Dating Downers

Friday December 10, 2010 at 8:28 PM

Happy Friday Everyone!


  I finally decided to challenge myself - I've started a silly little fic, that I am going to write from start to finish and post.  I'm probably gonna need to talk myself off the ledge a few times, but I'm gonna do it either way.   

I need to do some research for this little piece of nonsense, so I thought I'd do it the fun way and ask all of you lovely adf campers to share with me....



Dating Stories

Tell me the craziest tale you've got.  Tell me the most boring story you've got. 

Just tell me about your date and what made it awful.


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Need a rec please

Friday December 10, 2010 at 8:13 PM

Helllo Campers,


Ok....its been a while since i read something beautiful, gut-wrenching, sexy and catch my drift (i guess im in a dark mood and in need of a masterpiece to throw myself into).... E+B please

Think "the blessing and the curse" or JANDCO's MAD.

Anything like that out there ladies???

Happy FFAF!!!


My FFA contribution...Let's talk role models

Friday December 10, 2010 at 7:49 PM

I was checking out TMZ and there is a story on there (with video) of 18 yr old Miley Cyrus smoking a bong. Supposedly is not weed, but it's some kind of herb named "Saliva" that's legal in CA, BUT it has psychadelic qualities. And there have been several controversial situations pop up concerning her for a while now.

We've seen the pics of Kristen smoking a bong, with her cannibis bikini on, and flipping off paps.

We've seen Rob drunk and chain smoking.

And let's not even get on Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears. questions is, how do you feel about celebs behaving badly? Especially those that have a young fan base and whose music, movies, and TV shows are marketed to kids.

Do they have a responsibility to "keep it clean"?

Or do you feel that no celeb should be look at as a role model and it's up to the parents alone to set the good examples?


Good Day, Bad Day

Friday December 10, 2010 at 6:53 PM

Tell me about the good and/or bad days you've had this week.

Mine are piling up in both directions.


EDIT:  My photo journalistic depiction is enclosed. Carry on.

EDIT EDIT: My kids say that with my medical equipment I can be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween next year.



Friday December 10, 2010 at 6:39 PM

This is a campfire where EVERYONE CAN PLAY.


What turns you on??

If it is something in the picture, point it out using an arrow like this:



If you agree or disagree with the original poster of the ONE WORD or ONE PICTURE. . comment by saying ONE WORD OR WITH ONE PICTURE.



Penny For Your Thoughts

Friday December 10, 2010 at 5:58 PM

Ok so I know jazzy-cullen had one of these earlier but I had a few queations I wanted to ask and it's been hours and I hate joining a thread that late....


Does anyone here laze-out and serve there kids cereal for supper? Or am I am just super lazy?

If you go to school and have children are there any tips you can give me for managing them? How do you handle it all?

I love my kids dearly! But seriously sometime's being a SAHM can stress me out beyond recognition. What things do your kids do that get on your nerves? Pleae tell me I'm not alone here?

What time does your ADF say these post were made? Mines says 11:15 pm, and where I am at it's just now 7:52pm?

I had a couple more but now I have stage fright and I can't remember them.. (seriously if you really wanna ignore the lurker, that's cool, it wont hurt my feelings. (too much.)

Oh yeah, this is allowed right, Friday Free For All and all that. Or am I wrong?


pPROMer's update

Friday December 10, 2010 at 3:15 PM

I posted a campfire about 2 weeks ago during Preemie Awareness Month (the last Friday of November) asking for some encouraging stories regarding preemie births. Several people asked me to keep them updated on our progress, so...

I actually went into labor last Saturday night. The docs started me on an IV with a very low dose of magnesium sulfate (usually used to treat preeclampsia, which I don't have) because it has been shown to prevent cerebral palsy in premature infants. Miraculously, after 3 days of very painful contractions, my labor stopped. We are now at 29 weeks and 2 days. I am still wishing, hoping, and praying that we can make it to 34 weeks. We've already made it 8 weeks since I ruptured! Right now, I am still on the mag (which is awful), but I am still incubating (which is wonderful). I know I will have a preemie- they will induce me/ I'll have a c-section at 34 weeks if I make it that far. I just really want to take my baby home as soon as possible- especially after living in the hospital this long already. 

Thank you so much to those who commented on my last campfire and offered their encouragement. I hope I can update again in a little over a month with my Peanut's first pics. 


Wanted: A good book series

Friday December 10, 2010 at 3:00 PM

I'm in desperate need of a good book series, preferably romance or near that, to entertain me. I've broken my hand AND been dumped all in the same day. So I need distractions.

