
so... what's your story?

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 2:32 PM

I am getting a tattoo this winter. And I am looking very, very much forward to it - finally I'm going to be old enough! I've noticed a lot of campfires with people showing their tattoos and stuff, and I kind of wondered:
Why did you get it done? Because you found it pretty or sweet or as a kind of reminder to yourself or did you want to decorate your skin?

My tattoo is going to be a short line from a long quote from Michael Cunningham's "The Hours". The line is: "It's as simple and ordinary as that" and it's going to be a reminder to myself about not mope about my life, because I've had to deal with a lot of shit, but accept it as it is and just live - because it's as simple and ordinary as that.

And to make it Twilight-related, show me the worst Twilight-tattoo you've ever seen!

This is the most terrifying I've ever seen:


Em/Jas Slash Backslash Entry

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 1:39 PM

I'm looking for a Slash Backslash 2.0 entry that was Em/Jas.  I don't see any in the entry list but I remember they were strangers out looking for rocks for Emmett and Jasper was heading into the Peace Corps.  Does anyone remember this fic? Help please! Happy Halloween!


Bon Jovi

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 1:23 PM

This is a real-time reaction.

So I just put the X Factor on and Bon Jovi was performing and my brain proceeded to explode.

Let me just get this out there:


That's all there is to it.

So I'm calling a Bon Jovi appreciation campfire. Because everyone loves a little bit of the Jovi. And it you don't like 'em.. Then get out of here! Or grow a taste in music. Come in and we'll school you in the ways of Jon Bon Jovi.

For Your Viewing Pleasure:




AND IF ANYONE WANTS TO BUY ME THE GREATEST HITS ALBUM I'LL LOVE YOU. Even if I do have all the other albums anyways...

So what is your favourite Bon Jovi album?


Band member? (I think it's fairly obvious who mine is...)

Come drool with me, yeah?


What puts a smile on your face?

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 12:46 PM

What gives you the warm fuzzies?
I'm loving this advert for T-mobile at the minute.

Show Me What You Got

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 11:58 AM

So I'm not really doing anything tonight for Halloween

Me and Rob are sitting in our flat and we're gunna watch the top 100 scary moments on E4

However earlier in the day we carved pumpkins, here is what we did (mine is on the right his is on the left)

And these will be placed on the steps leading into my wood (my house backs onto a mini forest we own) for Bonfire Night.

So show me your pumpkins, your Halloween decorations, or Brits tell me your plans for Bonfire Night. Will you be torching a Guy?


Roll Call!

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 9:33 AM


okay, kids!  the lovely LJSummers has requested a roll call, and I couldn't agree more that we're in dire need of one. FFA is still going on allllll today and tonight, and this post will stay pinned all today and tomorrow.  With the holiday season looming, folks will be busy and perhaps not have the time to stop in so much.  (blasphemy, I know.)  SO!  please, before you go posting yer precious hearts out, stop in here just to say hello and be counted...and feel free to chat it up in here about anything and post pics of anything and do whatever the heck you want.  Except for personally attacking people.  Don't do that.

If you're a lurker, you are hurting my feelings by not stopping in and saying something.  So, please, if you ARE a lurker, feel free to take this opportunity to jump on in.


Techtard request

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 9:04 AM

Happy Halloween Campers, hope everyone is having a good day.  Was wondering if someone would be so kind as to provide instructions as to how to post a pic into a campfire?  Or how to to post a youtube video?  I'm so techtarded I won't even try to go into Gif country, but I really want to learn how to do stuff.  Every time I try to post a picture I just get that horrible 'broken document' image. 

Anyone else have something they're struggling with on the tech front??


I'm legitly ticked off.

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 2:39 AM

Happy Halloween, first of all! I hope everyone had a fab night! I know I did.

Well, at least until I got ticked off.

Some of you may know that my best guy friend and I have a questionable relationship. We're very, very close. Almost too close to be "just friends."

ANYWAY, he's leaving for a month tomorrow (he works on the rigs). And he didn't say bye to me (because his girlfriend's a effin' sex addicted, drama queen). One minute he was dancing with me, next minute he's gone.

I'm seriously effin' raging right now. (And I'm extremelty drunk.)

Rage with me. Or at least give me some advice. I was seriously tempted to phone him and say, "F U." and then hang up.


