
buffy episodes 2.11 and 2.12- D: D: D:

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 4:14 PM

attention.  the following buffy double header will gut you.

this is the game-changer, the paradigm shift.  after these episodes, one of the major story arcs for angel, buffy, and even spike will be set into motion.  this storyline arcs over the entire series and goes on into angel, the comic books, and is basically the beautitful tragedy that is buffy the vampire slayer's life.

episode 2.11: "surprise"

Angel: Shhh. I...
Buffy: You what?
Angel: I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop.
Buffy: Me, me, too. I can't either.


aaaaaand i'm dying all over again.  my god, why is it always way worse after you've already seen it once (or in my case, about 15 times)?

episode 2.12: "innocence"

Spike, my boy, you really don't get it! Do you? You tried to kill her, but you couldn't. Look at you. You're a wreck! She's stronger than any Slayer you've ever faced. Force won't get it done. You gotta work from the inside. To kill this girl... you have to love her.


Cast Update

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 3:13 PM

I guess that the Twilight news cycle is about to ramp up again.  The only name I recognize is Lee Pace as Garrett and I kind of adore him, so that's good.


by The Twilight Saga on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 2:33pm

Summit Entertainment announced today the following have been cast in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN for roles in The Amazon Coven, The Egyptian Coven, The Irish Coven and The Romanian Coven as well as the American and European Nomads as outlined below.


* Senna – Tracey Heggins
* Zafrina – Judi Shekoni

Among the oldest vampires in the world, Senna and Zafrina are descendants of an ancient Amazonian tribe. They have lived outside of civilization for centuries and therefore make no attempt to keep up a human facade. Though they drink human blood, the Amazons have long been allies of Carlisle.


* Amun – Omar Metwally
* Kebi – Andrea Gabriel
* Benjamin – Rami Malek
* Tia – Angela Sarafyan

The Egyptian Coven consists of Amun, Kebi, Benjamin, and Tia, with Amun as the leader. It is stated that even though they are not a biological family, they could pass for one. Amun is extremely protective of his family and fearful of Aro.


* Maggie – Marlane Barnes
* Siobhan – Lisa Howard
* Liam – Patrick Brennan

The Irish Coven, a relatively young group, was founded by Siobhan and Liam, but Maggie’s talent made her an important element of it. They are not vegetarian but they are civilized.


* Vladimir – Noel Fisher
* Stefan – Guri Weinberg

The Romanian Coven is one of the oldest covens in the world and they were the ruling vampire family until they were unseated by the Volturi. For that reason they harbor a centuries old resentment of the Italian coven.


* Garrett – Lee Pace
* Mary – Toni Trucks
* Randall – Bill Tangradi
* Peter – Erik Odom
* Charlotte – Valorie Curry

Turned during the Revolutionary War, Garrett has chosen to live a nomadic existence, wandering the world on his own. Garrett has never lost the rebellious spirit of his human life, and loves a good fight, always rooting for the underdog. Though not a vegetarian, Garrett is among Carlisle’s closest and oldest friends.

Mary and Randall are American nomadic vampires.

Peter and Charlotte are nomadic vampires and mates. They were created during the aftermath of the Southern Vampire Wars, in which Jasper was a key player. They have remained friends with Jasper ever since.


* Alistair – Joe Anderson

A nomadic vampire from England, Alistair has a misanthropic, brooding personality and a deep mistrust of all authority. Although he counts Carlisle as his closest acquaintance, he doesn’t visit more than once a century.


* The next chapter of THE TWILIGHT SAGA will be released as two separate films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011 and the second coming to theatres on November 16, 2012.

* Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing.

* THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.

About the TWILIGHT film series

The TWILIGHT film series stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and tells the story of 17-year-old Bella Swan who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and becomes drawn to Edward Cullen, a pale, mysterious classmate who seems determined to push her away. But neither can deny the attraction that pulls them together…even when Edward confides that he and his family are vampires. The action-packed, modern day vampire love story TWILIGHT, the first film in the series, was released in theatres on November 21, 2008 to a blockbuster reception. The second installment of the film franchise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON was released November 20, 2009 and the third installment, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE was released June 30, 2010.


ADF's Fan Video Post

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 1:45 PM







"Remember Me - I Wish I Could Go Back" by LadyCoProductions <- You know I had to sneak in a RM video in here somewhere.




"Breathe Again || Edward & Bella" by yours truly... :)  <- The quality blows, so I apologize, but that's what I get for a sucky vidding program. lol

LJ Summers

Love Triangle Fics

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 12:01 PM

Real love triangles.  Where A loves B who loves C who might also love A.  And maybe B loves A.  

Love Triangles are a mess, I know from painful personal experience. Alas.  But...

