
Robert or Jackson?

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 10:00 AM

I know there are many Robert admiirers here.. and I know a lot of you enjoy Jackson. So, I give you the best of both worlds-

This video is crazy hot. You are warned-




Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 9:47 AM


 This Week's Game:  (RE)NAME THAT FIC! 

(suggested by the wonderful, cookie bakin’ and steamin’ hot Jazzy-Cullen)


1.   Post an alternate title to a fic.

2.   Leave guesses for other people's renamed fics.

Maybe someone else has another alternate title? Maybe you'll stump everyone with your mad renaming skillz? Let’s see if a fic by any other name can be just as lemony, angsty, etc. You get the gist?

Example 1:
Fifty Shades        (Answer: Master of the Universe)

Example 2:
The Land of Cookies and Unicorns    
(Answer: Wide Awake)

Special thanks to Capricorn75 for dealing with my PMs first thing Wednesday mornings!

My first entry inside.


How do you relate?

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 8:12 AM

The forest is quiet today so I thought I would try something here...

I want to know who you feel you relate to most in the Twilight Saga books?

Are you in love with shopping and can tell the future? Are you kind of a loner and cook for your dad all the time? Did you fight in the Civil War and really like history?

Tell me who and why your choice is? Feel free to add to this...I hate being bored.


A mother's love

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 9:41 PM

So today was my mom's birthday. She was never one to make a fuss over her birthday. She always put her husband and her children before herself. She was truly the most amazing woman I have ever known.

So fellow campers I want to know about your moms. Is she your best friend? Can you talk to her for hours on the phone even though you will see her the next day? (my mom and I would do this every Thursday night my first year of college.)

I will share a story in the comments.

Also give me your best mom related fics. Because we all know who the real glue to the Cullen clan is.


Thanks to Tor for approval.


Speaking of Vampires...

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 9:40 PM

Someone has something they'd like to say to you:


To Whom It May Concern,

I am a dying breed. My kind is on the verge of extinction and it’s not werewolves or shape-shifters killing us. It’s humans.

Once upon a time my world was full of magic but all of that has changed. Now my world is filled with CEOs, hockey players, horse racers, and numerous other men who are only shadows of what we are. True they often look like us. Maybe they have the same eye color or hair but that is usually the extent of the similarities. They do things we never would. They are unfaithful, callous, or addicted to drink or drugs. They know nothing of love as I have known it but most importantly they are not immortal. They do not know the night and the secrets it hides. They are not slaves to the moon or to a thirst that burns and can never truly be quenched.

Bella will tell you that it is the man in me she loves but I say it is the monster that has made me what I am. Without him I would be a corpse in the ground. Without him I would never have met her. Without him I would not have desired her so strongly, been so perplexed by her, and thereby come to know her and grow to love her as I did.

In the beginning that is the man you fell in love with. It was his journey, my journey that you couldn’t tear your eyes away from. You spent hours upon hours reading about my romance with Bella and all of the dangers we faced at every turn because of what I am. Maybe you wondered if I would kill her. Maybe you wondered if we would end up together. And maybe at the very end you wondered if we’d both perish, unable to surmount the odds placed against us. The important thing is that you stayed. You stayed until the very end. And then you wanted more.

So you made more. You spun stories about me, about my life, the could haves, would haves, and should haves. You wrote about my days as a human, about my early years as a vampire when I was ruled by hunger and anger, and about my time spent with my family and my love. Sometimes you made me braver, sometimes weaker. But always it was my nature that created the conflict and if I may be so bold as to say, you did it far better than my creator.

But no more. I have been put away on a shelf to sit and collect dust. I grow weaker with each passing day, and why? Because of humans. There are so few left that love me as I am that I am becoming less real with each passing moment and soon I fear I will be gone forever.

I want you to remember why you first fell in love with me. I want you to come back to the story of a boy and a girl whose love knew no bounds; to a world of magic waiting just for you. You might think you know the story already but I assure you that you don’t. Not in the hands of the people I’ve seen. There’s so much left to tell, so much that was left out the first time around and each of you has a wonderfully unique voice to tell it in.

To those of you who have been with me from the beginning, the ones who have continued to believe in my kind, I ask you not to give up. And to those of you that have strayed from the path I ask that you come back. Step back into my world where all dreams are possible, where myths are not just written in books, and where legends are very, very real.

I am afraid and that is not something I admit lightly. With the way things are heading…well, it is like I once said to Bella. It will be as if I never existed. And I very much want to exist.

Yours Always,
Edward Cullen 


*approved by wolvesnvamps; more in comment, originally posted in lovelyanddead on LJ


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! (or itunes Giftcard!

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 9:39 PM

We are soooo happy to announce the winner of our background contest!!!

The camper who is FIFTY DOLLARS IN ITUNES RICHER and who has gloriously provided us with the perfect background is...


who submitted this BEAUTIFUL picture 

that is now our background! 

Isn't it PERFECT???

Come inside that beautiful cabin (this campfire) and tell her how wonderful it is and how happy you are for her!!

