
ADF/NaNoWriMo Support Group

Monday November 8, 2010 at 3:33 PM


So...we're a week into NaNo now. How's everyone doing so far? I've been writing pretty much nonstop lately so I'm taking today off.

1) How are you keeping motivated?

I've been talking to a lot of people on Twitter. It's great to have that kind of encouragement. LOL, I don't know if I should admit this, but I also keep checking everyone's word counts. When I see where people are at with their stories, it spurs me on to write more.

2) How about a challenge?

I've done a couple of challenges on Twitter. They're great motivators. The first time I challenged Ecklecktick to write 2,000 words in 2 hrs. I think we both ended up writing full chapters that night. My second challenge was to reach 20,000 words by the end of the weekend. I fell just short of that goal, but I wrote almost 4,000 words in one day. So, what if all of us do a challenge together? I think it really helps knowing that others are suffering--err, writing--at the the same time. ;)

Challenge: Let's try to write 3,000 words in four hours this Thursday starting at 7 PM (I'm on EST). Anyone want to accept this challenge? We can check in with each other on Twitter.

Now, onto a different subject...

3) What genre are you writing?

I'm doing young adult/fantasy. (Side note: Is swearing acceptable in YA stories if your target audience is 16 and older?)

4) If you want to be writing buddies and/or tweet:

My NaNo Account

My Twitter Account (My account is set to private, but I'll accept you.)

5) What's your current word count?


Now, it's your turn! 

(All ADF/NaNo Support Group posts have been approved by the wonderful G.A.W.)


buffy episode 3.05 "homecoming"

Monday November 8, 2010 at 3:00 PM

I'm not talking about the Slayer. I'm talking about Buffy. You've awakened the Prom Queen within. And that crown is going to be mine.

best bitchy cordelia episode there is, tbh


After Breaking Dawn Fics

Monday November 8, 2010 at 2:39 PM

First campfire!

I just finished reading The Twilight Saga for the 16th or 17th time (I lost count after 11!) and I was interested in reading some after Breaking Dawn fics that are based on anything really as long as Edward and Bella are the main characters. If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.

Thank you,



I thought this was hilarious...

Monday November 8, 2010 at 12:47 PM

About BD filming in Brazil....




Come Meet The Twilight Kids!

Monday November 8, 2010 at 12:10 PM

I don't know about other authors, but I feel like my story is my baby. :)

As the we write our stories, we watch the characters grow.

However, I think most people look at the amount of reviews before reading a story.

So come on...tell everyone who reads this campfire about your baby -- I mean, story. ;)

It can be difficult to get your fic noticed, so it's time to do some pimping!

Tell us what your story is about and include the link. The amount of reviews doesn't matter, this campfire is for everyone!

Looking forward to reading your comments!

LJ Summers


Monday November 8, 2010 at 12:08 PM

Brought to you by our friends in Brazil, who are hosting the current filming jaunt for the Breaking Dawn movie. Part One.

Hey, the vvvv apparent street party scene vvvv isn't CANON, so that makes it AU to me. Anyone else? ;-)


What fics are your favorite Alternative Universe for Breaking Dawn? This means they are pretty much CANON up through Eclipse, but go AU at some point during the story of BD.  No pregnancy?  Edward's control slips on their wedding night? No Jacob/Renesmee imprint?  The Big War That Wasn't... IS?  AND OH MY EDWARD, THERE MIGHT BE SEX.

The possibilities are endless...so bring on your favorites!  As ALWAYS with these, CANON BD FICS are absolutely WELCOME!

My recs will be within.

Thank you for sharing your favorite BD AU fics around the fire!



Monday November 8, 2010 at 12:03 PM



Yet another fic quest

Monday November 8, 2010 at 11:05 AM

Hello all,

I am looking not for specific fic, rather specific group of fics. I'd like to read New Moon Alternate Universe stories where point of divergence (so to speak)  is the breakup scene, but Bella doesn't  fall apart there, but gets angry (or something similar) and actively confronts our boneheaded Edward to explain himself and story goes on from there.  Bonus points for stories with HEA ending :)

UPDATE/EDIT:  To be precise,  for the purposes of this campfire I'd like to find stories which change Bella's response to Edward right on THAT moment in woods.  Keep them coming :)


another amnesia fire

Monday November 8, 2010 at 10:52 AM

I have been very MIA from the forest lately so I think I missed the latest amnesia post, but judging from all the find-a-fic fires today at least I'm not the only one...


I have been trying to remember the name of this fic for ages: in it I believe E and B were friends and possibly living together, but the scene I vividly remember is E and B going to a club, meeting up with another character like Tanya, doing ecstasy, and then having a threesome. I also vaguely remember a foursome scene in a hottub, including a Rob character.


ring any bells?  I read this quite a while ago so it could be long gone by now :/


FF Sneak Peek

Monday November 8, 2010 at 10:33 AM


Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


It's Monday!

Monday November 8, 2010 at 7:24 AM

Hello Campers!

Yay!  It's Monday, my favorite day of the week. Has everyone calmed down from seeing new Edward/Bella pics on the BD set yesterday? omg i thought the internet was going to shut down.  I'm glad to see so many of you are actually excited to see this film.

So, let's get down to business.  NOVEMBER is a big birthday month.  As a matter of fact, it's pretty popular among the Rangers as well ;)  Curious as to why November is such a common birthday month?  Well... nine months before is Valentine's Day, so there's that.  October 5th is actually the most common birthday in the United States (if not worldwide) because it's 40 weeks after New Year's Eve.


