All right, so I'm getting this one out of the way this week. Because it's MONDAY and though MONDAYS are normally my best day, it has not BEEN a good day so why not do this kind of fic right off?
If one is going to find out one's partner is cheating, MONDAY is a good day for it, eh?
So tell us! What stories best employ infidelity? NO HOLDS BARRED regarding who is cheating on whom! Bella cheating on Edward? Edward cheating on Rosalie? Alice cheating on Jasper?
Canon or non, Human or Vamp, bring 'em! This list is being added to the MASTER FIC LIST where we now have FIFTY-SEVEN lists of different types of fic. And MANY MORE on the WAY!! Looking for something specific? My guess is good that we have or will have you covered.
Bring us your cheatfics today, though. Be brave and up front about it, too. Just remember the RULES OF THE CAMPFIRE:
1. Keep it simple. Title, author, summary from the website where we'll find the story. This is not a pimpin' fire, but a list.
2. No discussions. The assumption is that YES, the rec is a GREAT STORY. We'll all just go with that. ;-)
My rec (surprised?) will be within.
Thank you for sharing your favorite Cheatfics around the fire!