

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 5:08 AM

starry eyed inside just updated .. and i liked it - did you?


I am full of it...

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 10:51 PM

Questions that is.


I need some help please.


1. I'm sorry I've been gone and if this has been answered already, I apologize in advance for sucking, but is there a story as to what happened with Midnight Son of a Biatch? I adored that story and didn't get to read the end. Now I can't find it and GG isn't answering my tweets. Anyone know? Ranger? Beuhler?

2. I have this amazingly kick ass blinky but I have NO idea how to get it into my avi. I tried to make it smaller but it keeps saying no. Can anyone tell me how I make it smaller so I can fit it into my avi on ADF?

3. I super duper missed you guys. I hate stress and work and not being able to play with you guys. The camp is blocked at work so I can only play when I'm conscious at night and lately that's not been the case. I know this isn't a question. Just wanted to throw it out there for y'all.


And I'm sure it's been posted, but it bears repeating- This movie is gonna be good and I hope it does well!

Edit: If anyone can give me the cliffnotes on the dramz that happened whilst I was away. I heard their were some naughty kitties, some tantrums, and some GBCFing goin' round. Any info would be helpful since I'm so out of the loop it's a square to me.

..violence in movies, and sex on TV...

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 7:04 PM

I had the Family Guy song playing in my head while writing this campfire, but it is actually relevant to the to the topic, so yay.

Anywho, I've been assigned this paper for a psych class, and I'm supposed to write about any television show of my choosing and discuss whether or not it is too violent. My problem is, I'm kind of a freak and I say the more violence, the better. Bring on the blood, guts and explosions. I said this to my prof, and he told me that this is not in fact the norm, and that I should try to be more objective and write from a "normal person's" point of view. Uh, okay?

I chose Dexter, because its a great show, has plenty of good violence and MCH is just so yummy!

So, my questions for y'all:

How much is too much when it comes to violence/gore on television? Is there really a defined line that can be stepped over? 

Also, can you give me your definition of violence?

I would be so grateful for any input you have, as I am struggling with being objective and trying to see this from an "average college student's" POV.


Thank you to Grown.Ass.Woman for the quick approval. You're wonderful!


Scenario THIS!

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 6:38 PM

So I like to write, but I can't seem to stick it out for a whole story! It's a very annoying flaw of mine. Ask the Mominator.... I've never finished a book, though she's always encouraging me to do so.


But I was thinking of some WAY awesome Twilight scenarios (AH, AU, OOC and all that jazz) and I thought, "Hey! Why not write down my even-shorter-than-a-one-shot scenario and post it in a fire on the ADF."


I think you guys oughtta do the same! Post some of your own even-shorter-than-a-one-shot scenarios and let's have some fun!


(My even-shorter-than-a-one-shot scenario will be in the comments! Enjoy...)


It's Over! And I'm So Sad :*(... Or Not...

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 5:41 PM

What's over? A fic's over, that's what. :D

So, last week I finished my geekporn fic, Renfield and Chiclets, and to be honest, I'm kind of ... idk... excited? (yes, I do still have the FGB outtake to write, but the story is done, so there)

Thus far, in my not-so-extensive fan fic run, I've finished 4 long fics. And strangely, for all 4, I've felt completely different emotions when I hit that little complete box.

 - For the first fic, to be blunt, I was tired of writing that sucker. I liked the story, but there were so many things that I'd have changed that I was just relieved to be done with it.

 - For my novella, I felt almost nothing. I was like oh, okay... um, done.

 - For Dark Games, the one I still refer to as my baby, a rather nasty little depression ensued. In fact, I still miss the hale out of writing that fic. And that little depression is what ultimately ended up pushing me to write another darkward, even though I already had 2 WIPs going. I missed the vamps, what can I say?

 - For Renflied, the most recent "complete", IDK. It's like YAY! I'm done. It was fun and now it's over. A week later, and I'm still happy. I loved my little story and I adored my Edward. But it was time to say goodbye, if that makes sense. No regrets. I'd say this was my most "healthy" end.

It will be a while before I hit that button again. My two WIPs are nowhere close to complete. But for now, I'm still kinda basking


So, tell me about your completed fics. What did it feel like to say good bye? Did you cry? Did you pour yourself up a round? Did you heave a sigh of relief and take a nap? Were you indifferent? Did you immediately start writing a new story?  

(this is a colorful post, no?)

