
Ask Jennyfly

Tuesday November 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM

Waddaya wanna know?

two plus two? I can tell ya that.

the offside rule? yeah, I know the current FIFA interpretation.

predicted end of week temperature for London, UK? try me.

or, ya know, ask me something Twilightish.

jennyfly's computer freaked out.  she will be back asap.  she says to keep posting, and she will return when she fixes her bsns.  or, you can ask jandco ;)

*edited by...jandco.

LJ Summers

Twilight AU Fics

Tuesday November 2, 2010 at 8:59 AM

Remember yesterday's campfire (OME, I typed VAMPFIRE at first and almost LEFT it...) about Pre-Twilight AU fic recs?

Well, CLICK HERE if you do not.



Today, we're moving on to TWILIGHT AU FIC RECS. See? Fairly simple. If you have a favorite fic that is AU that is an Edward-meets-Bella story or a POV from anyone during that kind of timeframe then rec it here!

If you have one that's CANON and you want to rec it (because canon needs love!) then share that too!

My recs will be within.

Thank you ALL so much for sharing your favorite Twilight AU fics around the fire!


world series

Tuesday November 2, 2010 at 8:48 AM

This was spoken about briefly yesterday, but I just wanted to say....



2010 World Series Champions

you have made this season of baseball amazing.


Anyone else watch the game?  Who were you rooting for?


Campfire approved by the one and only WTVOC


ranger PSA

Tuesday November 2, 2010 at 7:26 AM

go.  vote.


if you're an american citizen, just go.

thousands of people over the years (and maybe even yesterday) died so you could.

this is not a political campfire, just a sensible one.

please, just go.

thank you.


Breaking Dawn info

Tuesday November 2, 2010 at 7:25 AM

Not sure how reliable this is but here's some supposed info on the movie that must not be named, aka I wish you were just a figment of my imagination.

Foforks, a Brazilian fansite did some digging into the recent Rio rumors and got some exclusive info on the upcoming visit by cast & crew members. Here's a translated version of what they found from "very reliable sources":

Stephenie Meyer is coming to Brazil along with Rob and Kristen, to accompany the footage. Yes, she, the author, the creator of everything, must step in Brazilian soil as a producer on the film.

The information about Taylor coming is 99.9% certainty pure speculation, the same for Mackenzie Foy. Just Rob and Kristen, and Sebastião Lemos and Virgüez Carolina should participate as actors of the recordings on national soil, which makes more sense.

Information from other sources realize that the equipment will be rented from filming in Sao Paulo and transported to the River is estimated that only with the rental of equipment will be spending approximately one million dollars. Helicopters were reserved for aerial filming and three different islands were surveyed for the filming. Regarding LAPA as location, the information that we obtained, it is possibly one of the two potagonistas scene in a taxi on arrival at RJ because they need a busy place, with many people and strong illumination.

Paraty is the HQ for the team and cast. They will split into two luxury hotels. It can happen to wear one of the hostels as a location for scenes in the house of the Isle Esme. A security firm was hired to err ... give full security to the crew and actors during the entire stay and armored cars have already been reserved.

Kaure, the maid of the Isle Esme and the first person to realize that Bella was pregnant will be interpreted by Carolina Virgüez, Colombian naturalized Brazilian actress with several awards and nominations as best actress in several plays nationals.

There will be 4 and half days of filming. Some people on the team must arrive before the actors to 'prepare the ground "and meet with service providers". On November 3 there will probably be a meeting between these people so that each of the functions being transferred. A Portuguese teacher should make the team.

For what we have found, this will be a very hot and glorious scene (that’s why it starts already in the water: P) and requires underwater cameras and also some takes with helicopters and boats. Imagine this thing! After a standard grabbing and stuff in the water, in the last minute, the camera goes to the moon, as well as Bella, Kristen, the fans of Flamengo Soccer Club and the totally crazy audience.


What's new to you?