“No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,/ No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds, - November!”  ~ Thomas Hood


If TODAY, November 8th is your birthday...then HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

You also share it with these people:

1431 - Vlad III the Impaler, Wallachian prince
1847 - Bram Stoker
1897 - Dorothy Day, author
1909 - Katharine Hepburn
1949 - Bonnie Raitt
1968 - Parker Posey
1974 - Masashi Kishimoto, Japanese manga author
1985 - Jack Osbourne

Also, on this date in History:

1520 - Stockholm Bloodbath begins: A successful invasion of Sweden by Danish forces results in the execution of around 100 people.
1638 - Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts
1889 - Montana was admitted as the 41st state in the United States
1956 - UN demands USSR leave Hungary
1957 - Great Britain performs atmospheric nuclear test at Christmas Island
1968 - Cynthia Lennon is granted a divorce from John
2004 - War in Iraq: More than 10,000 U.S. troops and a small number of Iraqi army units participate in a siege on the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah.


What's Your Sign?

SCORPIO~ (i am such a TEXTBOOK scorpio, it's not even funny)

Scorpio is determined, strong, intense, and often controlled. Anything that is superficial doesn’t appeal to the scorpion. It’s all or nothing! Scorpio is never content to look only at the surface of matters. Scorpio digs deep, questions motives, and instinctively feels what is going on in the environment around him or her.

So do this, Campers:

Tell me your birthday, and I will give you your personality profile based on that date.  For example, if today is your birthday then:

You are both logical and intuitive. You won’t act on a hunch unless you have worked it out on a logical level first. Personal relationships are a part of your life in which you experience many ups and downs. Not always easy to live with, you can sometimes be quite set in your ways. You hold onto things and people tenaciously, and sometimes do so even when they no longer offer you growth opportunities. Self-employment is best for you, as you have your own way of doing things. You are very perceptive and intuitive, and your dedication is tremendous. Persistence is one of your finest traits.

(now listen--i'm not gonna sit here all day and hand out horoscopes so if you show up here like 2-3 hours after this is posted, then sorry, Charlie...i eventually have to work today :P..... we'll do it again another day!)



Please help me Find a Story

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 10:16 PM

Okay so i was looking to re-read this story i read a while ago i can't remember the name of it or find it and all i remember is Bella ,Edward and Jasper are in college and Bella just broke up with her boyfriend and she goes to a party being held by her friends Edward and Jasper and she gets really drunk i think and i don't know if she and Edward sleep together right away but i remember Edward was a Dom or something like that and i remember at one point she was with Edward and Jasper and one scene where i think Jasper just watched them but it was a Edward Bella story please please help.


BD Filming in LAPA

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 8:14 PM


The doubles.


And there's Rob!

It's reported they're playing MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) and "Garota de Ipanema"
Everybody's dancing and having a good time.


& updating as more pictures come in


Lost Fic

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 7:30 PM

I was reading this fic a couple weeks ago.... forget the title (obviously).

Bella moves into Edward's old house because Edward was sent to prison some where in Germany (Alcatraz?) and his cellmate is James. Apparently, Edward, Jacob and some other boy (eric?) murdered this girl Emily quite obscenely, so Edward and Jacob were sent to prison, but Eric (?) was sent to juvie. Edward's family couldn't handle living in Forks anymore so they moved (and Edward has a little sister!). So, Edward's cop is Emmett, who allows Edward to write letters back to his house, but Edward doesn't know that his family left him, so Bella gets the letter. Oh, this is all in the mid 1900s... I'm afraid to say World War II.

And that's all I know!

If anyone can please help me, it would be very much appreciated!


And So it Begins...

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 6:36 PM



Robward in Rio

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 5:27 PM

Hello strangers.  So little time these days to visit the Forest :( , but had to take time out from the madness that is education to post this:


The Lost Boys!

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 4:27 PM

Welcome to another instalment of the horror watch along! This week we are focusing on the reason we're all here (well, sort of) VAMPIRES! The winner of the poll this week. *drum roll*


I'll be hosting the watchalong on gchat and msn messenger from 7 PM Eastern time (which is about 30 minutes from now) and the first movie should be over around 9-ish. And then around this time (if you missed the first showing) we'll start the movie once again.


*You can PM us your email to make sure you join us in the conversations, or to ask for links!

However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.

(Look in the comments for megavideo link!)


Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!


GAW for the permission :D


Greetings from Brazil!!

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 3:03 PM

Rob sure has a big smile for Brazil today!

A certain honeymoon scene being done later on perhaps? ;)

Link: http://www.popsugar.com/Pictures-Robert-Pattinson-Kristen-Stewart-Together-Rio-11873007 


For the Love of Slash

Sunday November 7, 2010 at 11:30 AM

And I don't mean this:


But I do mean this:

What are your favourite stories? Your favourite pairings?

What was the first story that showed you the appeal?

Are you surprised you like it?

What do you want to read more of? Less of?

Come inside and share.


The fabulous Capricorn75 approved of this



Sunday November 7, 2010 at 1:15 AM

I just finished reading The Colony by shellbell(or something like that) its was really good...and also just finished reading IPT's dadward story finally Secrets, Lies and Family Ties...but now I don't know what to read next...so yeah this is another one of those boring ol' rec me something to read campfires...endulge me..please...my uterus is trying to eat its way out of my body...


FYT: Um yeah my avi is good enough right...man I could stare at that thing all night long!

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