There have been campfires like this before, but I want to bring it up again. Almost everyone in this fandom has at least one person that they adore from afar, whether it be an author, reviewer, or someone that posts on one of the forums we frequent. Some of us have the balls to actually talk to them, some of us don't.
I was in the category of not having them until one of my favorite people responded to a post I made here at ADF. I didn't want her to think I was an idiot with what I had said, and it had been a couple of days since the campfire was started, so I sent a private message to her. That was about four months ago. Since then, she has become a friend of mine, one of the few I have. Some people think this person is unapproachable because her stories are some of the best in the Twilight fanfiction arena. I thought that she was unapproachable as well, but after talking with her, I realized just how wrong I was. She is amazing.
And it's not just authors I am talking about here. I have three people that I consider great friends in this fandom (there are more I know, like, and enjoy talking to, but I don't get to do it enough to consider myself a friend of theirs). One is an author as previously mentioned. One was a reviewer for my story when I had it posted. One isn't an author, and wasn't a reviewer of my story, but someone here at ADF that seen one of my posts and decided to talk to me. All three are special to me.
The point to this, and thusly the challenge, is to get people to talk to someone they feel is unapproachable, someone they think wouldn't give them the time of day. The people that participate in this fandom are regular people. No one is better than anyone else. Your favorite fanfic author, your favorite reviewer or poster here on ADF are regular people. You CAN talk to them. They aren't going to bite...but might if you ask them to.
Does anyone else have a story where they started talking to someone they adored for a long time but was afraid to approach them at first? I would be interested to hear these stories.
_-~=I didn't include any names here because I didn't want to embarrass anyone--being associated with me is certainly embarrassing. If they say it's ok for me to mention them by name, I will.=~-_