
it's oh so quiet...

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 5:28 PM

ask a _________

1) click on "leave a comment"

2) list your ~specialties

3) we'll ask you questions based on your knowledge base, you answer them

4) ask other campers questions, make friends

edited to remove bjork.  it was funny for five minutes, then i remembered how much i don't like bjork.  if you have better idears for a new song, ask in the campfire.


Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 3:53 PM

so, we've all got these walls of sorts - these little boxes that we draw around ourselves based on our age, our gender, our family life, our background, etc etc etc ad infinitum. some of us have bigger boxes than others. some are smaller. some are brightly colored. some aren't so much.

but we've all got them.

what are you talking about, kate? you ask...

i'm talking about comfort zones.

what you read, what you write, what you like... what you *THINK* you like.

i wanna know about a time when you said, "what the hale" and stepped outside your zone to try something new, be it reading, writing, whatever.

for example:

are you a ah'er and took a chance on an au?

are you a hardcore exb shipper who tried a different pairing?

did you take a chance on a little known fic when you usually only read the "big fics"?

did you give t-fic a shot?


how did it go? did it change your perceptions? did you kick yourself afterward and vow to never do it again?

i'll answer in the comments. :)


Help me remember a Fic!

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 2:33 PM

I read a story eons ago where Edward had Alzheimer's in the epi. Does anybody know what it was called? I'm drawing a complete blank! Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!



Sunday December 12, 2010 at 11:28 AM



Sunday December 12, 2010 at 10:55 AM

It's lazy time around my house.

I've just flipped through my photos and found some lovely photos of nice Sundays and I thought I 'd share them with you here, so come inside to see.

Show me some lazy Sunday pictures of your own OR



Twilight Coincidences

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 10:40 AM

This is my first campfire and I don't know how to do all the pretty, but thought I'd throw this out there...

I am constantly having Twilight Coincidences happen to me.  For example, I work in Human Resources, so this week I was entering a new hire named Eliezer (wrong spelling, but still close enough) who's manager was named Alice Embry and his emergency contact lived on Jasper Street.

Another time, I had to look up a John Phillips in our HR database and although that's not Twilight related, it is my father's name.  So, when I pulled it up, there were two John Phillips listed...a John Edward and a John Emmett.  I just thought that was so funny!

Okay, who has any others?


How FF Ruined My Life

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 9:33 AM

I am not sober (yes it's 11:30 am here on Sunday morning. Sue me.) and these commercials for Sketchers keep coming on.


Every time she says that she is "giving her brother a tighter core" I think it sounds dirty and incestuous.
I blame fanfiction for the overuse of that word for making my mind go there. 
What things have you come across that make you go "Damn you fanfiction!"

so much to say...

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 7:49 AM

okay - I really usually, don't like to support the promotion of pictures of these two in what is obviously their private life. but it's in many places already and my primary question is who is the friend or family member who allowed it to be released to the public - or perhaps actively did so?


Campers - thoughts? on the picture itself, or the fact that we as complete strangers are seeing this picture?

It's supposedly from Christmas '09 - which I think is accurate since sadly I can generally pinpoint moments in Rob's life by way of his haircut and the state of his beard.



Photobucket source http://community.livejournal.com/lion_lamb/7690688.html


I Need HELP with my Kindle!!!!!

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 10:33 PM

HELP!!!!  Okay, I am so embarressed that I am having to start yet another campfire about this subject when it has already been discussed at least two or three times that I am aware of, but I am in desperate need of help.

I finally received a Kindle for my birthday last weekend, and have had a blast perusing the Amazon store. That being said, what I really, really want to do is figure out how to possibly transfer over my Fanfiction stories, my ADF stories and/or the Google docs files that have all of my treasured Twilight fanfic stories.

Sadly, I am a computer moron and hope someone can provide me a link and/or step-by-step instructions on how to do this. I will say that the actual set-up of the Kindle was one of the easiest things I have ever done on the computer -- much easier than my i-Pod, so there is hope that if I can get my hands on easy instructions I will be okay.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. And, I do apologize for bringing up a subject that has been discussed before, but this site is my go-to happy place and I hope someone can help me.

Thank you!



Saturday December 11, 2010 at 9:59 PM

I just watched it for the 3rd time tonight and Tor is watching it now.

We want your thoughts, theories, observations-anything and everything you've got!

I have a passionate opinion and theory on this but I don't want to mar the conversation with my interpretations. I want to discuss with everyone so I will refrain from giving my thoughts at the beginning of the conversation.


