Sugar Britches


Sunday November 28, 2010 at 7:15 PM


It seems that one of our dear rangers may have need for a hangover cure tomorrow morning, and since we love her, please share your best tips for curing that "left over" feeling you have the day after drinking too much red wine. Here's mine:

*An icy glass of diet coke drunk while standing up in the shower.

What's your best remedy for Beaujolais poisoning hangovers?

FYT a drunk Rob:

robert pattinson Pictures, Images and Photos

Baby, I'll carry you all the way home

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 6:17 PM

Rec me the most angsty, depressing thing you've ever read

I want a fic that will make me cry

Don't think about what I've possibly read or what pairings I like

Just rec me something that will make my heart clench

Thank you

Here's a sad song:



Another End Island Post!

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 5:13 PM

Hey Campers!

End Island just updated this evening and I was so excited to read it that I did it while making/eating dinner because I just couldn't wait!  Come inside and discuss this latest chapter with me if you're reading it!


Free for All ENDS at MIDNIGHT

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 4:33 PM


I am shotfaxes. Drunk.


How was your weekend?

What are you doing?

What is the most recent photo you've taken?

here's mine:


ps: yOU CAN AXE ME STUFF TOO. lIKe axe jennyfly


Weekly Fandom News - 11/28/10

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 2:02 PM

Congratulations to the following authors for completing their stories last week!

Did you recently mark your fic Complete? Let us know about it by filling out this form.

(See what's happening the rest of the week plus everything else going on inside!)

Thank you for the awesome graphic, patsyrobinson! I ♥ U

This campfire was approved by Grown.Ass.Woman :)


Write with me~

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 1:51 PM

I've been spending sometime reading today.  Today, it's Dylan Thomas... he's one of my favorites. I love the poem Light breaks where no sun shines. It's beautiful and mysterious and sexual... but it's also vague and there's some debate about the actual meaning behind it.  I wrote a paper about it once back in school, I always figured it to about the loss of virginity and about self-discovery....but later on I've realized that there's more to it than that.  I think good poems speak to each person differently and mean something different depending on where you are in your life.  When I was 17, I related everything to sex. (i kinda still do, but whatevs)

Anyway... I write poetry sometimes.  Really bad poetry that no one ever sees or will ever need to read, it's horrific.  The other day a line of words popped into my head and I haven't been able to continue it.  I've just been repeating it to's silly.

So let's do this.  I'll give you the line, and you give me something back, and we'll write a poem together.  Maybe?  Here ya go:

"Your thoughts with me are always..."

Fluent in Sarcasm

A little Lovin'

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Hey to everyone

Over the last couple of days I have read some of the posts, and I can not believe how strong, passionate  and determined you all are.

I know that the majority of us have there own issues and things we have/had/are dealing with, but I just gotta say WOW to all of you out there that has shared yours with us.

I know that some read and/or write as a form of escapism or find it cathartic, and I know that by doing that you are helping others in the same way.

So the whole reason for this post is to say a big THANKYOU to all that write fanfic, to those who founded places like ADF so we can chat, to those who post campfires, and those who comment, for sharing and caring.

'Coz I know that a simple "hello" or a rec for a fic or song etc really DOES make a whole lotta difference in my life! and I guessing that I'm not the only one!

So take this chance to air any gratitudes to people that may have made your day/week/month/year by doing one of the above, share your thoughts on why you love ADF and Fanfic

Writers it's your opportunity to give a little lovin' to your readers...

Readers a little lovin' for your writers....

FinS x

LJ Summers

Fanfiction Rec-fires

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 11:03 AM


I am still on hiatus from lighting campfires for the Master Fic List, but I wanted to put a plug in anyway.

First:  If you have an idea for a NEW FIC LIST that hasn't been made yet, you may either A) light a fire yourself to make this list or B) PM me (click on my avi and you'll go straight to the PM function, so it's REALLY EASY) and let me know what you want and I'll look into it when I make more rec lists in January.

Second:  The lists in the MASTER FIC LIST are works in progress. If you know of a fic that should be added to any of them, ADD IT.  Either edit your prior contributions to that list OR add a new comment to that campfire.

ETA:  Please remember the NO PIMPAGE rule in each of the rec list campfires.

Thank you so much for your continuing interest in making the

ADF Fanfiction Recommendations Lists

so fully comprehensive!

Y'all are wonderful!


MLIST [aka My Life Is So Twilight]

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 9:45 AM

At work, we had to organize formal groups and somone suggested Male Writers and Female Writers -

Guess who got the boss [aka my hubby] to agree to, "Rowling" and "Meyers."

Last names couldn't begin with, "A-F", insult to Austen. 

I've been meaning to share that with you all for ages, now tell me how TIYL? [Twilight Is Your Life].


Also, I'm getting over RPattz [sadness] and Harry Potter's little swim did NOTHING for me.



What the WHAT?



Sunday November 28, 2010 at 9:15 AM

It's that weekend, campers! GREY CUP, WOOP WOOP!!

My fellow Canadians (hopefully) share my enthusiasm for the CFL.

In true Saskatchewan fashion, I'm a Roughrider fan(atic). And, the Riders somehow managed to make it to the Cup.

This year it's a repeat of '09's Grey Cup. Montreal vs. Saskatchewan. And, no, I don't wanna talk about how the Riders lost last year...

Andy Fantuz is gunna be rockin', as always. He just won the Outstanding Canadian award this week. I'm pretty sure he's got the most yards in the CFL.

And Darian Durant, our fabulous quarterback, will be hitting our guys like it's his job. (Corny joke, corny joke...)

