We got the "WHAT"

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 11:49 AM

in today's update of

"We Come to Life Beneath the Stars"

by Lillybellis.

Did you read the update? 


What did you think?!?!


Breaking Dawn

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 8:54 AM

So I'm really, really bored. Should be writing my NaNo as I'm about 9,000 words behind but the internet is a distracting place.

Anyway I found a video and some pictures, which I'll put in a comment as I realise not everyone will want to see things from the movie before they actually see the movie :)

However here's the video


LJ Summers

Edward/Alice Fics

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 6:56 AM

ed ali

Now, do NOT go squicking out!  Stop it, right now! 

Better? Good.

See, I like this pairing. I've started "their story" twice. Someday, I'll maybe finish one.  :)  Edward and Alice...if they had met under different circumstances...might have done very well indeed as a romantic couple. The pair who would truly be lost in their own world, needing no spoken word to understand one another.  It's kind of beautiful. :)


I'm not the only one who thinks so, either.  This fic listing was requested for the MASTER FIC LIST and I am here to oblige!  I am a public servant.

((On this note: I am going to be only posting this fire and three more before going on FicFire Hiatus. More on that tomorrow.))

SO! Bring on any Edward/Alice stories that you think are worthy of being shared.  I have read fics where they were an established pair, but not one where they have a romance as the main storyline.  Has anyone else?

If so, please share it!

Thank you for all you do, Campers, to help make the Forest Fic Lists the best rec lists anywhere!


She's lovely, yet real

Thursday November 11, 2010 at 3:53 AM

Kristen has copped so much flack for being difficult, being a bitch, complaining about attention and generally being a sour puss.

I would like to dispute that via one photo.

She's smiling.

Kristen is smiling at the paps.

I honestly hope it's because Rob has promised to do something dirty to her later. (I apologise, I love DTE)


World War I Ended On This Day

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 11:03 PM

(jennyfly says that I can post since it's after midnight my time and is Nov. 11 in most of the rest of the world already. Whee!)

Today is Veterans’ Day, or Remembrance Day, or Armistice Day, or whatever it is you’d like to call it, for the United States and the Commonwealth countries. It’s a day to step back and think about things we might not otherwise like to think about—war, death, fighting—the fact that we are not, as a world, at peace, and to remember those who give their time, talents, energy, and occasionally their lives, in the service of the civilians of their countries.

I don’t think about this often.

It used to be that I would drive past trees tied with yellow ribbon, or see signs that said SUPPORT OUR TROOPS when they were occupying countries I wasn’t entirely sure we needed to be occupying, or where I disagreed with the choices of the politicians who sent them there. I was happy not to think too much about the military, wherever it was. No one in my immediate family is in the service anyway. I mean, my dad’s brother was stationed in Japan during Vietnam, but he came back just fine and I never knew him very well anyway before he died of cancer a few years ago.

And then one day I was walking in one of my favorite places in my city, the World War II Memorial, whose only fault is that I’m not allowed to wade in it, and I had one of those BFOs: blinding flashes of the obvious.

I don’t think about it because others do.

I don’t spend time worrying if my loved one is going to return to me alive, or in one piece, or worry about what kind of mental distress they may be in. I don’t fear for my own life and health working in a warring location. I don’t see the utter destruction that war causes to all sides up front and in my face—it’s printed on a newspaper page, or on CNN, or on the internet, where I can safely ball it up, turn it off, or navigate back to ADF. And that’s possible because there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands who are facing those realities on my behalf.

So I’ve shifted. I still don’t always agree with where and why and how, and I think that’s part of being an active citizen of any country. But I do stop and think about the who. I’m fortunate to live in a city where opportunities to remember are plentiful—stepping off the subway in front of the Navy Memorial, waving at the dressed Marine outside the White House when I’m headed for Chinatown via Pennsylvania Avenue, walking past the Vietnam Wall on a crisp fall afternoon. But if you don't need to think, like me, and it’s not in your face, and you don’t have the visual reminder often to think about those who serve your country, whichever country it may be, I urge you, wherever you are, to take a second today to think about it, to honor, and to thank.

To those of you wonderful women (and men) in this fandom who live your lives in the service of your countries, to those of you who are family members of those who are and have been in the military, let me say this from the bottom of my heart—

Thank you for your service.

If you wish, feel free to post a note in honor of those in the service, whatever country you might be from. And if you are in the service or have a family member who is and feel comfortable being recognized, allow us to show our gratitude.


