
Some call him master, Some call him a mess

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:27 PM






wolvesnvamps chiming in


god i know

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:13 PM

im totally overloading on campfires and i swear dis is the last one til you beg ...


but i found this pic and there´s a girl here who´s always posting it and here´s a different view on it for yo pleasure ...



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Life As We Know It

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 6:32 PM

Pardon if this was already a ladies are uber fast and i am uber slow at catching up hahhah!


Well the movie coming out with the beautiful Josh Duhamel and Katherine Heigl, in case anyone already hasn't seen the previews, is about two people who come together after they're made guardians of their friend's kid after they die in a car crash(?).  Anyway with the fun-ness (yes i made up that word) of the plot, I wanted to know is there a fic in our twi-world like this? Please leave links to stories if they're around, I'd love to read them. And if not, you noble authors out there, can you please write it cuz i wanna read it, LOL!! I ask with the kindness of my heart :)

And for your time....i give you some hottness from Mr. Duhamel


Banner Designer

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 6:30 PM

Hey campers,

I'm looking for a new banner and haven't been able to reach my go to gal, Danny, at Twispired blog design.  Do you have a favorite designer you've always admired or someone you'd like to reccomend?



Many thanks,


(hoping this is ok to post)


yo kiddos

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 6:09 PM

does anyone remember the name of a oneshot that contained the game happy happy hippos (or at least a sentence that contained happy happy hippo and em and rose in the background) where bella and edward are dating and bella is wondering if he´s really as posh as he seems or if its an act for her to seem more mature.  something about black and white movies. its cute as bunnies and if it´s by americnxidiot' i´ll freakin cry cos she hates me and pulled her fics before I could evily dl them on my computer for airplane rides ...


need happy fic recs pls

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 5:30 PM

i am hunt peck typing b/c i fractured both my wrists and can't type well. i wld appreciate happy fluffy sexy fun fics that will help me keep my mind off of not bein able to write or update my fic.

this was me yest. on happy pills. at lst it matched.

i feel awful that i can't and i am getting depressed just sittin her hurting. any ideas?



Back from a Holiday

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 4:44 PM

Some how during the start of this year I just stopped reading Fanfic altogether, not because I was bored with it, not because I was overly busy, nothing, I just stopped reading called turkey. I just kept on visiting ADF, weird right?

Anywhoo, I would like to get back on the FanFic bandwagon but I need a little kick start!

What would you say are the biggest and greatest fics in the last 6 months?

I know It's a big ask, but I would love the help!


omnnomnom Michael Pitt


Spammy music campfire

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 2:11 PM

Havent done one of this in ages...

Hi, this is a spammy music campfire. Post any music you like here, whether it be the song you've had in you head all day, the musician you're obsessed with or an old classic you love :D

 I've had this in my head all day
 and yeah love this sfm

approved by wolvesnvamps


University of Edward Masen?

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 1:52 PM

So I was minding my own business, browsing through my favorites list on ff.n when I came across SR's University of Edward Masen, which now has only 3 chapters... the first 2 and the epilogue.   Does anyone know what happened to it or if it can be accessed in full anywhere else?


The General-Writerly-Advice Campfire

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 12:14 PM

Since we have so many talented writers around here...

Today when I was finishing the newest chapter of my story, I ran into this one annoying thing that I couldn't quite get right and I thought, "Hey, I have access to a ton of awesome writers here. I should ask them how to fix this."

Is there something you always have trouble with? Something you don't ever feel like you can get just right? Some part of the writing process that's really hard for you, but shouldn't be? Ask about it here.

Writers, come share your advice!

(Mine's in the comments).


Hi! It's Autumn

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 10:56 AM

Hello lovely fabby campers!

It is AUTUMN! I love love love AUTUMN! We need a nice new background that shows off some incredible fall foliage. Got any ideas for us? Put 'em in the comments. Thank you in advance-MWAH!

LJ Summers

Childhood Sweetheart Fics

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 9:28 AM

Mums called me this morning and informed me it was the 53rd "steadyversary" for her and Dad. She was 13 at the time, which isn't exactly "childhood" but ... maybe kinda sorta?

SO, today here I want to know your favorite Twilight Fan Fictions that involve childhood sweethearts.  Any pairing and any rating.  A sweetly adorable K or a hot and steamy NC-17.  Not sure if AU would enter into it...but why not?

Which are your favorite childhood sweetheart fics to recommend?

There are, including this one, now over 50 lists at the MASTER FIC LIST campfire.  And people are still making requests!  

Go look for your favorite fics for today's list.  My rec will be within.


Thank you for sharing your favorite childhood sweetheart fics around the fire!


Oh, I was just living under that rock, over there.

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 9:10 AM

So, I'm venturing out and joining Twitter.

Any advice, info, know how? Who should I follow? What should I tweet? check me out with my modern day lingo!

What shall I does nows?

I will repost this morrow, if I don't get any info. Twitter shall be conquered! [or used sporadically until I get the hang of it]



I feel like that too, Robbie.

Approved by the mighty Tor.