So, who are you cheering for? Alouettes or Riders? Canadian or Pilsner? Red, white, and blue, or green, white, dy-no-mite?



Studying in the US

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 5:19 AM

So...I'm thinking of going on study exchange to the US next year (I'm from Australia).

I'm looking at various universities available and the ones I'm putting on my Top 10 List include the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champagne and the University of Connecticut.

Obviously, the websites of each of the universities are out to promote themselves...but I want to decide based on what actual students or people know about each campus.

So - All you US campers. Have any of you studied at these Universities? What's the atmosphere and accomodation like? Plus all the obvious questions including the area, safety, all that.

And maybe most importantly...Can I be your friend if I choose to go to your University, pretty please? haha

Post away

- Melie

(By the way, I hope its still Free For All. Sorry if it's not!)


Punk rockerward

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 4:06 AM

Ok, so I know it may seem like I am posting fire after fire, but I'm not! Really! Sometimes it really sucks being on Aussie time with most of you in the USA.

I just saw this manip on a blog for the fic Unexpected Love by and loved the streak of colour through Robwards hair.

Does anyone know of any fics that have Edward with dyed hair like this? Blue tips, red streaks... anything but blonde highlights. I'm enjoying the fic I'm reading right now, but would love to have some punk rocker boy to follow it up with.

Oh, and FYI... tatts and piercings make EVERYTHING better.

I tried to find a good pic of a tattoo'd Robward, but google images just came up with a bunch of pics of other peoples tattoos of Robward. So...

On top of any fic recs, please post pics of a tattoo'd Edward Cullen. PLEASE. I beg you.


Fanfic downloaders

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 12:07 AM

Does anyone know how to change the font size on fics that are downloaded into PDF on the website? The text is huge, which makes it a ridiculous waste of paper if physically printed.

Any suggestions? Any alternative downloaders?






Saturday November 27, 2010 at 10:30 PM

My life is not awesome. The thanksgiving part of this weekend rocked. But hormonal sisters and crazy family has made it not so awesome. Plus blackfriday was a bust.  For me, atleast. My laptp's hardrive needs replaced, as does the battery, and the charger. My gps was stolen as was a brand new printer. What else could go wrong???

I need a pick me up. Since I'm on vacation my actual go to people aren't around. So...I was hoping you guys could help. :?

Yah. Send me some Somerhalder.

Kellan, Jackson, Rob. Not necessarially all of them. or in that order. Tell me jokes. Tell me how much of a bust something in your life is so that I don't feel so poorly about mine.

Make me giggle with an awesome short sweet fic rec.

PLEASE. with Ian on top. (take that how you prefer.)

Ps. I'll try to reply but seeing as how my laptop has no batter or charger it might die. So don't get mad. Ill try to see if I can steal someone's computer away here. But don't count on it. If not I'll reply by monday.




Twitter Twatter

Saturday November 27, 2010 at 9:13 PM

I love Twitter. It is a public social networking service that brings people together. Let's make this a post of things we have have found on Twitter-things that stirred you up-made you laugh-made you angry-just made you feel something. I tend to disagree with this particular conversation that I stumbled upon (I am a huge Father Edward/Sanctuary fan) but hey-that's what Twitter is all about-right?


Ranger Edit: We don't delete campfires. But we will delete screengrabs from locked twitter accounts that were not posted from either of the original parties involved. We do this because we do not know the context of the entire converation and because while Twitter is a public forum, locked accounts are meant to be private.



Lost in Translation

Saturday November 27, 2010 at 7:31 PM

I've had an offer to have one of my one-shots translated into Polish (which I do not even REMOTELY speak).  And I mean... I don't really know what to do.  I think it would be awesome to have my story in another language so other people could enjoy it... but...???  I just don't know... and I need HELP!  So my question to the forest is this:


If you had the chance, would you have a story translated? Why or why not?


If you've had a story translated, what was your experience?


FYT:   *sigh*  I love the pretty...


someone else to write my ideas?

Saturday November 27, 2010 at 6:36 PM

erm, i'm a lurker... so i feel like i should cumbaya or somethin before i just jump in with a request... so Hi!

so, the point, i would like to coyote ugly my stuff and have someone else make my ideas famous... well i suppose ill settle for readable. i can't write for the life of me and had it not been for the boy who sat beside me i may have passed with a higher grade and more knowledge of the english language.. but, eh, he was hott....


i need to vent...

Saturday November 27, 2010 at 6:30 PM

My job has made me reach the end of my patience today, and since the RL bestie isn't answering her phone i figured i'd come here to let it all out.

I'll put it inside.

But is there anything here lately that has made you say i'm done... i can't do it anymore?

if so come inside and tell me what it is





Saturday November 27, 2010 at 6:18 PM

There's a YELLOW PORSCHE parked in front of my house. ALICE?!?!?!?!?!?! But alas... she's not here. I was hoping for a reunion scene a la New Moon.

Who's the biggest dork? -raises hand-

I know you all understand, though. That's the beauty of this forest. :D:D:D


CRAFT again

Saturday November 27, 2010 at 5:55 PM

I need some help please. I read a fic a long time ago and can't remember a f@!$ing thing. (Craft) Anyway all I can remember is that B and E are at someone's house. Ed didn't know Bell would be there. It's a pool party I think at Alice's or Rose's. Anyway all I remember is Bella is holding someone's baby when Edward sees she is there. And then they make out by the bathroom. I know it's not much but I figure you guys are the best chance I got. Thanks

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