...They Make Great Fic!


So share with us your favorite love triangle fics.  AH or AU, canon or non, hey, we're open here! ;-)

You know, in a recommendation kind of way.  You doubt? Then check out our MASTER FIC LIST where we are in the process of amassing it ALL.  

My rec will be within, as is usual.

Thank you for sharing your favorite Love Triangle Fics around the fire!





Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 9:38 AM

 This week’s game: FanFic-tionary!
(Describe the title of a fic, or a catchphrase from a fic, by using an image for each word in the title/phrase)
1. You can use a title or catch phrase (a memorable phrase associated with a particular fic)
2. Use a word or image to describe each word in the title/phrase
3. When you leave a guess, make sure to also enter your own clues as well!

Not Now +  = ?
(Answer:  Laters + Baby (Master of the Universe))
 +  =?
(Answer: Wide Awake)
My entry is inside!
Special thanks to Ranger Capricorn75 for approval and stickage!  You are so goober-licious!

I Don't Even Know What To Say

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 8:39 AM



Show us things that make you want to run away and hide forever



Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 3:11 AM

Let's venture out to something that got a lot of us to gather here in the first place, one way or another.

Rob as Edward Cullen




Share your pics, gifs, vids and discuss!

Needless to say, this restricts the material to images from Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse, as well as the promotional material for the franchise.



Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 10:44 PM

Okay, ladies.

I'm going through a pretty rough break up. Tomorrow will be day 6. (Pathetic, right?)

If anyone's got anything to offer me, be it tough love or pics of Rob that might make me quiver, I welcome it.

C'mon, ladies. Help a sister out.


Love you all, fellow crazies.


The Mine Rescue

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 8:50 PM

The first miner is out; here is the live feed if you are interested!

 The LIVE video feed.:





Approved TwitterStyle by grown.ass.woman





Just Wonderin'

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 7:20 PM

I was just thinking about how Rpattz said in an couple interviews that he wanted to be a rapper at one time. He even went as far as making a couple of homemade tape recordings. Just trying to imagine that is cute, endearing and Hella funny all at once.

Anywho... does anyone know of any fics where Edward be spittin' tha rhymes yo!

^^^ failed attempt at being gangsta, do they talk like that?

In other words, rec the rapperwards please?? ;p


Good Old Looking For a Fic Campfire

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 7:08 PM

Can somebody help me please!  Now that I've started the search for this fic it's driving me crazy!

So I was reading a fic tonight and I got to thinking about another fic with this same theme. There seem to be a lot of these now a days, but I was reading this one and never favored it, and now I'm curious to see what exactly happened.

Here's what I remember about the fic:

Edward and Bella are dating and he and Alice go to Europe. I believe that it's for just the summer for some type of music school or something but Carlisle gets an offer and so it's going to be longer than just the summer. Bella and Edward continue their relationship long distance when things start to get complicated. Bella finds out she's pregnant, and Edward goes to a party, gets drunk and makes out (at least) with Tanya. Back home Bella is trying to figure out how to tell Edward, but they can't seem to connect on the phone. In Europe Edward is beyond mad at himself and somehow Alice knows what happened with Tanya. The last thing I remember is that Alice and Edward are going to have a talk.

I know this is a typical story line, but hopefully the Europe aspect is enough to set it apart from other fics?

Thanks in advance for the help!
Kari :) 


Name that Fic

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 5:08 PM

I seen a fic and I can't remember who wrote it or the name. I just took a glance at it so I don't really know what it was about. I do know that Edward was a vamp and that he was putting small amounts of venom into Bella without her knowledge. I think it was some kind of game or something cause James and Victoria realized what he was doing. I'm guessing they were friends. Does this sound familar to anyone?


It's hard out here for a pimp (& rec)

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 4:31 PM

When we did this campfire last month it got a good response, so since I'm a bit unoriginal when it comes to starting new threads (we all know that 90% of mine are Rob-oriented, no shame in my game) I thought we could do another one.



This one strictly for those hidden gems, secret treasure, little-known fics that don't get 50, 100, 200 reviews per chapter. We're all familiar with the flavors of the week. We see the names tossed around in various campfires, on Twitter, and in author's notes. However, with over 160,000 Twi-fics on FF.net alone, it's hard for the average story to get picked up and noticed. So in this campfire, give us your recs for those under-the-radar fics. Let's go with stories that have at least 4 chapters if they are a WIP (completed fics can be less than 4 chaps, that's fine), have updated in the last 4 weeks or so, and average LESS THAN 25 reviews per chapter.

