
I Love ADF

Friday October 1, 2010 at 7:30 PM

This is a post (drunken perhaps) about WHY I love ADF

1. People are nice, there's no real ill words or people looking to put anyone down

2. Sharing fics! I've found sooo many here

3. Jandco

4. I feel like no matter what I say or post, someone shares my interest or point of view

5. I've made some good friends here

6. Honest opinions.. whether they be good or bad, I love that people aren't afraid to share what they're thinking

Why do YOU love it?


P.S I need a new avatar pic. Help me out. I love Rob as a rebel/bad boy/etc.

Luna StarFire

Here lurkers, lurkers, lurkers

Friday October 1, 2010 at 7:21 PM

So campers, I'm sure there are lurkers out there within the forest.  (Regulars your well to join in as well X D)  Come on out and party with us!  I know the forest might seem big and vast but I promise you there is always room to pull up a blanket and moon/star gaze.

I'm going to start posting on FFAF with a wacky questions.  Have fun with it.  Don't be afraid to join in.  

Question - If today was your last day on earth what would you do and what would your last meal be?



Friday October 1, 2010 at 7:17 PM

I've never done this before, and kinda hate myself for doing it right now, but I am seriously ...err...annoyed and I need some  campers to talk me off the ledge want some trusted forest dwellers input.  the forest is seriously the best.


my comments will be inside so those that want to stay drama free can be spared my rant haha.


Deciphering Milk and Honey

Friday October 1, 2010 at 5:22 PM

So, a year ago Jesus.Is.Magic, the disappearing author of In the Land of Milk and Honey said that the clues of the mystery are all in the story (what she wrote thus far) and it's just a matter of figuring them out and piecing them together.

I see clues but I am just as clueless as I was back then.

Since this fic most likely won't ever be completed (that is unless she's finally gets around to making it the original fic she envisioned. IF anyone notices said book on Omnific or Amazon let me know ASAP). While I don't fully support it, I have to know the deal with thi fic.

Moving on from that -

Anyone care to share their guesses on what happened? I thought it would be fun for everyone who's read it or are currently reading it for the first time to make it interactive as if the fic were still in progress. With ramblings of UoEM being similar, now that most have read that fic: have you figured out what the deal was in In the Land of Milk and Honey?


I still love it as I did back then but I want to figure even a little bit of it out.


On a different note: person who had this fic saved for a year.....where in the WORLD have you been? I've been waiting for you for a long long time and looking for you for a year and like 35 days! Thank you SO SO VERY MUCH!



Friday October 1, 2010 at 5:12 PM


Disclaimer: Y'all. I'm too drunk. Just be happy, mmkay?


Not ah?!?!

Friday October 1, 2010 at 5:04 PM

This will amuse those who have had the opporunity to read Jandco's "Imperfectly Perfect" (If you haven't read this story yet, do it!!)...Dude, guys! It's a real-life, but waaaay dirtier Bella!!

The #^$^ List


Happy Friday!!!


probably a stupid idea

Friday October 1, 2010 at 3:54 PM

let's make a mixtape

no, seriously

the theme of this mixtape is: getting ready for friday night

make suggestions for what you want on here.  please only choose one or two or i shall ignore you completely.

here's the hitch, though- you gotta send me the song 'cuz i ain't got everything, man.  PM me links and stuff.

anyway, i'll compile the list and upload one big fat forest-y mixtape and make it available to you all next week.

idk idk let's see if this works.

anyway, here're my contributions to the mixtape:


daft punk is for every occasion:


bar hoppin':




Tshirt Time

Friday October 1, 2010 at 3:34 PM

I recently found this video it made me laugh soo hard!!


Share with me some moments with Celebritys, or on your favorite tv shows, that have made you LOL


What about Bella?

Friday October 1, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Greetings fellow creatures of the forest: I have a Fic Request!

This is my inaugral campfire, and I'm looking for a few good Bellas.  There are so many cool Edwards, he's tatted, doctoring, arty, daddy dearest, maybe he's a CEO, a cop, or unemployed.  We love him on a motorcycle, in a Volvo, a Vanquish, or on a bicycle.  We'll take him stuttering and using a cane, wait out his manwhoring ways, and love him whether he is badass or totally traumatized.*ck.them.all.  (Or at least most.)  But what about Bella?

First, I'd like to know what virtues you saw in Bella from the original.  How do you see her canon traits?

Secondly, I'd like you to recommend me at least one fic (just one, doesn't have to be a favorite-of-all-time) with what you consider to be a 'good' Bella.  And please tell us what specific qualities or traits you like about her.  Why would Edward fall in love with her?  Is she canon, or is she an improvement on what you saw as a drawback in the original books?  I'd like to know what readers like about Bella.


Hot People

Friday October 1, 2010 at 10:57 AM

I'll try to keep it PG.

Basically, this is a campfire about hot, sexy people. Male AND female. We'll post pictures. talk about them endlessly. I just felt like seeing some DELISH people, yano. 

Here, I'll start.

