
Le Pomme

Friday October 22, 2010 at 10:37 AM

I am so excited.  I've finally gotten rid of my regular old phone and bought the new iPhone 4...and I love it!

p.s. The hubs is jealous because he's still got the iPhone 3 and I've got the 4.


Tell me campers, what have you bought lately that's got you all excited? 

Or, what is it that you're really wanting and saving up for?

Or, if you also have the iphone 4, feel free to just come in here and join me in celebrating its awesomeness.


They brought you into this world...

Friday October 22, 2010 at 10:36 AM

They can take you out. Let's talk about parents. I have wanted to do this campfire for weeks now, but never had the time to really start it. I want to know about your parents. What were they like when you were growing up. Do you still have good relationships with them? This just a get to know you a bit better type of thing. People always say you turn in to your parents when you get older. Are you like them?


Mine will be in the comments.


In need of a fic rec :)

Friday October 22, 2010 at 9:42 AM

Hello all,

can you recommend to me some  good, completed New Moon AU stories? I have read some, but I would like to expand my horizons :) I'd like to invoke same rules as LJ on her  lists; only rec with links and summary :) Thanks to everyone in advance :) And yes, I  know that there is already list for competed AUs and I browsed through that :)


Hell On Wheels

Friday October 22, 2010 at 9:39 AM

In the spirit of of the Cullen kids who are all fond of a nice set of wheels I bring you this campfire.




What was your first car?

What do you drive now?

What is your dream car?

If cars aren't your thing feel free to include bikes, mopeds, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, the No.19 bus etc etc etc.


For your listening pleasure:


fridays are meant to be awesome

Friday October 22, 2010 at 9:33 AM

But there are still the equations of every day life involved. And I for one am feeling like this today



Yeah, it's just one of those days. And because this campire might be sprinkled with colorful language that we might not want youngins seein on the front page... I'm going to rant inside.

This will be a rant post. I know it's Friday... but even Friday can't stop life from being a B****!

Meet me inside and tell me how your day is going.


So Sue Me, I'm Curious

Friday October 22, 2010 at 9:15 AM

Most of us college folk probably just got done with midterms (or started them) this week, right? Well, this whole 'education' thing got me thinking, and thinking often leads to curiosity. Managing my curiosity isn't exactly my forte, you understand, so... here I am with a question for everyone--though it's not phrased as such. :)

I want to know where you go/went to school, if you do/did, why you chose that place, what you love(d) about it, what you hate(d)... tell me anything about your educational experience anywhere! Mine will be in the comments.

And for inspiration... a little Tyler-Rob college student from Remember Me.




Friday October 22, 2010 at 8:26 AM

This years NaNo is just 9 days away! *panics again and breathes into a paper bag* Is anyone here doing this? I've just recently realized what a massive project I've taken on, this along with 2 fanfics, my last semester of college, an internship, working and dating.

Is anyone else panicking like I am?? What are you doing to get ready? Have you done the NaNo before? If so, any words of wisdom for us first timers?

Let's talk NaNo!!

(if you want to be my buddy, I'm  LovellyBells!)

ALSO, I made a Livejournal community for the NaNo. If you want to check it out and join, please do. The more support we all have, the better!


Planning, Partying II

Friday October 22, 2010 at 8:11 AM

My daughter is turning  three and I am planning a Disney Princess or Minnie Mouse party. I've got some ideas about the cake and deco...but, with all these creative souls around ADF it would be stupid not to beg for words of wisdom!

Basically, we're having it in Mickey Dees [in the Middle East, it's way too hot to even contemplate having it outdoors this time of year]...there will be 6-7 children and I figured they can go insane in the ball pits/jungle gym....HOWEVER, we have 25 adults [more or less]...and IDK what to do to make it interesting for them.

Last time, we did this...we had a bunch of stiffs from work who just sat around...I wanna have people having fun...and no alcohol [I cannot spell that word for the life of me] is not an option!


I just wanna make it FABULOUS for her. [and ok, I kind of live vicariously through her and am planning on wearing a Princessy dress myself.]

Give me tips. Give me gems. Give me words of caution. Give me pictures. I'm a visual learner.




I definitely am leaning more and more towards shouting, "Are you not entertained?!" at bored faces. Help deter me from going down this path.


I posted  this campfire a couple of days ago and didn't get the response I was hoping for, so...let's try it one last time?!


The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster

Friday October 22, 2010 at 8:05 AM

Hello all!

Does anyone know what's going on with The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster?  From what I can tell, it hasn't updated since early September.  It's such a great Twific site - I've relied on it to find good fics, get writing resources, or find out what other authors are up to.  It would be a real shame if it's abandoned.

Any info is appreciate.  Thanks!





