
Canon fodder

Thursday October 21, 2010 at 5:34 AM

Oh Forest, how I've missed you!

SO, I thought I'd come around with something that I've thought about recently that is sort of silly, but I wanted to discuss other people's opinions/thoughts on the topic.

Please come in here and share your Twilight theories or little nuances that have made you stop and think.


Here's my recent one:

So, if we accept that whole "Twilight vamps CAN get and sustain an erection and produce seminal fluid to get someone preggers" my question stems from there. According to the lexicon (mind you I could be wrong, I'm not THAT well-versed in this stuff) the reason that Edward was able to get Bella pregnant was that when he was changed he was "frozen" as he was. And he had his supply of semen just waiting and raring to go. Sorta like cryogenics I'd assume--once it's in warm little ol' Bella it was good as new again! Now I'm thinking, okay, if I ignore some of those other discrepancies and just go with this idea, that makes sense. Eddie was a virgin when he tapped that, so obvs he was still packing in the "supply" department. But what about the other boys, like Emmett or Jasper or Carlisle for that matter. What if they were to take a romp with a warm body, do you think they'd be able to get their partner preggers? Considering this theory, they'd probably already have run out of stock YEARS ago. AND on top of that, what about that vamp that got that other chick pregnant, you know the one that produced the kid Alice went looking for in Breaking Dawn, didn't they say that that vamp had done a WHOLE bunch of trial and error until he was able to make his kid. So how did he have enough to produce offspring, I'd think his supply would have gone dry too.

Thoughts? Anyone? Any other silly little Twilight stumpers that go through your mind from time to time? Please feel free to share!



Thursday October 21, 2010 at 12:12 AM

Edward and Bella are seriously dating just married, post-college? They go to her home for Thanksgiving/Christmas?? Jake is a really good family friend has an obvious crush on Bella. Edward and Jacob fight outside, Edward accidently pushes Bella off the curb. She breaks her leg.

Anyone know? I pay in sexual favors and Take-Out Coupons.

EDIT: Solved.

The Honeymoon's Over



The Walking Dead preair

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 9:46 PM

I just found out there's a Walking Dead Preair available to download! I'm so excited about this!!!

For those of you who have no Idea what I'm talking about, it's a mini series about zombies that airs on Halloween. Here's the trailer:



Are you guys as excited as I am? Will you watch it when it airs? :D

To make it more interactive, tell me what you think about Zombie movies, and which are your favorite ones? I love Zombieland and anything by Romero.


 *approved by the lovely Tor*


Unknown Fic

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 9:02 PM

OK I seen a fic and forgot to add to favs. Anyway it was about Bella on the beach with her dog and found a lost girl. Can't remember her name but she was Edwards daughter and got seperated from them. Turns out Bella was best friends with Jasper and he is married to Alice which is Eds sister. That's all I know. Oh and the little girl loves her dog.

Does this fic sound familar to anyone?


Finding Bella pulled

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 6:58 PM

I'm relatively new here, my name is Rachel. *waves*

I'm scrolling through my favorites on, and I see Finding Bella updated. I squee, because I heart that story, and I go to check it out. Instead, there's an Author's Note ranting about how there's a fic database for people to post fic lists for anyone to use, and she's not happy. She's removed Finding Bella because she feels her story will soon be targeted, and she's already working on publishing an actual it's something she's not comfortable with.

I've left my thoughts in the comments, for anyone who may be interested. /end rant.

dawnmarie dreaming

Oh, Inverted Heart

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 5:40 PM

Am I the only one who logged into their email today and had their heart broken when they saw that Oh, Inverted World is not going to be continued any time in the near (or distant, it sounds like) future.  I realize that it hadn't been updated in forever, but hope springs eternal.  Until she updated w/ the A/N saying she was leaving the fandom for an undetermined amount of time, I was still keeping my fingers crossed that she'd continue the story.  Not to mention how excited I was when I saw the notice of an update...only to crash and burn when I saw the title was "The End, For Now."

