I've always been curious about this. I'm not a slash reader, male or female but the very real lack of femme slash in the fandom has always puzzled me because the interest in male slash, especially Edward and Jasper seems REALLY high.
So the curiousity has finally bubbled over by seeing a femme slash contest. I don't think I've EVER seen one yet there seems to be quite a few wolf slash or vamp slash, or AH slash contests around.
1. Why do you prefer male slash?
It it similar to the perception that women tend to be being more turned on by gay male porn over lesbian porn? Thus, male slash over femme slash?
2. Do people just really dislike Bella, Esme, Rose and Alice that much to where they don't feel the need to pair them together and explore that?
I remember an episode of Twigasm way back (don't remember the author) but whoever it was said something along the lines of them really not liking any of the female characters in the books.
I want to say they said the female characters were weak (but don't quote me on that) because I don't remember but I do remember the author saying they disliked the female characters and that was one of the reasons they wrote male slash. Is that the same for avid slash readers and sometimes writers? Do you agree with that?
3. Did people really see a potential attraction between Edward and Jasper that strongly in the books and that translated into slash?
Edward/Em, Edward/Jacob and Edward/Carlisle is kind of like digging in the bargain DVD bin, you MIGHT find a copy if you dig deep.
4. Does it really come that easy to write one slash over the other?
This one I'm really curious about because I don't think it would be too difficult BUT just based on the body parts I have, I would think femme slash lemons would be easier to write rather than getting into the minds of two males in a little bit of a different type of sexual situation.
5. If you don't read slash, IF you did which would you read - male or femme or both? What would be the reason for one over the other?
ETA: I don't know how interactive I'll be in this because this is more like a survey because I'm just curious on the answers.