I have read the House of Night and the BSB series, both of which I loved. Your suggestions would be awesome!


Calling All CRampers

Friday December 10, 2010 at 2:40 PM

Hello CRampers!

Why yes, it's a campfire about cramps, that inconvenient muscle contraction that makes you a woman. So, current crampers, former crampers, and sometimes crampers share your cramper wisdom



Wet Clean-up... Aisle 9

Friday December 10, 2010 at 2:33 PM

Okay.  I read way too much fanfic.  But after reading something today, I decided that many, many, MANY ff-Bellas raise a few questions for me, regarding girlie... uh... fluids.


TMI?  Maybe.  I'll keep my actual comment/question inside.  Enter/answer at your own risk.  Rain gear may be required.




Have Yourself a ...Strange little Christmas

Friday December 10, 2010 at 2:24 PM

I have done most of my Christmas shopping online this year.  I really dislike crowds and for me, this is the best way to shop.

I was doing pretty good, until I noticed one of the cute gift baskets I had placed in shopping cart was shipping from another company and the shipping charge was going to be more ( I had checked expidited shipping) than the gift. I quickly changed the shipping option, only to find out it was still very expensive.

So I got the bright idea to make my own gift basket, recreating the one I was going to purchase. It consisted of dehydrated soup mixes and other assorted soup fixings. Easy. I can do this with my regular grocery shopping. Except, yeah you've proably guess that too, I really hate grocery shopping around the holidays.

So I thought Amazon would be a great place to find what I needed. Except most of their stuff was like six packs of soup and I didn't want that. But I kept searching and came across something that made me laugh.

I'll post it in comments as...well... the product is pretty PG but the mind that saw it isn't.

I can't be the only one who has encountered the odd gift/product.

Share with me the oddball things you've come across while shopping. Doesn't have to be holiday shopping.


Okay so I never do this but w.e...

Friday December 10, 2010 at 12:29 PM

So I just watched eclipse (with the commentary - side note; how adorkable are they?!) and what I really want is some Jasper/Bella fic.

I've trolled through the master fic list, before you say that, but I'm looking for something kinda specific.

I want a vamp bad ass Jasper with a (pretty awesome) human Bella. It can be WIP or complete, New Moon or Twilight AU, anything I'm not fussy with that. 

I just want some bad ass Jasper please :) and feel perfectly free to pimp your own stuff :)


Tweet Tweet!

Friday December 10, 2010 at 12:02 PM

Hi! ADF needs your help.

Ok-I just weeded through our Twitter followers and whom ADF is following and cleaned it up. It looks nice and pretty now with only active tweeters (we only deleted bots and people have haven't tweeted in ages).

Now-we want to follow you so if we aren't, put your name in the comments BUT we want something else from you too (yea yea yea we are greedy but you love us).

Please tell us other than YOU who we MUST follow. The person you love the most on Twitter and why. We will then follow that person on your reccomendation and you have to tell them to follow ADF back. ok?

We are @differentforest on Twitter.


this guy...

Friday December 10, 2010 at 11:26 AM

I know we're all eat your heart out over Rob...DUH...but gawd has anyone been following this guy? Don't tell me I'm late to the party, I KNOW I'm late, but im glad I just came at all.  I just want to look at him, and I think you should too.


P.S. and this has everything to do with his music. so HEAR THAT SHIT stat.





I dont know this other guy but check out that suit. unghhhhh

kthanxbye! happy feckin friday.


It's Raining Men!

Friday December 10, 2010 at 11:24 AM

I was feeling nostalgic last weekend and decided to d/l and watch My So Called Life.  It was awesome.  I totally forgot how hot Jordan Catalano was.  I mean Jared Leto (who played Jordan) is good looking but Jordan (the character) was sexy.

This got me to thinking which actors had super sexy characters in the past.  So sexy in fact that the character sometimes eclipses the real person.  (Mine will be inside)


FFN Breach

Friday December 10, 2010 at 10:48 AM

Ahh I've been found out Y'all!


I freelance design for fashion companies, and this week I'm working at a place I've been freelancing at on and off for about a year (we're semi-serious, not sure if we want to move in together just yet.)

Usually it takes me a few days before I'm dueling screens with Photoshop covering my ffn, but I know these people and they are really laid back and know I work hard. Idk, maybe some of you are saints at work but I need a 5min. break from digital sketching every now and then so my eyes don't bleed.