A challenge of sorts

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 8:00 AM

There have been campfires like this before, but I want to bring it up again. Almost everyone in this fandom has at least one person that they adore from afar, whether it be an author, reviewer, or someone that posts on one of the forums we frequent. Some of us have the balls to actually talk to them, some of us don't.

I was in the category of not having them until one of my favorite people responded to a post I made here at ADF. I didn't want her to think I was an idiot with what I had said, and it had been a couple of days since the campfire was started, so I sent a private message to her. That was about four months ago. Since then, she has become a friend of mine, one of the few I have. Some people think this person is unapproachable because her stories are some of the best in the Twilight fanfiction arena. I thought that she was unapproachable as well, but after talking with her, I realized just how wrong I was. She is amazing.

And it's not just authors I am talking about here. I have three people that I consider great friends in this fandom (there are more I know, like, and enjoy talking to, but I don't get to do it enough to consider myself a friend of theirs). One is an author as previously mentioned. One was a reviewer for my story when I had it posted. One isn't an author, and wasn't a reviewer of my story, but someone here at ADF that seen one of my posts and decided to talk to me. All three are special to me. 

The point to this, and thusly the challenge, is to get people to talk to someone they feel is unapproachable, someone they think wouldn't give them the time of day. The people that participate in this fandom are regular people. No one is better than anyone else. Your favorite fanfic author, your favorite reviewer or poster here on ADF are regular people. You CAN talk to them. They aren't going to bite...but might if you ask them to.

Does anyone else have a story where they started talking to someone they adored for a long time but was afraid to approach them at first? I would be interested to hear these stories.

_-~=I didn't include any names here because I didn't want to embarrass anyone--being associated with me is certainly embarrassing. If they say it's ok for me to mention them by name, I will.=~-_



Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:25 AM

Where are all my Canadian campers?



THE NHL OFFICIALLY KICKS OFF TONIGHT (nevermind the pre season games, which I don't know what the point is, just make them regular games)








teenage paparazzo

Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 9:13 PM

I'm watching a documentary on HBO about a 14 year old paprazzo.  It's pretty interesting, not only because fame has gotten so popular that there's a teenager trying to make a profit off of it, but also because it delves into the history of paparrazi, how these people got into the business, how it works, etc.

What I found really interesting was how people feel like they really "know" these celebrities because they are photographed so often.  An example of that is Adrien Grenier (who is responsible for the documentary) was at a baseball game, and this dude walked right up to him, and gave him a "bro hug".  It was as if they had been friends for years.  I can't ever imagine invading someone's personal space like that.

Another part I thought was interesting, was that a survey was sent out to Jr. High School students.  The survey asked what kind of job was their "dream" job.  They could pick between a U.S. Senator, The President of Yale/Harvard, a Navy Seal, the CEO of a major corporation and the personal assistant to a celebrity.  Forty-two percent of the students picked the assistant position...crazy, eh?

Has anyone else seen the film?  What did you think?


Campire approved by G.A.W.


Renesmee announced

Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 8:49 PM

Message from SM on the facebook page:

Hi Everyone!


Congratulations to the Twilight Facebook Fan Page! 15 million fans! You guys never cease to amaze me. In other news...


Very excited about our new Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy. She's an amazing young actress and I'm excited to work with her. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer!


- Steph


So, what do you think?


AU fics recommend, please!

Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 8:14 PM

I'm a 90% AH reader of Twilight fanfiction. Partly it's because I find AU fics to be generally very close to the original, boring, redundant, even the New Moon ones which seem to be able to stray more from S. Meyer's story. When I like a AU story it's because even if the characters are vampires ( Bella is usually a vampire or half-vampire), the stories are utterly original like 'KISS ME, KILL YOU' by BloodsuckingLeech or 'The Bitter Sweetness of an Ocean Soul' by LimitedBannerMaker. Thus being said, I feel like reading some AU stories now but I don't find some original ones like the ones I like. Can you please recommend some?



Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 7:15 PM

Hey guys! its been so long since i left a campfire! i have been so busy with college apps for early action just kill me now ! SO STRESSFUL but i did find some down time to read a little last night then DROPPED my laptop so and now it wont turn on :( and NOW i dont know what story i was reading :( so guys you gotta help me asap! 

SUMMERY: bellas lived with her mom and her mom didnt care about her and phil hit her with a beer bottle when he was drunk and hit her with it and she has a scar and her mom sends her to forks to live with charlie and he caring of bella and its weird for her and she goes to a party gets drunk and gets slapped by tyler and edward saves her and they get more drunk and fell asleep in the bed and jessica and lauren play pranks on her cause she is friends with the cullens and they say that they are bad news or something 


BUT HELP ME FIND THIS STORY PLEASE i really was enjoying it and now i cant find it :( 

Thanks :)


Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 6:47 PM

Hello again, everyone!

I was just wondering. I have pretty good grammarz. Maybe not enough free time, but it can't hurt to ask:

What are the qualifications one needs to have to become a beta? 

How much contact do the author and their beta have to maintain?


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