
buffy episode 3.20 "the prom"

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 4:12 PM

We're not good friends. Most of us never found the time to get to know you. But that doesn't mean we haven't noticed you. We don't talk about it much, but it's no secret that Sunnydale High isn't really like other high schools. A lot of weird stuff happens here.  But whenever there was a problem or something creepy happened, you seemed to show up and stop it. Most of the people here have been saved by you. Or helped by you at one time or another. We're proud to say that the class of '99 has the lowest mortality rate of any graduating class in Sunnydale history. And we know that at least part of that is because of you. So the senior class offers its thanks and gives you, uh... this. It's from all of us. And it has written here, "Buffy Summers — Class Protector."



watch this.  watch this now.

SO MUCH happens in this episode, and it includes the best cover song i know:


What's your vamp power?

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 4:08 PM

Edward was sensitive to others around him and is now a mind reader. Jasper was super charismatic and now enjoys messing with your emotions. A bunch of vamps that no one cares about have really ridiculous gifts like controlling the weather or making you hallucinate; see things that aren't really there. How does this happen, SMeyer? Was that vamp an LSD dealer prior to changing? What exactly in their human life could cause a gift like that to carry over?

So Campers, let's say a vamp makes an interrupted midnight snack out of you and you get changed. What personality defects  traits are going to develop into a full-blown talent when you open your eyes three days later? Will you use your powers for good or evil? Myself, I love animals and easily bond with them (makes sense since I don't interact with people very well). Would animals still run from Vamp-Cap or would I be able to tame and befriend them ala Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty or Belle or Pocahontas or (insert favorite Disney princess here)? Maybe I could lure them to the Cullens house for an omnomnom veggie-vamp buffet?

Come on in, be creative- but HONEST!- and share.


Another Amnesia Post

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 3:39 PM

I can't remember when I read this story, but I'm 100% sure it was on FF.n.

Bella is a single mom raising her daughter.  I think Rosalie, though it could be Angela, runs a day care, where Edward sends her daughter and where Bella starts to take her little girl.  Bella's daughter has a temper, throws tantrums, and has sunglasses she believes makes her invisible.  Edward thinks the worst of Bella for the way she raises her daughter, but, and I can't remember how it came to this, hires Bella as a nanny while promising to help her learn to discipline her little girl.

Anyone know what it was?


I've Come to a Conclusion

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 3:01 PM

I didn't like Breaking Dawn. 

While many people didn't, I do believe that a big part of the reason why is that I was LET DOWN. The story seemed to be going in one direction and then it shifted into something totally different. 

Worse was that all of my speculating and wonder was squelched. 

Sometimes I think that if I would have read the series as one, continuing story (instead of the vast amount of speculating I did before the final books arival) I may have been more satisfied that this was the authors vision. But I am not sure.

The Hunger Games series finale was a huge disappointment to me as well.

Just like Breaking Dawn, Mockingjay seemed to be void of the characters that I loved. I had sch high hopes for this book but in the end, I didn't care about the characters anymore because they were not the same people I fell in love with. It wasn't that they had grown, they just were not in character anymore. (Sound familiar?Edward??)

Now, this isn't ALL series. I loved Harry Potter from beginning to end (although that has it's share of controversy), The Lord of the Rings was perfect....

But I ask you, dear campers, WHY IS THIS?

Does the author lose sight of her vision?

Does he get bored with his own characters?

Do we have crazy expectations that cannot possibly be met?


Please tell me, what SERIES do you think is wonderful from beginning to end? Which authors never betray their characters? Which series is a huge disappointment to you? Why Do you think this happens?


Help me remember

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 12:50 PM

I started a new story the other day but didn't save it immediately and now I don't remember the name or even how I found it.  Does this sound familiar?


Bella works for a cleaning company and is cleaning Edward's office one night.  She decided to indulge in his swank office shower and, ofcourse, is caught by Edward.  She ends of up quitting her job so Edward won't fire the entire cleaning service.  Edward is impressed with her loyalty and hires her as a "consultant" whose job is to escort him to social functions.


Any ideas, campers?


um, hello?

