So, a couple of days ago I posted a lament about how I was getting bored with Twilight and was sad that the fandom was slowing down. Many of you shared some very thoughtful posts with us. Can I just say that I love the Forest and the forest-dwellers? I love the camaraderie we share here, and all the little things we share that AREN'T Twilight related. And the recs! I will readily admit that it's been months since I've bothered to start a fic that wasn't rec'd here at the Forest.
So, anyway, someone recently rec'd "Long Way Down" by forthelongestday. And I fell in love with the story and had an epiphany. I'm not bored with Twilight .... I'm bored with Edward. There, I said it. And I didn't even think that was a possibility. I have steadfastly refused to read anything with non-canon couples since I joined the fandom (with one exception, which I'll list below). In fact, I have fallen so in love with this story that I find myself wishing this is how New Moon and Eclipse would have gone, thus wiping out the tragedy that is BD altogether. This fic addresses those niggling doubts I had about Edward for leaving Bella and for the way he always deceived her and made her decisions for her. Doubt that I ignored or shoved away because I was so besotted with him for so long. Mind you, I reserve the right to fall right back in love and out of boredom with him should the opportunity present itself! But, for now, this fic has kind of opened up an entirely new world of Twilight for me. It's so well written and just an amazingly good read.
So, what I want to know is, do you read fics with non-canon pairings or do they just not interest you at all? If you didn't, but then made the leap, what fic popped your non-canon cherry? What are your favorite non-canon couple fics and what do you love about them?
I popped my non-canon couple cherry with Chicklette's "Get Me To You." I read it about three months ago and it was the first time I realized that there might be a big, wide world out there that didn't center around E/B.