Monday December 13, 2010 at 5:12 PM





The Twilight Awards is giving away banners!

During the next few weeks, Twific writers can send us their information, and our Graphics Team will be creating banners to help showcase their fanfiction stories. We have no idea how many people will sign up, of course, so we can't promise that we'll be able to make banners for everyone, but we'll make as many as we can. And rather than base our choice of recipients on the number of reviews, perceived popularity of an author, or even the pairing in the story, we're just going to be randomly drawing names and "filling orders." We'll be posting those banners right on our site as well, along with links to the stories they illustrate, and who knows? Maybe a nice visual is all it will take to pick up a couple of more loyal readers!

Click HERE to check out all the banners that have been made so far, and click HERE to Sign Up!

All banners, along with summaries and links can be found on the main page of The Twilight Awards site



*this post was approved by the amazing GAW


I feel like a new mom!

Monday December 13, 2010 at 1:38 PM

I got the Ranger O-kay to post this a while back so I hope it's all right, I also promised to post a pic of Rob scarfing some food to keep it ADF friendly ;)

Sooo, I feel like a proud mama today! We (my best friend, who i like to call life partner, cuz really if I liked girls and or had a penis I might put a ring on it and make it official.) launched our NYC food review blog today!

Check it out here

It's raunchy, and bitchy, and funny, and I love it so much it makes my heart hurt a bit!

We hope to revamp it a couple times in the future once we get super used to Wordpress, and FYI we will be updating it every Monday with new reviews, and every Wednesday with a few snarky sentences we've dubbed "Mid-week Musings"


So look at it, tell me what you think, and thanks for letting me ramble on a non FFAF! For your time:




Monday December 13, 2010 at 12:05 PM


Find ADF's wintery forest background


Last year it was Ranger Emibella's backyard covered in snow, can you top that?

It doesn't have to be a personal photo (meaning, you don't have to actually take the picture yourself!)but don't waste our time or yours by posting an image that we can find on the first few pages of Google images. We want something DIFFERENT and you can only post ONE image per person (makes it a bit tougher) and if someone posts an image you wanted to-well that's too bad-you have to find another one.

And the prize?


Yea-I told ya we were going to rock your world! Now start rocking ours!



here is a map of the timezones so you can calculate the open hours of competition wherever you are in the world.



submissions go in this post.


If you have questions or comments about this contest, please post them in the announcement post below. We will keep both stickied!


Do not comment for the sake of commenting. This post is for final submissions only!









Last Year's Background:





Here we gooooo!

Monday December 13, 2010 at 11:41 AM




HI! Because this is ADF and we do things "differently" ;) around here, Christmas doesn't end on the 25th! That's right folks-Christmas will continue through the end of the year!



During this time, we will unveil 12 different contests. They will run for 24 hours so that everyone from around the world can participate! The first one is coming within the next hour so get ready.


And did I mention that we are giving away prizes? Not keychains, guys, but eye-popping, OMG GIMME GIMME prizes!





FF Sneak Peek

Monday December 13, 2010 at 10:55 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Monday December 13, 2010 at 10:12 AM

This was an awesome start to my Monday morning.

Robert Pattinson Once Dreamed of Being a Rapper

The British actor, who is best known for portraying vampire Edward Cullen in ‘The Twilight Saga,’ was “obsessed” with Eminem as a teenager and made recordings of himself performing his own composition.

He said, “You want a secret? OK, how about this – I’ve got a whole collection of tapes of me rapping from when I was 13! I wanted to be a rapper so there are hundreds and hundreds of tapes. They’re very amusing!

“I was obsessed with Eminem when I was younger. When he first came out I was about 12 and fanatical about his ‘Slim Shady’ CD. I think he’s a genius.”

The 24-year-old star even had his own “crew” but admits his lyrics were less-than-authentic.

He explained to Top of the Pops magazine, “Most of my rhymes were stolen off other people anyway. They were all like, ‘I was raised on these streets..’, which was a complete farce because I was actually raised in quite a nice area of London called Barnes. Not very ghetto at all!

“I was obsessed with it all, though. I even had my own little crew – we called ourselves Big Tub and the Tappy Cats.”

Robert has previously recorded tracks for the ‘Twilight’ soundtracks but insists he has no plans to move into music full time.

He said, “I’m a bit of an attention seeker – I love being on stage. But the thought of performing music on stage terrifies me. I’m not scared of acting though.”

However, if the chance came to perform with rapper Eminem, Robert would jump at the chance.

He said, “I’d love to rap with Eminem! That would be really amazing.”


I'm pretty this article is BS but it's so awesome I couldn't not share it.  So what do you think his rapper name would/should be?

RPatz?  Pattinswizzle?  R-D-O-Double-G?


I'm mourning ):

Monday December 13, 2010 at 2:40 AM


The last chapter of Mens Rea. Who has read it? Come let's comfort each other. Don't forget to bring the kleenex.


I'm so excited

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 10:38 PM

ADF's 12 days of Christmas Extravaganza starts tomorrow


and we just got finished voting on the winter VIP authors (which will be announced tomorrow, too!)





