Malfoy, Draco Malfoy

Friday October 29, 2010 at 6:11 PM




Friday October 29, 2010 at 5:35 PM


Disclaimer: Only happy frolicking is allowed in here. Take yo' negativity somewhere else. Frealz.


Tip off 2010

Friday October 29, 2010 at 5:28 PM

That's right! This week the NBA kicked off and I'm STOKED. If there is a sport that owns the other half of my heart that isn't taken by futbol it's basketball!

Currently I'm watching the Heat. Yep. Yep. OH the hype. Oh the hype. So far it's been a bit too much, but we'll see how this game goes. I'm pulling for them because I do happen to love Lebron.

My first team: Phoenix Suns.

So get in here and tell me about your team! Tell me about this season! Or tell me about players your love? Or talk about players/teams you hate?! WHATEVER. Let's talk some basketball. Are you as stoked as me?!??!?!?! WOOO HOOO!



Friday October 29, 2010 at 2:50 PM

So glad its FFA so I can ask this. Anyone here live in Ireland? I just need a simple translation. Im going to get a tattoo this weekend and if my 1st choice isnt possible on the area of my body I want it, I want to get the word "trust" in Irish. Trust as in, trust in a realtionship, trusting another person wholeheartedly. Ive found many conflicting translations online. And also if you could tell me how to correctly pronounce it, that would be awesome as well. THANK YOU!!!



Friday October 29, 2010 at 2:07 PM

So I hope this is okay starting a campfire, i mean, i hope i understood the whole "free for all" post.


I just purchased Fallen and Torment and was wondering if anyone had read these yet? I'm sure one of you would have by now. I haven't seen any post about this though so I might be mistaken.

For your time (I love short-haired-Rob)


Halloween Fics

Friday October 29, 2010 at 12:29 PM

So are there any Halloween stories floating around out there, On FFn or Twilight or anywhere i'm in need of the spooky stuff right now, and since i have no shame what so ever i'm going to throw mines out there too

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 AU. AH/ They thought it was just a story, But on halloween night they are about to find out just how wrong they are, There is a lot more to the Curse of Black Mansion then just a silly ghost story


Dancing Boys

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:57 AM

I was faffing around on youtube looking for dancing boys (as you do) when I stumbled on this fabulousness from Matthew Bourne. It's a revamp of Dorian Gray, with DG being a model and a perfume-ad billboard taking place of the painting in the attic.

I love Matthew Bourne for his reworking of the classics, his sexy choreography, but mostly for his (seeming) insistance on shirtless male dancers *thud*

But wait! There's more!
Come on inside and comment or post vids of your own


Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:47 AM

I needed a place to post this where others would read it, and the Forest obliges on Fridays.  This is my open letter to the editors of Marie Claire, Maura Kelly, and the executives of Hearst publications.  It is in response to this.   

I have always had a problem with my weight. Not that I was always “fat”.  In fact, there was a time in my life when I was too thin…though no one ever noticed. I wake up in the morning and think about the size of my body, my first thoughts (after thoughts of how exhausted and sore I am after a bad night’s sleep) are about how I wish I were thinner. I am medically obese with a BMI of 35, though most people wouldn’t know that by looking at me. And I know I have to lose weight. But doing it the right way is not easy. When you’ve got fifty pounds to lose, at a healthy two pounds a week, it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Realistically it would take me a whole year of non-stop dieting to lose this weight.   I usually manage to drop ten pounds before I put two back on after a pleasant night out with one too many glasses of wine and a nice desert.

The one time I’ve managed to drop significant weight, I became obsessed with every single calorie that passed my lips and every calorie that would pass my lips in the future. I spent at least thirty percent of my day at work planning meals, counting calories, and thinking about weight loss. I couldn’t focus on anything but the weight loss. I lost the weight, but I lost a lot of other things in the process. My sense of humor, my willingness to socialize, my sex drive, my desire to exercise. When I finally reached a weight where I was wearing clothes that fit me in college, I started feeling really good about myself. I wanted to go out more, do things, have fun…..but I lost focus, and slowly, ever so slowly, so slowly I didn’t even notice until my pants were too tight, I gained back 15 of the 40 pounds I’d lost. And more came on after that.

