

A giant tub of jelly beans, sil vous plait.

Jimmy Carr DVD, if you please.

Beauty and the Beast on DVD, please.

An adult version of this, if at all possible:


Lots of love,




What's on your wishlist this year?

Don't you miss the days when writing to Santa consisted of super cool toys and kerplunk?

Majesta Moniet

Name that fic

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 10:28 AM

So I was just bobbing along the other day when  a Twific concept jumped into my head (not a rare occurrence). So I told the concept to someone on Twitter, and she was like, "Yeah, I think there's a fic about that." But she couldn't remember the name, and I want to check this story out.

So does anyone know of a story about Bella coming to Forks and meeting Edward Cullen, who only THINKS he's a vampire (even though he's not)?  Maybe there are multiple ones in existence. Maybe it's a story everyone and their mother has read, and I'm just slow. idk. But any titles you could throw my way would be wonderful. I'm sorta hoping for some funny.


I am so HAPPY!!!

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 9:16 AM

Kalejay just posted her final chapter!!! 




Congratulations, bb.  I'm so proud of you!!!  OXOX


Winners to the Musical Cues O/S Contest!!

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 8:50 AM


rangerly informations and reminders

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 7:44 AM


that's right, chickens.  so make with the campfires!

we'll be announcing the winner of the ugly sweater contest and winner of the 100 USD sephora gift card later on today.

stay tuned for the next contest with fabulous prizes!

now.  i'm up at a terrifically early hour on this rainy sunday because i'm going shopping.  D: D: D:  long story short: i'm done with my christmas shopping.  my mother is not and needs help buying her grandchildren clothes.  sigh

what're you up to today?

some hilarity fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

there's a joke about dumbledore putting a ring on it somewhere in there


Original Fiction

Sunday December 19, 2010 at 4:33 AM

So I'm bored, in my snow covered house, trying to write an article on the use of phenytoin during pregnancy, as you can tell it's not going well.

What I want to know, as the people in this forest are so very talented, is do you write original fiction?

If so do you post it anywhere? Fictionpress? Wordpress? On your own blog? Livejournal?

What stories do you write if you do post it, and give us links and pimp like it's going out of fashion.

Are you published? If so how did you do it? Lets have a bit of an advice thing going

Did you take part in NaNoWriMo and write Original fiction, if so are planning to publish it?

I just want to know about all you talented writers out there, and hope you can cure my boredom :)

Mine'll be in the comments.

ALSO! Self Publishing? using Creatspace or amazons Direct Text publishing, or Lulu, or do you think of these? Are they any good, or is it just one massive waste of time?


Interview Questions

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 11:18 PM

So, I am not feeling very Christmas-y this year.  So instead of shopping or baking or like, I put together a desk while watching episode after episode of Inside the Actors Studio.  And James Lipton is always so pretentious it is fantastic!  This is such a good show, and the questions at the end are always my favorite part.

So, I thought in order to not be so stalkerish and get to know you lovely ladies I would ask you how you would answer James Liptons interview questions.

Here they are:

1. What is your favorite word?

2. What is your least favorite word?

3. What turns you on?

4. What turns you off?

5. What sound do you love?

6. What sound do you hate?

7. What is your favorite curse word?

8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

9. What profession would you not like to do?

10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?


My answers are inside....come on in and play!



Saturday December 18, 2010 at 10:26 PM

Ok so Struckatthesky now has a Twitter.  BUT she's too shy to say something so..

follow her at




The things I do for my friends.... lol.


EDITED :  If anyone else wants to toss their hat into this ring, (there have been a bazillion Twitter fires already today) Please join in!


Death... inevitable without Dr C

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 9:27 PM

I need to feel the love, peeps. I've had a shitty week.

We had a death in the family last Monday and it has bought out the best and the worst in everyone. Unfortunately, in my family, there is more of the latter to go around. I've had to see people I cut out of my life a long time ago and am feeling a particular brand of crap. I don't think I've even started to grieve my Uncle yet.