Please give us the title, summary, and link if you would be so kind :-)

My last request is that if you choose to read any of these recommended fics, PLEASE show the author some love and respect and leave them a review- or even better, reviewS- as you go along.


buffy episode 2.10 "bad eggs"

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 3:47 PM

Giles: "I suppose there is a sort of Machiavellian ingenuity to your transgression."
Xander: "I resent that! Or possibly thank you."

tomorrow is a double-header, and for those of you who've already seen them (whether ye be cheats n scallywags who forged ahead without the rest of us or ye be original followers of the slayer), you know that this is THE game-changer of the entire series.  for those of you who are new, all i can say is... don't miss this.

and in case you need an incentive to watch, tomorrow's eps are where we got this marvelous gif from (gracias, patsyrobinson):

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Who Do You Trust?

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 3:43 PM

I was recently giving a story a second chance -- I had tried it once before but got annoyed by some little pet peeves and clicked that red X -- and it occurred to me that without a specific person's recommendation, I wouldn't have stuck with it.  The story was pretty good; it definitely hit its stride long after I had given up on it the first time.

Anyhow, this got me thinking about the power of a personal recommendation, how great it is to find someone whose fic tastes are similar to your own, or maybe even someone who understands what you like and what you don't like enough to send tailor-made rec's your way.  So here's my question for you:

Who Do You Trust? 

Share with us their name (could be a friend, or it could just be an author who includes fic rec's at the end of their chapters), a story they recommended that turned out to be total win, and then link us to their Favorites page on Fanfiction.net. 


One of my trusted recommenders will be in the comments. Blessings!


Fic Prompts

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 3:12 PM

Since I lurk in the forest a lot and this seems to be rare in the Twilight fandom, I figured I'd start a fic prompt post. 

Here's the deal, post an image or a phrase and whoever responds has to write a drabble (100 words give or take).  Your response can be canon or non-canon pairings, vamp or humans.  Be creative.  Maybe keep the rating to a heavy T so that everyone can participate.


approved by der luverly GAW

Picture prompt:


LJ Summers


Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 9:32 AM

Brought to you by the letters S and O and by the number 54, this suggested category is one that will REQUIRE MAINTENANCE if y'all decide you like it.  I'll link it, of course, on the MASTER FIC LIST but you might want to favorite this one on its own, too.  

You know, in case you want to keep a NEW FIC thing going. :) (OR, if a Camper here at ADF wants to keep a running list of new fics, we can maybe just post something once in a while.  A Different Forest is all about user-generated content!)

pot pourri

I realize this will be a mixed-batch, pot pourri kind of campfire, but I bet y'all have found SOMETHING new and noteworthy to read and rec that has been started in September or October! So go check your Alert lists, your Favorites lists, or maybe even the Sneak Peek campfire Kalejay does for us every week. ;-)

What new fics do you find rec-worthy? Share them! Mine will be within. :)


Thank you for sharing your favorites around the fire!


Kristen Kristen Kristen

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 8:36 AM

Jesse, Robert, Dakota, Michael, Taylor, Ryan, Nikki, Eddie, Garrett, Sam, Tom, (man writing that at the end there feels so good because it's true and awesome and beautifullll), and errr other people... help me, guys...


Kristen has had a lot of handsome and beautiful co-stars. Sometimes we like to ship her with these co-stars-- dakotastew and jessestew, anyone? Sometimes she's actually dating them, and they visit her on the sets of other projects she's working on, or she hangs out with them, and we get great pics and stare and comment and have lots of fun. So today I'm asking you guys: who's your favorite? Her adorable boyfriend? Her ex? The multitalented Nikki Reed? The handsome young Garrett? Or, idk, her good friend Tom?

Spam me with pics from the movies, from events or interviews, from a nice evening out, whatever. Some of the Adventureland interviews are just so precious, and you know you love the clip of her giggling with Dakota. Play nice. If you don't like any of these people, just spam me with Kristen.

Also, how CUTE was she on The Tonight Show?! And she's going to be on LIVE! with Regis & Kelly next week!



All The "--wards" In The House

Tuesday October 12, 2010 at 7:10 AM










Probably... What I'm wondering is this: What are your favorite characteristics? SWEET, NICE, SENSITIVE? THEN THERE'S ARROGANT, CHAUVINIST, BAD TEMPER, HOT? 



Emancipation Proclamation Ch 79

Monday October 11, 2010 at 10:09 PM

I just saw this in my inbox!

"(There are two epilogues remaining that will post back-to-back when they are completed. This is the last regular chapter.)"

I must admit to not having read anything from about Chapter 70, onward.  I was too schitzo about this story to stand the suspense.  Now, Chapter 79 is posted.

Edit:  I noticed that there was a suggestion that I mention there are SPOILERS within this thread.  

First --- | >> | 1007 | 1008 | 1009 | 1010 | 1011 | 1012 | 1013 | 1014 | 1015 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
