How do you review?

Wednesday November 17, 2010 at 8:21 AM

littlestar's review challenge made me start to wonder 'bout the review habits of campers here at ADF. 


If you're reading a completed story, do you review every chapter as you read, or wait until the last chapter or epilogue to review?

Do you review right after reading an update to a WIP, or do you mull it over and then review later?

Do you expect a reply from the author, or are you content to leave a comment and move on?

Do you read others' reviews before posting your own?

Do you think it's rude to leave a critical review?


my responses will be inside...



on this day, a legend was born

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 10:04 PM

happy birthday, ranger/amazing writer/my lady love jandco!

yes, folks, it's a busy week for ranger birthdays!

get in here, and appreciate up on one of the best friends a girl could have.

almost three years ago, i sent a PM to a writer who had written a story that was so thought-provoking that i couldn't even deal.  she had just started writing the funniest thing i'd ever read, and i wanted to talk to her about it.

thus, the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

i love you, jandco.  you're much more amazing than you will ever, ever give yourself credit for.

need evidence?

well, jandco and campers.  go check this link out, and please feel free to post and wish her well!

happy birthday, jandco.  a livejournal community.

that link will take you to a place where people have created pics, vids, and oneshots to celebrate your birthday, jimmy.  there's even someone serenading you!

now, get over there and in here and wish this amazing person well on her birthday!


Humor post

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 7:04 PM

Give us your best please! Post things that make you laugh even though they shouldn't


I will start


Looking for help/potential beta

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 6:49 PM

Hello all,

after reading so much of great fics I decided to try my hand at this :) I want to try writye a NM AU story with ExB, I have rough outline in my head :) I'd like to ask for help or betaing it :) Thanks in advance


buffy episode 3.09 "the wish"

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 4:43 PM


Buffy: World is what it is. We fight, we die. Wishing doesn't change that.
Giles: I have to believe in a better world.
Buffy: Go ahead. I have to live in this one.

ahh, the introduction of anyanka.  an alterna-world.  cleveland as hellmouth.  VAMP WILLOW AND VAMP XANDER.  EVEN IF THIS ISN'T YOUR ALL-TIME FAVORITE, IT'S GOTTA RANK AT LEAST A TOP FIVE.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Breaking Dawn hoopla

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 4:25 PM

I don't actively search for BD spoiler photos.. but I can't look away when I see them posted! This is going to be like NM all over, where I'd seen most of the movie through photos before I saw the movie... Anyone else super duper crazy excited over photos but also a teeny bit sad with me?


Actual conversation with that guy I live with

Me: "I keep seeing all the photos and I can't look away, and it doesn't come out for another year!"

TGILW: "You already read the book, you know what happens. Taylor Lautner's not going to wear a shirt, and Robert Pattinson is going to wear something frumpy... tweed, or an ugly sweater or something."

Me: "I can't believe you know their names!"

TGILW: "Sure I do. Taylor Lautner was dating Taylor Swift. He was like 17, and she was 19, that's LEGENDARY. I'd wreck her."


Psst, come here, I want to ask you all something.

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 1:21 PM

Have any of you come across a well written fic that continues after BD? Not just any fic.  I want to read one where the Volturi is finally snuffed out.  Maybe not all of them, but at least Aro, Cauis and Jane. After watching Eclipse, I got the feeling that Felix, if given the chance could turn his back on the Volturi and side with the Cullens, so I'd like to see him survive if at all possible.

Anyway, if you know of a story like this, please let me have the link. If not, would any one of you talented writers be willing to write a story such as this? I'd be first in line to read it if you did.


Thanks in advance.

Diana Wolfskill

A Story That Got Under My Skin

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 12:55 PM

Name a fic that got under your skin and why.

It can be for a good or bad reason.

For example, The Perfect Wife got under my skin because of the twisted relationships, Peonies is a story that still comes to mind because of the beautiful beautiful heartfail, and Mr. Horrible stays with me like a classic Tracy/Hepburn comedy, but hotter.

Name the stories that twenty years from now you will remember and think,

Oh yeah. That story really got to me. I thought about it for days after I read it. It still affects me.

These are stories that elicit a gut emotional response, either love or hate.


Come To The Monkeyside!

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 12:44 PM

All right children, Lets do this thing!

I have BIG! BIG! News to report about my favorite lil fella, so the wait is over!

Yes Sugar, Big News about YOU and your BOYS! Dont look so pensive, you know you are awesome.

