

Friday October 15, 2010 at 8:03 PM



-if you want to link to other twilight universe websites (including blogs and contests), please ask first. it's in the rules, but people ignore that one all the time.


WTVOC included this instruction when the FFAF kicked off last night.


Seriously, if it had been ONE campfire about that "new blog" I'd have ignored it, but FOUR FLIPPING CAMPFIRES? gtfo


Where are you?

Friday October 15, 2010 at 6:18 PM

OK so I know this has been (somewhat) done before, but i'm wondering... WHERE DO YOU LIVE?

The reason I ask is, my husband has NO idea i'm as obsessed with Twilight and fan fiction as much as I am. Yes, he knows I love the books but this fandom is a whole different level for me that is secret. But I can't talk to him about it! He bought me a Kindle a year ago, he thinks I read novels on it....I don't! I use it for FF!

The only other person I know that shares my love is my co-worker who lives in Brooklyn.

My point being, I have no one to hang out with close by (not even my girlfriends know my deep seeded obsession) who wants to get together and talk FF!

So I'm wondering if anyone else out there would love to make a friend close to them that loves it as much as they do?

So....specifically....i'm not sure if anyone will do this, but I live in Morris County NJ, and work in Manhattan.

LOL like a dating site, i'll tell you about me, I love bars, love to have a drink or two, love restaurants, trying somewhere new, smoke while doing so, shopping, TV, random celeb facts, anyone else share my interests? I am married, no kids, 1 dog.

Share where you are and what you like, maybe you can make a friend!


Dorky Confession Time

Friday October 15, 2010 at 5:57 PM

So, yeah, I posted this in another campfire... but I wanted to share with the broader audience... because it's AWESOME.

I have an unhealthy affection for college/university acapella groups... Seriously. I LOVE them. I think deep down I feel that this was missing from my college experience... and now I spend too much time on youtube...

What are YOUR dorky likes and loves?




Friday October 15, 2010 at 5:31 PM

I've been wanting to make this campfire for a few days now, so I'm excited!

So I was up in the wee hours of the morning talking to Ssarrahh1 and Mcruscito and just "surfing" the web.  Then I ran across this ad.  This glorious ad:

It was a bogus quiz that told me I smell like freesia (Like Bella -_-) but it got me thinking.  What do I want to smell like to a vampire?

My question to you ladies, and gents because we know you're there, what do you want to smell like and to which vampire?

Mine's in the comments! ;D


"Hey Ladies"

Friday October 15, 2010 at 5:18 PM

This is my first campfire *waves* and of course I am going to ask for something.

So, I spend about 2 to 3 hours a day in the car commuting for work (i know right!) it is ridiculous!  Needless to say I have to find things to keep myself occupied while I am driving.  I have filled my ipod up with music and podcasts and books, all of which I am tired of now.  If the music on my ipod were a cassette tape it would be worn out, I have caught up on all my podcasts and books from audible are too expensive to not know if they are good enough to purchase.  

So, I ask you lovely ladies, and gentlemen (if you are out there) what are you listening to right now, today, this week?  I need some new music.  Any recommendations? 

Do you listen to podcasts?  Which ones?  

Let me know.  It would be much appreciated.



Friday October 15, 2010 at 4:58 PM

Disclaimer: If, at this point, you don't know what to do then you deserve any disclaimer that has been here before. XOXO


What do you do to your nails?

Friday October 15, 2010 at 4:47 PM

I'm always looking at hands. I don't know why but they tell so much. People talk with their hands, veins tell age no matter what people tell you, I like looking at rings though I don't like wearing them. So I'm always looking at nails up against a hand and how the polish or lack of polish works with their hands and the rings they're wearing.


How do you keep your nails? Do you bite them? Keep them polished? Red, blue, black, whatever color - but chipped because you're biting it off? Acrylic with color? French/American manicure? Just plain no polish? Just clear? Do you polish them for holidays and go festive? What?


What have we here?

Friday October 15, 2010 at 4:08 PM

It's Karaoke Time :)

Here's Vocaroo (don't forget to add the link when you post) Remember those BEAUTIFUL COLOURS for any requests you may have and now because I can't be bothered doing an awesome speel for this




We LOVE fresh voices too, so if you haven't been apart of this awesomeness yet, PLEASE, COME ON IN, we don't judge or bite (hard)


First Campfire-Calling any honest teenagers

Friday October 15, 2010 at 2:44 PM

Hi all.  I have been waiting for a Friday to post this.  I have a two questions. 

1. I wanted a few teens to read the first chapter of my young adult original fic and tell me if it sucks.  I need painful honesty so I know if I am wasting my time on this idea.  Please post or pm if you are a teen who is willing to be my guinea pig.   

2.  I would love to hear from people who actually submitted something to an agent and what the response was if you feel like sharing.   

Thanks for being such great campers!



Most Awesome Thing You've Ever Seen

Friday October 15, 2010 at 2:13 PM

This is mine

Because seriously...that's amazing.

Share? Preferably funny things involving animals but it's up to you. Fun stuff.


P.S. Can anyone make that small? That may be worth trading in Zachary for a bit as my avi...cause that's awesome.



Friday October 15, 2010 at 1:55 PM

My boyfriend (who's obviously such a lovely person *grumbles*) just sent me this and of course I opened it


It has to be the most annoying thing. It's now stuck in my head and it won't go away!!
So I wanna know, what is your annoyance? Is it a ridiculous song that just won't leave your head? If it the person you sit next to in class or on the bus who breaths loudly and it just drives you insane?
I wanna know the crazy :D
Luna StarFire

Getting to know you

Friday October 15, 2010 at 1:12 PM


Happy Friday Happy Campers!