I am heavier than I have ever been. And I wake up every day, and go to sleep every night, loathing myself for it and trying to love myself anyway. And to make it worse, I'm trying to get pregnant as soon as possible for other health related reasons, and weight loss is only one of my worries.  So, when I read Maura Kelly’s blog post on Marie Claire last night, I cried. I cried because I have heard her voice before, from my sister’s mouth, the mouth of a woman who hates herself, a woman who nearly killed herself by starvation because of her fear of fat, and a woman whose lack of self worth has prevented her from achieving the wonderful things she deserves.

Some would say aneorexia is irrational. I’d argue that it’s actually perfectly rational to starve yourself in the face of the disgusting amount of hatred and discrimination a fat person is subjected to every day.  If I could do it without destroying the happiness I’ve been able to find in my life, I’d starve myself too; in fact, when I was younger, and a healthy weight, I did. It never got to the level where I was in crisis like my sister, but I denied myself the nourishment I needed to have a healthy body. And I’ve paid the price ever since. My relationship with food is not even remotely healthy. It’s one of those on again off again relationships that is something like death by a thousand cuts. I know this, and I do my best to change it, but unfortunately you can't just have a "clean break" with food. And I try to love myself despite what I perceive as an overwhelming ly popular consensus that I shouldn’t. Apparently, according to Maura Kelly, I should be ashamed to walk across the room.  If I believed that, I’d probably be dead or in rehab by now, not healthy.

My struggle with my weight is my own. I wish people would see it that way, as a struggle, and realize that someone who is struggling to overcome a flaw needs love and support, not shame. I would think that Maura Kelly, a person who has dealt with a disease that was so out of her control, would understand that. Would Marie Claire publish an article where the author condescends to individuals who starve themselves, or purge, that all they have to do is eat, or stop shoving their fingers down their throats? Of course not. 

I believe the magazine needs to apologize to its readership and everyone who was hurt and offended by Ms. Kelly’s ridiculous article. And I also believe the magazine should seriously consider whether a writer with her point of view has any place working at a magazine that purports to be a positive resource for women of all shapes and sizes. My husband and I have cancelled our subscriptions to Marie Claire and Esquire Magazine. I will also not be purchasing O Magazine, another Hearst publication, until Marie Claire Editorial staff condemns the message in Maura Kelly’s blog, and removes Maura Kelly from staff.  I also sincerely hope that Ms. Kelly gets the emotional support and therapy she needs to overcome her own struggle with body image, and finds the strength to love herself despite her flaws.

I'm going to go try an eat my lunch now without crying into it, lol.  <3  Happy Weekend Everyone, go out, love yourself, and ENJOY LIFE!


What do you read when.....

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:46 AM

You've just read a fabulous story and nothing else can compare.  I've just finished The University of Edward Masen (I found a pulled fic list on Twankhard & it's on there) & absolutely loved it particularly as I'm off to Florence on Tuesday but now I can't get anything else to hold my attention any suggestions?

LJ Summers

Alternative Backstory Fic List

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:25 AM

Next week, we're going all conventional, but today let's be DIVERGENT!

Looking for fics that have an entirely different backstory than the Twilight Saga.  Not only AU, but different histories entirely.

A fic I would use as examples include:

Past and Present by GiveUsAKiss413 (in which Bella had been a vampire for centuries before Twilight starts).

These should be fairly significant deviations from the Alternative Universe (so yes, VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES) norm, here, as y'all compile this list.  ;-)  My recs will be within. 


Thanks for sharing your favorites around the fire!  And have a super weekend!


Happy Halloween!

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:22 AM


I can't find an embeddable version of just click and enjoy!

Halloween FFA

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:19 AM

Yesterday was wear your costume to work day and I decided to dress up like a Buy More Nerd Herd Employee.  It was a total costume fail, you guyz.  Only 1 person knew what I was and I had to lead him to figure it out. 