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 11:17 AM






A Little Huff

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 10:09 AM

Sooo, since most of the campfires recently have been about fic I figured why not.

A little huff. Something that sort of annoys you, not to a gigantic point, not to one of flouncing or anything....just a huff.

Edward and Bella, the story is going well, getting some sort of weird romance where she's not sure about the vampirism or she's dealing with it or.....etc.....and then the Cullens will enter. And I always have a bit of a huff, and wish they could go away for a little while longer.

Why? Because once they enter, the story always shifts. Even in my FAVORITE fanfics...I have that little huff. Because I know that suddenly the story will turn into a story about Bella and the Cullens, instead of one about Bella and Edward. They have a habbit of taking over. And things I think Bella and Edward can or should be very capable of handling...are taken out of their hands.

And humans? What are those? Usually comes not too long after as any of Bella's human friends...go away. And are replaced by Alice.

I know it's canon. And it's not something that I hate about these fics or anything....I just have a little huff.

Anyone want to recommend a story where the family is less...present? Anyone else have a little huff?

Also, I don't read wolvie fics or Bella/Jacob or anything...but anyone who does, do you ever feel like the wolves have a habbit of taking over? Similar to the Cullens?

Fluent in Sarcasm

Yello, FinS here...

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 8:14 AM



So i was a thinkin'...dangerous, I know.

Which fic's couldn't live without?

What fic/fic's do you read and re-read?

Are they one in the same?


What is the fic/fic's that you are currently reading, that you drop everything for and check religiously for the update?


EDITED: to enable you to choose more than one....


Just Got My Vamp

Thursday December 9, 2010 at 7:10 AM

Around 6 months ago, I started a campfire re: AU vs AH.

Basically, I wanted to understand people's views on reading AH versus AU because I'm a nosy bish consumate researcher. If you want to take a look at the responses (and really, there were some very well thought out answers there), go: HERE

Me? Personally, I like it all - vamp, human, space invader, whatever, as long as it's well written. And I read and write some of everything. If I had to pick one, though, for me GOOD AU pwns all. Therein lay the purpose of this campfire.

Back then, I wanted to know why people liked/didn't like AU and AH.  

NOW, I come to you with more questions, this time, strictly about AU:

1. What sets apart good AU from mediocre AU?

2. Just how canon (talking about more than just canon pairings here - talking about behaviors, backgrounds, etc) do you like your AUs?

3. Do you (still) enjoy alt POVs, missing moments, extensions of the "real" books?

4. Do you prefer completely altered scenarios/universes - ie. the characters are the same but the events in the "real" books never occured?

5. How important is it to keep true to Twi-specific vamp mythology (ie sparkles, no fangs, etc)?

6. If you have them, what are your hard limits (i.e. Bella as a vamp, Edward drinking from Bella, Darkwards, Bella choosing not to change, etc)?

I may add more questions as I think of them... lol.

You ask why I care, what does it matter, lalalala. First off, I can talk vamp all day long. Secondly, I can obvsly talk Twi all day long. And thirdly, in the past few weeks, I've seen some campfires, forum arguments, twitter rants, etc, where some expressed irritation over lack of AU visibility. And like always, I'm intrigued and wanted to gather some data. Voila! A campfire is lit...

 So, Show Me Your Teeth! :D 


Rec Me something!

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 10:02 PM

I've recently go my reading mojo back after having it missing for so long... So I need some new material.

What I'm looking for:

*Angst/Drama ex.Wide awake, 8 years later. maybe even a tear jerker.

*Completed or near completion

*Good writing

*Bella & Edward

Please and Thank you


For your time


$80,000 for a night with Rob

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 9:11 PM

Found this while trolling ONTD-

One lucky fan spent a whopping $80,000 Wednesday to meet Robert Pattinson on the set of 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.'

The winner will travel to Vancouver where they'll be hosted at the Four Seasons along with three companions. Then, they'll travel by limo to the 'Breaking Dawn' set, where they'll have a meet and greet with Rob, who portrays hunky vampire Edward Cullen in the hit series.

The prize was offered on www.CharityBuzz.com to raise funds for the GO Campaign, a nonprofit group that supports grassroots projects for orphans and vulnerable children globally. The $80,000 bid is the highest bid ever for the GO Campaign.

