
which fic?

Sunday December 5, 2010 at 3:23 AM

bella and edward have a one night stand while bella is in town on business... they don't exchange names or anything to keep it exciting. bella returns home and finds herself pregnant. her boss (or maybe business partner?) opens a branch in the town they met so she moves there. i think she's in advertising. she goes with angela (i believe) to a wedding and edward happens to be the best man. when edward hugs her, he feels the baby. erm, thats all i can really remember that happens....


DVD Extra from New Moon

Sunday December 5, 2010 at 12:33 AM

Now, I KNOW I've seeen a picture of Edward dressed up as if he worked for the Volture. It was a deleted/extended scene from New Moon. My problem is that I can't figure out which disc the scene is on! Summit came out with so many versions that my head is still spinning. Does anyone know which super special edition the scene is, or what the name of it is?


Edward is watching you all sleep.....


She's Baaackk!

Sunday December 5, 2010 at 12:31 AM

Struckatthesky is back!

She just posted her new story:

Through The Oak Door


One kiss sparks the clues, but what do they all mean? Bella dreams of her future self, knowing the life she lives ends in tragedy. How can she change her story when she already knows the ending? The door is there, but where is the key? AH, ExB, Rated M.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,056 - Published: 12-4-10 - Bella & Edward




Are you excited? I am!


Flouncin n Bouncin

Sunday December 5, 2010 at 12:30 AM

How do you guys feel about authors flouncin the fandom scene? Pulling their fics? Readers flouncin your story for whatever reason?


So really what i'm asking is, what are your thoughts and feelings on the flouncy bouncy? 

a) Im sad. It makes me cry.

b) It makes me mad. I wanna throw things.

c)  I don't care. And BTW who the hell are you meddz?!





In Desperate Need Of...

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 11:49 PM

So. I've basically just spent the entire day reading THE WEDDING PARTY by spanglemaker9 and fell COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH IT. Just the right amount of fluff and angst thrown into a bubbling pot of good ol' romance.

Now to the point: I NEED RECS THAT WILL LEAD ME TO FICS IN THE SAME REALM OF GOODNESS. Something I just won't be able to put down. Something that will make me tingly and sniffly and smiley all at the same time.

I'm definitely sure there are gems out there. NOW REC MY LADIES. REC REC!

~ Melie


repondez, s'il vous plait

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 10:09 PM





Even if you do not rsvp, you are more than welcome. Tomorrow night will be a time to mingle, meet your fellow campers and spread some holiday cheer.

Come one! Come all!


Fic me this, fic me that!

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 9:33 PM

So I was going through my FFnet just before, seeing what fics I have, what I haven't read etc etc & it got me wondering.

How many fics do you have favourited on FFnet & in story telling?

Have you read them all? Why/why not?

Do you favourite a lot of fics a week & get around to them when you do, or do you favourite as you read?

Do you have so many unread fics that you get overwhelmed & don't bother reading them?

If you fav before you read, why?

Do you read WIP & complete, only complete, only WIP? Why?


Some funny for you


My answers in the comments


Happy Post!

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 9:30 PM

Where was the happy post this weekend?

Well I want to start another one cause I'm in SUCH a great mood! So come in here and share your happy thoughts for the week! (lol, the forest is like dead, but it's all gravy, be happy with me.)

ALSO to make this campfire legit (as it's past 5pm EST) tell me a moment from Twilight the series, the movie, whatever, OR from fanfic that made you utterly and completely happy!

Bring on the happy people, stories, experiences, jokes, the fandom . . . whatever made YOU happy. And if you're drinking, that's even better!


Eclipse DVD extras

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 8:33 PM

Are they posted somewhere yet? I went to my local target today and they were sold out of the deluxe edition and I wasn't about to search for it anywhere else ;) I'm just curious about the commentary and whatnot.


With Teeth!

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Just a quick thank y'all to those who recommended With Teeth to me earlier this week (or last week?) Just finished it and LOVED it--really strong, terrific writing, great characters, so well-paced.So glad to be part of this community.


The Legend of Hell House

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 4:38 PM


Welcome to another instalment of the horror watch along! You all (well some of you) voted and the winner for this week is....



I'll be hosting the watchalong on gchat 7 PM Eastern time (which is about 30 minutes from now) and the movie should be over around 9-ish.


*You can PM us your email to make sure you join us in the conversations, or to ask for links!

However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.


Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!


GAW for the permission :D



Saturday December 4, 2010 at 2:01 PM


what traditions do you have for Xmas?, it can be family, it can be national, it can just be because you feel like it, so tell me/us, what do you do for Xmas to is special? why?
convince me to get new Traditions, I have many different ones going all around the year, but I think Xmas and the first week of January are the more different ones, so, I will tell you... if you tell me too

I will Start with one...
In Spain it is a tradition to eat 12 Grapes at the ring of the bells at midnight, they are the lucky Grapes and if you do eat them before the last bell you will have a good and happy year..., the tradition started in 1910, when we had an extraordinary year in grapes production and the sellers created this "tradition" so we consume more product before they got ruined.... (I got my Danish Bf to do this, one word "Hilarious" , you train all your life and just an smile can ruin everything starting a chain reacction)... I think you should try, you only need a grandfather clock, some grapes and lots of good humor,

oh oh, one more I can explain later, during my childhood and until the late 80s we didn´t had Santa (or Xmas tree), We had (and I still have), the 3 Wise men... and in Italy the have the good witch called Befana...

so hit me with your willdest/crazyes/funniest


For Whom The Bell Tolls

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 12:46 PM

I haven't done this in a long time. I was horribly burned last time I did it so I just went back to reading quietly and raving about what I liked to my friends.

