
Sour Grapes make great Whine

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:53 AM

Have you ever noticed that people who deserve awesome things (i.e. me) never get them but others (i.e. people I dislike/feel I am superior to in some way) get all kinds of goodies?

I'm a bit of a complaining mood, so please, join me Friday Free For Allers!

My specific complaint which sparked this fire inside.

rotten miracles

Harry Potter SLASH

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:35 AM

So, I just finished reading this AMAZING HP fanfic. I won't tell you which one, because if you haven't read it, I'll spoil it when I say it's the reason I'm looking for more Remus Lupin/Sirius Black fic.

(if you're thinking right now 'wait, could it be...?' then yes, it probably is. However, feel free to rec it to me anyway, because if it isn't, then I'd like to read it.)


Please, please rec me a good Remus/Sirius fic. The HP fandom scares me - there's so many fics and some are really, really good but most of it's awful. I'm mostly looking for a Hogwarts fic, in which they're friends and things slowly build, and Remus is awkward (I LOVE awkward) and Sirius is a player, but I'll read anything if someone promises me it's good :)





Bring Out The Big One's

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:31 AM

Hi Forest!

I'm in the search for tips on how to make avi's, gifs, etc. whatever you call them!

I have some computer skills but I seem to be lacking in this department. 

Anyone with tips on how to make them, please join me in this campfire! (or we can make a deal somehow..)

**Post all yer funny gifs, avi's, anything you want. I want to see some funny!

I'll post some that I found in the comments.



Some pretty pretty for your time...

Photobucket Photobucket




So just out of interest?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 9:16 AM

Who is your Favourite, hot and steamy vampire? The one thats in all your little fantasies and why?


Mine has got to be Damon Salvatore...because he is just so gorgeous and hot and BAD ASS! I love it! And as for fantasies.... anything goes ;-)


so feel free to share who you'r Fav is and why....and feel free to put up pics too!!!


Lets feel the vampire love people


Happy Hanukkah

Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:34 AM

Tonight's the third night and I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah!!

Feel free to use this campfire to share special traditions you have for the holidays or recipes that come out at this time of year.


Happy Hanukkah, Merry Almost Christmas and Happy Holidays!!



Last Review.

Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:03 AM

I got some great rec's from the campfire last time.


What was the name of the story you left your last review for? (Feel free to include the review)

What recent story has you chomping at the bit for an update and we should drop everything to read?





am i the only crazy one?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 8:00 AM

So tonight this comes out at midnight in the US:

are there any campers that are going to be waiting in line to get it?

I will be... only because i have to work tomorrow and i won't feel like going after work to get it.

is there any other movie that you would be willing to go out at midnight to get?

Justine Lark

Remember Me fic

Friday December 3, 2010 at 7:44 AM

I had a lovely RM story in my favorites, and just as I was about to download a copy, it was gone. 

The story was "Dear Tyler" by InstantKarmaGirl.  It was a series of letters from the characters to Tyler, similar to how Tyler would write to Michael.
Did anyone else read this story?  Like it?  Can anyone recommend any other RM fic? Thanks!

I Need A Laugh

Friday December 3, 2010 at 7:41 AM

So, I got bored one day a couple of weeks ago and made this ...

I didn't think he had it in him

And I feel like I need a good laugh today.  So I was just wondering what has made you LOL or even ROFLYAO recently. Pics, videos, links, whatever. :)

PS - This is my first campfire :)


Silly Billy

Friday December 3, 2010 at 7:40 AM

Trawling through Randigiles' birthday campfire, I noticed that punked-up Spike bore a startling resemblance to Billy Idol.

Then I remembered this Literal Video and thought I'd share the joy.

Feel free to share your own silliness or just enjoy the laffs
Happy Friday!


Friday December 3, 2010 at 5:48 AM

How come there is no campfire about Tangled??!!

I saw it yesterday and it was AMAZING!


I especially loved the Healing Incantation, Mandy Moore's voice is perfect for Disney...