There are several other high-dollar auctions running on CharityBuzz, including VIP tickets to see Paul McCartney and meet the Beatles legend backstage, which is currently at $85,000 and ends Thursday. Another notable auction is the first-ever Chevy Volt off the production line, which is currently going for $185,000 and ending on December 14. Two other auctions include a backstage tour from U2's The Edge, and the Ultimate Taylor Swift fan package.

The fourth book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, will be split into two films to be released on November 18, 2011 and November 16, 2012 respectively.



How much would you be willing to pay for a night with Rob?

Would you be more willing if you owned the million from humping Tor's great uncle Bartholomew?

Does the charity part make it easier to swallow?


It's My B-Day!

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 9:10 PM

I turned 25 today!!   So I know I always ask this same question but i'm gonna request fics that you've recenently read and enjoyed so please let me know what you currently like.


Movies In Minutes.

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 7:16 PM

This is hilarious imo.



To make this interactive what are your favorite twilight saga spoofs?


Please to be making me laugh?

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 7:13 PM

So...I got laid off today. And I'm drinking. Got anything to make me laugh? Gifs? Jokes? Ridik pics of Rob? I need it.


PS - TomStu, Henry Cavill and Andrew Garfield are welcome to this pants party. Open invitation extended.


How forgiving are you?

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 7:02 PM

I always think about this when reading fics. No matter how angsty, no matter what goes down, who's involved, how badly you hurt someone, got hurt, whatever. No matter how many years have gone by, no matter if you left baby Edward in a ditch with a toy piano.

They're STILL forgiven and the relationship is worked on and soon you're passing the cranberry sauce across the table.

How forgiving are you? Regardless of beliefs or what not, do you have a hard limit? Is there a "yes you can apologize but I have NOTHING for you so you live your life and I live mine and peace be with you?"


How forgiving are you? What do you think of the forgiveness in fics? Does it make a person unreasonable to not forgive? Should everyone eventually take everyone back?


Indecent Proposal

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 5:28 PM

You're offered 1 million dollars to have sex with someone,(idk who it is, it's just some random)


would you do it?


no judgements, people.


edited to add:






- The gentlemen is around 70.

- No STD's.

-Not attractive: short, balding, dentures, fatish.

-He wants you for an entire night.

-The money is tax free, he's just going to give you cash.

-the sex is pretty straight up: missionary, maybe some light bondage, like getting tied up, doggy, cowgirl.

-you would have to be engaging - you can't just lay there.


The reading habits of the Forest Camper

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 5:17 PM

Please to be answering these questions. If you want to discuss anything or expand on your answer, add a comment :). This is purely to satisfy my curiousity.

AAAAARGH the code for the first one doesn't seem to be working. Here's a direct link instead: http://poll.pollcode.com/Kb3D

pollcode.com free polls
What kind of fic do you normally read?
Only AU (i.e. vampires) Mainly AU Even mix of AU and AH Mainly AH Only All Human   
pollcode.com free polls
What kind of fic do you normally read? part 2
Completed only Completed with some rare exceptions Will read WIP   
pollcode.com free polls
Does rating affect your willingness to read?
Yes, I will only read M or above Yes, I will only read T or below No, I will read any rating   

Thank you!


feel lucky; i'm not autoplaying today

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 5:09 PM

Holiday Text - http://www.christmastext.com


Christmas Comments - http://www.christmastext.com


Snow Text - http://www.christmastext.com


Christmas Generator - http://www.christmastext.com



buffy episode 3.19 "choices"

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 4:35 PM

Wesley: But you're a Slayer.
Buffy: Yeah, I'm also a person. You can't just define me by my Slayerness. That's... something-ism.


Oh Lainey-if only it were true

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 4:03 PM

Can you imagine? Can you seriously imagine the RAGE of SM right now? She is one of the executive producers of BD so expect nothing but HER vision folks. That's right-a uterus munching, pedo-bear, feathers everywhere epic pile of fail.

But-how great would this be?

Let's discuss these major, delicious spoilers

WARNING-do not click the link if you don't want spoilers!



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