LJ Summers

Polyamory Fics

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Brought to you by the letter A and the number 3!

Not that polyamory is limited to THREE by any means, but that is the number GENERALLY found in fanfiction.


These fics that I solicit from you today will certainly not be CANON, but they can be AU (meaning supernatural aspects) or AH (meaning all human characters).  Polyamory is almost always M or NC-17, so that's pretty much what I expect to see here. ;-)

Please remember the Rules of the Fic Fire:

1.  Keep it simple.

2. No discussions.

3. THESE RULES DO NOT APPLY TO THE RANGERS.  *heh* They know who they are...


Oddly enough, I even have a rec or two...they'll be inside.


Thank you for sharing your favorite fics around the fire...


I'll be back later with ANOTHER LIST!



Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 9:54 AM


This week’s game:

FIC JEOPARDY: Stump The Smarties!

Provide a statement related to a fic. Any clue, any fic. Alex Trebec says the more obscure the better. Let’s stump the smarties!!!! Let others answer and see if they guess the correct fic. Your clue can be a word, a statement, a summary, an image, anything related to a fic. Make sure and also leave guesses for other clues, but please phrase your TwiFic-related answer in the form of a question or else Alex Trebec AND SM will get you! (Note to the smarties . . . you know who you are… ahem… MSM, HM, et. al.)

Example #1:

Bella constantly baked cookies, and named them for her mood.

First Answer: What is Wide Awake?

Special thanks to Jeopardy-lovin’ Capricorn75 for stickage :)  You will always be welcome on this Jeopardy show bb!!!

My first entry inside.


Anyone Reading Green?

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 8:37 AM

I started and ended this campfire twice because I usually don't do this.

But I really needed to discuss this last chapter.

For anyone who doesn't read it I mean this:

Green » by Bratty-Vamp
What happens when lawn-boy, geek, and self-proclaimed social leper finds himself in a situation that shakes his comfortable invisibility? Will he stay green? AU- All human.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 23 - Words: 100,978 - Reviews: 4161 - Updated: 11-10-10 - Published: 7-3-10 - Edward & Bella

It's towards the end and she's updated everyday until it's done. And if you haven't read it, don't click on the campfire.

Spoilers Inside.


End Island - Are you reading this?

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 8:27 AM

End Island by xlavendermoonx

So a couple of weeks ago I started reading this story and I fell in love with it! It’s a mystery and I’m generally not good at coming up with theories but I’m having fun trying to with this one.

It just updated yesterday and it finally got to a part I’d been waiting for and then at the end of the chapter we learned something very interesting. So, I’m wondering – are any of you reading this? If so, come inside and discuss theories with me!

And if you’re not reading this – check it out!

Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6380184/1/End_Island

Summary: Secretly investigating an unsolved disappearance, best-selling author Bella Swan moves to a secluded island where she gets caught up in the mysteries of the case and the #1 suspect, Edward Cullen. BxE, AH, Rated M for mature themes

***Spoilers inside***


What to DO and NOT TO DO in a Fanfiction?

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 8:00 AM

hi there

I am pretty new in the forest (well I mostly just lurk around) and I have some plot bunnies going around in my head for fanfictions, but I am afraid to write something down and end writing awfully, I have some ideas of what I do like and what I don´t when I read a FF, but no idea how to start or what do or don´t.

My FF if there is ever going to be one probably will not be B/E, no because I don´t like them, but because I have the feeling to everything has been said and done with that pair...,

so, I (I was going to say humbly, but no.. not really) ask :

what do you like and dislike in a fic?,

what are you ideas when you start how do you go from a bunny eating dandelions and apples in your head to something worthy of be read?


any advice?

should I just go to my corner and keep lurking?

(betaed for the great WriteOnTime with a big red pen)


mo kagen

another amnesia campfire

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 1:14 AM

My eyeballs are still spinning from scanning my (too large) list of stories...

The one I cannot seem to place:   AU     Bella wakes up as a vampire with no real recollection of her life before, and she appears to be DEAF.  She wanders alone for many many years.  She has some sort of "geological / geographical" gift.  She places her hands on the ground, and can feel the vibrations of nearby animals, or nearby humans, and can even tell if she has been in this place before.  I think she even wears the same dress she woke up in thru most of the chapters I had read (which may have spanned a century?)  The last chapter I remember, she had just encountered one or some of the Cullens, but I cannot remember the circumstances.     any assistance you may provide will be greatly appreciated (gosh, that sounds like I'm at work)


Welcome Back , Emibella!  You have been missed!



another case of amnesia : CURED

thank you shc92 : you win the prize! (as yet to be determined)

Hear No Evil by BlueSea14


I'm experiencing a non-canon crisis

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 1:02 AM

I'm oddly attracted to Carlisle and Bella right now.

I ended up watching New Moon today (something I told myself I never would. I haven't seen any of them more than once). And the scene where Carlisle was cleaning up her cut struck me. I don't know why but there WAS some sexual tension and attraction there.

To me, there was more chemistry in that scene between 30 something Peter and teenish KStew than alleged "love" Rob and young Taylor combined.

So....Carlisle and Bella fics? I'm searching but my limits are really limiting me. I prefer AH and non-affair ones. And I think all I'm seeing is Carlisle cheating on Esme with Bella or Bella's scent being Carlisle's tua cantante. Any red-blooded, alive, single (non-attached) Carlisle and Bella fics? I'll take a boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancee/fiance but no marriage on either side or sparkles.