I am putting myself out there again to get the word out about an extraordinary fic. Some of you know it-it was in the pimp post which is where I found it (I read most of what is pimped-swear-ask Jennyfly, Jandco, Emibella or Tor-they will vouch for me). In fact, I sort of drive Jennyfly crazy with all my reading but that's another story entirely.

Anyway-back to For Whom The Bell Tolls. The author Cyrabear has done an extraordinary job of creating a mysterious, intriguing story with richly developed characters. There are no stereotypes here. Edward, Bella, Jacob and the Cullens shine. The twists and turns have kept me riveted and a few of them broke my heart.

Vampward is back in a big way! Her Edward is dark, tormented and achingly romantic. Bella isn't a boring Marysue. A Rosalie who isn't a cookie-cutter bitch? Alice isn't a annoying twit? Wow-what a refreshing surprise.

This story has only 132 reviews. How is that possible? Let's get the word out. It deserves it.



Diana Wolfskill

Numerology: By the Numbers

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 12:02 PM



Numerology can be fun. I went to and entered the information for Edward Cullen, born Edward Anthony Masen on June 20, 1901:

Numerology for Edward Cullen for 12/4/2010
In Your Public Life...
Words that embody things that may be a part of you are "Africa, Boat, Change, Death, Fire, Gold, Jackal, Ocean, Palace, Rich, Tide".
Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Abuse, Angel, Art, Astronaut, Blood, Bondage, Butterfly, Candle, Charity, Commune, Cosmos, Crime, Crucifix, Cycle, Daughter, Electricity, Enthusiasm, Evil, Famine, Fervor, Fling, Fool, Greed, Harvest, Lantern, Martini, Mate, Outside, Pagan, Passion, Pluto, Rat, Resurrection, Ring, Sable, Saturn, Sex, Son, Spectacle, Thief, Tolerance, Transformation, Tree, Vampire".

In Your Private Life...
Words that embody your presence are "Barrier, Desert, Leopard, Snow, Sphere, Spider, Target, Vanilla".
Words that embody the people or things that you interact with are "Ice".

Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Breakthrough, Execution, Fellowship, Flattery, Hypnosis, Microscope, Mountain, Mystery, Navigator, Philosophy, Roulette".

In Your Spiritual Life...
Words that embody things that may be a part of you are "Angel, Art, Candle, Deck, Greed, Mate, Pagan, Rat, Sable".
Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Ancestor, Blues, Civilization, Dragon, Finger, Grotto, Halloween, Illumination, Island, Joker, Martyr, Mustang, Neptune, Rook, Scream, Shackle, Slave, Tiger, Unholy, Virtue".

It's all in fun.

Enter your information and see if something interesting comes up. 

Do any of the words seem strangely relevent?




Need a Medical Consultation

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 9:54 AM

So, I'm one chapter into a fic. And I've set it some place I've never been...

Medical school. 

A lot of the fic will take place outside the classroom, but for the moments when classes and studying have to come into play...I'm going to need some help. I have a lot of friends who've been, and a few have even gone to the one where this one is set, but I've found sometimes it can be tough for people who don't know the saga to answer questions with an eye toward, "Yes. This happens, and these are the potential complications that being a vampire in this situation could cause." 

So, if any of you lovely folk have spent time being an M1 student, and would be at all interested in putting yourself up as a contact so that I can shoot you the occasional question as I write this thing, I'd be grateful. It's being quasi-prewritten, so the glory of having your name in lights in an A/N on FFnet will be delayed, but I'll appreciate your help immensely. 



me, i want a hula hoop

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 8:56 AM

christmas music campfire

we're getting our tree today, i'm making puppy chow (chex mix), gonna watch me some grinch (original, not jim carrey)

anyway, share some good christmas music!  this is my playlist (although i removed a certain song by the vandals because i felt it was a tad inappropriate for the forest).  gimme more suggestions! 

(same playlist in a different color, minus the autoplay :D :D :D)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
The Offspring

Favorite Series Could Become My First Fic

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 12:38 AM

Ok, let me say this now. This series here:


Is pretty much my favorite series. Could become my first Fanfiction story. Explanation and reasons inside.


Vampire Diaries

Friday December 3, 2010 at 10:02 PM

I just got season 1 disc 1 from Netflix and I am very excited to watch it, but before I do I have to ask:





What do you prefer the show or the books? Are they even related?



Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:58 PM


I just received a letter in the mail saying that my son has won a 4 day 3 night trip to Walt Disney World (pending verification) to attend Disney's Dreamers Academy.

Steve Harvey (actor, comediene, radio host) hosts the Dreamers Academy at WDW every year. Students 13-19 can submit essays about their dreams, aspirations, and overcoming adversity. 100 essays are picked out of the ones received and those 100 are invited to WDW for a 4 day program about achieving your goals and reaching your potential.  There will be celebrities present along with Disney's imagineers.

My son was one of the 100!!!!! He is super excited!!!

Here's the link to the website for anyone that may be interested in submitting and essay for next year.

A scan of the letter will be inside




Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:46 PM

Whatcha reading? Whatcha writing? What are your friends writing?

I miss the PIMP campfire. Let's do some pimping.


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