Inspired by a previous campfire I have attempted to create a list of Twitter Edwards. But first here is a little explanation of the different kinds that are out there for those who don't know. First off there are fanfiction Edwards. These are accounts usually created by the authors of fanfiction for their fanfiction characters. These are most certainly not limited to Edward but to save me from much hair pulling I have only compiled Edward.
There are role playing Edwards which is an entirely different thing than fanfiction Edwards. These usually stem from online role playing communities in which people sign up to play Twilight characters and interact with each other. Some are serious, some are not. Some are locked, some are not.
Then there are what I call random Edwards. These are just random people not associated with fanfiction or particular role playing games and are just doing it for the fun of it. For example there's a few plastic Edward accounts. These are people that use action figure Edwards as a character and usually take pictures of him in various places, sometimes with a storyline, sometimes not.
There are also fake Robert Pattinson accounts but I didn't include any of those. I tried to include only Twitters that were recently active. This list is VERY minimal because I don't really follow many Edwards and had a heck of a time finding them. I know they're out there so PLEASE use this post to link to them. And for that matter we might as well use this post to link to other Twilight characters we like to follow.
The list:
Fanfic Edwards:
I *think* this one is from Taste of Innocence by Nolebucgrl.
I think this one is from Grasping Darkness by KiyaRaven.
I think this one is from Heavy In My Arms by ShinyVolvoLurver.
This one is from Renfield and Chiclets by Katinki.
From Just Standing There by Le Crepuscule.
From A Pound Of Flesh by jaxon22.
From Voice For Me by PachasPickMeUp.
From Love In My Box by cosmoandmarvar.
Role Playing Edwards:
Random Edwards (some of these might be fanfic Edwards that just weren't marked as such):
*I admit I've thought of creating one for B&E Edward but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested. y/n? Have you thought about creating one for one of your characters?