Story update question

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 10:27 PM

I don't remember how I came across this story yesterday called Alton house by velvetglo. Bella Ends up in 1818 or something.anyway  i just realized that there are only 16 chapters and that it hasn't been updated since February. Does anyone know if the author put this  on hiatus or just gave up on it?  It's kinda like a pride and prejudice fic. i love it. Also if anyone know of any stories that are EB and set in that time frame please post them. Thanks.



Bella Swan Gives Tony Soprano A Lap Dance

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Haven't seen the movie but someone just sent me this video(warning: r-rated language ahead as well as Kristen's bare perky peach of a bum):


But all I can think is: God, Charlie is so gonna shoot Tony Soprano in the kneecaps for this!
To make this interactive beyond Kristen's backside, have you ever watched a twilight kid in a movie and couldn't forget their twilightedness?

Such a pretty young thing

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 8:02 PM


That is such a pretty view. Yum.

Use this campfire to post pictures of pretty people, places, and things.


Find a Fic

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 7:47 PM

I hate to ask but I am trying to find the following story,

Edward lives on a ranch/farm and his horses are named Jasper and Alice. Rose and Emmett are also farm animals. Somehow Bella ends up being his bride either through an ad he put or an agency.

I don't think it's The Mail order Bride.


LJ Summers

Holiday Themed Fics

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 6:39 PM

Yes, two in one day! Shocking!!!

This evening, I'd like to ask you to share your favorite holiday themed fics!  Thanksgiving, Chanukkah, Christmas, New Years...what fics feature these holidays?  The request was specifically for this "most wonderful time of the year" as the song goes...


All pairings! All ratings! AU or AH!  Yes, I'm being fantastically magnanimous! 

So bring your favorite HOLIDAY THEMED FICS!!!  

I'll see if I have any recs of my own to share within.


Thank you for all you do to rec QUALITY FIC to the FOREST!


ho, ho, homoerotic fic exchange

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 6:37 PM

Come have a Very Slash-y Christmas & a Happy New Year
with the Make the Yuletwi'd Gay anonymous fic exchange!

Accepting prompt requests from now until December 1st.

Posted with extra awesome Ranger Tor permission.


I need your help.

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 5:15 PM

I am writing a paper for my English 3100 class that I need everyone's help with. The paper will be about how fanfiction effects (or is it affects? I am terrible at this distinction.) reading and writing habits of both authors and readers. I fully intend for this to be a publishable paper through the university; however, I cannot get enough statistical data without your help. I have set up a 15 questions survey online. A lot of the questions are optional and the survey is fully anonymous. There is a disclaimer on every page of the survey stating that any/all of your answers may be used in the paper, so if you are not comfortable with that, please do not take the survey.

I also would like to conduct personal interviews with maybe five readers and five authors. One reader and two authors have agreed so far, but if you would be interested, please let me know. The survey is more for statistics and demographics; these personal interviews will be used for personal accounts and will be quoted, with recognition if wanted or anonymous if not.

I apologize for not being able to give any type of compensation for taking the survey or being interviewed. Each of you that helps deserves something for your time and thoughts; alas, I have nothing but thanks to give. For some that will be enough, and for others it will not. I completely understand those that feel it is not. Never would there be any hard feelings. 

I am hoping to get over 100 responses on the survey, so please feel free to send the link to anyone you think might want to take it. I will be posting a link on Twitter as well (if I can figure out how), so I apologize in advance for those of you who will see this twice.

Fanfiction Survey


This was approved by the wonderful jandco.

Edit: A few of the results posted inside.


Caravaggio by meimei42

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 3:51 PM

Hello all!

I was just in another thread on here and read that she isn't going to be finishing this story. I just wanted to see if anyone had more information on this. Is this true? Is she okay? Is there a reason?

Thanks in advance.





ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 3:07 PM








"Edward & Bella - The Outsider" by TheRaggDollish




Fandom Secret Santa!

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 2:25 PM

We at Sparkling Citrus want to get in the holiday spirit. We also love our Fandom. We love the people in it and the support we all receive from it. So, we realized that we couldn’t be the only ones who felt this way so we came up with Fandom Secret Santa. Everyone who signs up will be matched up with someone else and will either make, write, or buy them a gift. Of course there will be rules, so if you are interested read below than fill out the form!