I am sure there is a fire burning so come inside and I'll make you a s'more. We can have a glass of wine and talk about how happy we are and how wonderful it is to be celebrating the twelve days of Christmas with our amazing forest friends!

Come on down, Grace_Device and claim your prize!


5 Things~

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 8:53 PM

Ok Campers...

It's the Holidays. My Christmas tree is GORGEOUS.  My wine glass is nearly empty.  It's cold outside and I'm cuddled on the couch under a blanket with my hubs....  Sounds like the perfect evening right?

Well, almost.  There are A LOT of you out there that I just don't know. So this is what I want you to do...


But not just any old thing--- I want specifics.  Here's the criteria:

Tell me....

1. your ONE big regret.

2. one great thing about the city/town you live in.

3. what's the #1 thing on your wish list this holiday season

4. whats one thing about you that NO ONE ELSE knows--- share a secret

5. SOMETHING RANDOM...anything personal you want to share.

Mine will be in the comments.

LURKERS--- here's your chance to GET IN HERE and talk to me.  I NEED YOU!

Now....also....this isn't just about you getting in here and talking about yourself... you also HAVE TO comment on something some else says.  Maybe you live in the same city.  Maybe you share the same regret.  Maybe you saw their wish list item on sale at Target. 



also... Bobby Long or Robert Pattinson pics would be greatly appreciated.  thx.


Over a Cup o' Noodles...

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 8:48 PM

And I woke up to screaming...my day has been crappy and I need a pick me up. I just finished eating my dinner of a cup o' noodles. Any one want to share or do general pick-me-ups???


Or share what they had for dinner??



wow...i'm self-absorbed...my apologies.


WFE Preview Trailer

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 8:37 PM


Has Robert Pattinson never looked more gorgeous than he does in this movie?
Oh. My. God. Those eyes!  *fans self*
I can't wait for this movie.

The results are in...

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 7:54 PM

So, I had a bee in my bonnet earlier this week (it's still buzzing away, just a little bit quieter now). I'm one of several people lamenting the lack of love for vampires in what should be a vampire-centric fandom so I decided to collect some evidence of a trend that I was perceiving to see whether I was seeing it all wrong.

Apparently not.

For those of you who have any kind of research background, here is my (sketchy) methodology: I made a poll and posted it on 3 fandom communities. The polls have been up for about a week now. You can see below the number of votes cast and how this breaks down for each result. The sample sizes actually aren't bad so could be taken to be a good representation of the fandom as a whole (although guessing how many people are in the (fic-reading) fandom is a difficult one). The questions were made up on the spot after some wine so probably could be phrased better and maybe more options were needed. There's a reason I'm not a scientist, okay?

Poor vampires. There are more people who will only read All Human than only read AU/mostly read AU combined. If you add up the mainly AH/only AH you have over 50% of the fandom. Ouch.

I did get told that if I asked more wolfpack-centric communities that the results might be less skewed in the human direction, but I don't even know the names of any of those communities.

This result is actually a little more positive. I've heard a lot of people talking about how they will only read completed stories because of the high rate of fics being abandoned/pulled, but 3% is a tiny number. Okay, 27% will only break that rule for rare exceptions but I'm willing to bet those exceptions actually aren't that rare.

This result is a mixed bag. On the surface, it looks like a lot of people are still leaning towards M, and one would presume this is because of the likelihood of smut in an M rating. However, the commentary I've read is that people prefer M because they expect a certain level of maturity and themes in the writing, not just mature content. This is apparently peculiar to the Twilight fandom, but we still have a majority who will read any rating. Perhaps over time we will see the number of people reading other ratings growing.

I think I'm going to redo this poll in a few months time to see if the result has changed. My prediction would be that, unless there is an acceleration in the number of pulled fics, the results for poll no 2 will be very similar, more people will be flexible with ratings; and the trend towards All Human fics will have grown even further.

Hey, I never said I was an optimist.


End Island Update!!

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 6:49 PM

If you read this, come inside and discuss with me!!! :-)





New Authors! YAY!

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 6:07 PM

I have MORE VIP authors for y'all.

omg--you'd think it's like Christmas around here or something.

Please come on in and welcome and say hi to the following:

Starshinedown author of My Love Shall Ever Live Young  

Anais Mark author of Metaphysics 

Angelgoddess1981 author of Making Memories of Us

Sun King author of Brave

Mothlights author of BRONZE

We're so glad to have you here!!!


Peanut M & M's

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 4:48 PM

Okay this campfire is not really about Peanut M & M's, but kind of.  I want to know about little insignificant things that have been powerful and meaningful things to you at a time when you needed some comfort.  Let me give you an example of something that happened to me today. 

My husband and I are close friends with a couple who have four kids.  The couple is a bit older than us and their kids are a bit younger than us.  So it's kind of like they are older siblings to us and their kids are like younger siblings to us.  Saturday night, their 19 year old daughter died in her sleep of an epileptic seizure.  She was a wonderful girl and was very loved by many people.  She just got married about 6 months ago and it is all incredibly heartbreaking. 