Follow a Camper

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 1:02 AM

Ok all you gorgeous campers out there I am asking a favour. One of our Aussie campers Vampgirl needs more followers on Twitter and people to talk to while the rest of Australia is asleep.

She keeps strange hours but she is awake when the US and UK/Europe are awake.

Her twitter name is Meldl42 so lets see if we can get together and help a camper out!

Here is the link to get started!/MelDL42

I know GAW and Janco currently follow her so lets show some love.


Looking for a fic

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 10:41 PM

Ok, if someone could help me find this fic I'd be really grateful!  Basically the summary was something along the lines of Bella is married to James and he beats her but no one believes her because she's a capable woman or something like that.  The only one who will believe her is Dr. Cullen (Edward).  I know I just looked at this summary in the past couple of days and I can't for the life of me figure out where i saw it or what it was called.  So please help. :D

And fyt...  how about a little Edward getting forceful anyone?  Sorry it's so small.


Childhood best friends...

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 9:48 PM

I'm a sucker for E/B AH stories where they were childhood best friends (or at least, good friends), and end up romantically involved either slowly, or one leaves and they later reunite and realize their attraction.  

 I can't get enough of them.  I like it best when they were actually "childhood" best friends instead of first meeting when Bella moves in as a young teen, but hey i'd take the latter too.  

(not as much into those where E is "B's brother's best friend", or that he pranked on her all the time but secretly liked her anyways, although i'll take those too. I'm just a sucker.  so i also liked "My Brother's Best Friend" by jennlynnfs and its EPOV version)

I just love these plots.  Even though they're ubiquitous and somewhat predictable, talented authors can make them great reads nonetheless.

My absolute favs in this category are:

Hydraulic Level 5 by Gondolier
Kissed the Girls and Make Them Cry by justaskalice
Lucky Charm
Rhapsody in B
A Rite of Passage
by caracol (and its sequel The Way Back)

I also liked:
Make Me Believe by bellasunderstudy1
 (although the "childhood" background isn't as plush as most of the story focus on what happened after they hooked up)
The Blessing and The Curse by The Black Arrow (this is in the subcategory of Edward continuously tortured Bella but hey, when the writing's THIS good, i won't be picky about this being not exactly my fav plot)

I am sure there are TONS of other great stories along these lines, I haven't listed them not because I don't like them, but rather, I probably just don't know about them.  I'm just not well-read enough.  So i need some help from you.... can anyone rec me some of your favs in this category?  I don't mind angst, correction:  i LOVE angst, as long as it's resolved properly... hopefully HEA.  I'll read incomplete works too, but prefer Complete ones.  or Almost Complete.  I tend to mix up the plots if the wait is too long LOL




(ETA more of my favs)


what should i read first?

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 7:04 PM

Ok so I haven't read a book in months its been fanfiction,lots of them!!!! so i wanted to try and take a mini vacation from my wonderful world of fanfiction : )

I have a list, what should i read first( please help me i can't decide) i just received a barnes and noble gift card that i really want to use!

Hush, Hush
by Becca Fitzpatrick

Shiver (Wolves of Mercy Falls Series #1)
by Maggie Stiefvater

by Sophie Jordan

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices Series #1)
by Cassandra Clare

Water for Elephants
by Sara Gruen



I love Zac Efron

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 6:47 PM

Tis true. Tis true. I'm not ashamed of it.

He's uber cute and super talented and SWOON as Link Larkin in the remake of Hairspray, which if you've seen the original, is a sort of very different Link. But one I'm totally ALL FOR!

I've just recently watched the High School Musicals because I hadn't seen them. They're not bad, Disney channel type quality stuff. So not bad. But I'm loving what he has been doing apart from that.

Hairspray being my favorite but I totally got down with Me and Orson Wells and 17Again.


(pelvic-thrusting Zac for the win!)


 OR This could be a I LOVE Hairspray campfire too. The original or the remake.


So get in here and Zac spam me or talk fawn over him with me!


ummm WTF?!?!

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 5:21 PM

Just wondering, but has anyone had a really bad past 24hrs like i have?