Monday November 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM

I'm always, always looking for new fics to add to my reading list and I thought this would be a fun way to get a lotta new recs....

What are the 5 most recent story alerts you've added? Gimmie!!!

mine will be in posted inside. xo


some old school eye-candy fyt


 Come on in if you're looking to add to you reading list! 

Thank you to everyone that's posted and given their recs and alert list is obnoxiously long just right, again!  <3 you!!! 


my gift is my song and this one's for you

Monday November 1, 2010 at 6:05 PM

dedication campfire

leave gifts to those whom you love, admire, are infatuated with, wanna get to know, or just straight up need in your life.  the inspiration for my song choice goes to hmonsternumber and mjinaspen, but the song's for my darling jandco, because i honestly hope she doesn't mind that i put down in words how wonderful life is now that she's in my world.

share some love, forest campfire style.  dedication post and GO


Faking your death to avoid writing

Monday November 1, 2010 at 4:24 PM

This below comments were posted over the weekend on another group regarding disappearing WIP fanfics.  Seriously authors - would it really be necessary to fake your own death to avoid having to finish a story? I didn't ask for the name of the dead author that is still posting to her fb account.

There are a few reasons that fics disappear

1) the author loses interest

2) the author is planning on publishing it or another version of the story (same plots different characters)

3) they find people are posting their works with out permission on databases or other sites (had an author recently delete a story for this)

4) there is a group that is out there purposefully going and reporting stories on for the M rated items and getting them deleted.

I have also recently found that is seems a very well like and known author in the ff world faked her death in order to get out of writing. Now there is no proof of this, except that her fb page is still active.


FF Sneak Peek

Monday November 1, 2010 at 3:23 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


buffy episode 3.02 "dead man's party"

Monday November 1, 2010 at 3:18 PM

Buffy: I'd like to find Willow and Xander.
Joyce: Will you be slaying?
Buffy: Only if they give me lip.

tomorrow is the introduction of a new slayer!


i need advice

Monday November 1, 2010 at 2:47 PM

hello!  I'm writing a fic, and I need some help with divorce technicalities.  I want to make this as realistic as possible. 

(ps. I know it depends on varying factors, but I just need general answers, please and thankyou.)

deets are inside the first comment


New Rob Pics

Monday November 1, 2010 at 12:57 PM

I just came across these and wanted to share.  They are yummy!!


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


ADF/NaNoWriMo Support Group

Monday November 1, 2010 at 12:41 PM

There have been quite a few campfires recently about NaNoWriMo, but what I want to do in this campfire is organize a support group for all of us who are participating.

For those of you who don't know what NaNo is, it's a global event that happens every November. The goal is for people to write a novel (50,000 words) in 30 days.  

I hope that in this group, we'll encourage/challenge each other to reach our goal. Each week, I'll post a new "support group" campfire, and we can share how far we've gotten.

So let's begin with a few questions. I'll start:

1) Do you want a writing buddy? Provide the link to your NaNo page.

My NaNo name is K_S_S.

2) Let's tweet NaNo!

My Twitter Account (My account is set to private, but I'll accept you. If I don't recognize your name, I might not follow you back. If you want me to, let me know.)  :D

3) Are you doing an original story or a fan fiction?


4) Have you started? What's your current word count?

I actually started my story two months ago, but stopped after two chapters because I didn't have time to work on it. I also didn't like the direction it went in, so I've redone my outline and now I'm starting over.

Current word count: Big Fat 0.

Now it's your turn!

(All my ADF/NaNo Support Group campfires have been approved by G.A.W.)


