
I didn't know....

Friday October 15, 2010 at 6:09 AM

That humans actually peel bananas incorrectly.  If you watch primates (which are gorillas, chimps, and orangs, for those of you not up on the biological anthropology lingo) they peel from the "bottom" up to the stem so the top doesn't get all mushy.  Wonder why we started doing it backwards?

Please share with me any random information you have--I love learning new things!!!

I'm awesome at Pub Quiz, as long as the Blue Moon isn't flowing...



Friday October 15, 2010 at 6:06 AM

Just a quick little campfire on FFA, I am going through who I am following and getting rid of the peeps that I do not talk to personally or don't really know.

If I have accidently removed any forest dwellers please let me know, either here or @ me. I am @jennydemons4eva on twitter.


101 reasons why I heart him

Friday October 15, 2010 at 4:24 AM

Ok, so I know that we are allowed to post whatever we want, but...

I'm a devoted member of The Forest because I love Edward Cullen. He is beautiful and makes me ******* swoon. I could watch Robward play the piano all day, but would probably end up as a puddle on the floor. Thank Summit for DVD extras.

Of course, the boy is flawed. He is controlling and holier-than-thou and impulsive.


What I want to know is... what do you love most about Edward? If you like, an alternative Q is who is your favourite AH Edward?

It's an EC love-in, people. Get to it.



Friday October 15, 2010 at 4:15 AM

There's nothing wrong with taking yourself less seriously!!!  And this is not a campfire to come fish for compliments.  While I don't think that people should beat themselves up, or think badly of themselves... I also don't think that there is a darn thing wrong with just fessing up to the things we suck at.


Please do NOT come in and insult others. 


What do YOU suck at?  (Mine will be in the first comment.)




Parenting Advice

Friday October 15, 2010 at 3:56 AM

I have seen a few campfires where the campers have mentioned their kids. I was surprised by how many mommies there are on here.

Parenting isn't easy as I think all of us know and sometimes we get lost and don't know how to handle certain situations that arise with our kids.

This is an Advice Campfire- For those seeking advice and those willing to give it.

Post your questions/ concerns in the comments and let's see what kind of advice we get.

I'll start with mine.

To make it fun and not as serious, we could also add a picture of the child we are talking about. It would be cool to see what everyones kids look like.


***I am starting this for purely selfish reasons. I need help!! Unfortunately, I have to work today from 9am to 9pm and I can't get on the forest at work. :( I will be unable to answer any comments until then, but I am hoping other campers will join in to help out.


Beauty Product Advice

Friday October 15, 2010 at 2:22 AM

Hey Campers! Happy free for all!

This is a beauty product advice campfire!

I am a complete product-a-holic! I have exploding bathroom cupboards full of all sorts of stuff I buy, if I see it in a magazine and it is going to make me prettier, skinnier, make my hair shiny, make my eyes sparkle, I will buy it! You get the picture! However the problem is that loads of stuff I buy just gets wasted because it just doesn't work!

Since there is nothing better than personal recommendations, come on in to this campfire and tell everyone if there are any products you would strongly recommend that you have found do exactly what they are supposed to do!

Likewise, if you have any beauty problems, post them in here and hopefully someone will be able to recommend something to help you out!


"Always remember that true beauty comes from within — from within bottles, jars, compacts, and tubes"


Help me !!

Friday October 15, 2010 at 2:21 AM

Hello girls happy friday !! I'm technically challenged so need your help ! pretty please? the problem is I have just noticed that the images on every websites that I'm visiting  are of low quality ! I was going through my  and my friends facebook photo albums ,same problem !  all the images are blurry ! I don't know what to do..first I thought it's my browser (firefox) but then I tried chrome/opera but to nothing please lovelies help me? Thanks so much in advance! 

Sir Rachel

Night Owl Chat

Friday October 15, 2010 at 1:17 AM

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center?

What is the meaning of life?

What is your quest?

What is your favorite color?


Come chat with me. Here in the central time zone it's 3:00

Pi time at the precise moment I type this, actually. 3:14

Are you up late? Is it morning for you?

What're you up to?

I personally just painted my fingernails black and am sitting watching the Fellowship of the Ring.

Drop by and say hi!


