
Slowly Going Crazy 123456 Switch

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 9:34 PM

Okay. Now, normally I wouldn't do this but, after hours of studying for finals I really need this (almost as much as I needed that Rob Porn-- THANK ALL KINDS OF DEITIES for that slice of heaven I just perused) distraction.

So here goes nothing. Feel free to scoff and generally disregard this campfire.

I'm looking for a fic (how unusual) and the title has completely escaped me, hence why I'm here. I read it a while ago and really fell in love with the interactions of the characters and was really looking forward to revisiting it.

It starts off with Bella going to a business meeting (or a date, I can't remember) at a hotel bar. Edward, a hotel guest, is there drinking with his family and sees Bella from across the bar and is immediately smitten. They meet and then, well... lemons occur. If I remember correctly there was a lot of steam.

Fast forward a few months and we see that Bella is ill-- perhaps a flu?-- and everything is pointing to the fact that she's knocked up after her crazy little romp with that gorgeous stranger. Alice is somehow connected in there, as well as Esme? It's been so long, the details are hazy. Edward's a doctor (lawyer?) with a crazy mother who wants his trust money and from the start and he doesn't want to trust Bella, assuming she's a gold-digger. They fight, a lot, and he essentially cuts her off and is ready to pay for the baby but doesn't really want anything to do with Bella.

Everything works out in the end, as these things have a tendency to do, and Edward and Bella end up together, a happy, unified family. The epliogue takes place at a school christmas production with Edward coming in late and only catching the tail end. Bella has gone into labor with their 2nd child and neglected to tell anyone-- if I remember correctly a running joke throughout the fic.

I have a sneaking feeling it's been taken down, but in case it's not, has anyone read it and could point me in any kind of direction? 

In return for the knowledge I'll give you my never ending love and support; we can negotiate anything else.



ranger edit: problem solved, thank you very merry much!


Forget the drama, gimme Rob porn

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 8:56 PM

Okay, so I'm personally a little drama'd out. I don't like it. It annoys me. It gives me proverbial heartburn and makes me think less of people I like.

I don't want to discuss it.


So, in the midst of all this mess, let's not forget what's REALLY important here...






Let's start off with tonight's favorite:



Fanfic Worship Gone Awry

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 6:44 PM

I just read this blog by Megsly (Horizons, Boxing The Compass, Through Your Eyes).

Basically, an outsiders perspective of the clusterf*ck that went down on Twitter, yesterday, when MoTU II was pulled. Also how this type of incident reflects on the fandom.

Twitter. The new weapon of choice?

Some might find it interesting. 


When Fandoms Attack...


Perhaps not of the same tone, but... 

CereuleanBlue - Message To The Fandom 


Lovely ADF ladies (and gents), this isn't meant to provoke an argument.


RANGER EDIT: We always welcome healthy, intelligent discourse here in the forest. Both of these well-written,  thought-provoking essays should be discussed.


Which Fanfic Would You Fanfic?

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 6:28 PM

I read Twilight and wanted more, that's why I sought out fanfic.

Haven't you ever read a fic and wanted the characters to live on beyond the walls of the story?

I work on the Twific Pimps and we've been throwing the idea around for a new contest, Fanfic My Fanfic, where we'd ask people to come up with missing moments, pasttakes, futuretakes, or alternative endings for some of their favorite fic.


My question for you guys:

If you could write a fanfic for any twific story, which would it be?


EDIT:  Also, if you're an author, would you mind if someone wanted to fanfic your fanfic?


I have no good justification for including this pic other than I saw it today and I might've drooled a little bit.


well at least this one has books in it, which sorta relates to the post :)



Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 4:56 PM

Calling all Myers-Briggs nerds.

Who here is mildly obsessed with Myers-Briggs personality types like I am? I’m writing a story right now where I’ve decided my Bella is INFJ (Oh! how convenient, so am I), and my Edward is ISFP.

What type
do you think you are? Try a test, if you like – but come back when you’re done, ‘kay?

What about canon Edward and canon Bella?

Or some of your favorite fic-Edwards and fic-Bellas?


Looking for a Fic

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 3:39 PM

I'm looking for an E/B one-shot I read a while ago that I'd love to revisit, but my memory's shot. Bella's traveling an interstate highway when her truck breaks down on a fairly deserted stretch of the road. She gets the truck to an old gas station/convenience shop that seems to be run and maintained by Edward.

