
What it means to be a Twihard

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 9:25 PM

Hey, Everyone! I've been trying to come around more lately, but lately it's been hard to be here 24/7 like I used to.

Anyway, I could really use all of your help! I'm writing an essay for AP English, and I have to "redefine" a word, differently than how it's usually perceived.

I chose Twihard.

Inside this campfire, you'll fine my essay so far (warning: it's extremely sarcastic, a tad inappropriate, and just barely manages to pass for a formal essay apparently).

I'd really love you guys' input, what you think is good, what needs to go, what should be longer, what I could add.

Most importantly, I need some quotes! Just basically what you guys think about the subject.

When it's finalized next week, I'll ask for permission to post it in its complete form.

Thanks! (approved by Emibella)


Update: No Choice!

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 8:50 PM

That's right, glasscannon has finally - FINALLY - updated No Choice!!

And as her loving beta, I can tell you - yall are gonna like this one. Really, really like it ;D (no spoilers tho, lol)

We've been through so much with this fic, angst and heartache like no other...and maybe, just maybe, there's a light at the end of the tunnel...tho it's possible it's just a train, coming to smack us down with more heartfail...ya never know... So come on - I wanna hear all yall's thoughts before, during, and after reading. Let's show glasscannon some love!!


Chapter 20: My Love Has Concrete Feet



New and Improved for the Holidays!

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 6:15 PM

and because one cheesy, garish graphic is NEVER enough:


That's right! It's Back and Ready for your 


This is a VERY SPECIAL HOLIDAY EDITION of the Pimp Campfire

What does this mean, Emibella?


Pimp yourself! Your friends! Your significant others! 

Let us know what sets these fanfictions apart and why we need to be reading them! 


and please, don't forget to LINK THEM!!

ETA: We do not judge you for pimping. That is what this thread is for. So you are not allowed to be shy. If you contribute, you are doing what we asked!


When I grow up I want to be a...

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 5:27 PM

Hello Campers, I come to you today with a plea for help. I'm at the point in my education, where it's time for me to buckle down and choose a major. In my quest, I have been assigned to interview people with careers of interest, this is where you come in. I need to know:

1)What degrees and or certifation you have under your belt.

2)How long it took for you to complete them.

3)What Job(s) you have acquired after you graduated/became certified.

4) Did/Do you enjoy said job(s).

5)How difficult or easy was the journey toward your career.

I'm mostly looking for people who have careers in Art, Broadcast Journalism, and Publishing but everyone should come in and answer. Share your wisdom for those of us who have yet to find our paths in life!



Approved by wtvoc! Thanks!


buffy episode 3.18 "earshot"

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 5:20 PM

I am my thoughts. If they exist in her, Buffy contains everything that is me and she becomes me. I cease to exist.  Huh.


heyyyy remember when they dropped this episode because it was going to air right after columbine, and they thought that it would freak everyone out?  it's funny now, you know.  ten years later and all.  it's just so tame by today's TV standards.  :/

also, this episode is high-larious.  and kind of reverse twilight-y, when you think about it.  


Did anyone save Lolashoes' stories?

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 4:27 PM

Hello Campers,

I'm in the mood for re-reading my favorite Lolashoes stories and discovered they were removed from the web last month.  On her FF page, she says she doesn't mind if we save and pass them around, so if anyone has downloaded any of these little gems, I'd love to have a copy.  She wrote a series of three stories:  Let Your Light Shine, A Life Extraordinary, This Hungry World.  There is also "My Yes, My No" which I haven't read but know it must be good.

Thank you!


Which Forest Fics are you reading?

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Title says it all.

Tell me what and why I may be missing in the Forest?

[Lovin' On grey mornings, Starry Eyed]


3rd Person

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 9:14 AM

I believe most fics are written in 1st person, either Bella's POV or Edward's.

Sometimes I love me some 3rd person! Like The Tutor or Tips for Better Living. But there's no way to search for that!

