Around 6 months ago, I started a campfire re: AU vs AH.
Basically, I wanted to understand people's views on reading AH versus AU because I'm a nosy bish consumate researcher. If you want to take a look at the responses (and really, there were some very well thought out answers there), go: HERE
Me? Personally, I like it all - vamp, human, space invader, whatever, as long as it's well written. And I read and write some of everything. If I had to pick one, though, for me GOOD AU pwns all. Therein lay the purpose of this campfire.
Back then, I wanted to know why people liked/didn't like AU and AH.
NOW, I come to you with more questions, this time, strictly about AU:
1. What sets apart good AU from mediocre AU?
2. Just how canon (talking about more than just canon pairings here - talking about behaviors, backgrounds, etc) do you like your AUs?
3. Do you (still) enjoy alt POVs, missing moments, extensions of the "real" books?
4. Do you prefer completely altered scenarios/universes - ie. the characters are the same but the events in the "real" books never occured?
5. How important is it to keep true to Twi-specific vamp mythology (ie sparkles, no fangs, etc)?
6. If you have them, what are your hard limits (i.e. Bella as a vamp, Edward drinking from Bella, Darkwards, Bella choosing not to change, etc)?
I may add more questions as I think of them... lol.
You ask why I care, what does it matter, lalalala. First off, I can talk vamp all day long. Secondly, I can obvsly talk Twi all day long. And thirdly, in the past few weeks, I've seen some campfires, forum arguments, twitter rants, etc, where some expressed irritation over lack of AU visibility. And like always, I'm intrigued and wanted to gather some data. Voila! A campfire is lit...
So, Show Me Your Teeth! :D