
Where did it go?

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 9:32 PM

So I've been bogged down in my 400 level classes this semester, and I decided yesterday to look up that google docs page that had the running list of pulled fics.  I had the address saved, but I hadn't downloaded any of the fics to my laptop.  But when I opened up the link I had, it told me the page was unavailable!  My heart is broken!  Does anyone know what's going on with the list?  I've tried the link yesterday and today and I've gotten the same error message both times. 

This is the address I have saved:


I'm definitely going to shed some tears if that page is no more...


Surprise Update

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 6:17 PM

Chicklette just posted a surprise update (Chapter 19) of her gorgeous fic, Of Kith & Kin.  It was nothing short of AMAZING.

Read, read, read!  Then come back here and discuss!!! xo


Finding a Fic

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 5:00 PM

Ok I know someone can help me out. I read this fic and for the life of me can't find it now. It was about Edward and him being rich and famous. Bella was working for his publist. (who ever looks after the family image). Anyway they had an affair, she told him she was pregnant and he didn't want no part of it. Later he runs into her and finds out she's still prego and ends up doing the right thing. His grandfather isn't so happy about it and doesn't think she's good enough. Does anyone know this fic?


Lost Boys Watchalong Tomorrow!!

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 3:05 PM


Hiya campers! We're going to try things a little differently this week...This weekend's watchalong is going to be held on Sunday!! We're hoping that this preliminary campfire will give people a heads up and that more people will be able to participate!

Tomorrow we will be watching::

Summary: Financial troubles force a recent divorcee and her teenage sons Mike and Sam to settle down with her father in the California town of Santa Carla. At first, Sam laughs off rumors he hears about vampires who inhabit the small town. But after Mike meets a beautiful girl at the local amusement park, he begins to exhibit the classic signs of vampirism. Fearing for his own safety, Sam recruits two young vampire hunters to save his brother by finding and destroying the head vampire. (source: IMDB)

The time is usually 7 pm eastern but we are asking for people to comment with what's best for them. We want everyone to be able to participate!!

Comment with any questions or concerns...


PM with questions about download links and your gchat id, please!


Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!


GAW for the permission :D



Saturday November 6, 2010 at 2:47 PM

So, last night I was at a symposium at UNLV and had the chance to meet Annie Duke and Howard Lederer, both of whom are "Bracelet Winners" at the Main Event in the World Series of Poker.  They were CRAZY smart, really fun, and very sweet to talk to me -- especially since I'm beyond lousy at poker and struggle to remember the difference between a straight and a flush.

Anyway, today is the 2010 MAIN EVENT in the WSOP held here in Vegas at the Rio...and in honor of the nine guys who are playing cards with each other for 12 hours or so nonstop, I was wondering if you all could think of any Pokerward or Pokerella fics!


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heppy thunksgeefing! Bork Bork Bork!

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 10:18 AM

thanksgiving recipe swap

i love thanksgiving.  like, a lot.  and i know i'm a few weeks early, but i like to be prepared.  i'll just pink heart this campfire so i can come back to it later.

share your favorite thanksgiving recipes here and tell me what your family traditions are. 

for those of you who don't celebrate american thanksgiving, share with us what your family does when it gets together to celebrate!

i'll include my deep fried turkey recipe and idk idk my sweet potato pie

classic snoopy for your time:


Christmas Crackers Anon Contest

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 6:46 AM

It's time to stretch those funny bones and show us what you're made of.

Christmas Crackers Anon O/S Contest

Fill us to the brim with giggles, snorts, guffaws and/or groans. Holiday cheer (or what should have been Holiday Cheer), funny costumes, the last dash for presents before the stores open. Whatever you can come up with.

Hit us with your straight comedy, crackfic, awkward, funny fruit (lemons and limes included), dark humour and anything that else may be knocking around in your head.

As long as it's funny and has a Christmas theme it's good!


Entries Accepted: 20th October - 19th November 2010 23:59GMT

Public Voting: 22nd November – 19th December 2010

Pre-eminent Cracker Announced December 21st, 2010


Full details @ http://www.gigglesnort.net/viewpage.php?page=crackers


(Post approved by Tor)


Language Question

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 6:36 AM

 I have a question about Portuguese and Spanish for my original fic.  Kind of timely due to Rob and Kristen being in Rio.  If you speak Portuguese, does this mean you understand a lot of Spanish because they are similar?  When I worked at an elementary school, the spanish speaking teachers helped us communicate with the new portuguese speaking students so I thought this was the case but am not sure.  Anyone familiar with how this works in Brazil?  My character speaks Portuguese and English and is a Brazilian American.  Would he understand a lot of Spanish?  Like when the El Salvadorian girls flirted with him in spanish?  LOL

I'll post some pretty pictures for your time.  This is how I picture my main character. 






