I've recently become addicted to The Hunger Games series.
I plowed through all three books in two days and loved them.
I'm really getting a kick out of the "Mark Reads" blog while he goes chapter-by-chapter and describes his reactions and theories. (By the way, I know I saw a few people here mention they thought it was a rip off of Battle Royale, and he brought up that concern too. But after reading more, he's seeing big enough differences to feel it's not a rip off -- similar, but not a re-do. Just an FYI in case you might ever want to read the series but that was holding you back.) That blog is http://markreads.net/reviews/2010/11/mark-reads-the-hunger-games-chapter-1/ if you want to have a look. Full on spoilers, though!
So, pop in and squee with me. Did you like the outcome? Did your ship sail or sink? Are you glad you read the books or is that hours of your life you will never get back?
Who do you want in the roles for the film?
I want your Hunger Games fan fiction recs! Did you know that ff.net only archives less than 3,200 fics for the series? Which one of you is going to step up to be a passionate Hunger Games fanficcer?
Help me pop my campfire cherry, y'all. I know we did this a week or two ago, but please you guise. I need more.