Oh and here's some Roblicious for your viewing pleasure. Bask away!





double header- episodes 2.04 and 2.05

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 2:52 PM

buffy, slayer of the vampyre episode 2.04 "inca mummy girl"

Oh! I know this one! Slaying entails certain sacrifices, blah, blah, bity blah, I'm so stuffy, gimme a scone.

episode 2.05 "reptile boy"

Willow: I can't believe she lied to Giles. My world is all askew.
Xander: Buffy's lying, Buffy's going to frat parties... That's not askew, that's cockeyed.
Willow: Askew means cockeyed.


both episodes are a little lamesauce, tbh.  let's use this campfire to link to our favorite buffy fanfics and websites.  like, i assume everyone knows about whedonesque, but i'd also like to contribute .  and where's MJinaspen?  she has really great buffy fanfic recs, i know that much.


Weight Loss is awesome

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 1:23 PM

Right? I mean, who doesn't feel great losing a couple pounds.

Well, I have to lose about a dress size to fit into these super tight clothes I'm wearing for Halloween (I'm too poor to buy new things) - I'm going as a Jersey Shore cast member, so... nuff said.

What are some healthy weight loss tips? Obviously diet and exercise - I know that's the regiment of all weight loss. I'm not looking for tricks, but healthy tips. Are some exercises more efficient than others? Are some foods? What's a good calorie intake? etc, etc, etc. Or, if you have some really awesome tricks, I'm not opposed! 


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Super skinny Kristen for your help.
*approved by my lover, littlesecret84*

Isabella After Dark by Oliviamk1218

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 12:17 PM

Hey there, this story seems to have disappeared from FFN and Twilighted :(

Does anyone know what's happened and if the author plans to continue? It was a really intriguing premise!


Hey, isn't it KStewsday?

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 12:02 PM

I'll just leave this right here and see if I can get littlesecret out of her hidey hole:


Calling out for Ranger Help

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 9:44 AM

So, my email got hacked.


Not only did it get hacked but I am locked out of it. Therefore, I can't see anything....including my updates.

I need to change my email for ADF so the update, etc can be sent to the right account....

So, who can help me with this?


Thanks guys!


PS....I don't know if anyone has noticed or not, but I haven't been around lately. I went back to work last month (bummer) and I'm just trying to adjust....I'll be back on a more regular basis soon.


Talk it out..

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 9:07 AM

You guys..

I'm feeling anxious, weird, uneasy...STRESSED

I have SOOO much stuff to do I'm completely stressing myself out.  Like, I don't even know where to begin.

Anyway, my problems are not the point of this campfire.  The point is...


Talk to me.



Ask Question




Give advice

Get advice

Post pics, jokes, funny youtube links I can watch to procrastinate more...


Let's Talk-

Buried Amongst the Begonias

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 6:01 AM


Not sure if someone has mentioned this already but, for everyone that had been reading Buried Amongst the Begonias and has been having Masen withdrawals you can read it here;

She even put chapter 18 up!!!!!


Summary: "Why has Alice kept her best friend, Bella, away from her twin brother? What will happen when she finally meets him? Will Alice's warnings keep Bella way, or will she do something very stupid?"

LJ Summers

Vigilante Edward Fics

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 3:59 AM

Yes, I realize it is rather early for me and I am (gasp!) not even caffeinated.

Still, I'm giving it a go because it looks to be THAT KIND OF DAY.


Today's Fic List is brought to you by the Letter V and the number 5!  It does, though, lack a theme song. If anyone has one they recommend, PM me a link... (You can click on my avi, there, and you'll go straight to your PM box and the message will already be directed. All you have to do is fill in the subject and the message.  Cool, eh? I love the Forest!)


Where was I?


This is the list in which you share with the Forest, and other rec-seekers, your favorite stories involving Edward as the avenger.  The one who goes out and seeks the guilty to punish them.  Our Vigilante may be a Vampire or Human, he may be from any time or place.  Pairings are unimportant... All that counts is that he DOES get the job done.  (He may or may not suffer crippling remorse afterward...)  Canon Edward from his Red-Eyed years or a human from the Old West...? However it happens, share it here.

This is not an Edward with whom I am personally acquainted, so I look forward to seeing your recommendations.

Thank you for sharing them inside the campfire!



Oh, there is a MASTER FIC LIST containing 46 lists of recommended fic by our campers here at ADF. Just in case you didn't know!


Could This Be Renesmee?

Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 1:24 AM


Newcomer Mackenzie Foy to play Renesmee in "Breaking Dawn"

by Nicole Sperling
Categories: Casting, Movie Biz, News, Twilight

It’s a big day for Twihards. First Maggie Grace signs on to play Irina. Now has learned that little 9-year old Mackenzie Foy is inches away from signing on to play Renesmee, Edward and Bella’s vampire/human love child that’s a central role in the final installment of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.

It’s not yet clear how the diminutive actress, who’s appeared in one episode each of television shows FlashForward and ‘Til Death, will portray the character who ages a full 17 years in only seven. Sources have suggested that director Bill Condon will employ similar digital effects to those used by David Fincher in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, where Foy’s face would be digitally transferred onto the face of a younger child. It’s also probable that the studio will hire a younger child in some capacity, too.

Summit Entertainment is remaining mum on the issue. But to see Foy’s angelic face, which could very well be the offspring of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, check out her website.




And I didn't know that Maggie Grace was playing Irina...interesting.


story prompts

Monday September 27, 2010 at 7:13 PM

 i'm a reader.  i'm an writer.  i'm also a lurker.  i'm also suffering from writer's block.

I need story prompts.

vague ones, specific ones...  I need ideas, one word, one sentence, one paragraph.  could be in the genre of romance, but not something overloaded with cheesey corniness. I do like writing 'horror/thriller/spooky/dark' stuff... but I could go for anything.

I'm pretty sure that this doesn't violate the whole 'offtopic' campfire rule, since it has to do with writing and fanfic and the like, but if it does, then I apologize and feel free to delete this campfire. 


reading back on this post, i sound extremely rude, so I say it with a please and a thankyou, because i've had a bad day and I want to write, but I don't have any ideas.


merci beaucoup!


Monday September 27, 2010 at 6:44 PM

it's about time for another forest bonding campfire

brought to you by this friendly ranger reminder: please ask for permission before posting off-topic stuff!  it's not friday, therefore there is no free-for-all!  thank you!

please fill in the blanks:

wtvoc did not do the buffy watchalong today because she _____________________

i will never understand the appeal of ____________________________

the best part about september is ________________________________

i've been dying to discuss _________________ with someone, but i don't want people to think i'm lame

my favorite snacky-type food is _____________________

right now, my DVR is set to record the following shows:

and as always, a gift for wtvoc:


HBIC for your time:

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Dancing with the stars

Monday September 27, 2010 at 4:02 PM

Does anyone watch vDancing with the stars?  I don't even though I would like to.  I have, however, caught the hype this year about Jennifer and I can't believe how different she looks.


Here's the vid I found on youtube and some pics to ponder with.


What's the Perelandra of Your Life?

Monday September 27, 2010 at 2:19 PM

One of  my professors in undergrad used to love to ask us what the "Perelandra of our life" was. 

The "Perelandra of your life" is a lauded piece of literature that you, for whatever reason, just can't love or get into, and you wonder if it's you or the rest of the world that's nuts. For my prof, of course, it was Perelandra.  I went to a school that's sort of famous for C.S. Lewis studies, so it was rather brave of him to admit he didn't like it. :) He also included the Divine Comedy in his list, so...gutsy.

Anyway, here's what I want to know: What's the Perelandra of your life, in the literature world and the ff world? You can certainly have more than one.

Note- This is NOT supposed to be a bashing session, so please don't take the opportunity to start cutting our FF writers to ribbons. It's more of a confessional...something you've tried to like because everyone else seems to but you just don't get it and part of you is a little bit ashamed to say so...make sense?

Also- no trying to convince someone they're wrong about their book/fic choice. If a book truly is the Perelandra of your life it will not matter how many people point out its every merit, you will still shake your head and say, "I know, I know, but I just don't like it."

Mine's in the comments!

Diana Wolfskill

Lunch Hour One Shots and Drabbles

Monday September 27, 2010 at 11:30 AM

"I'd like some angst, a piece of pie, and some coffee for lunch, please."


I am looking for fics that can be read in under an hour.

Sometimes time is short:

Lunch break.

An hour or two in between classes.

Waiting for a plane, bus, or taxi.

It's nice to have a story to fill the time -- a story that can be started and finished within an hour.

(Sometimes it's nice to read some short fics before plunging into reading a multi-chapter behemoth as well.)

And what about drabbles?

Perfect for a coffee break.

Please rec me some perfect little stories.


FF Sneak Peek

Monday September 27, 2010 at 9:10 AM

I'm out of town visiting Bratty-Vamp this weekend, but I made sure to remind myself to post this thread before flying back to Canada today :) Post away!!!! - kalejay

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!

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