
Some giggles to start your weekend off :oP

Friday November 26, 2010 at 11:32 AM

My mom e-mailed this website to me this morning, I thought I would share the laughter with you. :)

A taste:

"Dear Twilight Fans,
Thank you for making us look sane and well-adjusted.
Sincerely, Trekkies."

Enjoy and share thoughts :)


Also - this is my first campfire! Don't leave me hanging! :)


Edit:  I fixed the link... because I'm the bestest   ♥ u Ell  ~Tash

Sugar Britches

Let's Get Girlie!

Friday November 26, 2010 at 11:26 AM

My best friend is engaged.

We went shopping for her wedding dress on Wednesday and found the perfect dress for only $300 on clearance!

I am proud to say that I was the one who found it. *smug grin*

Here are the pictures:

So I want to see everyone's wedding dresses. Whether it be your real life wedding dress, or your fantasy wedding dress. In fact, show me the wedding dress you would pick out for Bella in "Breaking Dawn" if you were the costume designer.
Show me your worst wedding dress in your darkest nightmare. Mine will be inside.

Last Friday of Preemie Awareness

Friday November 26, 2010 at 11:09 AM

Hello Ladies! 

I've been absent for quite some time, but I wanted to make sure I got on here today to take advantage of the last Friday in Preemie Awareness Month.

I am currently in long-term hospitalization, awaiting the arrival of my own preemie. My amniotic sac ruptured when I was only 21 weeks pregnant- I was told I would probably lose the baby, so it may be easier if I just 'terminated' the pregnancy. That was never an option for me, so here I am, 6 weeks later, still in the hospital. (Well, in another hospital- I transfered to a level 3 NICU.) The doctors at the last hospital told me I probably wouldn't make it 72 hours before I went into labor, but we've already made it 43 days! They're hoping to get me to 34 weeks, so all of his organs will be fully developed. 

I spend a good deal of time on fetal heart rate and toco (contraction) monitors, so it's difficult for me to hold my laptop- Luckily, someone gave me a Kindle as a gift. 

So, help me stay sane- Rec me something good. And not just fic... actual books are great too. I am reading a lot of in-progress fics already, so I'd love to have some completed recs. As far as novels are concerned... I must say I enjoy YA  fiction: Hunger Games series, Shiver, etc, so something along those lines. 

Also, if you have any wonderful, make-you-feel-better experiences with premature labor and/or pPROM, please share. I am desperate for some encouragement. 

Thank you!


Dead on My Feet Updated

Friday November 26, 2010 at 9:14 AM

I got the alert while watching the movie Unstoppable @ the movie theatre. and proceeded to read it during the movie cause I COULD NOT WAIT until the movie is over!!

My comments inside....


why did i wait in line so long, i'll never defrost

Friday November 26, 2010 at 8:46 AM

share your black friday triumphs/losses here

i just got back and i think i'm going in again oh god.

i got 45 dollars in target gift cards when i was only expecting 10, so that's a bonus


anyway, remember, it's a free for all weekend!  anything goes, so start them campfires, please!


Save me the neck

Friday November 26, 2010 at 7:35 AM

So... it's a running joke everywhere that family holidays are full of stress/ disfunction / horrible turkey fryer accidents/ etc...


I wanna hear YOUR real life stories that contribute to this traditional holiday stereotype. 


Have an Uncle who farts at the table?  An Aunt who never washes her hands after she leaves the loo?  Ever drop the turkey on the floor when noone was looking, and serve it anyway?  What about long-lost relatives returning from prison just in time to carve the bird? 



Share your worst.  I have many to choose from.  And most of them are centered around a brother-in-law who is Jekyll and Hyde when he's drinking.  I'll share mine in the first comment.


ER....HL5? Update?

Friday November 26, 2010 at 4:50 AM

Did I somehow miss the campfire? Because there's an update notification in my inbox........


I almost can't look.....


Why is no-one talking about this?





Yet another fic hunt :)

Friday November 26, 2010 at 2:53 AM

Hello all,

as it is fitting, I can't find fic I read a while ago,  rough summary is : It is AH story, Bella wakes up  in hospital after accident probably, doesn't rememebr anything, even her name, nor her relationship with Edward (he even proposed her at the night of accident, I think).  I think she called him Green eyes. Does this ring any bell ? Thanks in advance :)


The Soundtrack of Our Lives

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 8:21 PM

Music is one of those triggers that can take you back to the days where life was maybe a bit kinder, maybe a bit simpler.  Play me some of the music of your youth.  I'm feeling the nostalgia on this holiday. 

I spent a few summers in Scandinavia as a teen.  This played all the time.  I love it hard.

Don't leave me hangin.  Show me some love. 

6 degrees of Taylor Lautner?

