You might not know this, Campers, but Ranger JennyFly knows her fic.
***pause for collective gasp***
She does! And she enjoys our fic recs and Master Fic List and all those fun things we've been working on since July.
However, being a Ranger of Discernment and Impressive, erm, Credentials, she has things she REALLY WANTS TO SEE and wants you, the amazingly-well-read Campers of ADF, to find them for her.
And because she IS RANGER JENNYFLY, I decided she needed a FicFire of her own to ask. (And okay maybe it's because she's just awesome and snarky and sent me a PM.)
Yes, ma'am, I have outed you. You PM. ***thud***
This is what she said she wanted:
vamp, adult situations, violence, character development, drama, mystery, suspense, darkness, vengeance, self-realization, multi-faceted people & relationships
This is what she absolutely does NOT want:
one-shots, comedy, misogyny, love at first sight, smut for smut's sake, distracting grammatical errors, gender stereotypes, anthropomorphic genitalia
And she made a request:
"I think campers should debate recs for me. I want to see the arguments for & against fics, persuading me to read them."
So, CAMPERS! Bring it on! This Fic Fire is for Ranger JennyFly and you see what she wants? And the rules are:
1. Give the Lady What She Wants.
2. This is about FIC, not about CAMPERS, so be POLITE.
That is all.
Time allowing, I'll have another list up later today (EST) and one more tomorrow. And then I'm going on hiatus with fic lists until 2011 (sounds like forever, heh). IF YOU HAVE A LIST YOU WANT TO SEE, either a) PM me and I'll do it when I am doing them again or b) light a fic fire for it (yeah, I'm stuck on that term this week) and send me the link and I'll add it to the Master Fic List.
Okeedoke? Good.
Now bring on the fic for JennyFly!