
I need help with a playlist

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 8:24 PM

So. I'm getting married in 3 months (yay me) and we're using the good old ipod for all our music (because it's free & OMG why are bands/dj's so expensive?) Problem is, I've lost A LOT of music from the computer because we had to reboot it, so I need all the help I can get.

Your mission, if you choose to accept :p is to throw some tunes at me. I've done up a list of songs I've thought of so far (it will be in the comments) It's an extremely small list, but with all your help, I hope to have a crap load more :)

Thank you in advance & also thanks to GAW for the approval of this. I couldn't wait the whole 90mins till FFFA lol

Anne Shirley Cullen

Romantic Gestures

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Hi Everyone,

Popping my Campfire cherry here.

madelynprad's "The Romantic Man" campfire inspired me.


Which would you rather have?

The Grand Gesture - once a year at most, but none of the little things...

The Daily Little Things - That little thing he does only for you on a regular basis...


This campfire was approved by jandco <waves> Thanks!


Buffy Episode 3.04 "Beauty and the Beasts"

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 2:43 PM

The purple fonted one asked me to post today's watchalong as she is doing one of her least favorite things and taking down Halloween.

This episode features the glorious beauty of the DB in all his half naked hottness. You're welcome.

Also, aren't we all loving the cray-cray that is Faith? I know I do!


Now get in here and make the WithTheBuffyOfCourse happy you joined in today. It makes her smile. Or grimace. Whatever it is she does.


Thursday November 4, 2010 at 2:31 PM

I have little problem with Plot Bunnies.....


I have way too many ideas and no time to write.



Anyone want some of my friends to play with?


Pat me, roll me, and mark me with an...A!

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 12:12 PM

And a big fat scarlet one at that......

So I haven't been around much lately, and I have to confess why.....

I fell in love, head over heels in love, with a character that has far and away eclipsed Edward A. Masen-Cullen in my dark dark heart.

I know, I know, blasphemy you say, which is in fact what I said when someone else said this in a rec campfire a million years ago that started me down this adulterous path.

Who is this devilish fiend who has stolen away my affections, you may ask? (and even if you don't, I am clearly going to tell you...)

None other than Jamie Fraser, a ginger haired 18th century highlander, and mere mortal at that!

He is the male lead in Diana Gabaladon's Outlander series, and I think my heart did not love till now.

So, tell me campers, have you been unfaithful? Has some fictional rouge stolen your heart, and if so, did you feel an odd momentary guilt, like I did? Did you come back to Edward and Bella and fanfic, (probably if you're reading this...) was it difficult to come back to it?

as I reach the end of the completed outlander books, I am looking around thinking, "what next" and as exciting as it is that I'll have lot's of updates piled up... I worry that the spark may have gone out....

thoughts? or picspams of your fantasy Jamie? or any sexy men in kilts.. really, whatever you think is best ;)



Note: as mentioned by another camper, I have heard that Oulander is available for a limited time as an e-book for FREE! IDK for sure of where all it is offered, but I saw it on the Borders website, so I know it's available there!!!!! Thought that might interest some of yous.


Alex Finishes Twilight

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 12:11 PM

It's official. Alex reads the last two chapters and the epilogue. Then, he gives his opinion on BD (apparently, it'll be "the death of cinema"). I'm so sad he's finished this, though. It was entirely too entertaining!
LJ Summers


Thursday November 4, 2010 at 10:04 AM

And the beat goes on, baby!

Okay, well, the campfires do, anyway!

We've done Pre-Twilight, Twilight and New Moon AU Fic recs. Today, bring me ECLIPSE AU (or canon!) FIC RECS for those who are looking for something SPECIFIC.

These are stories that start with the situations in Eclipse to some degree and branch from there. They may stay in canon or might go somewhere else ENTIRELY.  The only thing is, they have to be supernatural. That means vampires and werewolves, Campers!

eclipse fight

So...what've you got to share with us?  Bring it!

Thank you so much for sharing your favorites around the fire!  Due to an added topic, I will resume the Book AU Rec Lists next week! :)


Easin' in

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 8:29 AM

My friend just discovered the joy that is fanfic.

She's slightly obsessed with the vampfic, so give me some of your favs that I can rec to her.  

She's new, so I figure easing her into the AU, AH, etc. would be best.


You're my Eastern path, my homeward bound...

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 7:04 AM

Hello Campers!

I'm bored. I have a ton of work to do but I'm sort of overwhelmed by it all, not sure where to start, so I'm putzing around the internet for a while before I finally get down to business. So talk to me! Tell me things...

What are you doing right now...

What SHOULD you be doing...

What do you WANT to be doing...