First off! The 100 Monkeys have been working their cute lil fuzzy butts off in the Southern climes as a sort of boho 'Artist in Residence" at a Baton Rouge spot called Boudreux and Thibodeux's (I would soo give my right ear to hear folks pronouncing those) while the young Mr. Rathbone is down there as part of the Breaking Dawner party.  They rocked the house at the Baton Rouge Fair with a live show and Nikki Reed directed their video for their song,"The Fair"! The guys were in costume...oh sugar...HORNS??! 


Here is a lil sample from the show.
The boys are touring the South throughout December and early January, with the bulk of the dates being in Texas. Tickets are still available for many of the shows,(for now) and are CHEAP, so get them while you can because after you read this next bit of news you are gonna say,'WOW! Calamity was right with all her relentless fangirling, these guys are gonna be HUGE!" Go to 100monkeysmusic and get 'em
Are you sitting down? 'kay  Tomorrow, Darlin young Jackson is gonna be on M Freaking TV!! to talk about 100 Monkeys-MTV tomorrow- The Seven at 5pm. Jackson!!!- The 10 on Top- Dec 4th... on the scenes, & the music video "Kolpix"!  Yup...go ahead and say it,c' waiting....

On to other news. The Zooey magazine article got held up for some dang reason, but they were kinds enough to release a few yummy shots for us to add to our,(spank banks) collections for our appreciation? (is that what they call it now?)  so here ya go ya bunch of pervs.


As for other things our wonderfully puckish fella has been up to:

His episode of 'No Ordinary Family" aired  and he was wonderful as a 16 year old...choke, not a perv..I SWEAR!

He is working on a web-based series called 'Aim High" where he is playing (yet again) another High School student with a twist.This shot is of him doing some training for some fights. I love his lil socks sooo CUTE!

He is rumored to be attached to the movie "Shadowlands" based on Peter Straubs novel. This would be along with Bill Nighy. Its not clear if he will play Tom or Del. 

The "Girlfriend" movie is now available for putting in que on Netflix  and there is talk of a release date to theaters around the first of the year!!! Follow Jerad Anderson on Facebook for more word! He is the 1st of the Monkey boys to come out with a verified social networking page!!

WHOO! As usual, hes worn me out!  There will be more to report in the upcoming weeks and I will throw it down as soon as I pick it up from the sources.  Share your love of the Monkey man! To celebrate the release of "The Last Airbender" on DVD today I leave you with this...


how can I make this about kstew?

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 12:40 PM

haha. i can take just about anything and make it about kristen.

anyway, I suck. I haven't started a campfire for kstew tuesdays in weekssss.

so I'm going to post my favorite pics from the ones we got today, and you'll post your favorites from brazil, or the nm set, or eclipse, or twi, or whatever. make it cute. make it about her. or bella. or bella and edward. or whatever. I miss you guyssssss.

here's a few I loved... more in the comments.


Special thanks to Pattinsonlife, where I grabbed the pics from. They work super fast and they're so awesome.


Drift by Denverpopcorn

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 12:13 PM


A blizzard blows in and shuts down the City. Everyone prepares for a snow day, including Edward and Bella. They each have a life-changing decision to make, but will their sudden confinement cool their passion and force them to face certain truths? E/B,AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 13,367 - Reviews: 270 - Updated: 11-14-10 - Published: 10-10-10
I cannot believe that this story is 9 chapters in and has less than 300 reviews – it has captured me. At first I was put off because I thought it was about infidelity. But this is not that. If you like sparse lyrical prose and heavy angst with oh-so-sweet promised resolutions – you’ll love it. Written by the winner of the Best New Author of the 2010 Age of Edward Context, Denverpopcorn and beta-ed by Writeontime (everything she touches is golden). Here is a clip from E/Bs first meeting:

Every movement orbits nearer until his legs are open, and she's laughing, and her body enters his sphere of influence.
They have gone through a lot of whiskey.
"Bella." He tugs on her shirt. "I like that name. Bella." He takes another sip, staring at her, and saying her name like it's the first time he's tasting it.
He's asking the one thing she fails to remember.
"I come with baggage," she blurts out in haste and sorrow, cradling her head in her hand, watching for his reaction.
His eyes move to her left hand. It dawns on her that she's forgotten and her stomach is a cage of hummingbirds.
"Then lose it," he says quietly. She almost doesn't hear, but when she does, the cage opens.
He smiles at her parted lips - a little pocket for his lustful gaze.
She slips off the gold band, tucking it into her back pocket.
He'll never see it again.

Sir Rachel

High Noon!

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 11:48 AM

The two Js are trying to make sure y'all get completely sick of me and my blue font.

