
episode 5.08 "the dark age"/bones 6.02

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 3:26 PM

Angel: I've had a demon inside me for a couple hundred years... just waitin' for a good fight.
Buffy: Winner and still champion.

eff it, it's thursday.  this is also a bones post.  come discuss how much you hate hannah even though we haven't met her yet, dr. brennan's bangs, angela's pregnancy, the lack of mr. vaziri, whatever you want.  if you talk about tonight's episode, preface with a spoiler warning or i'll ban your keister from this forest.

bones episode 6.02: "the couple in the cave"



Original Fiction

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 3:05 PM

So, I always have original things floating in my head that I'm sort of working on with the fanfiction. Two things have been in my head since I was nine and they've just been growing. But I have issues with writing so I figured I'd ask some things.

Are you writing original fiction? What type do you write if you do? Would you want to if you don't?

Can you imagine characters on your own? Do you any look like actors or people you know? Or is it purely imagination?

Do you outline? According to someone who came to talk to my graduate class, the best way to get started writing something is to just do it. Granted, he was talking about paper writing but I believe it can go for original as well. Do you believe that?

Do you have any unwritten ideas in your head? Things that have just been floating around for what feels like forever? (or since you were nine like me XD)


You don't have to answer all the questions obviously, lets just discuss the original stuff.


P.S. My campfire is ranger approved. Was before I posted it, sorry, wasn't sure if I was supposed to say that or if they did that....or something.....my bad.



Thursday September 30, 2010 at 2:50 PM

(I wanted to get this out of the way first. (Thank you G.W.A. I see that Edward decided you didn't have enough to do today.)


~Story Research~

Do you research before writing your fics?

Do you as a reader think it's an obligation for an author (of any domain) to do accurate research, or do you enjoy creative license taken to the extreme?

We have been srsly discussing the effects of fic-pulling, fic author temper tantrums, and the general havoc it has bestowed on our beloved fandom.

Has the fandom drama moved into the 'professional' arena now?

So you expect more from a well-established author that considers it their profession?

So what happens when a well-known author lashes out?

Why am I even posting this after all the awesome discussions?

I’ll tell you why.

Enter Mr. Christopher Pike.

(The rest is inside)

tongue in cheek: Did I mention this was ranger-approved?


Fic in Pics

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 2:40 PM

My friend is reading Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl.

She is not a twilight fan, but I am getting her hocked on twilight fanfic. And she loves it!

I always try to provide visuals along with the story she is reading so she can properly picture it.

But for the life of me, I can't find a pic that represent E&B in SG&TNG..... I need your help


Need a shoulder...

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 1:54 PM

I know we are suppose to get our post approved, and that my news isn't as dire as some people...but I really need a shoulder to lean on.


I lost my wedding ring.

I took it off yesterday at the youth center because I was getting my little dress for dance and didn't want to put another hole in her tights..and I forgot to put it back on.  I was in a rush and I had my friend's little girl as well.  Well, I went back today to see if someone found it and it turns out, I wasn't' even suppose to be using that bathroom (apparently the adults have their own bathrooms)  I'm sorry, but I don't share their faith in kids and I know that if one of them picked it up, they aren't in a rush to turn it in.  (I grew up with a sister who is a klepto...) 


I keep praying that perhaps I'm wrong and I did put it on and just took it off when I got home...


Thanks for listening...



ranger edit: this campfire has approval, NOW.  Campers, please remember to ask us first when posting off-topic.  thank you!


Thank you for approving!


In Limbo Fics

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 12:11 PM

Hi all!

I know there have been a bunch of campfires about pics being pulled, not finished, etc etc.

The point of my post here is to find out about SPECIFIC fics that have not been updated lately. I'm hoping some of you might know the status, or know the authors and what the deal may be.