So lets get to know one another.  I challenge you to a list of ABC's.  

1 - List out the alphabet...if you need help with this then cheat from the person beside you.

2 - For each letter list out something about you.  You can describe your self or can be something you enjoy doing, what ever you want want to list about you for that letter.  If for some reason you can't think of anything then skip it.  

Or you can also look at a person beside you and cheat again

My answer will be in the comments. Have fun!


Fight for your right to

Friday October 15, 2010 at 12:54 PM


Need I say more? It's the weekend, it's FFAF and I'm going to be up in Seoul again (without the God awful hangover and memory lapse this time though)

What are you doing this weekend? What music puts you in the party mood? What's your best hangover cure? What was your fav. find of the week?



I found these exact socks last weekend in Seoul - the Wonkeygirl was happy.




Wouldn't You Like To Be...My Neighbor?

Friday October 15, 2010 at 12:44 PM

Do you play Petville on Facebook?

I need some neighbors and would like you to be mine!

If you play Petville and wanna be my neighbor, be a proud pet-parent and show off your cutie here!

Meet Masen, he is my cutie! 



Twilight Comic con/fanfiction

Friday October 15, 2010 at 12:31 PM

hello, ok so I used to watch this show called True Blood or the sookie stackhouse series turned into a show and I know they had one of those Comic Con things, I'm assuming there is one for twilight and how does one go about finding out that sort of thing. Is it a membership thing or just something anyone can attend? I  wouldn't mind oggling Peter or jackson or charlie(dimitri or demetri). It would also be nice to see robert or kellens arms. 

Different Topic, as far as fanfiction goes has anyone been fortunate enough to meet any of the cast and ask them if they've read any of the fanfiction about them and what did they think of it? I mean it would be nice to hear Robs pov on all the sexin he'd doin in these stories.


What could have been...

Friday October 15, 2010 at 12:15 PM

It's a quiet Friday night and I'm a bit bored so tell me your stories of the one that got away, or maybe it’s the one that you’re not sure about yet?
In short here’s a chance to talk about that person you still wonder about all these years/months/days later......


Misery loves company, mine is in the comments =)



I'll show you mine if you show me yours

Friday October 15, 2010 at 11:50 AM

I'm bored and want a desktop post.

So here's a desktop post. Mine's in the comments because I don't want to have a giant image of my desktop on the front page.



New/Old Movie?

Friday October 15, 2010 at 11:23 AM

So, I was creeping on Amazon dot com last night and found this little ditty.

"Love & Distrust follows a day in the life of eight strangers as they search for happiness. A waitress - Adams - a business man - Franco - and a lusting teenager - Pattinson - from different backgrounds share similar experiences as they search for love, trust and the meaning of life. Love & Distrust is a film about how events shape our perspective and help us form connections with each other in the most unlikely of places."


Has anyone at all heard of this movie? When was it made? Has it come out anywhere? Amazon says it doesn't come out on DVD till November 2nd, but I was wondering if it was at any Film Festivals or perhaps come out outside the US and anyone saw it?

I think it sounds pretty interesting, maybe have one of those connecting plot lines like 'Love, Actually" or "Valentine's Day."

What do y'all think!?


Going back to school!

Friday October 15, 2010 at 11:21 AM

Hi All!!

I can't believe this is my very first campfire.  I'm usually just a lurker leaving replies here and there.  


So, I'm going back to school, starting next week actually.  My school offers acclerated Fall sessions, and then in Spring, I will be continuing full time.  I will be, what you would call, an "adult student" even though I don't feel grown half the time. 


I'm a single mom, with a full time job, and what I need is some encouragement.  (Please?)  I know it's going to be difficult, but I'm at the point in my life where I need to make a change or be stuck.  So... this time, it's do or die!  (*cue Rocky Balboa theme music*) Late nights, early mornings, no sleep, writing papers until 5 in the morning.... BRING IT ON!!   I'm determined to succeed, not only for myself, but for my daughter and parents, who have encouraged and supported me through a lot. 


To make this interactive, please tell me how you keep yourself motivated (whether it be in weight loss, education, or just anything you've had to work hard for).  And/or if you're an "adult student" please tell me about your story so I feel like I'm not alone.  (I know I'm not, but I don't really know anyone personally)




So...Pornstar Blogs

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:58 AM

So, thanks to FFAF, time to air out my weird and ensure that none of you talk to me again : O

I am obsessive about things sometimes. Weird things, like; I hopped from flea market to flea market collecting mercury glass Christmas ornaments in the middle of summer last year. I have memorized the who, what and where of every Presidential assassination after reading countless books on the topic. I own no cups other than a variety of champaign glasses, because it makes me feel pretty.  I got laid off from my job months ago and (before I took up freelancing) decided I would be a graffiti stencil artist around the city. Idk, my point is, I'm weird so maybe this next admission won't sound so odd??

This last week, I've become obsessed with pornstar blogs. Ahhhhh, it feels good to put it out there. Specifically James Deen, a very young and surprisingly hot porn star, he gives me the Edwardy feel. Like maybe Dirty Eddy or Domward? Anyhow, he reviews food of all things, giving it a rating of breast size (DDs being the highest, of course) then tells you about his day and what chicks he banged. It's hysterical, and I'm obsessed.

Then I got to researching and his girlfriend, Joanna Angel (also a porn star) has a blog that is quite funny, and then her friends have some and so on.

This is by far my oddest obsession, it's not even dirty it's a damn blog! But still super weird. Tell me I've not gone crazy!


FYT, I mean....he's hot though right?

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