Recc me some GOOD, COMPLETED 3rd person fics please!


A moment for pause~

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 8:24 AM

sorry - i'm wordy today...

In 1937 my grandmother sent my father to seminary in Florida. She wanted him to study the Bible and have a career in the Church. For a woman who operated a brothel in post-Depression era Harlem, this was a lofty goal for her only son. He attended for one year and hated it. He wanted to become an engineer and go to college in New York City, but my grandmother refused to pay for it. So my father did what many other young men would do for generations to follow, he joined the Army to pay for college. This was before the GI Bill, so there were no tuition benefits, but my father thought he’d just save his pennies, then return to school after a three year enlistment. His ETS date, the date his enlistment was supposed to be over, was December 8, 1941.

On December 7th, Pearl Harbor was bombed, thrusting the United States into the Second World War. My father’s ETS was suspended, and he was shipped off to the Philippines where he fought with the 3rd Armored Division for three years.

After the War, my father found that he enjoyed military life so he reenlisted, again and again. He traveled the world and later fought in the Korean War. He saw the segregated Army integrate. He helped make history, he lived history.

Eventually, he was sent to Europe where he met and married my mother, who was born in Nazi Germany, who’s father was a Nazi and who lived through the War and had her own (often terrible) stories to tell. He retired in 1964, after serving in the US Army for 26 years. Several years later, my parents and their brood of children moved to the United States, where I was later born.

I grew up with the benefit of having older parents who lived during a very tumultuous time in American and World history. The Great Depression, segregation and the era of Jim Crow, World War Two—from different perspectives, post-War Germany reconstruction, the Korean War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War. My parents lived this history, the good, the crazy, the tragic.

Today is the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. You learned about it in school, it’s written about in history books and there are documentaries on television you can watch. But there’s nothing quite like learning about major historical events from people who’ve lived through them.

Of the 60,000 American soldiers, sailors and airmen at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, only about 3,000 are still active enough to be able to travel and share their stories. Next year it will be even fewer.

The bombing of Pear Harbor was a major event that affected the entire planet, and effectively altered the trajectory of the Second World War. Who knows what the outcome would have been if the reluctant United States hadn’t been forced into the War.

But also, if my father had been allowed to ETS on December 8, 1941, he would have eventually gone back to college and it’s likely he would have lived his life in New York, as he planned. He wouldn’t have met my mother and I never would have been born.

When you think about it, the world isn’t so big, and we’re all connected in ways that we wouldn’t ordinarily think. Call it the Butterfly Effect, or Six Degrees or whatever. Somehow, something and or someone on the other side of the planet, either today or tomorrow or sixty-nine years ago, has directly touched your life, and you’re probably not even aware of it.

What major world or historic event has directly affected your life?


Eclipse DVD Commentary

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 5:18 AM

BATTLE OF THE SEXES, PART 1: An angry Bella leaves Edward at school to catch up with Jacob

Pattinson: I just don’t get that. I don’t get your decision-making process to leave here. I didn’t even understand it at the time. I was just like, “I gotta break up with you immediately.” [He's] like, “Please, please don’t go. Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, please.” And [she's] like, “Shut up. I’m gonna go with this guy who wants to cheat, who wants to sleep with me” or whatever.

Stewart: Whoa.

Pattinson: I just said the wrong word. “Who wants to kiss me, who wants to hold my hand.” [Laughs]

Stewart: Shut up… I mean, that’s the whole first argument that they had in the beginning is she’s allowed to have other relationships.

Pattinson: Why? No, she’s not allowed to have other relationships.

Stewart: And she knows him a way that you don’t know him…. It’s cool. It’s sweet that he’s being–

Bella’s greeted by the shirtless wolf pack.

Pattinson: Geez, if I ever saw my girlfriend go around to this bunch of guys’ house with all their little bellies out [Both laugh]… and their fake-tanned nipples and their iron-on tattoos.