Weekly Fandom News: Campfire Style - 12/12/10

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 6:09 PM

eep! I forgot to post the news til now! Sorry! Next week, someone ping me or something lol

Congratulations to the following authors for completing their stories last week!

Did you recently mark your fic Complete? Let us know about it by filling out this form.

The rest of the week inside the comments

We'll post this campfire every week, as long as ya'll like it. You can check for new stuff that's added. Thanks ♥

Got a contest or an event to add to the calendar? Click Here to fill out the appropriate form or email please.


it's oh so quiet...

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 5:28 PM

ask a _________

1) click on "leave a comment"

2) list your ~specialties

3) we'll ask you questions based on your knowledge base, you answer them

4) ask other campers questions, make friends

edited to remove bjork.  it was funny for five minutes, then i remembered how much i don't like bjork.  if you have better idears for a new song, ask in the campfire.


Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 3:53 PM

so, we've all got these walls of sorts - these little boxes that we draw around ourselves based on our age, our gender, our family life, our background, etc etc etc ad infinitum. some of us have bigger boxes than others. some are smaller. some are brightly colored. some aren't so much.

but we've all got them.

what are you talking about, kate? you ask...

i'm talking about comfort zones.

what you read, what you write, what you like... what you *THINK* you like.

i wanna know about a time when you said, "what the hale" and stepped outside your zone to try something new, be it reading, writing, whatever.

for example:

are you a ah'er and took a chance on an au?

are you a hardcore exb shipper who tried a different pairing?

did you take a chance on a little known fic when you usually only read the "big fics"?

did you give t-fic a shot?


how did it go? did it change your perceptions? did you kick yourself afterward and vow to never do it again?

i'll answer in the comments. :)


Help me remember a Fic!

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 2:33 PM

I read a story eons ago where Edward had Alzheimer's in the epi. Does anybody know what it was called? I'm drawing a complete blank! Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!



Sunday December 12, 2010 at 11:28 AM



Sunday December 12, 2010 at 10:55 AM

It's lazy time around my house.

I've just flipped through my photos and found some lovely photos of nice Sundays and I thought I 'd share them with you here, so come inside to see.

Show me some lazy Sunday pictures of your own OR



Twilight Coincidences

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 10:40 AM

This is my first campfire and I don't know how to do all the pretty, but thought I'd throw this out there...

I am constantly having Twilight Coincidences happen to me.  For example, I work in Human Resources, so this week I was entering a new hire named Eliezer (wrong spelling, but still close enough) who's manager was named Alice Embry and his emergency contact lived on Jasper Street.

Another time, I had to look up a John Phillips in our HR database and although that's not Twilight related, it is my father's name.  So, when I pulled it up, there were two John Phillips listed...a John Edward and a John Emmett.  I just thought that was so funny!

Okay, who has any others?


How FF Ruined My Life

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 9:33 AM

I am not sober (yes it's 11:30 am here on Sunday morning. Sue me.) and these commercials for Sketchers keep coming on.


Every time she says that she is "giving her brother a tighter core" I think it sounds dirty and incestuous.
I blame fanfiction for the overuse of that word for making my mind go there. 
What things have you come across that make you go "Damn you fanfiction!"

so much to say...

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 7:49 AM

okay - I really usually, don't like to support the promotion of pictures of these two in what is obviously their private life. but it's in many places already and my primary question is who is the friend or family member who allowed it to be released to the public - or perhaps actively did so?


Campers - thoughts? on the picture itself, or the fact that we as complete strangers are seeing this picture?

It's supposedly from Christmas '09 - which I think is accurate since sadly I can generally pinpoint moments in Rob's life by way of his haircut and the state of his beard.



Photobucket source


I Need HELP with my Kindle!!!!!

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 10:33 PM

HELP!!!!  Okay, I am so embarressed that I am having to start yet another campfire about this subject when it has already been discussed at least two or three times that I am aware of, but I am in desperate need of help.

I finally received a Kindle for my birthday last weekend, and have had a blast perusing the Amazon store. That being said, what I really, really want to do is figure out how to possibly transfer over my Fanfiction stories, my ADF stories and/or the Google docs files that have all of my treasured Twilight fanfic stories.

Sadly, I am a computer moron and hope someone can provide me a link and/or step-by-step instructions on how to do this. I will say that the actual set-up of the Kindle was one of the easiest things I have ever done on the computer -- much easier than my i-Pod, so there is hope that if I can get my hands on easy instructions I will be okay.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. And, I do apologize for bringing up a subject that has been discussed before, but this site is my go-to happy place and I hope someone can help me.

Thank you!



Saturday December 11, 2010 at 9:59 PM

I just watched it for the 3rd time tonight and Tor is watching it now.

We want your thoughts, theories, observations-anything and everything you've got!

I have a passionate opinion and theory on this but I don't want to mar the conversation with my interpretations. I want to discuss with everyone so I will refrain from giving my thoughts at the beginning of the conversation.


Desperate For Some Rec's.

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 7:47 PM

Hey, does anyone know of any fanfics similar to Sugar Daddy Needed or any hot older guy ones? It feel like I have read a lot and am craving something new.

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