I'm looking for info on:


1. At The Deep End

2. Breaking Trinity

3. Company Loves Misery

4. Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

5. Into The Grey House

6. Subject: Edward Cullen, AKA The Womanizer

7. Work in Progress (just an epilogue left I believe)


Anything you know would be great, thanks!


if you give a mouse a cookie. sharing pulled fics

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 11:04 AM

The campfire from yesterday about sharing pulled fics got my wheels turning. Why is it so shunned upon for members of the fandom to share pulled fics, even those pulled for publishing? (And let it be known I’m not talking about STEALING someone’s fic where you try to pass it off as your own. I’m talking about sharing a fic with other people where the author was given proper credit.)

Serioulsy why? I.don’t.get.it. It’s not like we’re buying a story on Omnific then sharing that story with the world. The original story was all over the internet well before that! Plus it’s not like we’re making a profit off of sharing the pulled fics.

Yes, I’ve heard the argument about respecting the author’s wishes. If they chose to pull the story for whatever reason, we should do the honorable thing and respect that. But why? When putting your work on the internet, you take a risk of it being spread like wildfire. This has been happening for years with blog posts, news articles, cooking recipes, etc. Why is fan fiction above that?

Yes, an author can pull a fic, but that author also has no legal recourse should it get passed around. Because FFn stories are NOT protected under copyright laws. Period. This was reiterated to me in my copyright law class I just completed. If the author chose to put the story on a free site (Fan Fiction, ADF, Twilighted, Writer’s Coffeehouse, etc) in the public domain using borrowed characters, it’s not protected.

So why is it shunned upon for people to post links to download pulled fics (with the author given credit, of course)? And why do people who DO post links to downloaded fics get bullied until it’s removed?

Help me understand. Cause frankly I’m sick of the secrecy and the bullying. In my own opinion, I think it’s time that there was an open blog with links to pulled fics that everyone can use. We’re not making a profit. We’re not claiming it as our own. We’re READING it. And I will happily be the first one to start it.

Ok, hit me with the flames. I’ve got on my armor.


ETA: Ok, I am legit starting a blog (link to follow).


ETA: Campfire approved by grown.ass.woman!


Such a pretty boy

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 10:33 AM

I just wanna get this campfire out there, so I'm not gonna bother with lengthy introductions.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? This week, share your favorite Rob pics from


At least we know he approves of those, right?


PS I submitted my very first entry in my very first writing contest ever! So excited! *squeals* I'm partaking in the All Hallow's Eve anonymous one-shot contest. Go read the entries and don't forget to vote!


LJ Summers

Businessward Fics

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 9:44 AM

I think I may have seen him at Starbucks this week.  Armed with a cell phone, laptop computer and looking all professional.  

Of course, I could be wrong... ;-)

Businessward.  He's a part of Corporate Culture. Living the dream.  Successfully or struggling, at the top of the ladder or just entering the ranks, he is a man to reckon with.

So...where is he?  While I scan my favorites list, you do the same and then show YOUR favorite Businessward here at A Different Forest's FIC EXPO.  AKA the MASTER FIC LIST, where we display the best and most entertaining fics for your Twilight (reading) pleasure...


Thank you for sharing your favorite Businessward stories around the fire!


P.S. Sorry again about the delay!  I am trying to avoid making more decaf lists! ;-)



I'm going to be out of state until Monday night, so the next Fic List Campfire will be Tuesday, October 5th.  I'll have iPad internet access, but typing on that keyboard is WEIRD for me so I'm going to put off typing until I get back home. :)  Thank you for your patience!


Yummy yum yum!

Thursday September 30, 2010 at 6:10 AM

I think I am allowed to post this as it is Jackson Rathbone and therefore Twilight related? Meh! I am going for it cos he is waaaay to delicious in this video not to share with you guys!!

Computer Fail

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 11:15 PM

So a little while ago, we had a campfire about different programs/websites that could translate fanfic into a word doc or a pdf, etc that could be read on a blackberry or printed off or whatever. 

I found one that I really loved - it was a web address where you entered the id numbers from fanfic and could choose from a few formats - I always created pdf so I could read them on my phone.

I had it up in the running list of tabs I keep in mozilla, but my computer blue screned on me, and now I've lost all those tabs!