Stewart: Edward is just a little bit more mature than you.

Pattinson: Mature?

Stewart: Yep.

Pattinson: Nah.

Stewart: He can handle it. He’s a little bit more secure.

Pattinson: Let me just ask you something… Did the weather affect shooting today? [Laughs]

Stewart: Let’s look at the wig. We can just judge by that


They have great chemestry. I'l post part two and three in the comments. Come chat with me about it.


Show us your Isle Esme

Monday December 6, 2010 at 10:39 PM

We want to see your dream vacation spots! Show us pictures of you there or pics of where you want to be!


End Island Update!!

Monday December 6, 2010 at 5:56 PM

It's that time again!

We just got an update to End Island tonight, so come on inside if you want to discuss it with me!

If you're not already reading it, go here:


The world's hand "supermodel"

Monday December 6, 2010 at 4:07 PM

Remembering this campfire about Kimbra Hickey, the hand model used for the Twilight book cover had me thinking no one was as crazy about hand modeling as her. Until today...

So, I'm minding my own business and I open a Yahoo window and this article pops up. I have to say Ellen Sirot has Kimba Hickey beat by a mile in the odd department. This lady is crazy. It's hard to describe so you have to watch it for yourself but it's a great laugh.

A two-year-old "CBS Sunday Morning" interview with a woman who works as a leading hand model went viral over the weekend, with pop culture bloggers calling it "seriously creepy."

In 2008, "CBS Sunday Morning" interviewed top hand model Ellen Sirot, who makes a full-time living posing her perfect hands for ads for cleaning products, jewelry, even diapers. "I like to say my hands look good naked," Sirot says at the beginning of the interview, and goes on to gesticulate hypnotically and constantly caress and praise her hands ("They radiate health and good care") for the duration of the three-minute clip.

She also explains that she wears gloves 24/7, doesn't do housework or open windows or doors and that her hands haven't seen sunlight in fifteen years:


She lost me after going down the line of things she doesn't do. HOW she dresses herself baffles me. Maybe she pays someone? Whoever opens the doors, cooks, cleans, etc for her.
She's dubbed the hand "supermodel" of the world.

give a little bittttt

Monday December 6, 2010 at 3:53 PM

Holiday Text -


all right, look.  you work hard.  you're nice (most of the time).  it's okay to ask for stuff.

this is a campfire for gift giving.

if you have something to give, offer it.  gift certificates, paid LJ time, a tin of cookies, you name it.

if you want something, ask for it.  maybe another camper will give it to you, scott free!

we've done this before and i've been blown away by the response.  you guys are so generous!

it's simple: comment with either what you'd like or what you have to offer.  

if it involves your address or email, do it via PM, not in the campfire.  

come grant someone's wish!  come have your wish granted!

i know you guys are generous and are nothing but heart.  have fun, and i hope this makes you smile!

and you'll see what my christmas wish is inside the campfire.  it involves jandco, i'll tell you that much.  :D



Monday December 6, 2010 at 2:08 PM

Okay, I need to know what's normal for teens in the US to have as curfews when they are 17 and 18 years old but still in high school  Please share.  I was a teen in the 80's so I have no idea.  

Also Please tell me your best curfew story!  Mine is inside.

FYT some Rob and Tom.  Just ignore the ho's in the background!!


Ask Jennyfly and/or JandCo

Monday December 6, 2010 at 1:47 PM


Ask me stuff.

I'm just basking in the sun, lazing around, doing nothing.

Amuse me with your questions. 



Share the Love!

Monday December 6, 2010 at 11:37 AM

So, Eclipse is now out on DVD (not a newsflash, I realize). Yay!! Right?  Apparently not.  I have noticed that with the release of the latest movie on DVD, the griping about the series seems to have increased.  I guess we all rushed out to by the DVD the first weekend it came out just so we could watch it and be all, "OMG, this movie sucks, I hate you, Twilight."  Well, all the negativity is bugging me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm the first person to admit that there are some major flaws with the series and the franchise.  We're all aware of the flaws, we've all discussed them over and over and over again.  Let me just reiterate that I do this, too (anyone that knows me knows the long list of grievances I have with Bella). 

