

Monday October 25, 2010 at 8:03 AM

I just wanted to start a campfire to spread my love <3 for a certain story..

"Inconceivable" By AccioBourbon.

This story was recc'd to me by one of Accio's Betas(Lightstardusting!) after she saw me mention(on Twitter) the fact that I was struggling with infertility. I was so glad to see that someone had written a fic about a couple stuggling with IF that I immediately checked it out! And once I started reading I could not stop! I was so drawn in to this loving, emotional and realistic story of a couple (who happen to be Rosalie & Emmett) who were struggling with the physical and emotional turmoil that IF causes. I read some of my own thoughts and feelings being expressed within this story and it truly touched me to the core of my heart. There are also several LOL moments in each chapter with whitty movie and music references thrown in! :)

I would recommend this fic to anyone! More specifically, if you or anyone you know, have or are now struggling with infertility, this story really helps to understand the difficulties faced by couples in similar situations and gives you an inside look into the head and home of an infertile couple.

Also, I was amazed at how many members of the fandom have come forward and mentionend to me how they have also struggled with IF and who are trying to or have already conceived babies through IF treatment. Feel free to share your stories inside or PM/Tweet me if you want to chat :)

To make it more you have any rec's for stories that you found you related to in RL? Or that you felt like the author was telling the story of your life?

Thank you so much to AccioBourbon for writing this story <3<3<3 and I cannot wait for an updated chapter!



Take The Long Way Home

Monday October 25, 2010 at 7:07 AM's finished

Is up on FF and in the Forest.

If you've not given it a try - this is a gorgeous story about friendship and how we try to hang onto things, sometimes missing what's right in front of us.  My wingman, Theheartoflife, has a way with words, and this is a gorgeous story that might make you look differently at some of the characters you thought you knew.

No excuses now, it's all finished, give it a try, then come back here to discuss....


Monday... *yawn*

Monday October 25, 2010 at 6:16 AM

Hello Campers!

How are you today?  How was your weekend?

I worked all weekend--- which is a lot for me, and I am completely exhausted from it.  I plan to do nothing all day but read and write fic, listen to Bobby Long....and maybe drink a pot or two of coffee.

Are you ready for Halloween yet?  It's so weird, here where I live... Beggar's night is Thursday.  I don't know why they just can't do it on a weekend.

Share your costume ideas! 

Share your fun Halloween stories!

Some Halloween Facts for you~~

~Jack o’ Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts on the Samhain holiday.
~Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.
~Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped penny candy in America.
~The ancient Celts thought that spirits and ghosts roamed the countryside on Halloween night. They began wearing masks and costumes to avoid being recognized as human.
~It is believed that if you see a spider on Halloween, it is the spirit of a loved on watching over you.
~Growing big pumpkins is a big time hobby. Top prize money for the biggest giant pumpkin is as much as $25,000 dollars at fall festivals.
~There really are so-called vampire bats, but they're not from Transylvania. They live in Central and South America and feed on the blood of cattle, horses and birds.
~Halloween is the 2nd most commercially successful holiday, with Christmas being the first. People spend as much as over $2.5 billion during Halloween on candies, costumes, decorations and parties.
~Samhainophobia is an intense fear of Halloween.


Halloween is such a fun holiday and many people love it for many different reasons. 

Tell me why YOU love Halloween!

LJ Summers

Real Person Fics

Monday October 25, 2010 at 5:39 AM

I know...I know... To some, these are the hard limit. The taboo.  No-man's Land.

Writing fics about the Real People associated with the Twilight Saga squicks some folks out.  I know!

But it is a viable category for our Master Fic List and has been REQUESTED and therefore I appeal to you now...

kris in public

Which fics are the best ones out there in terms of Real Person stories?  I've seen banners about these stories and know that many of them feature Rob, Kristen, Jackson and Kellen in Oh So Steamy situations...!  

So do you read these kinds of stories?  Would you share them here around the fire?

I have never personally been able to read one and was shocked at myself when I wound up writing a drabblish one in response to a game here in the Forest one evening.  Shocking.  Still, I have nothing to contribute to this rec list.

I leave it to you!  Thank you for sharing your favorite RPFs around the fire!


Be honest with me.

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 8:33 PM

Alright. I want answers, people. I've been reading fanfiction for a while now, and there's always that spark. The electricity. The most wonderful taste in the world, whether it be salvia or...other bodily fluids.

Does this exist in real life? Do you actually have a bunch of fireworks go off when you kiss the person you're with? Do their bodily fluids taste magically delicious?

'Cause I just think it's absolutely ridiculous.

(I only date boys that have a last name that sounds good with my first name, lolol. Horrible way to pick out guys, but I just want my name to sound as good as it does now. XD)

The Weeping Angel

Any Contests?

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 6:13 PM

I'm bored and in the mood for writing. I need a good contest to get the old and rusty imagination drive going. I'm up for anything. Hit me.


University of Edward Masen

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 6:07 PM

I just finished UoEM and 2 epilogues.   Is that it?  Is there anymore or can I write it off as complete?   I love love loved the story!!     It's one I'll read again and again.  


