Your last review.

Friday November 12, 2010 at 11:07 AM

I missed posting this last Friday because my laptop went ahead and copped an attitude.


What story was the last review that you left for?  Feel free to include the review in your post.

ALSO..What was the name of the last fic you started reading.

Let's see if we can get any good recs for my poor TBR list that my laptop ate when it crashed.

eta: I didn't even think of spoilers. If you've not read any of your recent updates, spoilers could be below.

Fluent in Sarcasm


Friday November 12, 2010 at 10:59 AM

Hey all,

Happy FFAF! hope you have had/having a gooood day!

Theme of the post

Asking questions

Basically it's a Free For All on asking questions (see what I did there! lol) 

Do you have a question you have been dying to ask someone, well he is your opportunity!

To kick things off I want to know:

What do you all do for a living?

full time mum/nurse/accountant/teacher?

Are you a writer or a reader or *GASP* both! (yay you!)

Do you have any tattoos?

EDIT: if so what and where are they?

Have you got any questions, no matter how obscure you want to ask?

come ask!


Random Obsessions?

Friday November 12, 2010 at 9:42 AM

So I recently discovered (well, always knew it was there but recently watched) Firefly.

I've watched the series 3 times since, watched the movie, just watched the online short series that was made about River, cried that this was it, and caught myself becoming addicted to it's fanfiction (while reading updates for some Twilight stuff....although not a lot, sorry), and watching music videos for it in my spare time. 

Anyone else share my obsession? Wanna share pictures/GIFS/videos/fics?

Or would like to share their own? I would love to add more series to my instant queue on Netflix.



Another HP Post

Friday November 12, 2010 at 9:28 AM

How about a little "Dress Your Age 101"?






Oi. She was totally cute when she was nine.


Come in and let's discuss: How do you think all the members of the cast have turned out, considering they were all hired so young? What did you think of them then, and what do you think of them now? Who has filled our their character as they've grown, and who hasn't?



Friday November 12, 2010 at 9:23 AM

Since it's free-for-all, I've decided I want to find out more about all of you and get the answers to some tough questions. After you answer, add a question of your own. My answers will be inside. Let's have some fun :)

What were you like when you were a kid?

When was the first time that you had beer? What happened?

If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?

What would your dream house be like?

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?

Do you dream often? Any recurring dreams?

Luna StarFire

Who ate the gingerbread man?

Friday November 12, 2010 at 8:26 AM


So this is my favorite time of year.  Halloween has past and now onto the next two holiday's.  

Thanksgiving and Christmas (Or insert your celebrated holiday here X D)

So tell me, what about this time of year do you love most?  Do you have family traditions, if so what?

Do you decorate?  If you have kids do you do the countdown til its X-Mas?  

I feel like such a giddy kid.  My answers will be in the comments.



Friday November 12, 2010 at 8:25 AM

I am in the mood for some good angst.  I want some heartfail.  I wanna snotsob.  Whatcha got for me?


I didn't get the memo

Friday November 12, 2010 at 7:14 AM

Hey Y'all,

Idk if there was a previous post about this or not but...

What happened to the Google docs website with all the fics available to save? I know some people weren't liking the idea but I was wondering did they shut it down. the link I have keeps giving me an error message.

Does anyone know what's happening?


EDIT: Seriously,I really cannot find it now. Please somebody help me find the site?!

LJ Summers

JennyFly's Fic Rec Fire

Friday November 12, 2010 at 5:08 AM

You might not know this, Campers, but Ranger JennyFly knows her fic.

***pause for collective gasp***

She does! And she enjoys our fic recs and Master Fic List and all those fun things we've been working on since July.

However, being a Ranger of Discernment and Impressive, erm, Credentials, she has things she REALLY WANTS TO SEE and wants you, the amazingly-well-read Campers of ADF, to find them for her.

And because she IS RANGER JENNYFLY, I decided she needed a FicFire of her own to ask.  (And okay maybe it's because she's just awesome and snarky and sent me a PM.)

Yes, ma'am, I have outed you. You PM.  ***thud***

This is what she said she wanted:

vamp, adult situations, violence, character development, drama, mystery, suspense, darkness, vengeance, self-realization, multi-faceted people & relationships


This is what she absolutely does NOT want:

one-shots, comedy, misogyny, love at first sight, smut for smut's sake, distracting grammatical errors, gender stereotypes, anthropomorphic genitalia


And she made a request:

"I think campers should debate recs for me. I want to see the arguments for & against fics, persuading me to read them."


So, CAMPERS!  Bring it on!  This Fic Fire is for Ranger JennyFly and you see what she wants?  And the rules are:

1.  Give the Lady What She Wants.

2.  This is about FIC, not about CAMPERS, so be POLITE.


That is all.




