It's Friday morning here, so for me, FFAF has started. I thought I'd use this opportunity to consult you, campers, especially the ones in the USA.
Since I have to vacate my appartment no later than this coming June, I figured it's as good a time as any to finally embark on my long-awaited travels. So, I've decided to go backpacking in Australia (with a two-week stop-over in Thailand and Singapore) for about 6 months. Lots of details to sort out, but the backpacking part of my journey is fairly straightforward when it comes to planning it.
No, I'll be swamped with forms, applications and what not for the second, and probably biggest part of my adventure. You see, I also intend to further myself in my area of expertise, by studying in the US for at least one semester, starting January/February 2012. It's still well over a year away, but I'd like to have most of it sorted before I leave for Australia, so I can fully enjoy my time there, without having to busy myself too much with official business.
And that's where you guys come in.
I have absolutely no idea what schools to consider.
I hold a Master's degree in Art History and have written two theses on the later Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, focusing mostly on the first two centuries AD, with some extension into the third and fourth centuries.
For my next course, I'd either like to get a Master's in a different era/area of Art History, or a PhD in the same field of studies as my previous theses, while simultaneously teaching Undergrads. The only area I don't really have enough interest in, is Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary Art (basically speaking, from about 1900 onwards). I don't hate it, but I also don't enjoy it enough to thoroughly study it.
My question for the American campers here is:
Can you rec me any schools or programs that might meet these interests?
I don't really have a preference for any city or region in the US; I just want a good program and a good school.
Help a camper out!
Rob is patiently awaiting your answer.
PS I'll try to start my RobP0rn campfire over the weekend.