Okay, since 1) it's FFAF, 2) my RobP0rn campfire is way overdue and 3) I got some really bad news today...
First, let me vent, please. If you don't feel like reading about my woes, scroll down...
I had a really bad week last week. A friend of mine, from my fraternity, decided to end his own life. I already spilled in another campfire about that, so I won't delve into that again. Suffice it to say, the entire week was tainted. I just felt off, had trouble sleeping, and little things started going wrong, adding to my aggravation.
I visited my parents over the weekend and upon arrival, my mother told me my grandmother had suffered from two heart attacks that week. The second one was minor, but still. I visited her on Sunday before going home again. Then today, I called my mom to check in, and she told me that my grandma had been in and out of the hospital again all week and that last night she suffered the worst heart attack so far. My parents and aunts spent most of the night at the hospital and for a while it was touch and go. They really thought she would die last night. Today she’s been feeling better, joking around a little (and my cousin came by to tell her she’s pregnant again – at least some good news) but she has also said that she’s done. Admittedly, she’s been giving up for a while now, living by the day and dividing her possession amongst her children and grandchildren. Still, I’m sad. My mom told me to prepare, in case there may be a phone call soon.
Cheer me up!
Nothing brings a goofy smile to my face better than images of Rob being all lovey-dovey. Whether he’s being Robward being all chivalrous toward Bella, or The Pretty being caught in a snapshot with the Stew… even imagining him in fic, being romantic… Just makes me swoon. I love the way he looks at Kristen, and the way it can be described in fic.
So please, help a camper out.
Also, one more request: does anyone have the gif of Rob doing the goofy dance from the Eclipse BTS?