Time allowing, I'll have another list up later today (EST) and one more tomorrow.  And then I'm going on hiatus with fic lists until 2011 (sounds like forever, heh).  IF YOU HAVE A LIST YOU WANT TO SEE, either a) PM me and I'll do it when I am doing them again or b) light a fic fire for it (yeah, I'm stuck on that term this week) and send me the link and I'll add it to the Master Fic List.

Okeedoke? Good.

Now bring on the fic for JennyFly!



Friday November 12, 2010 at 4:45 AM

Firstly, Happy Free For All Friday Everyone.

And now I'll get to the point.

With HP and the Deathly Hallows coming out pretty soon...and the fact HP and the Goblet of Fire was on TV tonight... I now have the sudden urge to read some Harry Potter Fanfiction. I attempted to go fic diving on but ran out of patience after about 10 minutes.

I know many of you are die hard HP fans as well as being obsessed with Twilight - and I'm sure many of you read HP fanfic.

Could anyone give me some recommendations of some really good fics? Preferably completed for now?

I'm definitely interested in reading a Ron/Hermionie paring... something fluffy and romantic, when they're married maybe, post-books. Something rated M/NC-17?

I'm happy with ANYTHING that is a must read in the HP fandom though :)

Thanks for your help - looking forward to the gems I might find (and the obsession that will probably develop :P)

- Melie


Friday November 12, 2010 at 2:49 AM


You're all lovely people. I feel the need to remind everyone of it sometimes. =]




Friday November 12, 2010 at 12:50 AM

OKAY HI, My name is mitchell i'm calling from dhl global how are you???

I cannot get that out of my head.

I need some advice, i need to change my email, and i was wondering which provider is most useful you you peeps out here in ADF coz' you all rock, i thought i'd pass around the advice bowel and ask you to put yours in.


and we can also make this a twitter/email/whateverelseeveryoneusestostayincontectwithwebfriends post.


okay cool i think i got it all out


Road trippin' with my 2 favourite allies...

Friday November 12, 2010 at 12:44 AM

Hello Campers!

As it's FFFA I thought I would try and get my fellow campers tips and/or suggestions for my upcoming trip to the states!

I'm an Aussie and am coming for a 5 week Holiday with my two besties in January! We're starting in good old New York then flying down to Orlando (Harry Potter theme park was a definite pre-requisite)then we're embarking on a road trip through the southern states for 2 weeks before finishing the trip doing Vegas, San Diego, L.A. and San Fran.

What I was hoping to get from you guys were some suggestions on what we absolutely CAN NOT miss whilst we're there. So, any ideas for the route we should take for the road trip? We are very flexible! The only stuff we have definitley booked in is sporting stuff (Basketball and Ice Hockey at MSG on the 24th and 25th of Jan and a college football game on the 5th of Feb in San Antonio).

We're all either 22 or 23 and love to have a drink and a good time. So any bar or pub suggestions would be awesome too! So if you have any good ideas, please let me know your suggestions!

I'd be eternally greatful for all of your help! Thanks!

P.S. I really wish I could format this properly but I'm on my iPhone and I have no friggin clue how to do it. Sorry I'm a complete technology loser!


Looking for...

Friday November 12, 2010 at 12:29 AM

Any great Tattward or Tattella (Edwards and/or Bellas that like tattoos and such) fics? If any of you have suggestions let me know. I'm just also looking for another great stories! 




it's that time again

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 11:40 PM

free for all friday is here

it's that time again, campers!

friday free-for-all has begun.  let's see those campfires!  remember, anything goes (except cussin' on the front page and them personal attacks).  it goes from now until 5pm EST!

can't remember the name of that fic and/or who wrote it?

need tips on writing/dieting/beauty products/that special boy?

need book recs?  a new playlist?  really glad hannah was missing from bones tonight?  wanna talk about coach and mrs. coach and the glorious friday night lights?  wonder where the sparkles come from?


i shall warn you that i plan on making yet another harry potter and the deathly hallows post as i just can't WAIT for midnight thursday like whoa

so, what're you up to this weekend?  

post about it!

and isn't the fall foliage in the forest lovely this time of year?

when fandoms collide for your time:


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Hillywood Show Eclipse Parody!

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 9:05 PM

It's finally here!!!!


Build an Eddie

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 7:38 PM


Oh, swoooooooooooon.

This game is so fun.


canon Eddie:



What Do You Think?

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 7:26 PM

hey campers! i am new here. i would like to know what you think of joe jonas and ashley green dating. i know his mom doesn't agree with them dating. so i wold like to know what yo think.



Ask Jennyfly

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 6:53 PM

Yeah, this again.

Because I plan on sitting still in front of my fireplace for the next little while.

Ask me stuff.

Have a churro:

EDIT: I'm calling this one. It's TEN PM O'CLOCK here, so I can't guarantee my eyeballs will remain peeled to this fire much longer.


buffy episode 3.07 "revelations"

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 3:27 PM

Buffy: How are you?
Faith: 5 by 5.
Buffy: I'll interpret that as good.

and also

new watcher?

new watcher.


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