Saturday November 6, 2010 at 1:41 AM

I love photography, but not only taking photos - I can sit and admire someone's work for hours. It's such a magical thing - time captured forever, like in a fantasy book. In some other campfire I was asked to start this one - so, please, tell me about your view on what's best and what's worst thing to do with your photo, maybe some advices for amateurs (like me)? And give us something to look at, whether it's your kid or picture from vacation. I will add mine in comments. 



Help finding a fic

Saturday November 6, 2010 at 12:12 AM

I do hope there's someone who also read this fic that I'm looking for. From memory Edward had been in a car crash that had killed his sister but he survived. He's very withdrawn from his family and I think he was an antique dealer. Bella rents out a house that belongs to Edward and over time they become friends. He helps her each night to paint the rooms. As the story progressed each touch from Bella drew him out of his sombre mood. He blamed himself for the death of his sister as he was driving. My summery sucks but I've searched and searched. I just hope someone can remember this fic.xx


What a game.

Friday November 5, 2010 at 10:47 PM

What a game. What a game.

Double overtime. Buzzer beater.

Just . . . gah, I LOVE this sport.


So feel free to come in here and worship praise congratulate the Phoenix Suns on their victory over the Memphis Grizzlies. Or Come in here and tell me about your team. Did they play tonight? Are they playing this weekend? Are you excited? Nervous?


Cover versions

Friday November 5, 2010 at 10:06 PM

Im not usually a fan of cover versions.... i think it was growing up during the time of Westlife and all those other cheesy bands that didn't know how to make new songs.... However nothing beats a good punk pop cover :)

I was bored and listening to some bowling for soup which ALWAYS cheers me up and i decided that bowling for soup can make any song more awesome.... or in some cases actually listenable to (is that a word) *cough*thetingtings*cough* 


What are your fave cover versions? or even what's your fave bowling for soup song? :p

Crack Fic Recommendations

Friday November 5, 2010 at 8:32 PM

First Campfire!!!!

I know we all hate these questions, but I need suggestions. I'm looking for something humorous to read. Something like Dryler's Bright like the Sun.

If you all could help me out that would be great,

Happy Friday.


dawnmarie dreaming

Fantasy Friday

Friday November 5, 2010 at 7:08 PM

it'a FFAF and i'm jacked on caffiene that i drank to keep me awake on my 3 hour drive home from work.  now i've just poured myself some lovely sweet red wine and i'm contemplating some of the fantasies i was distracting myself with whilst behind the wheel.  at least up until the point that i saw a freaking-huge moose walking down the side of the road, but that's another story for another campfire. 

for instance, i would like to lick melted chocolate out of the dip at the base of this man's throat:

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and i would like to lay under a tree on a beautiful fall day, with my head resting on this man's chest while he read me Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven."

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a little tame as far as fantasies go, but hey, it's what wets my whistle.

so campers, come in and let me hear your fantasies.  they don't have to be rated XXX - although that is certainly ok and encouraged (beware, oh those who are faint of heart). 

maybe you'd like Rob to rub your feet with his hand-porn.  or maybe you'd like to sniff the inside of K Stew's knee.  or maybe you'd really just like your hubby to wash the damn dishes. 

whether they be simple, freaky, or down right dirty, come share them with me.  i can take it.


Review Evening?

Friday November 5, 2010 at 6:49 PM

I don't know about y'all, but I am so far behind on reviews it's not even funny! None of the stories I read have posted new chapters today, so I am thinking of having what I call a "Review Night". Basically I sit down and review the latest chapter to each story I am reading. It gives the authors some well deserved love, and it keeps them happy :D


What's not win-win about that? Anyone care to join me?


Mackenzie Foy aka "Renesmee" on Hawaii 5 0!

Friday November 5, 2010 at 5:58 PM

Well I was watching Hawaii 5 0 this week, which I love by the way. and I practically had an apoplexy with all these guest stars I recognized during the episode! First it was the general from Independence Day, then Edgar from 24, and last but not least I recognized the future Renesmee! She is so cute! She will be great in Breaking Dawn part 2!