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 7:06 PM

Okay, so this is really about the two taylors, and joe, and ashley, and wow....all intertwined with each other one way or another! Taylor and Taylor dated, after Joe and Taylor dated, and now Joe is dating Ashley, and was in Baton Rouge with her while BD is filming. This must mean he at least met Taylor Lautner...just trying to imagine it in my head. I'm sure it was no big deal, but I just think it's funny/cool that she wrote songs about both of them and now they have been forced to interact lol!!

And I wonder what Taylor Lautner thinks of 'Back to December'( which Taylor Swift wrote about him? These two were so cute together :0(

What do ya'll think? Super awkward meeting for Joe and Taylor Lautner? Did the Swift subject come up? Should Taylor forgive Taylor and would you want to see them back together? (I hear she is seeing Jake G now, but still)! Do you think Ashley and Joe will stick together?

It's none of our business, and I don't care that much, but it's fun to speculate!! And I just want to make it clear that I'm super supportive of anything (and anyone) they want to do! I just think it's so funny that Hollywood can be such a small world :0)


Hellllooooo Out There

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 6:30 PM

The forest is very quiet tonight.

Probably because all of our US friends are enjoying their turkey... and in-laws  *snicker*  j/k  I'm sure you're all having a lovely time =D

It is Thursday evening in my corner of the forest, the kiddos are all tucked into bed (perhaps too early for a night before a PA Day) and the hubs just left to go play some Black Ops with his bud.  I've been lurking around here... and I'll probably catch up on some FF and make a snack.

So what is everyone else up to? hmmmm?

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating today!!


Let's Blow This Popsickle Stand

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 4:55 PM

Greetings, children of the forest. And a happy, happy thanksgiving to you all! Speaking of which, I had a water baloon fight and instead of filling the baloons with water, I filled it with cranberry sauce. Mmmm. Things got sticky.


So, as you may already know, they are showing The Godfather on channel...I forget. I just watched the first movie and it thrilled me, so to speak.

But the thing with me is that whenever I am, say, thrilled by one thing or another, I immediately connect to Twilight or the fandom somehow. (does anyone else do this?) Such as, watching Bones makes me think of wtvoc. Drinking lemongrass tea makes me think of The Lost Boys. And the very mentioning of unicorns has me giggling over certain aspects in Wide Awake. (I'm sure you know which ones ;D)

The Godfather reminded of the last mafia-related fics I've read and I realize, it's not at all that many.

It has me craving me for more hot Mobward.

So, if any of you could take the time to quench my thirst with a mob-related, E/B romance story like Emancipation Proclamation, The Sacrifical Lamb and it's sequel or There Will Be Blood it would be very helpful.

Something well-written, logical, hot . . . I guess if you have read the stories above, you know what I'm talking about. :)

Thank you.


Hand... meet sex hair!

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 1:23 PM

For the last couple of days, I've been thinking of a topic for my RobPorn picspam campfire. I missed last week's, because I was just crazy busy, for which I apologize.

Anyway, I was still trying to come up with something fun and catchy, when I got a PM from kagen_mo. I'll copy-paste her message here, so you'll get the idea. Thnx, girl!

So, I just logged back on to my computer to send you this PM, because the events made me think of you! I have a photo file that plays as my screen saver. Today, the first 5 pictures that came up were Rob, with his left hand in his hair. I giggled out loud, and thought of your Rob picspam campfires. If you're ever desperate for a "topic" to guide the post, I think something almost off the wall like that could be amusing. But now that I think about it, if I have 5 pics like that, I am sure there are tons! 

I agree. So let's all dig through our folders and post pics of Rob with one or both of his hands in his hair.




Thursday November 25, 2010 at 12:33 PM

Am I the only one who hasn't seen this?  I went back pages and pages and didn't see this yet.  I love this little sneak peek!!!


Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!  And think.... feathers.  But not the turkey kind!


gobble gobble gobble

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 9:11 AM

happy thanksgiving, ADF!

we here in the forest want to wish you a warm and turkey-ey thanksgiving.  the forest is thankful for classy campers like you, jumping swimshorts rob memes, scabior, and deep fried turkey.

have a safe holiday, don't end up in the hospital, and come back to the forest when you're done with family tension.  it's still free-for-all, we wanna see your campfires!

enjoy your day, and report back to me tomorrow with the special black friday deals you managed to beat out of a person's cold, dead hand score.

as a gift from me to you, i invite you to check this out and use it well.  it'll add significantly to your holiday enjoyment!

love from all of us at the forest, especially your own-

dirty uncle wtvoc




Hair model

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 5:46 AM

As some of you may or may not know, I sometimes do a little modelling. Haven't done much in a while, but last night I did a hairstylist show. This means that a renowned hairstylist gives a sort of lecture on the new styles and trends and shows these on a stage. I was one of the models and thus got a new cut and color.

