LJ Summers

Best Friends Fall in Love Fics

Monday September 27, 2010 at 4:40 AM

Brought to you by the letters B and F and by the number 45!

bff love

Awww, isn't that cute?

Today's compilation will mark the forty-fifth such rec list in our MASTER FIC LIST. Can you believe it?  I've been so tickled to see that some of you are updating your rec's in the lists as you find new stories to share with the rest of us. Thank you so much!

Today, we're focusing on stories that show best friends falling in love.  Canon or non-canon pairs, straight or slash, all ratings are welcome. The focal point is that our romantic interests were best friends before they fell in love.

This can be adult friends as well as childhood friends.  There will be a childhood sweethearts campfire on another day.

So what have you got that fits?  :)  I'm looking forward to seeing your recs! I'll scour MY fave list to see what I can bring to the campfire.

Remember the Rules:

1.  Keep it simple, people!  Title, author, link, summary.

2.  No discussions.  This isn't a pimping campfire, just a list of the best stories we know of in this category.


Thanks so much for sharing your favorite fics around the fire!


Rare Gems

Monday September 27, 2010 at 2:51 AM

The hardest part of being a new fan fiction writer is getting your story out there.  People don't realize how hard it is to compete with the well know stories, until you are up against them yourself. 

Here are a few precious (new to the ff world) Gems that I truly enjoy. 

From the Darkness Comes Light by DreamsOfEdward1

Summary: Through friendship & loss, Edward & Bella will realize what's been missing from their lives. Through each other, they will gain the strength to erase the memories & start a new life. She will change him in ways he never imagined possible. AH – Rated M.


Still of the Night by StAngelS

Summary: Bella wakes up every night at 2.13am, heart racing, fearful. Can the Dr. cure her or will the arrival of a dark stranger help Bella find peace from her past? Some lemons,few scary bits,E/B,AH,OOC,Some major character death.Supernatural/Suspense/Romance Rated M


Danseur et Danseuse pas de deux by fallanydeeper

Summary: Bella Swan gets accepted to dance with the Cullen Ballet Company, a dream she has always had. Edward Cullen is her dance partner. What will happen when the two meet? Will their pairing be as romantic as they portray with their feet on stage? AH Rated M


I hope you enjoy these are much as I do. 

So, do you have any rare gems you think need more recognition?? 


unf unf unf

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 11:07 PM

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Peeta, is that you?

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 9:29 PM

So, I was late watching the Glee premier 'cause I'm lame that way, but the very first thing I thought of when I saw the new guy was "Peeta?"

He needs a haircut, and maybe I'm crazy, so what do you think?



show me your faces

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 8:07 PM




also, sorry i haven't been around in awhile.


it's been crazy in my neck of the woods.


so, post your faces and tell me what you've been up to!

Luna StarFire

Hugs are welcomed

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 6:29 PM

Okay so I got news that my grandfather passed and I'm in need of a major cheering up.  

I rarely read fanfics not for any reason I strictly just haven't been in a mood to read. (I have a list of 100+ to be read).  I would like to read some right now but don't know what to read and need some recs.  I ask just for either really lovey/dovey, not too lemony though.  Or if you know of a very funny rec that would be awesome too.



Tell me a secret and I'll tell you a lie

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 4:16 PM

how about both?

Sometimes the SECRETS Campfires can get a little bit emotastic for me...and I srsly need a laugh today.

So let's do this....


Don't say which is which.... other campers can try to guess.

Here's Mine:

1. I was a virgin until I was 21.

2. I've never read Harry Potter, nor do I want to.

Your turn...


here's a bonus one for you to guess:

I really think this guy is fugly>>


The Hostage Ch.20

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 4:14 PM


by: EBalways



The Hostage posted today and we got a look into the Taker's mind.

Jump in and discuss!!



Sunday September 26, 2010 at 1:49 PM

So, as you all know, not every fanfic is set in Forks, WA,  I have noticed that some authors are most likely from the areas in which the characters are based and sometimes they give us a little insider information, if you will, about some of the places to eat at, visit or see in these areas.


If you had to recommend one place to eat at, visit, see, etc from where you live (where you were raised, went to college, live now, etc), what would it be??


My "must see" is Salvation Mountain which is in Slab City just east of the Salton Sea in California, USA...Not too far off the path for you who who off-road in Glamis. It was also seen in the movie, "Into the Wild"


(Me and my babes with the creator of Salvation Mountain,

And here is some KStew singing in Slab City, CA.