With Christmas coming up, it is just making everything feel worse.

Please, post something to cheer me up? Give me your best pics of the Twi cast on set, inbetween takes. I do love that. I stalk Rob like that.


♫ 15 Random Songs ♫

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 8:53 PM

i'm bored.

and procrastinating. 

Go to your ipod/itunes/zune/whatever and shuffle your songs and give me the first 15 that come up.

no cheating. idc if it's a horribly embarrassing song. 


omg...i'm totally fishing for new songs to DL

I'll start. 

1. The Impression That I Get - Mighty Mighty Bosstones

2. Geek Stink Breath - Green Day

3. Silhouettes - Smile Empty Soul 

4. Dance, Dance - Fall Out Boy

5. Like a Knife - Secondhand Serenade

6. It's Not Your Fault - New Found Glory

7. Picture - Kid Rock & Sheryl Crow

8. Tighten Up - The Black Keys

9. Little Smirk - Theory of a Deadman

10. She's Crafty - Beastie Boys

11. Blue Orchid - White Stripes 

12. All or Nothing - Theory of a Deadman

13. Time Bomb - Rancid

14. My Immortal - Evanescence

15. 6th Avenue Heartache - The Wallflowers

lol there are at least two songs on there that i consider slightly embarrassing.

your turn!



Saturday December 18, 2010 at 6:54 PM

Why yes!


This time, I'd like to do some happehs.

I wanna see your Christmas tree. (if you celebrate) 

Pretty tree pictures are an acceptable substitute.



 Here's ours.(Note the elf under the tree)


The Offspring

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 6:29 PM

My sweet  eldest child informed me that she is lonely on Twitter. O_o

I replied that if she actually used it once in awhle she'd prolly see more going on.

The Midget asked "Tinkerbell's wings twitter. Is she on the internet?"


So, campers, you can follow The Offspring if you so choose.



Carry On.


Not really a post...

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 5:42 PM

I just wanted to say..

I love my husband, I love the fire he has going for me, and I love that I have all of you.

I am in the holiday spirit!

Thanks to all of you at ADF that I enjoy...

What are YOU enjoing this evening?


I have no words

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 5:09 PM

One of my besties was searching the net for unique cook books.

I am...omg  

 (It's inside)


What is the most bizarre (and real) cook book you've found?



Edited to add:  The content is disturbing. Don't click the link if you are eating something, ok?



The Shining

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 4:25 PM

Today we are having a very special presentation of The Shining in honor of the Sar in Sarla aka Sarah (ssarrahha1) birthday! (her actual birthday isn't until Dec. 20 so make sure to send her some bday wishes!)

Come join me in watching Sarah's favorite horror movie and one of the most iconic horror movies of all time!

I'll be hosting the watchalong on gchat 7 PM Eastern time (which is about 30 minutes from now) and the movie should be over around 9-ish.
*You can PM us your email to make sure you join us in the conversations, or to ask for links!
However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.
Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!
GAW for the permission :D




Saturday December 18, 2010 at 3:40 PM


I'm in need of a beta! I don't think i suck so much, but if you disagree i'd gladly hear it. Well, not gladly, but i wouldn't cry. Much.

Anyway, you can check out the first 12 chapters of my story, they're already beta'ed and posted. It's just that i took a reeeeeaaaally long time to upate this time and my previous (awesome) beta had too much on her plate, so now i'm beta'less.

You should know that english is not my first language but i've been studying English Literature for three years now at the university and i try my hardest. I accept all kinds of criticism and do not get offended. Unless you call me names.

Thank you :)

It's an Edward/Bella, All human, M rated story!


The Plan

Saturday December 18, 2010 at 2:51 PM

9 min

First --- | >> | 950 | 951 | 952 | 953 | 954 | 955 | 956 | 957 | 958 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
