

Tuesday October 5, 2010 at 7:20 AM


sometimes school is so boring I can hardly keep myself from falling asleep

but mainly it's only in politics ( i don't know why )

ok so here's the thing to keep myself from falling asleep i do different things: i read a book, i do my homework :]

or just like last wednesday I scribble something on a sheet of paper

and here is my masterpiece: 

ok so does anyone know the song Pieces by Red

well yes this was inspired by it


anyway my QUESTION is!!

what do you do when you're bored

at school, at work, home, everywhere??????

(give me ideas of what i can do next time :p)


Gimme Gimme More

Tuesday October 5, 2010 at 4:51 AM

This is my first campfire. :D Here is my question: Which fic do you get most excited about when you see it has been updated? Please include the link, it would be nice to check it out.



Monday October 4, 2010 at 9:09 PM

I'm not sure if anybody has seen this yet or not, but I wanted to post it anyway because I thought it was hilarious!

Apparently somebody got the trucker-vibe from the recent GrizzlyAdams-Rob. So they made him a profile on a trucker dating site or something. LMAO 

Trucker Passions- lol



Monday October 4, 2010 at 8:46 PM

I am not going to make any campfires today.


Not  one.


I just wanted to make it official.


Carry On.



SHARE THE SILLY by leaving a non-comment in this non-campfire!


Thank you g.w.a for approving this non-campfire.


(My non-comment inside)



OK, I have this awesome plot for a fanfic.

Monday October 4, 2010 at 8:19 PM

I have this awesome plot (well I think it is) but I'm not a writer! So my question for you campers is...

A.) Have any of you been in this predicament?

B.) Would any of lovely ladies (or men) be up for possibly writing it for me, because I really want to know how it ends? haha


dawnmarie dreaming

Looking for Jandco's Fics

Monday October 4, 2010 at 4:40 PM

hey everyone!  so, i read all of jandco's fics way back when i first got addicted to this whole twilight fanfic thing.  i'm talking the dark ages - before i had created a account for myself or had even dared to dream that a place like the forest existed or that someone would create neat little things like fanfic downloaders.

what i'm trying to say is, i obviously don't have any of her fics saved to my computer.  since i've done two or three "help me find this fic i read once" campfires on fics that have ended up being hers, i thought i should go ahead and download them all so i can do a re-read.  only when i went looking, they'd all been taken down off and moved here to the forest.  anywhoo, since i do most of my re-reading when i'm out of town w/out internet access, i was hoping someone out there might have copies of them in either word or pdf format that they can send to me.  or is there a fanfic downloader out there that works on fics in the forest?  i haven't found one yet.

before anyone gets too worked up, i pm'd the lovely jandco before starting this fire to make sure she was ok with me soliciting for her fics.  and since she is kick ass, she said it was fine.

so, if you have them and wouldn't mind sending them my way, it would be great!



Monday October 4, 2010 at 3:08 PM

Hey ladies (and gentlemen... maybe?)! What's your favorite non-canon pairing? I've searched deep within my soul, and decided I like canon, but what about you? (:


a way to spend an evening

Monday October 4, 2010 at 2:41 PM

Hello my darlings .. amnesia post here ..

Im trying to remember a fic - first of on twilighted it had an banner with a strawberry on it.  the summary was something about ; it all started when i went shopping for a bed for my best friend.  Edward.

Bella calls him Teddy in the fic - theres a cabin, a bed obviously, and the name has something like affection, the effect something something in it.  i can never (obviously) remember.


found! joyjoy and i recc -


En-ger-land, na na na

Monday October 4, 2010 at 2:17 PM

(Yes, this is my second campfire of the day.  Yes, I have an idea for a third.  I am trying to space 'em out).

I have seen many mentions of people meeting up with campers and Twitter friends in their area and I am jealous :(.  So I have decided we should try and do one in the UK :).

So, this is aimed at British campers (or those on the continent that think they could make it to the UK for a day or two).  Would you be interested?

Let me know if you are, what sort of dates you'd be available (i.e. do you normally work weekdays so could only meet on weekdays) and where you think the best place to meet would be.  I think a lot of people might say London but if we have Scottish and Welsh campers interested, somewhere in the middle might be easier.

I'd ask for ideas of what you want to do but I think we all know we're going to go to a pub.

The best of British:

And he's Irish but it would be rude to leave him out:

Campfire kindly approved by Cappy.


Possible new project for Rob

Monday October 4, 2010 at 1:07 PM

I've learned to take these with a grain of salt, but I'm very eager to see what Rob's next job will be. Wish he wasn't promised to Breaking Down for the next six months or whatever. The plot summary sounds pretty cool....

In an interview with the Herald Scotland playwright, Peter McDougall, says he's written a screenplay that's in the hands of Robert Pattinson.
McDougall has written a screenplay of James Hogg’s Confessions of a Justified Sinner. “I’ve got Tommy Gormley, who’s directing in America now, (Star Trek, Independence Day) and people such as Patrick Doyle agreeing to do the music, and Connolly and Coltrane have agreed to put their names to it. It’s currently with Twilight star Robert Pattinson, and Kelly MacDonald, who are looking at it. If Pattinson agrees it should go ahead.”


Plot summary from Amazon:

One of the supreme masterpieces of Romantic fiction and Scottish literature, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner is a terrifying tale of murder and amorality, and of one man's descent into madness and despair. James Hogg's sardonic novel follows a young man who, falling under the spell of a mysterious stranger who bears an uncanny likeness to himself, embarks on a career as a serial murderer. The memoirs are presented by a narrator whose attempts to explain the story only succeed in intensifying its more baffling and bizarre aspects. Is the young man the victim of a psychotic delusion, or has he been tempted by the devil to wage war against God's enemies?