Cullen Boots?

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 12:44 PM

Soooo I know we get these fires a lot, but I felt like I had to share since it was so much in two days! LOL

So Friday when I was at work, I guess I had Twilight on the brain because I'd been reading "Stranger Than Fiction", which would fit so nicely with the original stories.  Anywho, I went to heat up my awesome lunch (which was a rosemary/balsalmic vinegar chicken with asparagus/bell pepper/zucchini drowned in my new fabulous lemon/garlic/italian cheese cream sauce! haha), and of course I needed an eating utensil.  So I went into our cabinet, grabbed a bag and literally busted out laughing when I saw something similar to this:

So then I was back in my office a little while later, looking for some therapy materials (I do speech therapy with little ones) and came across something similar to this:

So that was my Friday.... Yesterday, I was out shopping for new bras (which SUCKS btw, especially when you're still in the process of loosing weight and can't find bras in your size/can't deal with all the new bras beeing padded even though I could stand to use some padding push up crap).  So I found myself in the shoe section of Burlington Coat Factory, lol, and I was trying on some boots they have.  When two things happened nearly at the same time... the Cee Lo Green song from the Eclipse soundtrack (What Part of Forever) came on in the store, which of course made me smile because I was just listening to it in my car on my Twilight playlist.  At that moment, I for some reason was looking at the boxes of boots and happened to notice the name of the THIGH high boots was CULLEN!!! ahaha I again busted up laughing! Oh and I most definitely tried the boots on, felt it was necessary! :o) My husband just shook his head at me when I told him about both of these situations.  I couldn't find a great picture, but at least here's Kristen in a pair of thigh highs:

So ladies, my question to you on this beautiful Sunday is:

1. What has happened to you lately that was either very random (like my innocent forks and wolf picture) or something that was clearly more obvious???

2. Do you have a Twilight playlist that you listen to? Or is it only me? haha

3. Can you imagine Bella wearing thigh high boots without somehow killing herself? (as a human of course, as a vamp I'm sure she could rock them something serious)

4. Do you have bra woes such as me? I wear a 38 B, sometimes C depending on the style, and it's difficult finding cute and sexy ones!! grrr


Wild, Wild West

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 12:24 PM

So, I'm on a Western kick right now.  I started Big Sky which has me itching for more and then I discovered the really great Pistols & Petticoats.  I need more.  Anyone have suggestions for me?  Oh, and I've also ready Lady Gwynedd's stuff which is also great.  Is there more I'm missing?

Flash Animation

Story Rec's

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 10:24 AM

Ok well, I've looked on ff and twilighted for some fics and I must be looking in the wrong areas or I must not be specific enough in my searches because I'm trying to find some ExB fics, that are a long and completed(i know alot of ppl aren't into the long fics but I love them). i really like shyward or nerdward or geekward too i think i've read 3 stories where he is shy or a geek but honestly i just love ExB pairings. (please nothing too angsty i'm a light weight, I truly enjoyed "the red line" but i was also depressed for edwards character.)

Also If you know of any Edward/OFC stories, i haven't found any anywhere and im thinking i'm searching for the holy grail. It doesn't matter if they're All Human or if Edward is a vamp.

*Another fic I'm looking for is a good Imprinting story, Random I know but i'd like to read something where leah imprints, or even a story where one of the other werewolves imprint. Preferably none imprinting on bella.

I once read a story where i actually loved jake and renesmee together and it was called "Bella Swan: Kidnapper" it was OOC but i loved the way jake and nessie were together. I guess if anyone has a good rec fic for them that it's not a story where edward is reading all the sexual activity between jake an his daughter in their minds, i think that sick and just mean to torture edward that way(i've read fics where this happens.) I guess you can see how partial i am to edward and am protective of his character.

Hopefully you haven't decided to stop reading my post and if you've gotten this far then Thank you for taken the time to read this picky list of stories i'm looking for.

All rec's are welcomed except Slash. sorry for being so picky its just real life has been stressful and i'm in serious need of some good fics to lift me up. Again Thanks


major abuse of ranger powers

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 9:46 AM

happy birthday, jonah and elias!

it's my twins' birthday today!

please spam them with stuff that 7-year-olds like.  like good knock knock jokes.  star wars.  legos stuff.  harry potter.  they're really into michael jackson (eli can moonwalk).  batman.  super mario.  et cetera.