I'm having a bit of a Auden, ee cummings kinda morning. Pretty words making me feel better about a boring Thursday morning. Bobby Long is singing to me as well. He's the poet of my heart.

What's your favorite Song? Favorite Poem?

Share some words with me....your own, or someone elses, idc....


this is slightly cut off at the beginning but guuhhhh the words and his voice....kills me


I've got a few fav poems, I'll post in the comments.



Thursday November 4, 2010 at 3:19 AM

Hello Hello

dear readers

I'm new here and just wanted to say a BIG HELLO to everyone.

I love this site already.

Even if it's quite complicated here, I hope you will help me.

Well and sorry for my bad English, I'm from Germany.



The Romantic Man

Thursday November 4, 2010 at 1:38 AM

Tell me about your romantic boyfriend/man/date!

I once had a boyfriend who would play his guitar for me, sadly not together anymore, but that was so sweet!

And what were your romantic ideas? I love to create a romantic dinner! Or make my own cards!


Presents for Jandco?

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 11:02 PM

I need some ideas here.

Jandco's birthday is coming up.

We all know she likes

But that's a tough gift to give.

Over the time I've known her, I've also learned she likes





Cheddar to Edam

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 4:43 PM

Oh, yeah, we're doing this.

CHEESE appreciation campfire up in this joint.

Which is totally approved by WTVOC, who would like me to point out that velveeta cheese is product, not cheese. But that she definitely thinks that cheez-its count.

I'm English and don't know what these are but I bet they're awesome.

I'm more of a traditional girl myself. I have cheddar cheese with everything. In my fridge I currently have 3 500g bags of grated cheddar cheese. Which I cook with everything. EVERYTHING. And eat. By itself. With a fork. I don't even bother with a plate. Just sit with the bag of cheese and eat it.

And I was craving Chips and Cheese? So I totally cooked some chips with cheese on top.

God gave men cars, beer and sex. God gave women cheese. In fact, my Grandma once told me the meaning of life is crackers and cheese - spoken like a true English woman.

So let's appreciate it.

What is your cheese of preference?

P.S. What do I win for fulfilling my double dog dare?



Rob's Halloween Bash?

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 4:04 PM

Hey ya'll!

Hope everyone's having a good week, and looking forward to the weekend! (I work the whole thing, yuck!) Just wanted to ask if anyone has seen any pics pop up from the Halloween Bash that Rob was threw/was rumored to have thrown in Baton Rouge? I saw a pic of Kellan over the weekend, but it was from some Atlantic City bash or something. Anyway, just curious as to what our lovelies dressed up as!! To make this more interactive, what costume do you think would be the best choice for Rob, Kristen, Taylor, etc? Vampires too cliche, lol? And what was the most interesting costume you saw over the weekend? Mine was three guys dressed exactly like the Pineapple Express characters, including bloody guy who got killed like five million times :0)




ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 3:18 PM







"Daniel || Twilight" by Vera241241




miss wtvoc if ya nasty

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 2:45 PM

sit around the fire, roast marshmallows, make friends, and answer wtvoc's questions

when i'm starving, i wish someone would make/go get me _____________________

the song i just can't get out of my head is this:

when i was younger, i had a crush on __________________

this year for christmas, i desperately wish someone would buy me ________________________

my hobbies include:

i seem to never find the opportunity to talk about ______________ online.

the last movie i watched was ____________, and i saw it on ______________________.

i will never forget the time i ______________________________.

and of course, a gift for wtvoc:


buffy episode 3.03 "faith, hope and trick"

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 2:37 PM

All right, yes, date and shop and hang out and go to school and save the world from unspeakable demons. You know, I wanna do girlie stuff.

today's episode sees the introduction of my favorite not-buffy character, female division:

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also, i distinctly remember gasping and clutching my pearls at the very very end of this one.  discuss back nudity in this campfire!


One-shots you wish were more...

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 1:27 PM

Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme MORE...


Ever read that one-shot that leaves you begging, pleading, panting for more more more...then it doesn't happen? Or if it does it's a quickie 3 shot thingy that feels good but not enough because the story is just too good for something quick?


What one-shots should be...should have been expanded?




Rob wishes they were continued too...

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This deserves a campfire, idec

Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 1:02 PM





they are touring the US next summer, if they don't come to Canada - i will die.


i have been waiting for this touring for years.




Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 12:37 PM

Hi there, campers! I'm new to the forest and wanted to say hello!

Shout out to my homegirl incomple aka Lauren. She'll be my tour guide while I try to navigate the grounds.

Can anybody offer recs for some juicy fanfics I MUST read?

Looking forward to getting to know all you fellow twi-hards :)

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