Its Always the Quiet Ones

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 5:19 PM

Now this may surprise many of you who have grown used to my very obvious affection for the Young Mr. Rathbone, but I do in fact have a deep and unrelenting,passionate crush on another member of the Twi-World....and no, its not young Robert

Its this man

Now, I actually prefer him looking like this;

But  he also looks pretty damn good like this: Lucian from the Underworld Series

Or even this:

He really does play soccer and participates in "Soccer Aide" a British Charity fund raiser.

He is a brilliant actor,and a genuinely funny person,(his spots on the Craig Ferguson Show are killer),and he even Tweets!


He also was the voice of the White Rabbit for Alice in Wonderland and he has done other animated voices as well.
He is one of the only cast members of the Twi- series to play both a werewolf and a vampire!
Le siiiiiiighhhhh!

Irony has a pesky question...

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 4:39 PM

So I remember reading a Twilight fanfiction forever ago, and it had the quote:

"You love him and that's what grants him the power to hurt you so badly."

I can not remember if that's the entirety of the quote. Either way. Anyone know the entire quote or what fic it is from?


Fanfic...uh, re'vamped' the radio star?

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 2:02 PM

OMG, I am a nerd...I've been kicking around this fire idea for months, but never had the right verbage.  I still don't, but I'm tired of kicking it around and not doing anything, so here goes...

I've been listening to "top 40" (that was lame too, right?!) music for a few months now.  My musical tastes vary quite a bit, and currently, I'm down with the dance music!  lol  Anyway, I've been listening for a while now, and every now and then, a song comes on that I'd love know what Ed and Bells would do with it.  Like a oneshot or something. 

So here's the question:  What songs make you think of the twi peeps we like to spend so much time with?  And if you were writing a o/s what would it be about?  Mine will be in the comments

Also, I would love love love to read some oneshots like this, so how does one go about creating/hosting a o/s contest?  Does one already exist?  Am I able to do it, or does someone much bigger than me in the FF world need to do it?  Are there prizes, like $$ or just the prestiege (haha) of being a winner in such a contest?  IDK, someone help a huuuuge loser out!  :)

AND FOR MY LADIES below, and your time:

Good lord!  It took me a million years to find a copy of this pic that I could attach here!  XD


Mens Rea Updates

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 1:25 PM

Chapter 28 is up!


The Buried Life

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 1:21 PM

Does anyone watch this show on MTV?

The premise of the show is "What do you want to do before you die." There are four 20 something guys who attempt to complete a list of 100 things they want to do before hey die and for every one thing they cross off their list, they help a stranger fulfill one of their dreams.

Well on tomorrows episode they are gonna attempt to get a lock of our beloved RPattz hair. It seems from the sneak peek that they are gonna try and ask him for it and not just ambush him and cut it off.

It airs Monday 1030 p / 930 p central










Sunday October 24, 2010 at 11:32 AM

Okay. I may be incredibly out of it but I am incredibly confused. I just wanted to get one thing straight.

Are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart together or not?

I mean, I haven´t been following the gossip on these two but I saw in a people magazine the other day that they were indeed together. I am so confused. The other day they are not together and the next day they are. So campers, please end my confusion. Is it true or is it just yet another gossip???

Pretty pictures for your time (and joy)!!!!




like my buffy font?

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 10:08 AM

Halloween Text Generator -

t seems like a light weekend in the forest, so let's have it

ask me anything

stuff you've always wondered about me

preferred methods of .... whatever

questions about the forest

verification of rumors you've heard, whatever

i'll answer them all



Sunday October 24, 2010 at 9:17 AM



Anyone?  Anyone?


So far, I'm only up to chapter 7.  and I pretty much just want to kick Nora in the crotch.




(The lovely Jandco let me strike the match on this one.)


Vampires 101

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 6:18 AM

Twilight goes Ivy League-ish? VERITAS!

Hey Forester's! I read a great article yesterday, apparently The Harvard University Extension School is offering a class on The Vampire in Literature and Film. It's taught by Sue Weaver Schopf who is the associate dean of the Master's of Liberal Arts program at the school and apparently a fan of Twilight.

The Boston Globe ran an article on Saturday, read it HERE then come on in and leave a comment

Studenty Rob FYT


Alex Reads Twilight

Sunday October 24, 2010 at 2:43 AM


These. (!!!). These are seriously hilarious. Plus he's got a delightful accent.

New Twific site

Saturday October 23, 2010 at 7:59 PM


Hi. Myself and some friends are starting up a new Twific Site. It'll have the usual reviews, recs, interviews but it'll also have some new things that haven't been done before. We're going to have a big directory. One for artists (banner, blinkie etc. makers), one for editors (betas, prereaders etc.) and one for translators. We need guest reviewers and people for the directory. If you want to reply to this campfire with the information, that's fine. You can PM me or you can fill out the forms at the bottom. I'll give you information as well.