Do fathers stay at home with children?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 5:30 AM

I was in a Christmas concert on Wednesday evening and met  a friend of mine that had her third child 8 months ago. She just returned to work a couple of weeks ago and now her husband stays home with the children for a couple of months.

I kind of started to wonder, would that be considered odd in your country / culture? That the father stays at home for a while when the children are young? From the families I know, it tends to be that the higher the socio-economic status is, the more common it is for the father to take a break from work for three - twelve months before the children "attend" daycare.

Some background information: here either of the parents has a right to stay at home with children under three years of age - and not to lose his/her job. I don't know the exact terms of maternity leave at the moment, but as far as I know some three months of it is designated for the mother, a fortnight for the father, and the rest (6 months, I believe) can be had by either.

So, is it common / done at all that the father stays home? If not, why not? If yes, does it come with any kind of "stigma" considering his career?


Can't sleep, begging for recs...

Friday December 3, 2010 at 5:24 AM

So, I haven't really been into FF since I discovered the Outlander series, I've been too addicted to all men things Scottish... SO I may have resorted to some really badly written cheapo romances on the kindle... but they're awful, and I can't take it anymore!!!

So, I'll settle, he doesn't have to be in a kilt, or even scottish, but he has to be sort of a knight-ish figure, and probably from some part of Europe.... I'm thinking from 800 bc to around 1750 ad??? Betrothals/arranged marriages, knight in shining armor, you catch my drift???

anyone? Bueller?

(please and thank you!!!)


Friday December 3, 2010 at 4:42 AM

I've recently become addicted to The Hunger Games series.  


I plowed through all three books in two days and loved them.

I'm really getting a kick out of the "Mark Reads" blog while he goes chapter-by-chapter and describes his reactions and theories.  (By the way, I know I saw a few people here mention they thought it was a rip off of Battle Royale, and he brought up that concern too.  But after reading more, he's seeing big enough differences to feel it's not a rip off -- similar, but not a re-do.  Just an FYI in case you might ever want to read the series but that was holding you back.)   That blog is   if you want to have a look.  Full on spoilers, though!


So, pop in and squee with me.   Did you like the outcome?  Did your ship sail or sink?  Are you glad you read the books or is that hours of your life you will never get back?

Who do you want in the roles for the film? 

I want your Hunger Games fan fiction recs!   Did you know that only archives less than 3,200 fics for the series?  Which one of you is going to step up to be a passionate Hunger Games fanficcer?

Help me pop my campfire cherry, y'all.  I know we did this a week or two ago, but please you guise. I need more.


Hulu or Netflix?

Friday December 3, 2010 at 3:26 AM

Which one should I subscribe to??


EDIT: nevermind. Can't subscribe to either since I am not in the USA.




Friday December 3, 2010 at 12:53 AM

Booked a hair cut this (yesterday) morning at 9:30 AM. Thought I'd just get a trim.

Ended up cutting off six inches and now have a bob.

What's the most random/crazy thing you've done lately?


Thursday December 2, 2010 at 11:37 PM

Is it just me or does anyone else out there enjoy the tasty treat that is:


chicken and waffles Pictures, Images and Photos" />

I enjoy mine with syruup&Hot sauce...Im a total sucker for salty/sweet & spicy/crunchy combinations.  How do you like yours?



Thursday December 2, 2010 at 10:39 PM

A coworker of mine directed me to this today:


To which I say:  





ETA: Hubby didn't believe me that this was real, so I went and found it on Amazon, and it is real, it really really is.  The (fake) reviews are also pretty funny.


What's made you go "WTF?!" lately?  I want pictures!



Thursday December 2, 2010 at 10:38 PM

Why are the vampires and wolves wearing jackets for the big battle? They obviously don't get cold and the wolves would be too hot. They are not trying to blend in because everyone in this situation knows that they are vampires and wolves. Did anyone in the development of these movies read the books?




Thursday December 2, 2010 at 10:20 PM

Who has two thumbs and was born on this day in the middle of a blizzaard ahem-mumble-mumble years ago?



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