Desperate For Some Rec's.

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 7:47 PM

Hey, does anyone know of any fanfics similar to Sugar Daddy Needed or any hot older guy ones? It feel like I have read a lot and am craving something new.


WCing... Your thoughts?

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 6:55 PM

Ok, I figure there's no time like the present to get my feet wet in my first campfire. 

I've noticed that WCing is mostly a Twitter thing and growing in popularity. I have some questions for those of you who have done it before!


1. Do you enjoy it?

2. Does it help your focus? Why?

3.  Do you have a particular place that you like to use as your forum? (Skype, GChat, Chatzy, ect)


For anyone who has never tried it, it's pretty simple. Most times, it stands for either 'Word Challenge' or 'Writing Challenge', depending on who you ask.  A group of people get together via chat and introduce themselves, what they write, etc and share any goals that they have a for their writing session. At a certain time, the group disperses to go off and write for a set amount of time (normally 30 minutes to an hour).  When your time is up, you come back to the chat and share how your time went. Most people share teasers from what they've written as well.


The Nightmare Before Christmas

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 4:31 PM


Welcome to another installment of the horror watch along, this week we have a special presentation of a Disney (yes you heard that right) classic Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.

I'll be hosting the watchalong on gchat 7 PM Eastern time (which is about 30 minutes from now) and the movie should be over around 9-ish.
*You can PM us your email to make sure you join us in the conversations, or to ask for links!
However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.
Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!
GAW for the permission :D 

Youtube link inside in HD!


Assuming FFFA is still on...

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 2:17 PM

Assuming FFFA is still on... I have to vent. 


My mother sent my daughter a Christmas card with $50 in it....well, some a-hole cut it open and took it all....I'm so mad right now that I can't see straight...I mean, how can someone steal from a child??

I know times are tough right now, but that money was going to buy her gifts from Santa that we weren't sure we could get....


I surely hope this doesn't happen to anyone else, but just in case, put your stuff in a protective envelope and have the person on the other end sign for it....


Ho Ho Ho No....

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 12:51 PM

I am currently forcing The Midget and The Offspring to watch this:






      Long. Live. The Muppets.      MuppM         \


EDIT: The Offspring doesn't not hold this piece of cinematic wonder in high esteem like I do...sniff...

(The actual statement ran along the lines of "Mom this is really stupid.." and tried to barter chores in exchange for having to watch it with me. Needless to say she is doing chores, lol.)



I figure I would ammend this post to include a general survey of your favorite not-so-mainstream Christmas movies.

I love this one and watch it all year.


I love all things Earnest. (don't judge)


Fancy seeing you here

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 10:44 AM

So Spanglemaker9 just updated the Art Teacher a few minutes ago and...


Come inside.  Let's talk about the update...

I also want to hear from any of you that have had moment like Bella just had.  Have you ever unexpectedly run into a past love/crush/whatever? Was it awful?  Or were you happy to see the person?  Did it bring a flood of old emotions back up?  Did you stay in touch after that?  Ooh, or did any of you rekindle things? 

It goes without saying, there will probably be spoilers in here!!!


I Love Petit Biel

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 10:30 AM

All the videos Petit Biel presents are always beautiful, I would like to celebrate her for her fantastic editing talents.
For those of you who haven't seen this one yet, press replay to prolong the love.


Saturday December 11, 2010 at 9:27 AM


Sometimes I drink. 

Sometimes I drink and tell people I'll do things. 

Like write a threesome outtake for one of my stories.

Sometimes I think I should stop drinking. 


Anywho, here's the pickle - I'm not that great are writing er... "lemons" if you will. The ones that I have written have been quite fluffy and well that's how I like it. 

Dirty words make me blush. I'm a prude. 

What I need is some inspiration, tutorial, pictures?

Basically, gimme some pr0n and some pointers. 

Now that I feel like a perv... GO! 



Here's a pretty girl and a pretty boy for your time: 




Saturday December 11, 2010 at 9:25 AM

So I wake up to this in my inbox.


What?????? Groan. No.

Let's discuss WTF or "Why is this necessary" moments in our lives. Post pics too if you can!


Fun and Games

Saturday December 11, 2010 at 9:18 AM

Hopefully it's still FFAF.  If not I'll have to back out of the room slowly.


Does anybody play WordsWithFriends?  If so, play me!  My name is Wonderwall.  If you're really good, play somebody else, alright?  My ego can only take so much. 


Share your WWF name if you want to play against fellow campers! 


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