Friday November 5, 2010 at 5:23 PM

I am letting my nerd flag fly on this one:

I got an invitation on Facebook last night from a friend who attends Rice University.  It was for a series of lectures for the anthropology department, which I was interested in to begin with (I know, NERDY), however as I read on I got so excited I was bouncing up and down and let out a ridiculous little girl squee.  It a series of lectures about fandoms!  From an anthropological approach!  (again, I know, NERDY)  They are going to cover a number of specific fandoms from "wondergirls to Rod Stewart (who knew?) and Twilight is one of them!!!  I am so excited to go and listen to what they have to say, and probably let them know a thing or two.

What do you guys think?  Does it make you feel weird that there are people studying your participation in fandom?  Does it make you feel legit?  Do you not really care?  I am really interested to know.

In the comments I will post a blurb about the lectures.

For your time...



Friday November 5, 2010 at 4:34 PM

Disclaimer: I really shouldn't have to remind you.


How Awesome is This

Friday November 5, 2010 at 4:28 PM

So I signed up for NaNoWriMo. And it's been exciting but tough.

But today I got the coolest email and I totally felt like I had to share it with you all (or rather, those of you not signed up for NaNoWriMo).

"Dear Writer,

I can't think of anything more intimidating than a blank page. Especially the first blank page of a new project. Now, after twenty-mumble years of writing, I have a lot of things to get me past that, one of which is to use the screenplay writing technique of the late Blake Snyder---you can find all of that in his book, Save the Cat! And on the website dedicated to his techniques.

And these things work really, really well if you already have the basic plot idea and the characters and world in your head.

But what if you don't? What if all you have is a plot?

This is where I am going to deviate from practically anyone you have ever heard from, and tell you this: try writing fanfiction.

For those of you who don't know what fanfiction is, it's pretty simple, and I would bet that you have vaguely thought about doing something like it without ever realizing it. It goes like this: you see a movie or read a book or even play a game, something you really love, but when you're done the first thing that pops into your head is "But what if they had done---" or "And then what happened?" or "Gee if there had been a character like this---"

Fanfiction is taking an existing world, and possibly even some of the characters, and writing your own stories in it. And it is a lot less intimidating than making everything else up for yourself (especially when you're talking about fantasy, science fiction, or horror). Now I am not advocating that you do this with the idea of selling the thing, (though more on that later), because that's called plagiarism and it's illegal. And there are writers and publishing companies that don't allow fanfiction to be published in any form, even on the web, so you have to be very careful about that.

But for purposes of practice? It's fun, it's going to give you a giant kick-start, and you would be surprised at how many professionals started out that way (and still do it!). Well just as an example, go have a look at all the Star Trek, Star Wars, and game-based books there are out there. If you reduce things to principles, most of those are fanfiction---fanfiction commissioned by and given the blessing of the publisher, and produced by professionals, yes, but still fanfiction.

And there are those of us professionals that still write fanfiction for fun (although I doubt there are very few who will be as up-front about it as I am). Sometimes it's because someone else's creation got us by the throat and our storytelling demon won't let us go until we get our version down on paper or in pixels. Sometimes it's because it's not the genre we make our bread and butter at. Me, for instance; I got involved with a small group of folks in the City of Heroes superhero MMORPG (www.cityofheroes.com) and we were all driven to write fiction about the characters we played. I did that for a couple of years until an even smaller group of us decided to take those characters, create a new setting for them, and see if we could write some real books around them. That became The Secret World Chronicle, which is in podcast form at the website above, and will be a series of books coming from Baen starting in March. So you can see that what sta rts out as fanfiction can, once you get your practice in, turn into a real, marketable project!

But the point is you have to get that practice in first---and NaNoWriMo is one of the best forums for that, just as fanfiction can be one of many platforms for you to launch from. If that's the route you want to go, bravo! Let your fanfic flag fly! You’ll be following in the footsteps of a lot of greats, like Marion Zimmer Bradley (who wrote Tolkien fanfic)!

Now get out there and conquer that blank page!

Mercedes Lackey"

How awesome is that?!?



Friday November 5, 2010 at 3:49 PM



Let us discuss how hot Darren Criss is.


Alternately, let's discuss Glee and what we love and what we hate.

In other words, this is a Glee post.

Do with it what you will.

First --- | >> | 986 | 987 | 988 | 989 | 990 | 991 | 992 | 993 | 994 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
