
Sexy Times Playlist?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 3:04 PM

So, this week, when I should have been studying for finals, I decided to re-read "Breaking Bella."

I got to the part where B & E were driving from Forks back to SanFran and Bella started her playlist with songs she would get busy between the sheets to.

I too have a playlist of this sort on my iPod and I listen to it quiet a bit.

Sooooooooooooo, ladies (and you few wonderful gentlemen),

what's on your sexy times playlist? :)

Do you prefer the smoothness of R&B and hiphop? Or are you more of a heavy, thick bass-line type of person?

Do the lyrics have an effect on your enjoyment? Or is it just the music that gets you going?

What type of voices give you the tingles?

Willing to give us a video of you all time favorite one?


*mine will be in the comments


Belle AKA Bella?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 2:33 PM

Sooo....i got all nostalgic today and watched beauty and the beast. and as im watching...im thinking....is Belle not Bella?

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no no guys hear me out. the LOOK they same. with the hair and the eyes and the pretty. and they ACT the same. with the quiet and the books and the taking care of the father thing.

And dont even get me started on the beast. when he turns into a prince? Hes edward. legit. with the bronze hair and everything SEE?

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and this could so be renesmee.

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Im just saying...

does anyone else see it? OR can you tell me any other books that seem to ...*ahem* be like disney movies? Or vice versa? Or am i just crazy?



Friday December 3, 2010 at 2:25 PM

what do we think about this girl?  i'm talking about ke-$-ha btw, the hot mess of an artist girl.


she's messy, but apparently she's a legit genius and has a really high IQ. 


my opinion of her:

-really hope to see her sing for reals, cause autotune isn't really my thing.

-like her. she's grungy-dumpster chic, and a hot mess and a drunk. i can dig it.

-she's pretty self-aware, and she's involved in causes that i support as well.

and apparently, I'm turning stupid as well... ^^ look how incoherent I was up there.  ah well.   if only i had the eloquency of ellen page. (but that's alright, because ellen page and natalie portman are going to be my future wives.  oh! with kate winslet.  sorry. off topic.  go back to kesha)




Friday December 3, 2010 at 1:00 PM

I really love going to concerts. The atmosphere and the amazing music, its fabulous. I've been pretty fortunate and gotten to see a lot of amazing bands in concert. 

Like Steppenwolf, ZZ Top, Seether, Staind, Saving Abel, Evanescence, AlterBridge, Evans Blue, Finger 11, Shinedown, Papa Roach, Paramore, No Doubt, Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, blink 182, Smashing Pumpkins, Chris Cornell, Breaking Benjamin, Saliva, SevenDust, The Black Crows, Korn, Coheed And Cambria, Slipknot, Hinder, Halestorm, and a few country artists. 

I am also going to see Jimmy Eat World and Smashing Pumpkins this Sunday.

So, I want to know who you've gotten to see? Or who you'd sell your soul to be able to see? 

Let me know Campers!

Sir Rachel


Friday December 3, 2010 at 11:16 AM

Whoaaaaaaa Bella.


Come talk about this crazy intense chapter! And/or why Bella should have a fire truck thrown at her...


Quickie Question

Friday December 3, 2010 at 11:15 AM

Hey guys!

I've been waiting to read "Imperfectly Perfect" cause I think there's supposed to be an Epilogue? Did I miss it by any chance?

Is it pretty much complete without the epi so I should start it? LOL



Picture Post

Friday December 3, 2010 at 11:05 AM

Hey Laaaaadies.

We have not had a picture post in a while.

There are a lot of new people here and I want to know all of your beautiful faces.

I understand if you're squicky about coming out of hiding, though. Still. DOOO IT.

ETA: Tell us what your avi/screenname means 

P.S. I missed you guys. I've been lurking.

I'll put my pic inside. Please don't leave me hangin'!


Anyone out there want to pre-read non-FF?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 10:46 AM

So, I'm here slaving away over the first draft of my final short story for my minor, and I feel that it is especially crappy for a first draft, and it's due today. I was wondering if, although it's certainly not happy and it's certainly not twilight, someone would be willing to give it a once over and let me know what they think: what works, what's majorly confusing, what needs to be refocused, etc.

I normally wouldn't ask this, but:

     (1) I can't go to my normal first read people (namely my mom and my best friend) because the piece is pretty connected to things that recently happened in my family and my mom, especially wouldn't appreciate/make it through the story, and my best friend is crazy bogged down with final papers and such as well

    (2) As the story is based on real people I know personally, it's hard to be objective

    (3) I really don't want to fail this class and end up being a super-super-senior


EDIT: The story is about 8,040 words.