So, what has broken your heart just a little lately?

ps...she also removed all of the story she had up so far.  if anyone made a copy of it prior to this and wants to send it to me, i'd love you forever.  k?  thanks, bye.


buffy episode 2.18 "killed by death"

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 4:13 PM

Buffy: Homework.
Willow: It's my way of saying get well soon.
Buffy: You know, chocolate says that even better.
Willow: I did all your assignments. All you have to do is sign your name.
Buffy: Chocolate means nothing to me.


Is it just me, or ...

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 4:11 PM

Is this fandom slowing down?  Are things on a downhill slide? 

The forest is still quite lively, but how much of that is driven by our enjoyment of each other's company and how much is driven by our love of all things Twilight?  Lately, it seems to me that my favorite message boards are DEAD.  Likewise my favorite TwiNews sites.  And even though I am still following at least 10 or 15 favorite stories, I'm lucky if I get notificaton of an update once or twice a week.

Am I alone in thinking this, or has anyone else noticed this too?  Do you think interest in the fandom has peaked?  Do you think once production of BD is in full swing, things will naturally pick back up? Did Robsten v. Nonsten kill your Edward and Bella fantasy?  Do you think splitting BD into two movies over two years is a big mistake?

My thoughts in the comments, and here's some pretty for your time!



Booty Bumpin'

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 3:11 PM

Hey campfire people! I just bought a new mp3 player and need some good song suggestions. This sucker is going with me to the gym, so I need the stuff that will get my body movin, groovin, and hopefully butt-shrinkin. I like all kinda dance/hip-hop, 'cept the teeny bopper stuff. Also, if you follow me on Twitter, you know how I feel about Keisha? Kasha? Kashi? whatever-her-name-is.

For your trouble...Rob giving good face.

Approved by the awesome littlesecret84 cos she can deny me nothing. True story.


Strutting that style

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 1:12 PM

OMG I was just about to log off and turn in for the night when I realized I almost forgot to start another Rob appreciation campfire! *FAIL* Well, all is not lost yet, as I'm quickly moving to rectify that situation.

I'll have to give a little introduction to this week's topic, so bear with me.

As some of you (the ones who follow me on Twitter, at least) may know, I just started a new job this week. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with my degree, which is in Art History, specialized in the Roman Empire. No, I work at an insurance company. I'll be handling calls from clients with questions about their health insurance. This week and next week I'll be learning about the different insurances we offer and the changes that will come in December/January. Busy busy busy. It's not that hard, just a lot. So far, I'm enjoying myself. I get to meet new people, gain work experience and actually see daylight this winter! (I've been working at a bar, which means night shifts, for the past 4 years.)

What does this have to do with Rob, you ask? Well, give me a minute and I'll get to it. Yeah, introduction to the topic, but I also just want to share a bit with y'all.

Aaanyway... This job is not in the city where I live. To get there, I have to go to a city close by. Not that bad. The commute isn't that long, either: about 15 minutes by train and then either a short busride or a walk. I'm doing this everyday so far with a girl from my team who lives close to where I live and we decided to walk from the trainstation to the office. It saves money and provides a nice workout before and after a long day at the office.

Which brings me to this campfire. I won't bore you with a lot of prose, after this lengthy bit so far. You know the drill of these campfires of mine.

Rob walking

(includes running, moving, or just his long legs in general)

Post. Share. Talk. Drool. Swoon.



Popping my Campfire Cherry.

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 12:42 PM

I think we all have our favorite FF authors?  What I want to know is...of those favorites, which three do you feel has the potential of one day becoming a published author?

There are two reasons I ask this question.

First and foremost, I like to read well written FF stories, because I learn from them. I pay attention to the way the author structures sentences and tells the story in general, (I've learned so much already from the authors whose stories I already read and I want to learn more.) and  If this post gets at least three or four replies, I'm sure to find a few more good authors whose stories I want to read.

Second, I want to know if anyone feels the same about my three choices.

My three are: OCD_Indeed, Gondolier and queenofgrey.

P.S. If this post is out of line, I won't be offended if you delete it.

On a side note, please don't turn this into a post about authors who you feel don't write as well. (I'm one of them and I might get my feelings hurt.)