Contractions in fics

Friday October 15, 2010 at 12:40 AM

Do you use them, avoid them, cringe when you read them, point them out when you see then or tsk when you see them? Betas anyone?

 I read a lot of fics and I do have to say that I get turned off a lot when I see an absence of contractions. Especially in dialogue because I'm a read out loud person sometimes and it has to flow and contractions make it flow. Everyone uses them. I see them in books all the time but I see them misisng in a lot of fics. I don't think it sounds trashy or uneducated (heck best sellers have them so something is right about them. Right?) So what's the deal in fics? Is it a personal thing? A quirk you do but your beta makes you get rid of for a fan fic?  I doubt most speak that formally in conversation and I definitely know my thoughts aren't that formal.

I see dialogue where a character goes:

"I do not know where she went and I can not understand how she could not tell us where she was going" Edward referring  to Bella.

Please tell me I just have really bad grammar because I'm cringing like nails on a chalkboard and thinking that should have been caught by someone and changed to "don't, can't and couldn't" so it flows better and so Edward doesn't sound so robotic.

I mean writing is honing your skills but it's not academia writing so why are so many fics somehow above contractions and lose them? Does it just depend on the author - if they don't want to or is it the beta who says no and they change it?

Grammar rules aside it's suppose to be similar to real life right? Normal conversation right? I can't imagine even the most upper crusty person not thinking in contractions or busting out a few verbally. No matter what sort of intellectual topic you are discussing some contractions are going to fly so if that conversation was transcribed why wouldn't the contractions be there? Except okay in a formal setting but sitting around the kitchen table talking shop and politics contractions right?


Original Fiction

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 11:11 PM

I love my forest.

      You all keep me in stitches and I enjoy the thought provoking insanity that runs rampant.

             I was wondering if you can rec me some original fic stories.

                   I believe there is a site for that-has anyone gone there? 

                          I have visited the writers' coffee shop but don't know what to look for. 

                                 I am willing to give anything a peek with a rec. 

                                       I am looking to branch out.

                                                Where should I start?

                                                          Have any of you  posted in the original fic world?


Thank You campfire

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 11:00 PM

I have been waiting several days to make this campfire. I'm to lazy to ask for permission so... yeah


Today I checked the mail to find not one but two packages for moi.

1. A very cute/sexy costume from the lovely glasscannon


2. Beautiful gold flats from shc92

So I wanted to say thank you ladies for the amazing gifts.

And to all the other beauties who have participated in freecycling. Kindness knows no bounds here in the forest.

So thank you all, for the laughs and love.


Use this post to thank the people of the forest for whatever you want.


ETA: edwardsmyangel, thank you for being so patient with me. I have NOT forgotten about you. You will get your gift soon. I promise.


Harry Potter Shipmates

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:54 PM

So, in the twi fandom there are your obvious canon ships (E/B, Em/R, J/A, etc.) and there are those of us that say, "Screw canon!"  And ship Edward/Jasper or Jasper/Bella or Bella/Jake (arguably canon, but let's not go there 'cause that's not what this campfire is about) or any other lovely ship your pretty little mind can come up with.  Harry Potter is similary rife with fans who swear by all things canon and those, like myself, that think the epilogue should be fudged with a little bit.

So... what's your Harry Potter ship and... wait for it.... tell me WHY!!!

My ships will be in the comments.

The Offspring

Young Adult Books

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:50 PM

So, about a month ago, I started reading this really great series. About Faeries. Yes, that's how it's spelled. It's the Old English spelling.

Anyhoo, this series is now being turned into a movie. Next Year. YAY!!!! The series is called Wicked Lovely. Here are the book trailers. (Two of them are from the publisher. One of them wasn't there. The other one I thought was cool.)

So tell me your thoughts.

your favourite poem?