The point of this post (yes, it has a point) is that we all became part of this fandom because there was something about the Twilight series that we loved.  Whether it's the characters, the plot, or Robert Pattinson's face, it got you involved.  And trust me, you don't get involved in a fandom if you truly hate the book or movie the fandom is based on. (For example, I read Wicked 'cause it was supposedly awesome and I absolutely hated it.  I have absolutely no inclination to read or write anything to do with the Elphaba and the TikToks.  It took a whole lot of persuading just to get me to see the play.)  So even if you started reading or writing fanfiction because you thought the characters were poorly developed, or the story didn't go where you wanted it to, my point is that you still cared enough to want to see more of it.

What I want from you all is to tell me what you love about Twilight and/or the Twi fandom. 

Here's what I love:

I love that SM wrote flawed characters that we still want to love even though some of their actions drive us crazy.

I love that Kristen Stewart told Catherine Hardwicke that this guy had to play Edward, thus plucking him from British actor obscurity so I could look at his pretty face all the time.

And I really love that this series has inspired so many awesome writers to write their own stories, creating a whole community of awesome people that have become my friends. Awww, sappy.


Okay, now share me your love!

No negativity allowed!!!! Take yo Debbie Downer elsewhere.


FF Sneak Peek

Monday December 6, 2010 at 11:06 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Monday, Monday~

Monday December 6, 2010 at 10:10 AM

Hey There Campers!

Another Monday....

I know this is the first day of the work week for a lot of you, so you're hating it, but I LOVE Mondays, I've said it before.  I love a quiet house after a busy weekend...I get NO work done, it's my day off :)

Today is St. Nicholas Day!

My mom is German and the way we celebrated Christmas was very traditionally GERMAN, it was important to her that we keep her European traditions alive. When I was a kid we'd celebrate St. Nicholas day by putting a pair of boots by the front door and the next morning there'd be a treat inside--left by St. Nick!  You can read all about St. Nicholas here. I don't wanna fill the front page with history.

My 7yr old has been singing this song all weekend:

it's annoying...
Over the weekend we shared our favorites, now I want to know~~
What do you think is the most ANNOYING Christmas song?
On this day, DECEMBER 6, in History:
1790 - Congress moved from New York City to Philadelphia.
1947 - Everglades National Park in Florida was dedicated.
1969 - A free concert by the Rolling Stones at Altamont Speedway in Livermore, Calif., was marred by the deaths of four people, including a man who was stabbed by a Hell's Angel.
2004 - Al-Qaida struck the U.S. Consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, with explosives and machine guns, killing nine people.
2006 - The bipartisan Iraq Study Group concluded that President George W. Bush's war policies had failed in almost every regard, and said the situation in Iraq was "grave and deteriorating."
Some Holiday Season Facts:
-The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse and from Old English Cristes mæsse. It is a contraction meaning "Christ's mass".
-Today is the 6th day of Hanukkah, the festival of lights that begins on the eve of the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev, celebrating the triumph of light over darkness, of purity over adulteration, of spirituality over materiality.
-DECEMBER 6 is the title of a novel, written by Harry Niles.
-The Deal of the Day on is a Canon PowerShot SD4000 camera for $209.00
-If you were to purchase ALL of the gifts listed in the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, in 2010, the total cost would be $23,439.38. The Nine Ladies Dancing, alone, would cost you $6273.00

Guilty Pleasures

Sunday December 5, 2010 at 10:55 PM

Wow. Hell of a party huh? Emibella really knows what she is doing.She is Esme-the perfect hostess.

Now-Let's have an after-party chat for those who are still standing.

What are you guilty pleasures?


mine is in the comments. Ignore her.

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