Rob pix

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 12:20 PM

Since Rob hasn't given me any new pics to post lately, I am just going to share these new-old pics. They are old in that they're from 2009, but new as in I hadn't seen them before. They're not mine, props go to whomever tagged them.



Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 11:49 AM

I love all things Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë and all that

So I would really like to read some fics set in that period of time

It can be any pairing (slash is welcome too) as long as E/J/E/C/J is as dreamy as Mr. Darcy or Mr. Rochester

So rec me if you can


For your time:


It's the little things in life...

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 11:36 AM

Have you ever had one of those days that turned absolutely fantastic just because of one little thing?

Let's celebrate the little things in life that make you smile!

Inspired by the fact that my male roommate, who has been sheltered and spoiled his whole life, made me supper last night (smokies and perogies), brought it down to my room along with the condiments I might like, and offered to get me a drink, too. I was just in shock! It made my whole day infinitely better!

*Approved by jandco, who also likes to smile.

This picture also makes me smile...


literal trailers

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 10:23 AM

Not sure if somebody has posted these, but they're hilarious.


One for Harry Potter...

LJ Summers

Sickward Fics

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 10:19 AM

No, no. Not sick as in psychologically unbalanced. Sick as in ILL.  Plagued by some disease or, perhaps a disability.  In some way disabled.  

Sickward.  Requested in the Master Fic List (I think!), he appears in (mostly) AH fics sprinkled about the fandom.

Have you seen him?  Can you introduce us?  The Forest is an equal opportunity diverter! 


My rec will be within.


Thank you for sharing your favorite Sickward Fics around the fire!  This would NOT be happening but for your constant participation!




Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 10:12 AM

I am bored, studying Psychology, and coffee does nothing for me.  And I have to stay up late.

Soooo, why not play a game? Here's how it goes -

Tell us your birthday, and your zodiac sign. Just that, nothing else. 

Then, the next person can list some character attributes about your sign, if they know them.

For example :

My birthday is on 7th May. and my zodiac sign is Taurus.

So if you have a friend who is a Taurean,  list some of the qualities you have observed in them.

Do not search the net, just tell us about some traits you have observed in them. Stubborn, irrational, wtv.

After you've done that, tell us your own zodiac sign, so the next person can list your qualities, and so on.

And I know it's a stupid game, but c'mon, just give it a try.

Approved by the awesome jennyfly and G.A.W., although on different days.


Planning, Plotting, Partying!

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 9:39 AM

Hey Ladies, I'm looking for some party planning tips.

My daughter's turning 3 and I'm planning on having it at McDonald's [Here, in the ME, it's way cheaper and fun to have it in a closed space INSIDE]...BUT we're doing our own theme...either, Disney Princess or Minnie Mouse...any tips? Ideas?

I know you ladies have creativity shining out of you like a...a...big, shiny...thingie...sunshine...[see why I need help? 0 creativity here, folks!]

We've got like 6-7 kis and 25 adults...

Any advice/opinions will b greatly appreciated.

Approved by the one...the only...Grown.Ass.Woman





Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 9:36 AM

This week’s game:
“FanFic Who, What, When, Where, Why (how counts too)”

You provide three clues, each one answering one of the 5 W’s about a specific fanfic and let’s see if everyone else can guess the fic. Your clues should include at least the answer to “who” to indicate the main characters (see examples below). Clues can be cheeky, include images, be smart-assish or be literal.

1. For each clue, indicate which of the 5+ W’s it answers.
2. Answer at least 3 of the 5+ W’s.
3. When you leave a guess, make sure to also enter your own summary as well!

Example #1:
1. Who: Jerkward / Issue-ella

2. What: Cooking / drawing

3. Why:  /
Answer (Wide Awake)
My entry is inside. 
Thanks to Cappy for approval and stickage. 

After a short hiatus

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 9:24 AM

It has been a long time since I posted anything, and I wasn't a huge member of the community, but I took a short break from all twilight related things.


I used to visit ADF all day every day- and then took a break over the summer..


Can someone recap for me what has been going on? Any new fics I absolutely HAVE to read, any new gossip that has been going on that I would love?


I am back and ready to immerse myself back in the culture!


So somebody, anybody- talk to me!


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