Numerology can be fun. I went to and entered the information for Edward Cullen, born Edward Anthony Masen on June 20, 1901:
Numerology for Edward Cullen for 12/4/2010
In Your Public Life...
Words that embody things that may be a part of you are "Africa, Boat, Change, Death, Fire, Gold, Jackal, Ocean, Palace, Rich, Tide".
Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Abuse, Angel, Art, Astronaut, Blood, Bondage, Butterfly, Candle, Charity, Commune, Cosmos, Crime, Crucifix, Cycle, Daughter, Electricity, Enthusiasm, Evil, Famine, Fervor, Fling, Fool, Greed, Harvest, Lantern, Martini, Mate, Outside, Pagan, Passion, Pluto, Rat, Resurrection, Ring, Sable, Saturn, Sex, Son, Spectacle, Thief, Tolerance, Transformation, Tree, Vampire".
In Your Private Life...
Words that embody your presence are "Barrier, Desert, Leopard, Snow, Sphere, Spider, Target, Vanilla".
Words that embody the people or things that you interact with are "Ice".
Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Breakthrough, Execution, Fellowship, Flattery, Hypnosis, Microscope, Mountain, Mystery, Navigator, Philosophy, Roulette".
In Your Spiritual Life...
Words that embody things that may be a part of you are "Angel, Art, Candle, Deck, Greed, Mate, Pagan, Rat, Sable".
Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Ancestor, Blues, Civilization, Dragon, Finger, Grotto, Halloween, Illumination, Island, Joker, Martyr, Mustang, Neptune, Rook, Scream, Shackle, Slave, Tiger, Unholy, Virtue".
It's all in fun.
Enter your information and see if something interesting comes up.
Do any of the words seem strangely relevent?