Oh, your hands are cold? I'LL WARM THEM IN MY PANTS.


Holy Moly

Friday October 1, 2010 at 10:50 AM

So I've just now finished "Just Wait", which I started right after I finished "With Teeth".

I am so severly depressed right now! My lord. LOL  But they were both awesome fics.

I need something HAPPY and/or COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to pick me up. Which should I read next? Please guide me!

1. A Betting Man

2. University of Edward Masen (still one more epilogue to go I think?)

3. Bad Fauxmance

4. Bella Swan's Dating Guide

5. Songbird


Calling on Gamers

Friday October 1, 2010 at 10:01 AM

I was wondering...we talk about how addicted we are to twilight, but are there any gamers out there?

Do you have a favorite?



What's your poison?


is this real life?

Friday October 1, 2010 at 9:52 AM

Tonight the San Francisco Giants will be playing the San Diego Padres to try and clinch a spot in the playoffs.  As a proud SF fan I've been scowering the interwebz in search of icons, gifs, pics, whatever.  I came across this LJ page entitled "Boys of Summer".  Inside, I found something so scarring that brain bleach will be needed.  Unfortunately, what has been seen, can not be unseen...

Title: "Borealis"
Pairing: Barry Zito/Tim Lincecum
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,037
Summary: An AU in which Tim is a hooker working the streets of Seattle, and Barry is pitching for the Giants, in town for an interleague series against the Mariners. Paths cross.
Warnings: Prostitution, explicit sex, drug use.

Disclaimer: Don't know, not making any money, all of this is utterly fictionalized.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to [info]grammar_glamour for betaing yet another fic in a fandom that is not her own. Thanks also to [info]soupypictures for helping to nurture an impulsive idea into something real.


To make this interactive, idk idk, talk about your fave sports teams.  Is your baseball team in the playoffs?


Yay for FFAF...Now, Calling all Military :)

Friday October 1, 2010 at 9:19 AM

I don't know how many folks are part of the military life, but I was wondering if anyone has been to either Tyndall AFB, FL or Langley AFB, VA.


We want either base even though I'm leading heavily towards Langley.  But we don't get to pick and we'd actually be lucky to get either base.  I'd rather have Langley just in case we decided to get out (well, forced out is more like it, but shhh!!.....)


I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)


like button

Friday October 1, 2010 at 8:23 AM

dead on my feet updated!

Ranger note- please put spoilers inside the post. thank you


What do you love?

Friday October 1, 2010 at 8:06 AM


And in honor of Friday, I kind of wanna do a love post.

So... who or what do you love?

Like right now, I'm loving Stephen King's new book Under the dome. And my kids... love, love, love them! And my hubby is going to  be home today after being gone all week. So... I'm super happy about that. And I love him.

Now... come on inside! Tell me what you love! Is there a special someone in the fandom or a certain story you want to gush about? Someone in your life... or something? Put it in here :)




Friday October 1, 2010 at 7:53 AM

okay so usually I am not this excited for the weekend but tonight I have tickets to see this amazing group:


I have never seen them and I'm sure I will be cursing it in the morning when I have to be at work at 7. 
So i want to know what are you doing this weekend? Any fun plans?


Friday October 1, 2010 at 5:02 AM

Firstly YAY! Free For All Friday!

secondly:..So I live in Australia and I know most off you Gals live in the States and I would love to move there for Uni, or College, call it whatever.

I've been considering NYU for a while as it has a PHENOMENAL film program that I've been working on making a portfolio for, since year 9, or Freshman Year, again, whatever you want to call it.

I also heard that NYU was great in general and I would love to live in the city.

But then there's UCLA, which I here is also great and has a pretty Solid film program.

AND ZOMG, I'm so clueless, and any have no real idea about either, and would love to know ANYTHING you can tell me about NYU or UCLA, or and other College that has an accredited film program.

It would actually mean the WORLD to me :)


BTW, this is Angus, of Angus and Julia Stone. Love me a scruffy man,

oh and if you know nothing about NYU or UCLA or whatever

Just Show me a hot guy with a beard! :)

Luna StarFire

RaggDollofTwilight Post

Friday October 1, 2010 at 4:43 AM

Hey everyone its RaggDollofTwilight's Birthday so come on in and wish her a Happy Birthday.


Please spam her with a gift of one (or more if you like) of the following:

* Rob

* Jackson

* Travis Fimmel (Naked stud in pic)

* Anything horror/creepy pics

For those who don't know RaggDollofTwilight she is one of the most kind-hearted people you will ever meet.  We've know each other for I think 18 years now and never once have we fought.  She's a hard worker, patient, and beautiful.  So come on in and join me in celebrating her birthday!

LJ Summers

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Friday October 1, 2010 at 4:40 AM

Many of us have been affected, directly or otherwise, by breast cancer.  I just wanted to remind the Campers (men and women) to make sure you're looking after your health in this matter.

Here is an article regarding breast cancer in men:

Please take care of yourselves, Campers!  "Check the girls, ladies!"

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