Does anyone know this program that I was using, or could you recommend the fic saver you prefer?!?!  Peas and Carrots!

Much love to you all!


The secret to a perfect relationship

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 10:51 PM

The Twilight saga-it's all about relationships or some would say unrealistic/fantasy relationships but still about relationships nonetheless. I just finished watching Julia and Julie for the upteenth time and found this wonderful and chaming relationship advice from Julia Child.  Got any relationship advice/tips obeservations/musings? Put 'em here!

I love this picture-feel free to post some of your own if you want.

Here is Julia's advice:

1. Love is about chemistry, companionship and respect. Everything else is transient, and simply icing on the cake.

2. Bring your love of people, your love of life, your love of travel and your love of cooking to the relationship.

3. There’s no such thing as too much time together.

4. The more strength and self-esteem each person brings with them, the stronger the partnership will be.

5. Snuggle in bed together every morning for 30 minutes after the alarm goes off.

6. It is possible, as I once asked in a post, to have a Modern Day Fairy Tale.

7. It is always “we”.

8. Work towards “that lovely intertwining of life, mind, and soul that a good marriage is.” as Julia was quoted as saying.

9. At the end of the day, have your partner read aloud from The New Yorker while you cook.

10. Life will bring many beginnings, many endings, many challenges and many opportunities for success. Approach them all as a team. No blame, no keeping score and no taking sole credit.

11. Have unwavering faith and trust in your partner.


Felix is a HOTTIE!!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 10:02 PM

Sooo I was on my twitter and I was recommended to follow Daniel Cudmore, Felix from Twilight series movies.  And when I clicked his name and saw the picture, MY DRAW DROPPED!!! I didn't really find him attractive at all in character as Felix, but HOLY HELL, the man is smokin' hot in my opinion!! Just wondering if anyone else knew or thought this???? He's definitely not one I thought of when I think of the typical Twihunks!!!


More inside, because I can't stand to not share more! LOL


So I also need some Felix fics to ease my new obsession! Anyone have any Felix love for me?? Even slash is welcome :oP lol


Songs from a hat!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 9:49 PM

You read correctly. The infinitely awesome Jandcoandwtvoc have updated the infinitely awesome songs from a hat




The Roommates

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 9:36 PM

Everyone has roommates. Whether they be strangers, friends, parents/family, spouses/children... Everyone's got 'em. And everyone's got an opinion on 'em.

I'm currently living with my two best friends and a random 27-year-old that you may or may not have heard me bitch about.

I LOVE living with my friends. Haven't fought with them yet, I love spending time with them, it's great.

My random roommate, however, is proving to be awesome, yet a little fwustwating at the same time.

My girl roommate thinks he's hitting on me/has a crush on me, which is so bizarre, because my friend is WAY prettier than me, and she actually talks to the guy. I've JUST started talking to him, and I've been living with him for a month.

But, I won't bitch a bunch on here, unless you want me to go into detail on how my 27-year-old roommate is "attempting to seduce me." ;)

So. Roommates. How do you feel about them?


Totally not Twilight related, but I'd love advice!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 8:59 PM

So what would you do-


You have a job you love but you get paid barely enough to survive but you have to tap into the savings constantly to stay afloat but it's honestly one of the easiest, funnest jobs you've ever had with some of the funnest people you've ever met. You also get to play online when you aren't working, you are basically your own boss and you don't have to deal with other people's BS most days. And you get to do fun things like dress up, wear heels, go to parties, and travel.

You've been offered a harder job with 6K more in the check yearly with a chance to make more and grow within a national company. You'll travel occassionally but you won't have to dress up as much. You'll have benefits and enough in the check to get your SO benes. It's a relaxed work environment but it's gonna be harder work and you'll have to work on a team with people you may or may not get along with but you'll have a flexible schedule with freetime to use your more pay.



Dear Rangers- I appreciate your advice and thanks in advance!

More Inside!