Yesterday started out REALLY good, which should have been my first clue that something was going to go wrong. I have a 1992 chevy truck, it's big, it's loud and i love it =) well yesterday was the first day that my dad had it running and i could drive it.... The truck was running great, nothing going wrong. i drove around town for over an hour and it didn't get hot or anything and i was on my way home and was less than half a mile from my house and it blew a huge cloud of smoke behind me (enter the moment where it all went downhill). 

There was a guy that pulled over behind me and thought it was just something as simple as a hose that came off but when i tried to leave it wouldn't move... the big cloud of smoke happened to be all of my transmission fluid *sarcastic fistpump* well after the guy gave me a ride to my house i had to find someone to tow my truck home.... i had to suck it up and call my stepdad to tow it back. for those of you that don't know, I can't stand my stepdad.... he is the one person i can actually say I hate (there are many reasons why) so for me to call him it took a lot. 

Then pretty much whenever i have to go into my job here lately it's just bad... we work short EVERY weekend. But the truck just kind of ruined it all... i was excited because i've been waiting to drive it for a few weeks and now i have to wait  probably another week.


so anyways... rant, rage.... about whatever you want =)


The Halloween Factor

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 4:31 PM

The only decent show on UK television on a Saturday is the X Factor. We wouldn't watch it otherwise. But I was excited for it tonight for one reason:


What did you think of Halloween themed X Factor night?

Loved how Cher Lloyd sung a non-rap song?
Hated how half of the songs weren't even Halloween themed?
Hated Wagner all together? Loved him?

Share. I've shared inside. I've also gave links for the peformances.

X Factor is a singing talent contest. For those who don't watch it.



Saturday October 30, 2010 at 4:30 PM


Omg guys and welcome to another instalment of the horror watch along, this week we are focusing on asian movies and the winner of the poll this week. *drum roll*

That's right this week we are watching the movie with the crazy chick.


I'll be hosting the watchalong on gchat and msn messenger from 7 PM Eastern time (which is about 30 minutes from now) and the first movie should be over around 9-ish. And then around this time (if you missed the first showing) we'll start the movie once again.


*You can PM us your email to make sure you join us in the conversations, or to ask for links!

However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.

(Look in the comments for megavideo and youtube links!)


Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!


Satisfy me

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 1:45 PM

I'm not looking for a specific story, I'm just looking to satisfy my curiosity.

Has there ever been a story where Edward never leaves in New Moon?  One where, for example, Alice foresees the papercut happening, so it never does.  There are dozens of stories out there where other big events in the plotline are changed, but I can't think of a single example of this, and neither can anybody who replied to me on Twitter.

Surely these stories exist?  Think about the possibilities that are open to the writer who goes down this route...


"What are the Chances" is Completed!!!

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 12:17 PM

Now someone explain to me what the hell happened in the last chapter.


It's almost NaNo time!

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 11:35 AM

There's just two more days to go for NaNoWriMo! How are things going for everyone planned to participate? Do you feel ready? Do you feel LOST? Need some help? A shoulder to cry on? A paper bag to breathe into? Spill it all here! Make friends, find writing buddies! Let's talk NaNo!


Is there a doctor in the house?

Saturday October 30, 2010 at 8:47 AM

(So I am going to take advantage of free for all weekend)

Dear ADF,

My mother recently let me in on her secret, that she is writing a original fiction.  She doesn't want anyone to know until she sends it in to try to get it published but she wanted me to read it. Okay, ten pages in, not such a bad story line. However, there are some things that bother my about this story she is writing. She told me she is basing this loosely off her own life and how she would deal if she was suddenly transported back in time and had a chance to go meet her dad as a little boy and her grandfather she never knew.  She describes herself as, well, herself (except making her sound like Mother Theresa, I kid you not). She describes my dad correctly, right down to the car he drives.  She describes my older sister correctly, down to the fnancial issues (and gives her character my middle sisters kids, erasing her own kids). My middle sister, she makes a successful screenwriter (she gave up editing to be a SAHM in real life). And my character, her third daughter and last child, she made a dimwitted, unmotivated BOY!!!! Okay, I am not dumb, I understand I was the last attempt at a boy, but come on! And I am not the unmotivated failure she imagines me to be. I graduated at the top of my class within my major for goodness sake!! Yeah, I am currently a SAHM, so sue me.

So campers, do I approach her about this, or try to get it to roll off my back?


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