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:36 PM

the title pretty much says it all.

share it with us? :D


ranger PSAs and you: how to participate, ADF-style

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:22 PM

Halloween Logo Maker -


so here's the deal, campers!

every week, we here in the forest encourage you to post whatever the hell you want starting at midnight friday (eastern) and on through saturday, 5pm.  so... make a campfire on any topic you wanna discuss, no ranger permission required!  

for the next 43 hours, you can post anything you want without paging a ranger.  normally, the rule is that you can make a campfire as long as it's something twilight (books, movies, cast, fanfictions, uhh etsy accounts), but we also love harry potter, true blood/SVMbuffy the vampire slayer and all vampires/werewolves/other supes.  if you're unsure, just ask one of us!

any other time, you can ask to post off-topic campfires by paging a ranger- just click on the smokey the bear icon up in your forest taskbar.  message any of the rangers there- wolvesnvamps, jennyfly, tor, jandco, emibella, jennday, grownasswoman, capricornnumbers, littlesecretnumbers, or me, wtvoc.  

 but..... during the free for all, anything's cool.

a few notes: 

-please don't use a naughty word (refer to george carlin's big seven if you don't know what they are, but i'd say "piss" is okay) in your campfire.  cussin' in the comments is fine and dandy, but we'd like to keep it safe for people who may just be innocently clicking on the forest while at work or school or at church or whatever.

-no personal attacks!  please, espouse your opinion freely.  you can start a campfire about how much wtvoc's fanfiction sucks or that you just don't like certain websites.  but don't insult a person in this fandom directly, dude.  not cool.  we've banned for that before, so don't think we're just saying that.  celebs have lawyers and PR specialists to protect their feelings through litigation.  Suzie Q Fanfiction Author does not.

-if you want to link to other twilight universe websites (including blogs and contests), please ask first.  it's in the rules, but people ignore that one all the time.  

-have fun with campfires!  it bums me out when i wake up in the morning and the first campfire i see is the same one i saw when i went to bed the night before.  you don't have to have something that will generate over a hundred comments.  there's always going to be someone who responds to you!

now, on with the freeforall.  we rangers have a pretty special surprise coming up for you guys, and i will say that if more people are participating this weekend that we might roll it out earlier than expected.

suggestions for great topics: new music, harry potter, my hottie is better than your hottie, beauty products/advice, young adult books, what to be for halloween.  what say you create a campfire right now, and make your ole uncle wtvoc happy today?

now, any questions, comments, suggestions, offers of gifts to the wtvoc is broke fund can go in this campfire.

bellatrix and lucius thank you for your time.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


A While Back

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 7:25 PM

I mentioned I'd discovered a good sci fi book and hoped it was going to be made into a movie.

Well guess what?

 It is!

I. Am. Excited.


Here is the trailer:


What are the books would you like to see brought to the big screen? What movies are you looking forward to? (Besides Harry Potter, duh)


(Approved by wtvoc)


Halloween Fun

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 6:06 PM


Mine is pretty bad but you'll need to join sarrahh1 and me in the campfire to see it.

Edit: Come tell us your favorite and least favorite costume...

Approved by jennyfly


STRIKE! YOU'RE OUT! (of fic diving)

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 5:07 PM

So, as some of you are probably aware, it's playoff season for baseball! And my team is still in it (GO GIANTS!). Annnyyyywaaayyyy...

All this baseball excitement lately has got me a little riled up for the boys in the tight pants with long bats, playing with balls, hitting home runs... (I meant that all strictly baseball-speaking... right?).

I've tried fic diving a little for some BaseballWards, but, uh, that just kind of made me want to throw up or laugh until my spleen burst. So, I need a little help. Rec me your Catcherwards and Pitcherwards, your Rounding-Third-BaseWards, your Team-Managerwards.

Any -Wards with any baseball affilliation! I know there are Hockeywards (I've loved on them), Tenniswards, QBwards... but where are the BaseballWards?!

And, in the meantime, a little playoff fever, perhaps--who's your team? Are they in the playoffs, did they get there, or were they knocked out? Who are you rooting for now?


*first campfire, but I think since it's Twi/fic related I'm okay posting, right?*

*I'd post a little something FYT, but I'm techno-challenged about finding links and stuff, especially from my folders*


Backin' up

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 4:06 PM

Post me some funny. We've seen tattoos, we've seen things that make us want to run and hide. Now share your funny or your what the*$%# pics, videos, or stories.

Here's my contribution.  This lady is too funny.  I think she'd be a hoot to be friends with.  In fact, I feel like I know someone like her already.

approved by the lovely and talented wtvoc and gaw - yeah I was impatient. :)



episode 2.15 "phases"

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 3:02 PM

Well, I like you. You're nice, and you're funny, and you don't smoke. Yeah, okay, werewolf, but that's not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I'm not much fun to be around either.

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