To Share (Pulled Fics)

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 7:27 PM

Greetings fans of Twilight Fanfiction. I’m writing this post as a way to appeal to everyone who has ever fallen in love or lust with Twilight fanfiction. I for one myself am addicted helplessly as I know a lot of you are as well. Now to the point of this post. As a fan of Twilight and RPatz and anything that has to do with Twilight I get really upset when author’s pull their fics. Although it is their God given right to do whatever with their art work, I get upset when there is a fic that people rec constantly about and you want to read, but can’t locate because the author decided to pull it. Now I love reading fics and have no intentions on harming anyone’s work or plagiarizing as I am a Twilight Fanfiction author myself and that would quite literally(excuse my French) piss me off. Having said that I am a sharing person and I don’t mind sharing what I have (which is a TON) of beautifully written epic fics. Most of which were pulled. If you are interested in locating missing fics please e-mail me@ EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED--PM THE O.P. and remember it’s better to give than receive, but receiving is fun as well.


ranger edit: folks.... it's not wise to put your email addresses on the front page...please utilize our very useful PM feature.  thank you!

Please everyone email me, which is given in one of the comments. I want everyone to email me, its faster since PM is very slow. However, I will PM out emails if they PM me first. It is overwhelming to PM


Gliese 581 g!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 6:50 PM


I'm ALL a buzz over the new discovery of this new Earth-like planet.

Apparently it's like Earth in the sense that it's in the "Goldilocks/habitable  Zone". You know that "not too hot, not too cold" area where life can grow. Not too close to their "sun" and not too far away that's it's freezing. So what happens is it works the same as our solar system. There is a star that's center and the planets rotate around it. Now scientists have discovered hundreds (about 200-ish) planets in the vast universe already, but what makes this one SO special is that it's the first that seems like it will actually be able to support life. Because of that whole "Goldilocks Zone" thing. Every other planet that they've discovered were either too far or too close to their star.

So anyway the star that makes up this system was named Gliese 581 and the planets in it are given the letter denotation. So they've already discovered planets b-f ("a" is considered the star, but it's not called "a"). And now this Earth-like one is called "g".

Hopefully referring to the graph will help. It doesn't list the recent planet "g" discovery, but imagine it in the "habitable zone"!

Anyway I'm SUPER excited about the discovery. What about you guys? Have you heard the news? What are your thoughts?

AND to take it ONE step further, most of us are writers around these parts OR clever girls with wild imaginations. And I can assure you my imagination is going wild right now with the sci-fi/fantasy nut in me. 

SO let your imaginations go CRAZY! Let's hear some ideas . . . what's going on on Gliese 581 g?!!?!?!


Links: (also you can google Gliese 581 g since the interwebz all a buzz about it right now)



(p.s. don't quote me on my "space" knowledge, I'm not qualified just explaining it how I understand it.)


**Approved by WTVOC!***


We Come to Life Beneath the Stars

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 5:39 PM

Lettuce discuss the update




My Own Fic List

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 5:16 PM

So I keep seeing these awesome posts about compiling a master fic list, and I thought that was so great, organizing everything like that, that I decided to do something like that on my own.

What resulted is a 5700 word document with brief summaries of about SIXTY DIFFERENT FREAKING fics I have saved on my conputer right now in various stages of completion... This does not include the oneshots that are already finished. No wonder I never complete chapters to anything in a timely manner.

But really. I think I multitask too much, and have too much creativity floating around in my head. In other words...

I want to give some of it away!!!!!

Anyone in the mood to write but don't want to come up with an idea? Someone want to bum a few of my ideas off of me so I can narrow down the list some? Anyone want to just take an idea and stew over it for several months, like I've been doing with a few?

To make it interactive, anyone else have a plot going on in their head that they want to--or don't have time to--write into a fic themselves?

Tell me your thoughts, or compare your horror stories of too much fic on the brain.

First --- | >> | 1020 | 1021 | 1022 | 1023 | 1024 | 1025 | 1026 | 1027 | 1028 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
