
jack o lanterns

Friday October 8, 2010 at 2:50 PM


and something relatively easy as I am not a master of knives. but the easiness is not important.

but ideas, really.

backstory: you see I am entering a contest for carving pumpkins and with my team of 6, WE WANNA WIN.  the prize is having our pumpkin being showcased at a mall, which isn't really a big deal, but we're in it for bragging rights anyway!!! end of backstory

please and thankyou.

questions to get it started:

what was a really creative idea that you've really liked?

alright, never mind, i can't think of anymore questions.

i want epicness!!!


The hotness that is Rob

Friday October 8, 2010 at 1:53 PM

No words necessary.

More at Pattinsonlife (you have to be a member... and it's worth it).


Pumpkins Please!

Friday October 8, 2010 at 1:46 PM

We all know it is that time of year and we have chatted about Halloween costumes, music, movies and fics. I think it is time we talked Recipes.

Particularly pumpkin recipes.

Everywhere I look I see pumpkin this pumpkin that. I heard even Starbucks has a pumpkin latte.

I give you how pumpkin pies are made.

Sir Rachel


Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:28 PM long has it been? I'm out of practice on making giant gushing campfires for it!


That's right. The fantabulous Jennyfly and Jandco updated

Go read and come back to discuss/panic with me!


dis iz a poast

Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:12 PM

I am bored and when I'm bored, I open up Paint (well, the mac equivalent....)


So, I challenge you all to

draw something




Chumbawumba, soundtrack to my life!

Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM

Make the soundtrack to your life in this campfire!

What is the song you wake up to in the morning?
What's the song you sing in the shower?
What's the song that gets you through a long day?
What song do you use to get ready to go out?
What song do you listen to while you're getting your drink on?
What song do you HAVE TO dance to?
What song puts you to sleep?

Mine'll be in the comments. :)



Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:01 PM




It's FRIDAY and I'm feeling a bit cheeky. 

         I wanna see the faces of all you lovely campers!

To make this fun, show me some different expressions.

They can be funny, cute, pretty... you decide!

If you don't wanna show your face, post a picture of your fave celeb making a funny face... like our dear Rob here

Mine are in the comments

Happy friday peoples!!!


Household Essentials

Friday October 8, 2010 at 11:18 AM

I'm being a bit cheeky here... And this is a pretty boring campfire, but if you could help me out - that'd be great.

I'm moving out on Monday. Now I like to think I've got everything I need to set up my new flat... but I've just got this niggling feeling that I've forgotten something major.

What are your essentials? What could you not live without?

Luna StarFire

Happy Horror Flicks

Friday October 8, 2010 at 11:08 AM

So I just watched this movie:


It was okay, 3 out of 5 stars I gave it on Netflicks.  
Show me trailers of your favorite horror/scary movies.  Mine will be in comments.

Tips For Survival

Friday October 8, 2010 at 10:52 AM

Title explains itself. :)

Share your best tips for survival. No particular subject, no restrictions. Share the gems. Pass on the torch. Let us learn from your experiences and mistakes. Mine will be in the comments.


PS:If you feel like it, you can leave me some sugar. (JACKSON OMG OMG OMG JACKSON ZOMGGGGGG) You get what I mean? ;)


what kind of drunk are you?

Friday October 8, 2010 at 10:46 AM

what type of drunk are you?

me, I'm a happy drunk.  I laugh at everything and everyone and I'm deliourously giddy.  my less-than-stellar coordination deteriotes even more and I swear to god, I feel like a freaking 13 year old. 

So... what about you?


eta: I am (just slightly, not really) drunk right now.  my options are to hole myself up in my room with a glass of wine or go help prep for thanksgiving dinner (i'm canadian.)  this is my excuse if I come across as hyper and overly eager and your warning.

LJ Summers

Heroward Fics

Friday October 8, 2010 at 9:08 AM

Faster than a speeding bullet....!

More powerful than a locomotive...!

Able to leap... – 

Okay, maybe not.   But still, sometimes Edward – the Byronic Hero of our time, some say – does act in an heroic manner.


Even if he's not providing world peace, Edward can be a hero.  Share with us YOUR favorite HEROWARD! (And yes, of course he CAN wear a costume!) AH preferred! 

CLARIFICATION: Checking in with the initial request for this campfire, we're looking for stories in which Human Edward rescues Bella from some sort of danger, leading to them falling in love.  Awww....  

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:  Keep it simple.  No discussions. Thank you!  (Exceptions are always made for RANGER CAPRICORN75.)


I'll have my rec within.

Thank you for sharing your favorite Heroward around the campfire!


If you are seeking any kind of particular breed of fanfic, please check out our MASTER FIC LIST where we have more than FIFTY compilations!


Key Word Smut Killers

Friday October 8, 2010 at 9:05 AM

We've all been there. We're reading a really hot fanfiction scene, getting a little keyed up....

And then, it happens.

A word, a phrase, or sentence that's a total smut buzz kill.

Share your short list of key words and phrases that make you want to cross your legs in face palmery  instead of arch your back in smutty ectasy. My list will be in the comments.

(and I write this knowing I will have probably used half of the descriptions in my own smut myself - this all in good fun...)


Fic me baby, one more time!

Friday October 8, 2010 at 8:52 AM


So, as I've mentioned [moaned/bitched about] before...fanfic is banned here so I can't read any of the great fics out there. I don't log in to Twilighted much...and have been reading stuff solely on ADF, though I do sporadically ask for updates to be gets too tedious, especially 'cause I'm too tired after work...I just wanna click on an update and read.