This was my hair a couple of weeks ago (I'm the one on the left in the pink shirt).

And this is the way it looked after last night's show (the pic on the right also shows the hairstylist).

I'm still getting used to the length (it's pretty short by my standards) and how to style it, but so far I like it.

What do you guys think?

And to make this campfire interactive: show us your hair. Do you like it, would you make changes to it? What kind of hairstyles do you like in general? Or on the Twi-actors?

I liked Rob's old, wild locks, but the new, shorter coiffe also has its merits. For Kristen, I prefer her with darker hair, or the two-tone she was sporting in 2008.

You're free to discuss the other actors as well, of course, but I'm a Robsten girl at heart :p

Best looks for both:

And of course my fav: VF 2008.

Although... I'm liking the BD pics that have been leaking, too. They look healthy, canon and in love, so that's all good in my book :)


Best of Robert

Thursday November 25, 2010 at 3:00 AM

I am still up-long story but I am not going to sleep because we have to leave early and it will be just better to nap later. It's been a long weird night.

I like Robert in this picture. I haven't been loving him lately-too boring and very LA. But this picture takes me right back to that special place. ;) Let's discuss our best memories of Robert-pictures, personal experiences, favorite movie moments, cute quotes, awkward moments, drunken nights, TomStu bonding-anything and everything is welcome here.


Thursday November 25, 2010 at 1:36 AM

Hey guys!! SO i have a question...

i was recently talking with a friend about all things sexy related....and she made a point of telling me that my expierences do i say...ahem...permscious?

at this point im all WHAAA??? nooooooo not compared to people i go to school with (im a 3rd year university student) and shes all NO totally i agree its different where you are.

and that got me thinking. why is permiscuity so widely accepted at university? encouraged almost. Almost like youre not getting the full effect if you dont throw yourself out there.

Does anyone else have this problem...or even SEE it as a problem?

discuss :)


I need some help

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 11:39 PM

Hi Campers,

I come to you with a heavy heart tonight, and I am sorry for the topic and that it's right before a holiday, but it's hitting me hard and I wanted some insight from one place that always makes me happy.

An old friend that I spent most of my teenage years with committed suicide last night. I hadn't seen this person in almost 10 years, mostly because life got complicated. Everyone from our "group", grew up, got married, got full time jobs, had kids. I didn't even send an occasional facebook comment to him because he didn't have a page. But when I heard about this, I could do nothing but sit down and cry because it seems like yesterday that he was making me laugh hysterically at an impression he had done, or held my hand when I freaked out after watching The Blair Witch Project in the theater with him. 

The more I talked to people who knew him (our friends and my family), I kept getting different reactions. Most people are sad of course and feel guilty no one took the time to help him. Other people are angry at him for doing this to his family and his 3 year old little girl. I am just so confused as to what happened. I have a lot of experience with suicide, as I am a survivor of it myself. Maybe that is why this is bothering me. So I want to ask you this:

How do you feel about suicide? Would you feel anger towards someone who had taken their life? Would circumstances matter? Do you consider suicide victims to be selfish? Have you had any experience from yourself or someone you know almost committing suicide or actually succeeding? If this last question is too personal, please feel free to skip it. I am just trying to make sense of this and see if other people have felt what I am feeling. 

And like I said, I am a suicide survivor and I am not offended or ashamed. I welcome any comments or questions. Thanks!


Debate time

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 10:53 PM


This campfire was previously deleted without Ranger permission, but thanfully JOHN'S diligence and hard work has recovered it.

Look... this is hot button topic, but it quickly turned into an interesting discussion.  RACISM SUCKS.  And ignoring it, sweeping it under the rug, DELETING CAMPFIRES, does nothing to promote forward thinking behavior.  The point of any 'racism discussion' is to open minds and to help people see that PERHAPS, their viewpoint can be broadened.  For this reason, we have decided to repost the campfire.




I'm back with another debate. This one is going to be a little more intense.


1. No personal attacks.

2. Be aware of the fact that ADF is a diverse site, with many different people from different countries and backgrounds.

3. Be polite when you state your opinion.

4. Be polite when you disagree with someone else's opinion.

All-in-all, don't be rude or mean. We're just discussing, not attacking.

This is a touchy subject, but a very good thing to discuss, in my opinion.


Even though everyone is equal now, it still exists. It doesn't occur as often as it did before, but it's still out there. I know plenty of racists, in fact.

Rememeber the rules, people. The rules. If you're being incredibly rude, I'll delete your comments, and probably report you to a ranger.

This subject is too touchy to be taken lightly. I'll be crackin' the whip on anyone that steps outta line. Ya hear?

Lettuce discuss racism.

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