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thanks for humoring me, guys.  i love my campers!



Sunday September 26, 2010 at 9:18 AM

Does ADF stil tweet when their authors update chapters?


Oh, and for your trouble...please notice the hand...




Pick A Fic For A Picky Pickle

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 6:34 AM

Tricky title, huh? Oh God, I'm such a dork.

So yeah. I have nothing good to read, and not every rec works for me because, well, I'm annoyingly picky. Am I the only one or there are other people out there who have strict filters too?

So, please help me find a good read. And, here is my list of rules. I'm sorry

1-NO BELLA/JASPER. I hate that pairing. Jasper should only be with Alice, methinks. Or screw Alice, I want Jasper.

2-No "ZOMG EDWARD'S SO PERFECT AND BOOTIFUL AND THIS AND THAT" and "My dear Bella, you are the reason of my existence, my life is like a rainy day without earthworms when you are gone" type of fic. Bedward kind of bores me unless the plot is really good. (No offense, some of the best FF I've ever read is BxE, for example Unexpected, The Screamers, etc...) Bits of everyone would be good, too.

3-No tacky lemons. You know the drill, not too porn-star talk, or 'quivering mess of need'...

That's about it. Ofc, the classics too, like proper grammar, unique plot, etc... I'm not picky about the genres. Relax.


And now, I invite all you picky pickles to write your own list of rules. We'll help each other out.

And FYI, I hate pickles


How anonymous is your FANDOM LIFE?

Sunday September 26, 2010 at 3:11 AM

Dear campers,

we all have a fandom life, and we ROCK at it!

But do we mix it with our private life or do we seperate the two?

Some questions

1. Do your friends know about your fandom life, how do they react?

2. Do you have fandom people on your twitter or facebook, or do you have seperate accounts?

3. How do your colleagues react, does it influence your work?

4. How does your partner react?

I will start in the comments, share your thoughts!


Looking For Jaspers Humanity

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 9:52 PM

Ive seen a few pretty good fics where Edward turns human, and I kinda enjoy that little twist, so where is one I am looking for; I want Jasper to have his turn.Does such a fic exist? Poor tortured Jasper, doesnt he deserve a little shot a redeeming his humanity? It can be slashy, trashy, funny, or whatever, though I am hoping not sad, Jasper deserves some happy.

For your time, some of my favorite lil fella,



A-Tisket, a-Tasket. A Complete Contest Basket.

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 6:49 PM

I'm a newbie. To the forest. To riding this horse of an obsession that is TwiFic once again. So, it's easy to say I am out of the loop. 

What I am in need of is a Master OS Contest Database. Mostly, I'm interested in becoming aware of what contests are currently going on and which ones I can anticipate for the coming months. Is there such a list or link or reference? And what of your knowledge ... any super awesome contests you want everyone to be aware of?

I'm excited for The Cherry Exchange .... what other exciting challenges are out there?

Also, any OS contest vets? Any words of wisdom you'd like to impart? 

Manip fun ...


It's my birthday!

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 6:16 PM

Sooo..It's my birthday!

And for my birthday (which has been wonderful thus far) I would like to request the following:

1. Pics of Rob and Kristen in real life together

2. Recc's of fics that go outside the norm or are taboo, ie: may-december romance, student/teacher, etc

3. A happy birthday wish from my fav author JANDCO.

And happy birthday to anyone that shares my day!


Is it still FFFA?

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 3:46 PM

This is my first campfire! I hope I'm making this right.

So, I had a big BioChem exam today.

One of my Professors likes to be as creative as he can when writing the problems. This semester he wrote the enzymatic kinetics exercise as if it were a dialogue between Dr. Gregory House, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj and Howard, the characters from "House" and "The Big Bang Theory". It was kinda funny and you could tell when someone that watched the shows started reading the exercise because they would laugh out loud.

Anyway, last semester he used characters from another TV show: "The Vampire Diaries." He happens to be a friend of my family so I asked him if he actually watched the show or if he had just used the characters name. Well, he said he did watch the show. Imagine my surprise when my 56 year-old, married with a married daughter, Professor told me he watched a teenage vampire tv show. I didn't know what to say.

So, to make this interactive. Do your teachers write creative or funny problems for an exam? and did you ever find out something about your Professor, a boss or perhaps someone you admire that you just couldn't believe?

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