Robsten Commentary

Friday November 19, 2010 at 2:49 PM

Not sure if anyones started a campfire about this yet, but bits of the Robsten Commentary have been leaked!


Looks like its going to be another funny one





More here :



X-mas Gifts!

Friday November 19, 2010 at 2:22 PM

X-mas is close and I'm already having problems thinking about gifts. Could you please share your gift ideas? For partners? parents? -in-laws?etc.


Oh, found something cool for my grandmother( so with that I'm done): Staples has personalized calendars, so I thought of making her a calendar that has pictures of her favorites grandchildren ( goofy, serious etc.)


Children In Need

Friday November 19, 2010 at 12:18 PM

In the UK tonight is a phenomenon we like to call Children In Need

It's a fund raising night for children in the UK who need our help, and is hosted by the wonderful Sir Terry Wogan and the lovely Tess Daly

The mascot is a large yellow teddy bear (as you can see) who has an eye patch and is called Pudsy :) It has been running since 1980 and is one of the best nights ever!!

News readers take the mick out of themselves, tv presenters do challenges for charity, there are specials of all our favourite BBC programs, Doctor Who, for example :D

So who's watching it? If not, why not?! And if you are what are you most looking forward to?

What have been your favourite parts from Children In Needs past?


just have to share this

Friday November 19, 2010 at 11:48 AM



You interest me.....strangely

Friday November 19, 2010 at 11:03 AM

I was trawling for dancing Batman gifs (as you do) when I came across this gem. It's too fabulous not to share, so click and enjoy!

Come in and share your favourite strange and wonderful things from bygone eras

Fanfiction.Net FAIL

Friday November 19, 2010 at 10:39 AM


Is it just me? It seems like everytime I try to read something on FFN lately it's complete fail over there, so I can't.


So, since ffn's not working (again), I'm here asking for some great FAIL stories, pics, gifs, anything. What'cha got?


So, new?

Friday November 19, 2010 at 10:14 AM

I haven't been around much this week and so I wanted to say 

And perhaps do some self-pimpage for the blog I write for, where we manip Rob cos it's fun and sometimes hilarious, even. And perhaps I'll beg you guys to talk to me. I mean entice you with interesting and witty conversation. Yeah, who am I kidding? I'll beg.

For your troublez, aforementioned manip'd pretty. It's JackSparrowbert!

edited to add that I got permission to pimp from the wonderful, beautiful littlesecret84 cos she loves mustache rob


Sneak Peak at BD Part 1 script!

Friday November 19, 2010 at 10:03 AM

Lainey (as in LaineyGossip) has apparently seen a draft of MRosenberg's script  and gave some details on her blog.  Girlfriend is SO NOT a Twi fan AT ALL (although she does adore KStew).

Take a look inside the comments for spoilers if you dare...and then lettuce discussssssssss


You've been Twilightified

Friday November 19, 2010 at 9:53 AM

Ooooh, first campfire for me... so nervous. Anway, I'm logging out of my Yahoo e-mail account yesterday and see this on Yahoo's main page:

If I were super cool and knew how to put the trailer for the movie here, I would. But I'm not, so I didn't (super cool rangers, feel free). The trailer is in the article.

So the article begins: "The trailer for "Red Riding Hood" makes it seem the classic fairy tale has received the "Twilight" treatment.

This isn't surprising. The director of "Red Riding Hood" -- Catherine Hardwicke -- also shot the first installment of the world's most profitable sparkly vampire franchise. What might be surprising, though, it is that the idea for an amped-up fairy tale bursting with adolescent angst didn't come from her.

Instead, it came from Leonardo DiCaprio."

I haven't paid any attention whatsoever to what Catherine Hardwicke is doing these days, so this was news to me. Interesting news, I thought, because a) Movies are now being seen as given the "Twilight treatment?", b) Leonardo DiCaprio likes werewolves — is he Team Jacob?, and c) kinda hot werewolf dude in the trailer totally has Edward-like hair. Did Hardwicke use the same hairstylist?

EDIT: OK, so I was just trying (and failing) to be witty/irreverent with B and C, but I also want to know if d) does anyone around here think they'll go see this movie? AKA did twilightifying the trailer make it appealing to you?


Buying a Soul is cheaper than my Student Loans

Friday November 19, 2010 at 9:51 AM

I have so much student loan debt it is ridiculous.

I am in the process of refinancing my house in order to pull the money out of it to pay off the effers--the interest rate on the mortgage would actually be about 3% lower than my lowest loan's rate.

Come in, sit down by the fire, bring your bills, burdens, and b*tching.

What do you want to complain about?  The price of Thomas the Train engines and a child who seems to know which one he doesn't own?  The fact that American Girl Dolls are getting cheesier and cheesier now that they've gotten rid of Samantha and Co.?  How crazy it is that I've spent my morning looking for an attorney to do my closing and no one will let me know--and I went to law school!  I know these people personally!!!

Please, share your concerns....



Your last review.

Friday November 19, 2010 at 9:27 AM

It's Friday, so it's time for me to add to my ever growing TBR list.


What was the last story that you left a review for? Feel free to include the review in your post.

What was the newest story that you just started reading? Link me baybee.

To make it more interactive, tell me why I MUST read the story.