Worker Bee?

Monday October 4, 2010 at 12:34 PM

So I read Of Mice and Men for the gazillionth time today and now I'm hankering for a Plantation-ward. Or just a blue collar-ward. Or a 'lower socio-economic group'-ward. You get where I'm going with this right?

Many thanks!


Harper's Bazaar Twilight cover wins

Monday October 4, 2010 at 11:16 AM

CHICAGO, October 4, 2010 — The cover of the December 2009 issue of Harper’s Bazaar, featuring the lead actors of the hit movie franchise Twilight, was chosen by customers as “Cover of the Year.” This is the second year that has hosted the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) Best Cover Contest, and the fifth year that ASME has presented the awards. The announcement was made today by Larry Hackett, ASME president and managing editor, People, at the American Magazine Conference currently underway in Chicago, Ill.

Twelve category winners, chosen by customers during the first round of public voting, competed for the “Cover of the Year” honor. The Harper’s Bazaar cover, which won the “Best Vampire” category before it was chosen “Cover of the Year,” depicts Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in a rare shot together. While the epic image played on the idea of courtship, it was given extra heat due to their real-life romance.


FF Sneak Peek

Monday October 4, 2010 at 10:01 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

As always, don't forget to include a link to your story!


Prince Charming

Monday October 4, 2010 at 8:48 AM

I'm in a fluffy kind of mood and I have been watching Disney movies all weekend...

And the result is that I would really like seeing Edward as a prince. Book Edward already has the qualities of a prince, but he does not wear the clothes for it! He also lacks a white horse...

And Bella, either she's poor or a princess from the start, I want to see her fall in love with prince Edward.

So if you have read such a fic or written one, rec it!

Pretty please with sugar on top <3

Also, tell me your favorite Disney movie!


Introducing the Newest Star of Twilight!

Monday October 4, 2010 at 8:09 AM


If you could be the newest addition to the Twilight Saga, would you step in and TAKE THAT ROLE!

I would.

So here's my proposal to all you writers out there! How about writing a little "shorter-than-a-one-shot" story that stars you as the main character, or maybe you don't want to be the MAIN character, but you wouldn't mind being on the side stalking Edward.

Perhaps you already know a story in which the author is a main part in the Twilight Saga. Let me know! SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!!! I mean, hey! This could be fun!

Go at it campers! Be free!!!

(P.S. I figured since this campfire was about Twilight then it was okay to post. If I'm wrong PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!! I'M SORRY!!!)


It's Monday!

Monday October 4, 2010 at 7:43 AM

wow i haven't done this in a while...


How was your weekend?

Did you do anything fun?

Did you read anything good?

See any good movies?

What do you have planned for the week?

I have to say I am in good spirits today.  It's OCTOBER, my favorite month of the year--sadly it always goes too quickly.

But it's rainy and cool and the leaves are beginning to change.  LOVE IT!

I heard a rumor on twitter that ROB shaved his beard....this makes me sad, I love the beard.. let's pay it some homage:

Some Random Facts for your day:

~On October 4, 1970, Janis Joplin, a 1960s icon with her hit songs such as "Me and Bobby McGee" and "Piece of My Heart", died.
~When he died in 1927, the beard of Hans Langseth of Norway, was measured at 17 1/2 feet. Hans Langseth's beard can now be seen at the Smithsonian Institution.
~During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food.
~In the White House, there are 13,092 knives, forks and spoons.
~Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch T.V for 3 hours.
~There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo.
~GRAY hair is actually transparent, but appears gray due to the dead cells that make up the strand.

one of my fav Janis Joplin songs:


see the campfire below! RIP, Janis!

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

Monday October 4, 2010 at 7:41 AM

Today is a sad day.  It is 40 years since the death of the legendary Janis Joplin.

She's famous for her tragic end (by heroin overdose) and being a member of the 27 club, but this woman paved the way for all other women in rock and roll.

 - She partied as hard as the men around her.

 - She made it acceptable for women to get tattoos.

 - She wasn't known for being a pretty little puppet of the record industry, but for being a strong ballsy woman who wore what she wanted and did what she wanted.  She didn't wear make-up and made the world pay attention to her because of her voice, not because of her looks.  Any yet, she wasn't afraid to show her vulnerable side.

And the woman could sing:


She's been cited by so many female singers as their inspiration and the landscape of rock music would look so different today if she hadn't been around.

So come raise a glass of Southern Comfort (of course) to the first lady of rock and roll with me.

Campfire approved by GrownAssWoman


Did you get your NOMS in?

Monday October 4, 2010 at 7:19 AM

Today is the last day to submit your nominations for the Fandom PEOPLE Awards! Here's your chance to recognize and show your appreciation to your favorite fic reviewers, betas, artists, fansites, and fic pimps.

Go here to sumbit your nomination form! It's fast!

And it's easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!



Monday October 4, 2010 at 6:47 AM

I *FINALLY* got to read this over the weekend and I know I'm really late to the party but care to talk about it?

Did you like the ending?

How do you feel about the resolution of the love triangle?

DEATH DEATH AND MORE DEATH: Who was the most tragic loss in your opinion? 

What YA series do you think you'll read next?


Yarrrrr....der be spoilers ahead.


Emancipation Proclimation

Monday October 4, 2010 at 5:00 AM


Kharizzmatik has not updated for about 6 weeks, does anyone know if this story, one of my all time favorites, is still ongoing or was chapter 78 the last?

First --- | >> | 1014 | 1015 | 1016 | 1017 | 1018 | 1019 | 1020 | 1021 | 1022 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