And well, Esme didn't hook me so Carlisle is a free-for-all and I think I like Bella with a blond guy but Japser belongs with Alice to me.


I think this will pass once I finally go to sleep but since I can't right now I need something...


Meh-Not my Edward and Bella

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 12:27 AM

Oh this will end badly. Shush. It will. You know it will. Stop resisting.

Let's discuss our deepest, darkest disappointments.


Sell Me a Fanfic

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 8:51 PM

Hi everyone! Remember me?

I am guessing some of you don't know who I am but those of you who do


and I need something to read!

The thing is that it can't be any old fanfic. This has to be something that is not good but FANTASTIC.

The best/most unique fanfic that makes you just plain GIDDY when you open an update.

Because, here is the thing, I have been away way too long and I am in the final paragraphs of writing MY STORY and I have lost my mojo.

I need inspiration. I need something to read that is going to

make me fall in love with fanfic again.


Because Ranger Emibella is Back, baby.

Feel free to welcome me back, I could use the warm fuzzies. I love this place!

Sol de Anna

pulled fic search

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 6:47 PM

Hello.  I love twilight and am desperately looking for a pulled fanfic called Changing the Future by DeydreamBeliever.  Does anyone know where to find a copy of it or where it is posted?


buffy episode 3.06 "band candy"

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 4:29 PM

Whoa, Summers! You drive like a spaz!




Twilight Related Websites

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 2:16 PM

Where do you go for your Twilight related news? Can be movie info or fanfic or just fan related

Do you have a site you hit everyday?


*Edit: I OBVIOUSLY check this site... to the peeps that want to mention this one over and over again...maybe I should have specified OTHER than here??


Andrea Powell in "Breaking Dawn"

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 11:51 AM

For those who didn't see this (and since I didn't see it in the forest...), Andrea Powell has been cast as Sasha, Tanya, Kate and Irina's late mother figure.

I'm all for the flashbacks, as I think they help flesh out the characters in the films, but I think this is an interesting one to pursue. It may help us feel for the Denalis and Irina a bit more--something that I didn't feel as much being in Bella's POV in the books. 


Fun fact: According to IMDB, Powell played a psychiatric nurse in the 1996 made-for-television movie, Twilight Man. I got a good laugh out of that. Maybe these were her credentials for the part.

LJ Summers


Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 10:15 AM

We've done all the books, Twilight - Breaking Dawn.  We even did a Pre-Twilight List and here's its matching bookend:


For this list, canon details hold up through the end of Breaking Dawn. That means there was a honeymoon on Isle Esme, Renesmee was born and imprinted upon by Jacob. The Cullens are intact and happy in Forks at the end of BD, Irina was killed at the Mass Vampire Conference in the Snow, and Bella has a mental shield and amazing newborn grace and control.


Then...the author tinkers with the AND NOW WHAT? of the fanficker's universe.

YESTERDAY, a campfire (her first!) was started by ThuGoldenChild for Post BD Fics that were Edward/Bella centric.  Check out that list here.

TODAY, I open up this list for ALL POST BD FICS.  Jake and Nessie, Edward and Bella, Any Volturi stuff happening, and so on.  Dreadful and angsty or light and fluffy. All ratings and even post-BD pairings for the truly adventurous (heh, I know of one or two!).

Which ones are your favorites?  Share them here!


Thank you for all your support in making the Master Fic List a comprehensive one!


You can take the white chola out of the valley..

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 9:51 AM

yesterday there were all these weird pictures of Kristen looking like she was doing a jig:

and then I saw this video and at around 1:40, it seems that jig is Kristen's white chola version of throw-down posturing because a fan was messing up the scene or something:


My friend says it's not her being a white chola, just that her shoes hurt and she's being a big baby about her feet again. What say you? 

ROB pix

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 8:21 AM

I need some Robert this morning.


Wedding Hells

Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 7:14 AM

This article says Bella's dress will be awful....not really surprised

Sorry ladies for picturing you, but...yeah



Monday November 8, 2010 at 10:38 PM




DISCUSS HOW idk how they'd better freaking include every single one of snape's memories or i'll kill someone



The Breaking Dawn love post

Monday November 8, 2010 at 6:26 PM


With the release of the set photos...who else is getting excited?

Even though we still have a year before it gets released, I am really looking forward to this one. I am probably the only person in the fandom who actually liked the book.

Edward/Rob looks hot as usual

Kristen's hair looks 100% better

And from the pics, it seems as if the make-out scenes are gonna be pretty hot (Please Bill...no fade to black)

So who else wants to share in my excitement?




Monday November 8, 2010 at 4:16 PM

Hi everyone, today I was on twitter and I saw a tweet about Plot Bunny. I am a member for Nano and I needed some inspiration. I went to this site and I was shocked to see this site. I loved it and I thought I would share it with all of you.

Plot Bunny Website

Do you have a prompt or some story line for twilight fic you would like to read but not write? You can post your plot here and let someone else to adopt your plot to complete it. You can work with people who want to do your plot and the best part, this site is extremely organized. You can see all the plots and responses easily. I would like anyone who thought of some fanfiction story but never wanting to write it, to post it on here. Let’s see if someone else can complete your thought?

My nano user name :Mehek18
My website

My twitter

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