Gettin' Busy Music

Friday October 22, 2010 at 7:10 AM

So sometimes the hubs and I like to have music playing when we are 'gettin busy', 'doin' the deed', having sex, making love, effing etc. etc.  Sometimes it is to cover up noises we (or our toys) may make but sometimes the music can really set the mood.  I am in need of some new songs for my playlist and would love some recs.  So here are my questions:


1.  Do you like to play music during sex?

2.  Do you have a sex playlist?

3.  What are your favorite songs that 'inspire' you and get you going?


What do you do?

Friday October 22, 2010 at 6:05 AM

I have TONS of stuff--really, I have a shopping problem--that I want/need to get rid of.

Example: I bought all these bras from Victoria's Secret, wore them once so they can't be returned, and realize I HATE THEM.  I also have some shoes that are the same way: worn once and vowed "I will never put these on my feet again."  Plus I have like, five, Dooney and Burke purses that I can't/don't use anymore.

What does one do when they have high quality (or at least almost new) stuff that they want to get out of the house but don't want to donate/husband says "Really, didn't you just get that? How much did it cost?" so you feel you need to get SOMETHING out of it?

I'm way too lazy for a yard sale but I fear that I may just one day have to move and leave my stuff behind.



P.S.--I LOVE LOVE LOVE Friday Free for All!!!



Friday October 22, 2010 at 2:09 AM


Its been a while since i've seen a getting to know you post. Well when i look and it may be a man look, or even a teenage boy look, but i thought it was time for one.

I want to know about you're pets. I have two cats and a dog. Who i love even though the front door had been sprayed when i got home and the dog is now wet.

this is Bugz





this is jasper





















and the love of my life/bain of my existance ROY


Photobucket Photobucket


Unconventional work schedule, anyone?

Friday October 22, 2010 at 1:37 AM

I have every Friday off, and it is brilliant with a capital B.  I can do the Forest, do some laundry, eat chocolate unmolested, write/read a little fanfic, go see a friend in the middle of the afternoon.  Kids are at school, hubs at work.   Okay, it's not unconventional, but it's nice.

Anyone here have a wonky work schedule?  I know there are a few night shift campers.


And some beautiful people, working in the wee hours:
Buttless Rob :D


Friday October 22, 2010 at 12:00 AM

So by now most of us have heard the new Kings of Leon.

Its not my favourite KOL album - Aha Shake Heartbreak is still the best for me.

What are you favourite tracks on the album?

here is mine



Read out loud software

Thursday October 21, 2010 at 11:59 PM

Hi :)

Since it's FFFA... :) I wanted to ask, has any of you ever tried using one of those read-out-loud programs to read fanfiction (I mean, while cooking, or ironing)? Because, I swear, my house turns into a giant mess every time I come across some new complete story or there's an up-date's massive attack. ;)

You can use audiobooks for published stories, but what about fanfiction?

Help? Anyone? Pretty please? :)



It's not me... it's you.

Thursday October 21, 2010 at 11:04 PM


Be funny, dramatic and completely unserious. This is a joke. I love the people I'm going to insult dearly...honest.


So cute

Thursday October 21, 2010 at 9:40 PM

this video is one of the cutest things I HAVE EVER SEEN, OMG





Thursday October 21, 2010 at 9:19 PM

hello, the jerk ranger here

earlier, someone posted something that technically went against our campfire rules.  the campfire was deleted (not by me), and i'm afraid i scared/pissed off/intimidated/irritated/other adjectived the original poster by my large, brutish purple font.  whoopsies.

i still stand by the message, yo- forest rules are located here at the ranger station (that particular campfire violated the 8th rule, thou shalt not bear false witness against thy camper), but i suppose i could've done it in a less obnoxious way.  what can i say?  i'm obnoxious.

with all that in mind, it is now freeeeee for all.  feel free to post whatcha want, including links to your twilight-y contests and blogs, with my blessing.  

aerochick, if you don't start that gif campfire soon, i'mma do it.  you've been warnedddd




Another debate? YES.

Thursday October 21, 2010 at 9:14 PM

Hey, fellow campers!

It's officially Friday Free For All, and in celebration of the almost weekend (and the week from hell for me), I'd like to start another debate.

Same rules apply:

1. Feel free to express your opinion, but keep in mind that the Forest is a diverse place and we don't want any brawls to break out.

2. Be polite and aware of other campers opinions.

3. Feel free to confront people about differing opinions, but, as always, BE POLITE ABOUT IT. Don't cause $#!% just to cause it.


Alright, for this week's debate...

Abortion. Pro-life or pro-choice? (can you be anything other than pro-life or pro-choice? idk. if you're anything other than those two, feel free to explain your opinion, too!)

For myself personally, I'm pro-life. HOWEVER, I understand that certain circumstances deserve the option of abortion. So, in my opinion, the government should allow abortions.



Thursday October 21, 2010 at 4:28 PM

The promos for the Simpsons Halloween episode are out.

You know, the one where Daniel Radcliffe plays a vamp named




Oh, and Hugh Laurie is in it too.

What do y'all think? Is it going to be a good laugh?
Do you think Twilight parodies are overdone?
Is it ROOOOOD to make fun of darling Edward?
Come and discuss.
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