You must remain Secret. No telling your recipient that you are their Santa.

All emailed gifts must go through to keep the secret. If you are making a graphic or writing a oneshot, send it as an attachment to us with your name and your partners name in the body of the email. We will send it to your recipient.

All gifts must be received by Christmas.

Once a gift is received, send an email to Sparkling Citrus to let us know you received your gift.

Everyone who signs up MUST participate simply because no one wants to be left out. If you sign up and get a gift but dont send one, someone else out there didn’t get a gift and that’s no fun.

There is a $5 limit on all bought gifts. This is to account for shipping costs, especially when we have fandom friends all over the world.

If you are making or writing the gift, read the bio that is sent to you, it will include fav twi-guy or pairing. You may also get sneaky and go look at their profiles and find out the fics they write and make them something specific to them.

Please, if you are baking or buying gifts, remember to look at the allergy part of the bio.

If you are not comfortable with giving out your real address, know that you can still participate, you will just be matched up with someone who wants to do a virtual gift(graphic or oneshot)

All signups must be in by November 28th and all partners will be emailed out on the 1st of December.

All names and partners will be published the first week of January so everyone knows who to thank!


Anyone interested in signing up, go to and look under the announcements page!


Jackson Rathbone in no ordinary family

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 2:19 PM

It was a silly episode, but you can see a little bit of him. Did you watch? What do you think?

Hard to believe that people protested

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 1:18 PM

(Be sure to scroll down and visit the Robsten post below!  This photo had no -sten and didn't qualify :)  )

Rob =  an object of beauty. 

He's not even posing.  

Not the most masculine photo, but hey.


Robsten picspam

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 12:20 PM

Who has been enjoying the major influx of pics from the Breaking Dawn set over the weekend and the last couple of days? *raises hand*

Now, this campfire will not revolve around Robert and Kristen as Edward and Bella. No.

I want to share the cuteness that is


You know the drill, so come and frolick around the fire!

As usual, mine are inside, but FYT, one of my favs. VF2008 - le sigh.


Vampire mating - how does it work?

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 12:00 PM

Okay, so I have searched and searched and couldn't find what I was looking for. I know you guys can help a sister out!

Vampire mating. Not "imprinting" but MATING. How does it work?  I don't mean the bow chica wow wow (I know how that works), but is it "love at first sight" or does it take time?  I feel like Carlisle explained it somewhere, but maybe I'm confusing canon with fan fic.

I'm asking because I've been reading some non-canon couple fan fic Carlisle/Bella or Jasper/Bella and it's just sooooo hard for me to believe because canon couples would NEVER walk away from each other if they were "mated." But, could they be just husband and wife, as some fics have suggested, thus, they could be "mated" with another vampire? I love the idea of soul mates, but I also love the idea that you can be with someone and in love, while you're true soul mate is someone else and you don't realize it.

Okay, I'm rambling now, but please help me out. How does vampire mating work?


FanFic Recommendation?

Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 11:12 AM


This is my first campfire but unfortunately, I am a long time lurker. I love this site and everyone who post here. I don't feel so out of place for my obsession with all things Twilight (particularly with Twilight fanfiction). All the authors featured on this site are truly talented and I am so grateful that they willingly share their writings/stories with everyone. On this note,  I been trying to find a new fan fiction to read while I am re-reading my favorite stories that have either been completed or still a work in progress (waiting for updates).  It has been quite a challenge for me to identify the next story to read since there are so many recommendations here and on other blogs. I would usually just read the first 3 to 4 chapters of a recommended story and if the story does hold my attention on the first 4 chapters, I know it would not hold my interest further along. As a result, I am reaching out to you fellow campers for assistance. Base on the list of my top favorite stories that I've provided below, do you think you can rec some stories for me to read next? I prefer AH, Canon, and lemons are not required.:-) I am just looking for something that is well written and have a decent flow to the story.  I really appreciate your help and assistance.:-)

My list of favorite stories:

1) Hydraulic Level 5  (This story  is my all time favorite and am hoping it get publish one day.  I would love to have a hard copy of the book...the writing is so beautiful and with so much quality. Waiting for the updates is killing me slowly.)

2) Wide Awake

3) The Office

4) For the Summer

5) The Best Man

6) Breaking News

7) MoTU

8) With Teeth

9) Under the Apple Tree

10) CW&IA

Thank you for help and assistance.

PS Please excuse my grammar since English is my second language.




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