First, we need people for our directory:

If you are looking for a designer to make something for you, a beta or prereader for your story or a translator to double-check your translations, it is an easy directory where you can find all the information you need. To be 100% clear, we do not assign you an editor, designer or translator if you need one, our directory is a listing of all the people we highly recommend for you to use. You are responsible for contacting whoever you want to 'work' for you.

Also, if you ever need to be removed from a directory, that can be arranged. You can choose to be listed under one or 2 or all the directories, if you like.

It's not really something we need permission for but I'd love to have some of the talented banner-makers and betas sign up below. It makes it a lot easier for us. It's not a huge deal or anything. If you could just quickly fill out your details it'll make it much easier for us.

So at this stage I need people who are available to 'work' to sign up to be listed.


There's a section where we want to list different talented and EXPERIENCED betas and prereaders. It'll be a directory. It'll just have your name and it'll be linked to a profile they can contact you at. It'll also say what form of service you can give (beta, prereader).

I'd love to have some of the talented betas sign up below so we don't list people who can't take anymore stories. Also, there's a bit where we'll write your speciality... is there something you are particularly good at eg. spelling, grammar, punctuation, plot development etc. There is also a bit for you to fill out, saying how quick you can get a chapter back (less than 24 hrs, 24 hours, 2 days, a week etc.) and another bit that won't be listed in the directory but is something we need to know: examples of your prereading or beta'ing work.. we need to make sure that you are a good beta.

What I need from you is-
Form of editing service offered (beta/prereader/both)(:
Speciality(grammar/spelling etc.):
How quick can you get a chapter back?:
[This will not be listed] Examples of your beta/prereader work (include links):
How do you want to be contacted? (list email or ff profile here):

or you can fill out the form at the bottom.

There's a section where we want to list different talented banner, blinkie, icon etc. makers. It'll be a directory. It'll just have your name and it'll be linked to somewhere you showcase your work. It'll also say what form of art you are available to make (banners, blinkies.. whatever your comfortable with). The people we highly recommned we don't really need permission for, it'd just be easier if people filled it out for us.

What I need from you is-
Form of art:
Link to your work:
Contact (email or ff profile or something people can contact you at):

or you can fill out the form at the bottom.

Our translator directory is a listing of bilingual people in the fandom that are willing to double-check your translations or to help translate small bits of a fic. To be 100% clear, these people are not offering to translate your whole fanfiction story. They are willing to double-check and/or help translations of the languages they know, as we all know Google Translator can be unreliable. For eg. if you are writing a Twific and in one of your chapters Edward decides to proclaim his love romantically in Italian to Bella, and your Italian is either non-existent or basic, then you can ask one of the listed people to help you translate or double-check your translations. Those listed in our directory all speak and write in English in the fandom, but sometimes English is their second language or they are fluent in a different language due to their nationality or education.

The translator directory consists of a name, the language(s) the person can help with and contact details so you can get in touch with those listed. It's set up so that you can peruse our listings and decide who best suits your needs.

What I need from you is-
Contact (email or ff profile or something people can contact you at):
Language/s (which can you help with?):
Qualification (take a class at school, second language, first language etc.?):

or you can fill out the form at the bottom.

This is the form for all applicants who prefer to privately fill out their details to be listed under a directory:

And last but not least, we always need guest reviewers.
If you want to be a guest reviewer, we really need some people for this. Below is the form:



Thank you so much! <3


Misplaced fic

Saturday October 23, 2010 at 7:40 PM

I cannot find my way back to a brand new story I was reading on ffn -- I'm hoping the collected wisdom of the Forest can help me locate it (no, I didn't put it on story alert - d'oh!)

There are only 2-3 chapters posted; all within the last 6-8 weeks.
The author has at least 1 completed story on their ffn account.
Story is AH.

Chapter 1:  The year is 2000, and Bella is an young actress.  She is the lead character on a Hannah Montana-type show (my description, not the author's.)  Edward and Rosalie, also actors, are on another TV show where they play boyfriend/girlfriend.  Bella and Edward are boyfriend/girlfriend in RL, but the studio heads demand that they keep their relationship under wraps so as to not affect the ratings of their respective TV shows.

We first meet Bella in her dressing room at the studio.  Esme makes an appearance as her agent; Alice also makes an appearance (as a chaperone?)  Alice leaves on something Jasper-related, and Edward walks in, to Bella's delight.  One thing leads to another (of course), but suddenly the door bursts open and the paparazzi are there, catching B & E in flagrante delicto. Edward flees, leaving Bella behind.

More in the comments...

 ETA:  y'all found it so fast!  by ciaobella27    Thank you!


Question for the Authors Out There

Saturday October 23, 2010 at 7:10 PM

All the media coverage of the impending shoot of Breaking Dawn has me wondering if the Twilight Fanfic craze will naturally decline once all the movies have come and gone. I know we've touched on this in other posts, but I want to pose a simple question to the authors: Do you see yourself getting tired of writing Twilight Fanfic any time soon??? i.e. Do some of you say to yourselves, "I've got X # of fics left in me and then I'm out."
First --- | >> | 997 | 998 | 999 | 1000 | 1001 | 1002 | 1003 | 1004 | 1005 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