Anyway, many people have been coming together to try and help the family in any way we can.  This morning I went to the store to pick up a few things they needed.  My husband told me to throw in some Peanut M & M's.  We both used to work in grief counseling and there is something healing about chocolate for people who are grieving.  So he randomly suggested Peanut M & M's.  I went to the parents' house and gave the father the shopping bag, he took it without looking inside, gave me a hug, and thanked me.  I went back out to my car and he came running out, eyes red, with the bag, holding the peanut m & m's. 

He said "How did you know about the Peanut M & M's?" I just looked at him and shook my head and said "I didn't." He then told me as he started to cry that EVERY year on his birthday his daughter gave him Peanut M & M's.  He thanked me and said that it was a birthday present for him.

I have had a few experiences like this in my life and I do not believe they happen by coincedence.  In these times nothing can take the pain away; nothing can fix it.  But sometimes it is the little things that bring moments of reprieve, or little bits of comfort and I am wanting to hear your stories about small things that have made a big impact on you.  The seemingly insignificant things that have spoken to you in a powerful way maybe when you needed comfort. 



Campfire approved by GAW



Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 2:18 PM


Reasonably Reasoning with Vampires.

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 12:59 PM

So, a few weeks ago I was introduced to the blog that dissects the writing of Stephenie Meyer. Now from time to time, I enjoy reading the blog because it points out funny little mistakes. In the beginning I was drawn to it because it is different, it's funny, it's unique.

However, recently I've run across a few things that made me feel they're a bit mean and well, ironic in there critique.

Especially because the person behind the blog vehemently rebukes anyone who challenges her...the thing is, she displays this condescending attitude towards the series and alright, yes Twilight's not fantastic but to be so above it all? Unneccessary? Or just trying to play off the popularity?

...Which made me think, when does mocking/poking fun at/critiquing Twilight and Twihards go too far? Why should we feel ashamed/hide our love for the novel [ok, I sound a bit loopy here...but just bare with me]. Discuss.


[ps. My exact problem is posted in comments]



Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 12:14 PM

You guys know how to play this, right?

You post funny videos, pictures, gifs, etc with the intent of making other people laugh. If they laugh, they lose.


i dare you not to laugh at this.


p.s. this is NOT the second game.


Angst Recs

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 10:05 AM

This is my first campfire, so I thought I'd ask about something I love.

Angst... I love it, and to put a twist on the quote from Edward Cullen's mouth - “It's like my life now." Well, it has been for quite some time, so that quote really doesn't work...

Anyway, what are your favourite angsty fics right now?

I read a lot, so if you could rec me some of the less obvious stories out there, that would be wonderful.

Also, Bella and Edward pairings only please as I'm a non-canon wuss.

For your time:


It's really just a metaphor...

Tuesday December 14, 2010 at 8:35 AM

So, I'm a canon relationship kind of gal--I like Bella with Edward, Jasper with Alice, Rosalie with Emmett, and Esme with Carlisle.  That's just how I roll.  This doesn't mean I haven't dabbled with any other couplings (in fact Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl, here in the Forest, made me almost reverse my preferences in favor of La Bella and Jasper), I just tend to think that the canon couples make the most sense.

That said, I have a little brain twister for everyone out there involving the vampire biting metaphor, Jasper almost making good on the threat, and the Cullens' reactions it it.

Full scenario in comments....


This is what google brings up for "sexy vamp" after you disregard all the slutty looking women in bad Halloween costumes.


Guess what? We have company!

Monday December 13, 2010 at 9:59 PM

Please come and join us Rangers in welcoming our newest ADF VIP authors! (Part I) Part 2 is coming tomorrow night!


*Denverpopcorn-author of "Drift" and other stories

*Caligula42-author of "Irritable Grizzly Adams"

*Tkegl-author of "Just One of the Boys"

*helenahjay-author of "That Pain to Miss"

Believe It or Not- author of "The Path We Chose"

*Derdriu oFaolain-author of "Clockwork"

*saltire884-author of  " Pistols and Petticoats"

IdPattThat-author of "Secrets, Lies and Family Ties"

*ShortHappyLife-author of  "A Room With A View"

*OhMyWord-author of "Rosyln House"

*Suitablyironicmoniker-author of  Incunabula Or: The Golden Legend


Let's give them the best ADF welcome we can! This has been the best holiday season ever and we are so grateful and excited to have them here with us!



Stolen Souls Update!!!!

Monday December 13, 2010 at 9:43 PM

I  just  gotta talk to people about it. Did anyone see that coming? Did ya guise? I didn't at alll!!!! OHEMGEE I'm going crazy over this updte. Yer guise some one get in here to talk to me about it pretty please. Alot of stuff happened and I didn't expect any of it. Did anyone reading it did?




If yer not reading it what are you waiting for its the best story out there right nao. Go read it guise that way you can come talk to me about it! Where's Naya get her butt in here too, shes got some explaining to do!!!!!!!

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