Anyhow, can you guys rec me some good ol' BxE that's fun, different, contemporary? Not a lotta heartfail. Classy lemons. Fun plot.

Right now I'm loving,

Green, On Grey Mornings, Wedding Party, A rough start - all on ADF...

...Rec me something NEW/FRESh/Sweer, please


I'm starting another one before I head home...

Friday October 8, 2010 at 8:41 AM

I was wondering....does anyone out there fancy making me a banner?

It's for my HP fic which is picking up some speed and I feel like I owe it some graphics

THIS is the link if any of you people wanna check it out (though the purpose of this wasn't to pimp I think I'll change that =P)

and this is the summary:  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry » reviews
What if when the killing curse backfired on Voldemort, it actually killed him? What then? Draco/Hermione fic. AU OOC Rated M for foul mouths and fornication
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Parody - Chapters: 10 - Words: 27,299 - Reviews: 78 - Updated: 10-6-10 - Published: 6-7-10 - Draco M. & Hermione G

It's full of trashy teenage debauchery and would be grateful to any of your bored graphics people out there to help?

And to make this interactive, pimp your writing for other fandoms (crossovers included)


KStew or RPatz??

Friday October 8, 2010 at 7:58 AM

Okay Campers...I have a question for you all on this fine Friday :) 

I'm sure we have all played "Truth or Dare" when we were giggly preteens.  And hey, some of us still prefer to see ourselves as giggly preteens :) Well...I was lucky enough to be witness to my 10 year old neice's first slumber party last night (they are out of school today) and let me just say there was alot of truth or dare action going on.  So in the spirit of this youthful rite of passage I ask you this:

Would you rather make out with:


So, go ahead, be a little silly with me and let me know your thoughts.  This is my first campfire so.... My answer will be in the comments :)  Happy Friday everyone!

Oh, and I'm talking about Robert Pattinson, NOT Edward Cullen.


Friday October 8, 2010 at 7:52 AM

I hate time zones. It is very late where I am (AEDST, Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time) and I am all alone in my lingering. When I want to post something, I know that it will likely be burried by the early morning (in America) posts of others. There is no-one out there right now to talk to. It seems like everyone has the most fun when I am asleep. Free for all Fridays are my Saturday.

Is there anyone out there who feels my pain?

Let's try and boost the Forest when everyone else is asleep.

Luna StarFire

Getting to know you

Friday October 8, 2010 at 7:39 AM


Wacky Question Time!!!

You are presented with a job that details in you moving to a remote island by yourself to live there for a year.  Your job will be to v-log about your time on the island.  You have to post 1 vid a day.   No communication to the outside world but maybe answer vid comments.   Food is already provided along with clothes.  

Do you accept the job?  If so what 5 things would you take with you?

Melissa Cullen

Gchat campfire

Friday October 8, 2010 at 6:33 AM

So the ever awesome dennis#s had a campfire yesterday about admiring people from afar and being to shy/intimidated/whatever about talking to them.  It was a great campfire, but one of the things I saw a lot were comments along the lines of "I'd love to gchat with them, but I'm scurred."  So this is a

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In order to keep from putting your gchat out there on the interwebs for everyone to see, if you're interested in making new friends and adding people to your gchat list post a comment inside.  Then people can PM you if they want to add you and you can PM the people you'd like to add.  If you're really nervous or super shy, send ME a PM and I'll be your gchat friend and I PROMISE to chat with you!  Now come on in, the fire's warm and make some new friends.  Because who doesn't like new friends?  ;-)


Daniel Radcliffe, vampires, and Bart Simpson

Friday October 8, 2010 at 6:00 AM

This is genius. Daniel Radcliffe, next seen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, will be making a guest appearance in an upcoming episode of The Simpsons but he will not be playing himself nor Harry Potter. Instead, Radcliffe will be voicing Edmund the vampire, a clear spoof of Twilight and Robert Pattinson’s character Edward Cullen. Spoiler TV got the first image of the character, which you can see above.

The episode, titled Treehouse of Horror XXI will air on Fox in the US on November 7th. Here’s the synopsis for the episode:

Beware of ouija boards, vampires, and unexpected guests in the 21st annual installment of the “Treehouse of Horror.” In “War and Pieces,” the first of three spine-tingling tales, Marge (Julie Kavner), worried about the effects of excessively violent video games, encourages Bart (Nancy Cartwright) and Milhouse (Pamela Hayden) to give wholesome, classic board games a shot. The best friends discover that board games aren’t boring after all when they find themselves playing a real-life game in which they must beat all the challenges before they are allowed to return to home.

The supernatural spells continue in “Tweenlight,” when Lisa (Yeardley Smith) becomes smitten with a mysterious new student, Edmund (guest voice Daniel Radcliffe), who also happens to be a vampire. When a romance blossoms, the young lovers run away to Dracula-la Land, leaving Homer (Dan Castellaneta) to come to Lisa’s rescue.

In the final frightening fable, “Master and Cadaver,” Homer and Marge set sail on a romantic second honeymoon, but are interrupted when they rescue Roger (guest voice Hugh Laurie), a castaway who escaped an attempted poisoning on his ship. Convinced that Roger is sabotaging their getaway and plotting a murder of his own, Homer and Marge take matters into their own hands.

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