He lives in a trailer right next to the shop and invites her to stay, given that the truck repair will take a couple of days (maybe it was 2 weeks, if memory serves). He's got very little food so all he really offers her is a safe place to shower and sleep.

Poor Bella's left bumming around all day w/nothing to do but get to know the guy as her truck's being worked on. There's lots of UST between them that... eventually gets resolved ;)

Sound familiar to anyone?

EDIT: Thanks to evilangel6714 for tracking it down! Link is inside.

Sir Rachel


Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 3:34 PM

Yep, it's me again! No need to muffle your groans...

A new chapter!

In which jennyfly and jandco impossibly manage to raise even MORE questions...


buffy episode 3.17 "doppelgangland"

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 3:28 PM

For a thousand years I wielded the powers of The Wish. I brought ruin to the heads of unfaithful men. I brought forth destruction and chaos for the pleasure of the lower beings. I was feared and worshipped across the mortal globe. And now I'm stuck at Sunnydale High. Mortal. Child. And I'm flunking math.


oh man, i love this one.  discuss evil willow!


Attn Writers & Artists~

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 11:26 AM

Calling all authors, 'zine makers, comic-book writers, diarists, poets and storytellers: Our library needs your words!

The Fiction Project is an opportunity to tell stories in a different way by fusing text and visual art. Add your voice to this year's coast-to-coast tour and create new work grounded in the act of writing. After traveling across the country, the Fiction Project will enter into the Brooklyn Art Library's narrative collection, archiving your stories to share them with the public.

Anyone – from anywhere in the world – can be a part of the project. To participate and receive a journal that will travel with the 2011 tour, start by choosing a theme to the right.




The project is sponsored by The Art-House Co-op.  They hold similar projects and contests all year long.  I currently hold a book for the SKETCHBOOK PROJECT, which I've done absolutely nothing for....I'm not sure I even will at this point since the deadline is just a few weeks away, but my IDEA for that project might actually be better suited for this FICTION I think I may participate in this one.

I love the idea behind these collective projects....these traveling stories.  It's fun, it's communal, anything that inspires creativity this way is simply fantastic.  If you choose to participate, let me know!  I always sign up for things like this, but rarely follow-through.  A little push might help.



Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 10:24 AM

This Week's Game:  FIC GARAGE SALE!!!!
Describe an item, or post a pic of an item that a character from a fic would have and sell at a garage sale (they wouldn't really have to sell it, but you know what i mean), and we have to guess the character and fic! 
1.  Describe an item, or post an image of it
2.  We all guess which character from which fic owns that item
Example 1:
Answer:  Bella, from High Anxiety
Example 2:  Blue Aston Martin named Nevaeh
Answer:  Bella, from Parachute
Come join the fun - make new camper friends and have a good time getting over the hump!
My first entry is inside :)

Why Do You Need An ISLAND?!

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 9:30 AM

I am personally against people having an obsene amount of money. Where people can barely live in this economy, I see no reason why people like Ashely Greene and Kellan Lutz should be demanding a ridiculous amount of money for Breaking Dawn, or why other actors are naturally offered that amount for any movie. Or sports. I don't care what you do, I believe it is completely uneccessary.

Which brings me to the Cullens. Carlisle is a doctor. Which is wonderful. He helps people. The rest of the family can't be doctors because of the blood. I get it.

Why is doctoring the only good thing they can apparently do with their money and their knowledge?

They have how many homes? They have how many fancy cars? They want something, they buy it. And it pisses me off.

They could likely feed a small country for like 50 years to come, or give all those families in Africa the nets they need, or sell a house and a few cars and give an obsene amount of money to cancer or AIDs research.

Some of them I get, some of them I don't think care enough. But what about Mr. Guilty Edward? Or Jasper? Or Ms. Human Life Means Something! Rosalie.

...Am I alone? I can rant more but I'll stop.

EDIT: I'd like to say that all these opinions are Cullen specific. I expect more from these vampires than I do from others considering how great they are made out to be in the books. Just keep that in mind.