If you aren't up to date with your newly updated fics, spoilers might be in the post. You have been warned.



lookatcho watch now

Friday November 19, 2010 at 8:49 AM

it's free for all friday, whatchoo waitin' for?

rules: start any campfire you want!  just don't attack personally!

talk about harry potter!  boys! other fandoms!  uhh shoes!  anything goes!


Crossover Slash

Friday November 19, 2010 at 6:24 AM

Yeah, this is a SHAMELESS use of FFFA.


See . . . I wrote a Brokeback Mountain and Twilight crossover slash fic, that I'm actually insanely proud of--as it was a birthday prompt that intimidated the hell out of me considering I'd never done slash, and well Brokeback Mountain and Twilight?? (Lol, I swear it's not as WTF as it sounds.) But I gave it a go, and it was a really fun experience. I tried to keep true to canon in both universes, and to create something that I believe could be completely plausible . . . .

Here's my one-shot, check it out!


Forever Changed
In May 1960, Edward Cullen is scarcely living through his immortal existence. But that's all about to change when he catches the enthralling thoughts of a young man, Jack Twist, camping.CANON-AU/SLASH/M-LEMONS


Also, has anyone read any crossover slash? Any recs? Anything you like or don't? When you think of crossover slash, or even crossover in general, what makes you hesitant to try it? Any horror stories (lol Gollum and Edward) or any sweet surprises? 


Rec me some TMI fics

Friday November 19, 2010 at 5:31 AM

Finished the Mortal Instruments Trilogy last week and I want MOARRR!

So I'm trying to figure out what to read...please rec me some fics..

Preferably IC Canon but I won't be too picky just as long as it's:

* Alec / Magus

cutest. couple. ever.

* Jace / Clary

* Jace / Simon


Please and Thank you. :)





I am all blury eyed,

Friday November 19, 2010 at 4:18 AM

but I don't care!!! Because I saw Harry Potter!!!

Come inside if you have seen the movie and squee or rant about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

Spoiler Alert for those who haven't seen it yet.



Friday November 19, 2010 at 2:14 AM



Friday November 19, 2010 at 1:38 AM

Hi All!  It's Friday here so..... This is a PSA for ME.  I want to let you all know that I've recently been doing some housekeeping on Twitter, trying to separate my RL from my fandom life.  The lines were getting a little too blurred for my liking. new twitter name is @ItsMeVampGirl

I was formerly (and still am) @MelDL42 but that will be for non fandom stuff, so if you were following me please follow me again with my new name.  I think I've started following everyone that I was following before - and requested to follow those whose twitters are locked.  And of course all new followers are welcome - I'll follow you back.  

Now if I was clever I'd know how to make a direct link to my twitter but I don't - I'm sorry!  But for your time......


EDIT - I guess I should make this interactive.  Come on in and say hello. Tell me a little about yourself. Do you have pets? Do you have a favourite sports team? Post piccies & tell me all about it. Let's just make this a friendly get to know you post.


(I'll always love Twilight Edward)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Friday November 19, 2010 at 1:31 AM

Update for me.  Every since hubby announced that he may want to get out, I've been browsing places to live in our home state.  Problem is, I would want to buy a home, even though we aren't sure what jobs we will have.  He plans to look into work at the airport and i have found the perfect house about 20 mins away.  Another problem, I don't understand mortgage talk and all that good stuff.  They speak about having a low monthly payment, which is what we want, but talk about fees and stuff.  Does anyone know anything about this type of thing?




Master or PhD in Art History

Friday November 19, 2010 at 1:14 AM

It's Friday morning here, so for me, FFAF has started. I thought I'd use this opportunity to consult you, campers, especially the ones in the USA.

Since I have to vacate my appartment no later than this coming June, I figured it's as good a time as any to finally embark on my long-awaited travels. So, I've decided to go backpacking in Australia (with a two-week stop-over in Thailand and Singapore) for about 6 months. Lots of details to sort out, but the backpacking part of my journey is fairly straightforward when it comes to planning it.

No, I'll be swamped with forms, applications and what not for the second, and probably biggest part of my adventure. You see, I also intend to further myself in my area of expertise, by studying in the US for at least one semester, starting January/February 2012. It's still well over a year away, but I'd like to have most of it sorted before I leave for Australia, so I can fully enjoy my time there, without having to busy myself too much with official business.

And that's where you guys come in.

I have absolutely no idea what schools to consider.

I hold a Master's degree in Art History and have written two theses on the later Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, focusing mostly on the first two centuries AD, with some extension into the third and fourth centuries.

For my next course, I'd either like to get a Master's in a different era/area of Art History, or a PhD in the same field of studies as my previous theses, while simultaneously teaching Undergrads. The only area I don't really have enough interest in, is Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary Art (basically speaking, from about 1900 onwards). I don't hate it, but I also don't enjoy it enough to thoroughly study it.

My question for the American campers here is:

Can you rec me any schools or programs that might meet these interests?

I don't really have a preference for any city or region in the US; I just want a good program and a good school.

Help a camper out!


Rob is patiently awaiting your answer.

PS I'll try to start my RobP0rn campfire over the weekend.


Harry Potter Hotties

Thursday November 18, 2010 at 8:55 PM

Do you agree with the list?

Who's  your number one?

Would you put Severus Snape on the list?

First --- | >> | 976 | 977 | 978 | 979 | 980 | 981 | 982 | 983 | 984 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