I had the tie, Nerd Herd badge/lanyard and one-star chucks and everything. 

What I want to know from you is, have you ever experienced costume fail?  What did you dress up as? 

Or, did you experience the opposite?  Did everyone gush about your costume?  Was it all sorts of awesome?  Share some pics. 


Down to the wire?

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:14 AM

Hey campers, tell me I'm not the only one out there still working on Halloween costumes?  I'm recycling one from Dragon*Con for me (HitGirl) but  need to do one small repair to it still.  And hubby's costume still needs sewing:

...and the prop that goes with it still needs painting.  Thankfully we don't have kids, otherwise I'm sure I'd be pulling an all-nighter to get their costumes done too!

So how about you guys?  Anyone still rushing around to finish?  Anyone just getting started?  Post  your pictures, gripe about your sewing machine, bitch about the crowds at the local costume store!  I wanna see what you're working on at the last minute! ;)


Project Runway Finale

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:13 AM

Last night was the end of Project Runway Season 8 with the usual runway show at Fashion Week. I've already heard some rumbling but now I want to hear your opinions loud and clear-


Do you agree with who won?

Who would you have liked to see win?

My comment will be inside so I'll just shake my head out here with Tim


***This campfire will contain spoilers****

P.P.S.S.-This is not my first campfire, please feel free to harass me


Your Last Review.

Friday October 29, 2010 at 9:02 AM

We did this last week and I got a few wee gems to add to my TBR list.

Give us the story name and link you left your last review for.  If so inclined feel free to leave the review as well.


Mine will be in the comments.

Sugar Britches

My Bloody Halloween

Friday October 29, 2010 at 8:10 AM

For all you Los Angelenas:



I am having a Halloween party Saturday night.

My friend Jacob, who works in special effects, is co-hosting with me, so there will be body parts and blood everywhere. Oh yeah, and spiked punch and some junk.

I thought that I would take this chance to open up my house to all you fabulous foresters out there. PM me if you'd like to come and I'll give you the deets.

I'd love to meet you guys  while drunk in person!

PS-Shhh! Don't tell anyone I like Twilight. You can just be "My friend from the interwebz"...




Friday October 29, 2010 at 2:58 AM


Can we please discuss this fic by our very own ranger GAW.

It's nearly finished.

I want your theories on what is going to happen.

My theory will be in the comments and there will be spoilers!


Curiosity Killed the Cat

Friday October 29, 2010 at 12:19 AM

(Please bear with me, this might be a little heavy for some.(?) Also, I'd like to blame Halloween, Ghost Hunters & Cemetery research for this one)

I've always been genuinely fascinated by a person's answer to this:


How do you want your body to be disposed of when the big sleep comes?

Donated to science?
Regular 'ol burial?

ALTERNATELY (and to lighten up a bit):


Any yearly rituals?
Dressing up?
Haunted House/Hayride/Boat/etc?
Play it by ear?


I'd also like to note that i'm not this morbid all the time. ;]

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*answer inside! /creeper mccreeperson out!


All things Hunger Games/Catching Fire/Mockingjay

Thursday October 28, 2010 at 11:05 PM

So, I just finished this trilogy. Yes I know I am late to the game, but I finally got a Kindle and could download them! Anyway, I am dying to discuss what everyone/anyone thought of these books. Did you like the ending? Who Katniss ended up with? Which was your favorite book?

Who would you want to see cast for The Hunger Games movies?

Lastly, does anyone know of any decent fanfics for The Hunger Games? I am not picky about pairings. :)

Thanks for reading!


Men reading Twifics

Thursday October 28, 2010 at 10:51 PM

Let's make a list fics that are male friendly. I need to distract myself from the Project Runway ending rage I feel bubbling.

If the man in your life said "okay convince me, gimme something to read" what would you have him read? What fic would convince him that Twific isn't all that bad?

What fic would appeal to a man? Do you think you could ever get your man to read fics? Does he read your fics?

What would make your man look like Rob right here....sitting down reading a fic?


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