All is not what it seems fics

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 8:54 AM

I just read Osa Bella - which was fabulous and which is what got me thinking about this - but I find myself wanting something more.

I'm looking for fics where for whatever reason - Bella is older (25-30ish)  - she can be vamp or human - and is with Edward who is obviously younger (but maybe 18-20 instead of 17 to avoid law breaking???). This can be humourous or not, but I'm just interested in how they cope with being in the world in what appears to be an inappropriate relationship.


Can anyone help me with this? Am I terrible for this request?

For your time

the Truly teenage Edward


The way teenage Edward would act on honeymoon



The Very First Time.

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 6:08 AM

"I'm a chick, not a gay dude, which is fortunate for my husband, but not for my fashion sense."

That right there is my very first post (not including fic) in the Twilight Fandom.  A few really lovely people were reading one of my fics and I got a P.M. inviting me to come discuss it. 

I was SHOCKED, because I had no idea such forums existed, I wasn't aware that people actually gathered to talk about fanfiction things.  Then I spent the next hour figuring out how to post a comment; and that first one is in regards to speculation as to whether I was a girl or a gay man.

I'd posted briefly a few times before on a different Twi board...but it wasn't the same as the comms are today.

Share with me your very first post....or what you can remember of it. 

How did you de-lurk?  Were you apprehensive about it or did you dive right in?  Was it in response to a particular topic?

If you remember or have the actual post, we'd love to see it.

If you still haven't de-lurked...THIS COULD BE YOUR STORY! 

So, come in, share with us your first time...or come in and have this BE your first time.



Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 5:34 AM

If Carlisle Cullen were to turn you into a vampire, would you decide to do the "vegetarian" Cullen diet or drink human blood?

Also, what is the one food you would miss the most?


To catch your eye...


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 3:43 AM

SO SORRY for not posting this last week.  Hope you all can forgive me...


In any case, IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN.








"The Twilight Saga - Intro" by verotruth  <-  This is really unique in that it's not your typical fan video.  As the title says, it's an "intro" to the series.  Pretty cool, I must say. :)


and because I'm UBER excited about The Vampire Diaries starting up again tomorrow...

"Katherine - Everything comes into focus.." by paradisedanifm1


OMG not really but a little bit.

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 1:51 AM

OKay i just got my eclipse DVD and have just put the audio commentary on

omg my love for RPattz has reignited the flame

come here and be happy for me.






Interactive part



Gone Huntin'

Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 1:10 AM

Hi Y'all,

I have been trying to figure out the name of this fic:

Bella has a one nighter with Edward and gets preggers, becomes homeless and then meets him under a tree or at his doorstep (not entirely sure) and he decides to help. I think they are highschoolers but I'm not 100% sure.

I might have mixed two stories but anywho if you recognize it at all please help me out here `cause it's drivin' me NUTS.

Thank you. That will be all.

UPDATE: Story located - Just One Night by LittleMissInnocence


Next stop, AZKABAN!

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 8:41 PM

I've decided to venture into new fic territory... Harry Potter fics.

I don't really wanna fic dive, though. I hate trying to find good stuff that I'll know I like.

Anyone have some recc's to start me off? I'd love, love, love to read a pre-Philsopher's Stone fic about Lily and James. omg, if I found a good LilyxJames fic that wasn't porn... I'd forever be in your debt.


Here's a pretty for you. :)


In Search of Laughs

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 7:57 PM

Hello forest frolickers! :)

I'm in need of a funny, belly-full-of-giggles kind of story.

I've been reading a lot of angst filled stories as of late and they're kind of weighing on me a bit.

Having a hard time finding interesting, care free, hilarious fics that will have me laughing for days. 

So I've come to ya'll for help!

If you could rec me some hilarious fan fics that will inflate my little angst ridden heart it would be wonderful! Preferably E X B :)

Much appreciated! :)


Rob likes to laugh too! :)


fanfiction fail??

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 7:17 PM

Is anyone else having trouble getting FF to load?  I may actually hyperventilate if this doesn't get straightened out soon!!!


I was just about to head to chapter 3 of "The Tour" and I really want to keep reading!!!





edit:  ok, I just saw the post below mine about the FF fail.  It must have gone up when I was typing mine. : (  Sorry!  I"ll still leave Rob up for your viewing pleasure though!

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