This morning I get in to work and see my stuff moved around. Which is fine I mean, I leave my passwords taped to my screen incase anyone needs a file off my computer etc. I really don't care. Usually I also remember to close out all my screens before I leave for the day too....

So I logged on to my computer and The Art Teacher is maximised and center screen, which I would never do, not only that it is scrolled far beyond where I ended my reading. So some one in this office knows my dirty Ffn secret!

Have any of you ever been exposed as a lover of the Ffn beast?! Tell me your stories.


Cheer me up with some love, please

Friday December 10, 2010 at 10:36 AM

Okay, since 1) it's FFAF, 2) my RobP0rn campfire is way overdue and 3) I got some really bad news today...

First, let me vent, please. If you don't feel like reading about my woes, scroll down...

I had a really bad week last week. A friend of mine, from my fraternity, decided to end his own life. I already spilled in another campfire about that, so I won't delve into that again. Suffice it to say, the entire week was tainted. I just felt off, had trouble sleeping, and little things started going wrong, adding to my aggravation.
I visited my parents over the weekend and upon arrival, my mother told me my grandmother had suffered from two heart attacks that week. The second one was minor, but still. I visited her on Sunday before going home again. Then today, I called my mom to check in, and she told me that my grandma had been in and out of the hospital again all week and that last night she suffered the worst heart attack so far. My parents and aunts spent most of the night at the hospital and for a while it was touch and go. They really thought she would die last night. Today she’s been feeling better, joking around a little (and my cousin came by to tell her she’s pregnant again – at least some good news) but she has also said that she’s done. Admittedly, she’s been giving up for a while now, living by the day and dividing her possession amongst her children and grandchildren. Still, I’m sad. My mom told me to prepare, in case there may be a phone call soon.


Cheer me up!

Nothing brings a goofy smile to my face better than images of Rob being all lovey-dovey. Whether he’s being Robward being all chivalrous toward Bella, or The Pretty being caught in a snapshot with the Stew… even imagining him in fic, being romantic… Just makes me swoon. I love the way he looks at Kristen, and the way it can be described in fic.

So please, help a camper out.


Also, one more request: does anyone have the gif of Rob doing the goofy dance from the Eclipse BTS?

Fluent in Sarcasm


Friday December 10, 2010 at 10:13 AM


Perfect casting...

                               In a perfect world (yeah...wishful thinking!)

who would be your Edward, Bella and the rest of the Twilight cast?


In the movies, if not the original cast


In your fav fics.... name the fic and your perfect castings....

Feel free to amalagmate ppl!

(Edited to make more colourful!)



Friday December 10, 2010 at 9:26 AM

Alright, so I'm venting here.  I need some commiseration.  Many of you know my cousin is getting married and my daughter is the flower girl.  I am already shelling out hundreds of dollars just to get to the wedding, Probably close to $100 for the bachelorette party, plus a bridal shower gift, a wedding gift, and she picked out a super expensive flower girl dress FOR A FOUR YEAR OLD who will likely never wear it again, or perhaps she will once for Easter or something.  Now it's all - this isn't right, and that isn't right, and can she wear this along with it?  To the tune of lots more $$$.  Okay, I guess I could just not buy diapers for the baby next month.  Plus this is happening right over Christmas and New Years.  The most expensive time of the year!  And by the way, we'll make it work, we'll buy diapers.  But I'm just really frustrated. 

When I got married I was sensitive to the fact that the people in my wedding and even those who attended it had to pay their bills.  They had diapers to buy and food to get on the table and medical expenses to pay, etc, etc.  I guess I just don't understand why every minute detail has to be dictated and perfect for a flower girl.  Alright, sorry, I know we all have different things that are important to us at our weddings.  But it just seems like every littIe thing is important to her and she has to do this wedding on a budget because their finances are tight so why doesn't she understand that everyone else is in the same boat?  Sorry, venting again.  I know that it's a stressful time and people want their weddings just so.  But honestly, I'm a pretty flexible person and this is getting ridiculous.

But I'm going through all of this with a smile at least outwardly.  I'm trying to have grace because I love her.  The relationship with her is more important so I grin and bear it.  I want  it to be a special day for her.

Anyway, give me your bridezilla stories to cheer me up.  Make me laugh.  Help me see that maybe it's not really so bad. 



Friday December 10, 2010 at 9:02 AM

I'm writing my christmas list and I need some book recommendations to put on it.

Has anybody read anything good lately?

What are you reading at the moment?

What is your favourite book of all time?

Can be any genre but I'm a sucker for a good romance. 

Thanks in advance.

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