Reading "The Elite"

Monday November 1, 2010 at 12:19 PM

Just started actually. I have to say I like it so far , which is not much, just finished chapter 2 ;-)

I've heard so much about this fic. and I am finally giving it a shot. Hope it is worth the  hype

Doing what rich people do is easy." Same old story, Twilight twist. St. Olaf's is a prestigious boarding school, dripping with money, sex, and social hierarchy. But there's only one question to ask yourself: are you one of Them or one or The Elite?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 31 - Words: 152,856 - Reviews: 1059 - Updated: 5-23-09 - Published: 11-12-08 - Alice & Emmett - Complete



Monday November 1, 2010 at 10:40 AM


so yeah here it is my very first campfire :)

first, hello campers!!

second, i didn't get approved but it's a happy campfire so it's an ok campfire right??

third, I remember people asking before but wtf happened to Expectations and Other Moving Pieces??? I started reading like a year ago and there has been no update for a veryveryvery long while*sad*sad* even for the one shot! Anyone has news about the author? I heard she might have a lot of RL crap to deal with ...


But anyway come say hi! and tell me where are my updates!!

same goes for hydraulic lvl 5! I miss it so much :(


PS: Very sorry for the grammar mistakes or any other mistakes, foreign camper here ^^


What are the chances?

Monday November 1, 2010 at 10:02 AM

So, my mind was wandering while I was cooking (because apparently I can never, ever escape Twilight) and I started thinking about what the actors in the Twilight movies careers are going to be like when the movies are over.

Will they make it to the A list permanently?  B list?  C list?  End up in porn or panto?

What would a 'Where are they now?' show say in 20 years time?

Come share your theories, whether serious or silly.  Mine will be in the comments.

Oscar Rob FYT:

LJ Summers

Pre-Twilight AU Fics

Monday November 1, 2010 at 9:20 AM

This week (today and for the next five days), I am wrapping up the current run of Recommendation Compilations.  We began on July 12 and have had, for four and five days a week since then, the CAMPERS OF ADF sharing the best of what they read in what is (with this list) 66 lists on the MASTER FIC LIST.

Camper solareclipses made a point that I thought was valid.  Other sites have fics categorized by the books, but the organization is based solely upon what the author has determined.  Our lists are REC LISTS -- lists of what we as Campers think are the best in these categories.  Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Post-Breaking Dawn AU fics.  Because sometimes, people want these things specifically and right now, we don't have them broken down in quite this way.

That will change by the end of the week!

Today, please share with us the best you know of Pre-Twilight AU Fics.  These are stories that take place before Bella meets Edward. They incorporate vampires and/or werewolves.  Carlisle's life as Jack the Ripper would be a Pre-Twilight AU story.  Edward losing his virginity before his change in 1918 or after at, say, Woodstock (why not?).  All AU. All before the timeline of Twilight.


As a note:  I am not at all averse to Canon fics of the Pre-Twilight timeline to go in here as well. These lists are meant to HELP not HINDER.  If you want to include CANON (that is, compliant in all particulars with what Meyer has as pre-Twilight details in the Saga and Midnight Sun) that is completely okay.


With me?  Remember, please, that THIS IS A LIST. Keep your recommendations to title, author and summary.  

Unless, of course, you're a Ranger.  You KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

And Capricorn75? I have CHANGED MY AVATAR AGAIN.  There, you've been informed.


My recs for Pre-Twilight fics will be inside.

Thank YOU for sharing your favorites around the fire!



Monday November 1, 2010 at 7:36 AM

Is anyone reading Conversations with my Killer by Oracle Vas?

This writer OWNS me



Is anyone out there?

Monday November 1, 2010 at 2:07 AM

So, it's 7pm in my part of the world. My kids are about to go to bed. I'm bored & searching for some good tunes while sipping on some wine...... Won't you join me?

Are you getting crunk? (ignore this question. I suck at timezones) What's your poison of choice? Lets share some music. What have you been listening to all day? Whats your fav song of all time?

Oh all these questions, lucky I have wine :D

I of course will answer these question..... Inside


Happy Birthday

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 10:18 PM

Today is my favorite Russian's birthday!



So if you'd all be so kind as to get in here and wish her a happy birthday and spam her with pictures/gifs of Robbie Pattz and Jake Gyllenhaal. Some steamy male on male pics. OR give her some GREAT slash recs, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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