For your time:


Or my new crush:



Christmas came early

Friday December 3, 2010 at 10:02 AM

I guess we've all been good little campers this year, because look what just appeared in my stocking!


A new fic by jandco & withthevampsofcourse- A ridiculous tale ofaccidental misdemeanors, felonies, past affairs and six kids on the run from life. Not necessarily realistic, but AH anyway.

Found here in the Forest:

bound for glory, chapter 1


Let's read and discuss, shall we???


Sour Grapes make great Whine

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:53 AM

Have you ever noticed that people who deserve awesome things (i.e. me) never get them but others (i.e. people I dislike/feel I am superior to in some way) get all kinds of goodies?

I'm a bit of a complaining mood, so please, join me Friday Free For Allers!

My specific complaint which sparked this fire inside.

rotten miracles

Harry Potter SLASH

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:35 AM

So, I just finished reading this AMAZING HP fanfic. I won't tell you which one, because if you haven't read it, I'll spoil it when I say it's the reason I'm looking for more Remus Lupin/Sirius Black fic.

(if you're thinking right now 'wait, could it be...?' then yes, it probably is. However, feel free to rec it to me anyway, because if it isn't, then I'd like to read it.)


Please, please rec me a good Remus/Sirius fic. The HP fandom scares me - there's so many fics and some are really, really good but most of it's awful. I'm mostly looking for a Hogwarts fic, in which they're friends and things slowly build, and Remus is awkward (I LOVE awkward) and Sirius is a player, but I'll read anything if someone promises me it's good :)





Bring Out The Big One's

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:31 AM

Hi Forest!

I'm in the search for tips on how to make avi's, gifs, etc. whatever you call them!

I have some computer skills but I seem to be lacking in this department. 

Anyone with tips on how to make them, please join me in this campfire! (or we can make a deal somehow..)

**Post all yer funny gifs, avi's, anything you want. I want to see some funny!

I'll post some that I found in the comments.



Some pretty pretty for your time...

Photobucket Photobucket




So just out of interest?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:16 AM

Who is your Favourite, hot and steamy vampire? The one thats in all your little fantasies and why?


Mine has got to be Damon Salvatore...because he is just so gorgeous and hot and BAD ASS! I love it! And as for fantasies.... anything goes ;-)


so feel free to share who you'r Fav is and why....and feel free to put up pics too!!!


Lets feel the vampire love people


Happy Hanukkah

Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:34 AM

Tonight's the third night and I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah!!

Feel free to use this campfire to share special traditions you have for the holidays or recipes that come out at this time of year.


Happy Hanukkah, Merry Almost Christmas and Happy Holidays!!



Last Review.

Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:03 AM

I got some great rec's from the campfire last time.


What was the name of the story you left your last review for? (Feel free to include the review)

What recent story has you chomping at the bit for an update and we should drop everything to read?





am i the only crazy one?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:00 AM

So tonight this comes out at midnight in the US:

are there any campers that are going to be waiting in line to get it?

I will be... only because i have to work tomorrow and i won't feel like going after work to get it.

is there any other movie that you would be willing to go out at midnight to get?

Justine Lark

Remember Me fic

Friday December 3, 2010 at 7:44 AM

I had a lovely RM story in my favorites, and just as I was about to download a copy, it was gone. 

The story was "Dear Tyler" by InstantKarmaGirl.  It was a series of letters from the characters to Tyler, similar to how Tyler would write to Michael.
Did anyone else read this story?  Like it?  Can anyone recommend any other RM fic? Thanks!

I Need A Laugh

Friday December 3, 2010 at 7:41 AM

So, I got bored one day a couple of weeks ago and made this ...

I didn't think he had it in him

And I feel like I need a good laugh today.  So I was just wondering what has made you LOL or even ROFLYAO recently. Pics, videos, links, whatever. :)

PS - This is my first campfire :)


Silly Billy

Friday December 3, 2010 at 7:40 AM

Trawling through Randigiles' birthday campfire, I noticed that punked-up Spike bore a startling resemblance to Billy Idol.

Then I remembered this Literal Video and thought I'd share the joy.

Feel free to share your own silliness or just enjoy the laffs
Happy Friday!


Friday December 3, 2010 at 5:48 AM

How come there is no campfire about Tangled??!!

I saw it yesterday and it was AMAZING!


I especially loved the Healing Incantation, Mandy Moore's voice is perfect for Disney...



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