At least in the process you get rapid updates!

Please come make strange faces and gasping expressions with me.

And enjoy this line in the meantime:

"You're seventeen, and you dress like a banker. You shouldn't let Alice shop for you anymore."


Tarzan Rob

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 10:03 AM


Use this post to discuss awkward moments


13 Reasons

Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 1:29 AM

Ever wondered why you like Robert Pattinson?

Well, it's finally been explained, ladies, in this riveting article called:

13 Reasons Why Smart Girls Love Robert Pattinson

PHEW. I'm glad she could lay it all out for us.

(Srsly? I don't know what to think of this. It's funny, strange, and also--dare I say-- a bit scary?)


Thank you!

Monday November 15, 2010 at 10:20 PM

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for the birthday wishes.  I was completely OVERWHELMED by all the messages here and on twitter....and I tried really hard to respond to everyone, but I just couldn't.  so...


I really love you guys.  ALL OF YOU.

Here's the thing...

We all came here for one thing....some weird little book called Twilight, that was made into an equally weird movie.  And for whatever reason we decided to linger for a bit.  But let's face it.  Despite the excitement of JUMPING ROB (omg greatest thing ever!)... the book isn't enough to keep us here.  We love the stories we write for each other.  We love the comaraderie and the friendships, the inside jokes and the silly things we talk about that no one else in RL GETS.

It's amazing how we can just come here day after day...and just.... BE FRIENDS and love and support each other.  So often I see campfires or tweets or whatever about someone having a bad day, and other people are just THERE to lend a shoulder to lean on.  It's a beautiful thing.  Nevermind fandom drama.... we are an INCREDIBLE group of people and I'm pround to call you guys my friends.

Thanks again for making today so wonderful for me.  I was home alone most of the day....trying to work while everyone else in my house was either at work or school....and your comments and tweets were a welcome distraction.

A special thank you to INTHECORNER83 and JANDCO for spending one unforgettable night with me!

Love you guys!!  xoxox



I spy with my little eyeball

Monday November 15, 2010 at 9:20 PM

... the missing wedding ring. 

... and a packet of fags



Monday November 15, 2010 at 8:37 PM

Robert Pattinson allegedly had a fight in a bar with Jason Statham after the actor 'tried to hit on' R-Pattz' rumoured girlfriend, Kristen Stewart.

According to US Weekly, the Twilight hunk threatened Statham, who used to date model Kelly Brook, after he 'chatted up' K-Stew.

A source told the magazine: "Jason is totally jacked and Rob is scrawny. But Rob said, 'I think you’ve had enough time with her'. They got heated."

The celebrity publication also reports that bouncers at the bar in LA had to step in to separate the two stars from fighting.

Statham is currently dating Transformers 3 actress Rosie Huntington Whiteley although recent rumours have suggested that the former model has left the Transporter actor for her co-star, Shia LeBeouf.



Campers, gather round; I need to talk.

Monday November 15, 2010 at 5:37 PM



Edward is old, Edward is passe, it's now all about












Please join me in my love of all things Damon. I just got myself all caught up with the last 3 weeks of Vampire Diaries and I can't stop thinking about THAT moment (I won't post it here, I don't' want to spoil) but you Damon lovers out there must know what I mean, the moment where the real Damon, the old Damon (still mixed with bad boy Damon) shines so brightly and so beautifully that it's too poignant to bear; the moment where I wish Elena came to her bloody senses and said, screw the necklace, I never want to wear it again and we all get to live in a VD alternate universe of sheer and utter happiness.


I know, I know, I'm a sap.  I'm so sappy, I cried during THAT scene.

My love for Damon is now at a point where I can be heard saying:


Edward? Edward Who? And who is this Robert Pattinson you speak of?


Join me in your Damon/ Ian revelry - come to the deliciously dark side where it is possible to have good intentions but be oh so very bad and dashing all at the same time.


Enter at your own peril - there be heartstopping images and spoilers inside


buffy episode 3.08 "lover's walk"

Monday November 15, 2010 at 5:11 PM

this episode and spike's amazing speech dedicated to my bb lababycarla

I'm gonna do what I should've done in the first place. I'll find her, wherever she is, tie her up, torture her... until she likes me again.

Sir Rachel

High Noon!

Monday November 15, 2010 at 5:04 PM

Look how good they are to us :D

Another chapter already!!!

Come chat with me and make jennyfly happy!

First --- | >> | 978 | 979 | 980 | 981 | 982 | 983 | 984 | 985 | 986 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
