
Suit up

Wednesday September 22, 2010 at 7:27 AM

I'm still not over how I forgot to post the last campfire, making me a week late. *facepalm*

So, this week I vowed to be on time and here I am!

Checking my list to see which aspect of Rob to appreciate in further detail for a moment... or two... or three... hell, why not indefinitely? Aaanyway, I decided to drool over

Rob in a suit

I mean, as much as he totally rocks the hobo look, he looks awefully delicious when he's (slightly) cleaned up. Entire fics have been written that center around a businessman-Edward, and I always get images like the ones in the comments when reading those. How about you?

Something pretty to get you started...

LJ Summers

Emmett/Bella Fics

Wednesday September 22, 2010 at 7:01 AM

HAPPY HUMP DAY!  Yes, friends and campers, it is WEDNESDAY!  The annoying middle - HUMP! - of the week!

Today's Fic Compilation is brought to you by the letters E and B and by the number 43.  (And if anyone takes issue with how many times these things are "brought to you" by the letter E, please remember it IS the most common letter of the English language. Thank you!)

On the MASTER FIC LIST, I have not only all the gathered fic lists, but also the (recently pared down) list of requested future lists.  One of these requested categories is the EMMETT & BELLA story.  I know of one or two specifically that I ADORE!


How about you?  Please, share your Emmett and Bella recommendations around the fire!  All Human or Alternative Universe.  HEA or a sad goodbye.  A playful T rated story or an intense NC-17, we'd love you to bring them 'round.

Remember the Rules of the Campfire

1.  Keep it Simple!

2.  No Discussions!


Oh! May I say how extremely cool it is for me to see folks using these lists in other campfires? Makes me smile to know that y'all are finding them useful. Remember the lists are works in progress, so if you run across a new fic you want to share, or a favorite has recently been completed, find the appropriate list and update it!  Thanks!


My favorite Emmett and Bella story rec will be within.


THANK YOU for sharing your favorite Emmett and Bella story around the fire!


The Creepy Sexy Smile

Wednesday September 22, 2010 at 6:35 AM

So, I've been sitting on this post for about a week now. I wanted to save it for my 22nd birthday! (on the 22nd...giggles).

So Jackson Rathbone, was not always where my attention went. Then I quietly fell in love with him. Why?

Because of this:

That man can do creepy face better than anyone. Give me more? And we can share the love, any other sexy men giving their creepy face....but especially him. I mean, their in a vampire movie, there should be at least a few between all the angsty faces.


OH! And the GIF's! I love those!


Nano 2010

Wednesday September 22, 2010 at 5:51 AM


Nano (not Nanuck, not that annoying Mork catch phrase - jeez!!) is only 40 days away - are you in?

Support groups are popping up in the fandom (MyVampFiction and Twilight Counsel are both putting together support efforts that include WC's, writing resources, etc).  Doesn't matter if you are writing Fiction, Non Fiction, or Fan Fiction - there are resources and moral support a plenty!!  (here's a link to the counsel support post with the support group sign up)

Come on - fess up, are you in yet? If so, are you outlining or ramboing it? Have you participated in the past? Any insights to share with first timers?

Don't know about Nano and want more details - here's your chance - there are plenty of people in the forest who have participated before - ask away!!



Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 9:24 PM



^^^click that^^^

Now go make yer own!


tor owes me several hours i will never get back because of this!


Funny (real LOL) fics!

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Rec me some funny fics, please :)

I just read The Cube by Sdfreeze (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6164528/1/The_Cube) and was literally laughing-OL!  It was truly, truly funny with unconventional characters; a real easy, funny, and entertaining read.  I haven't yet read the sequel, but plan on it very soon.  I really like all-out hillarious fics (especially when I've been on an angsty, drama filled run).  I have some others that are on my list of LOL Fics - Bella's Hymen Theory and Edroar the Angry Lion are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head (and very funny O/S's too - Lost and Found and Hate's an Aphrodisiac), but I know I have tons of others out there.

What are your favorite, aboslutely LOL fics?


I am tired

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM

I am so tired of Twilight haters.  I hate people high fiving each other in their shared distaste of Twilight.  I hate feeling like crap for my hobby and needing to hide it.  I always want to defend and say, "But it's not just about the vampires! It's the fic!"  But who cares to hear it?  No one, it seems.  Sigh.  Someone say something.  Anything.  I know this has been talked about before, probably at great length.  But humor me as I hide in the forest. 


buffy double header- episodes 1.11 and 2.01

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 3:21 PM

season 1 finale- prophecy girl

Xander: How can I say this clearly? I don't like you. At the end of the day, I pretty much think you're a vampire. But Buffy's got this big old yen for you. She thinks you're a real person. And right now I need you to prove her right.

Angel: You're in love with her.

Xander: Aren't you?



season 2 premiere- "when she was bad"


Cordelia: Buffy. You're really campaigning for bitch-of-the-year, aren't you?

Buffy: As defending champion, you nervous?




Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Do you have a delicious account?  If so, post your link....I wanna stalk your fic list ;)


If you don't have a delicious account, you should get one, they're quite handy.



(Alcide is extremely delicious)


Soundtrack Of Their Lives

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Recently, I've taken up a habit:trying to relate the songs I listen to the Twilight characters/couples.

It is entertaining, plus I've found some songs that make me say "ZOMG this is written for them!"

If you have any songs like that, share. :)

PS:I didn't ask anyone before making this, am I violating a rule? LOL I'm such a n00b :D


RL Twi-Characteristics.....

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 10:18 AM

Has anyone every come close to meeting a Twi-like character in RL?


Last night, I had to go to urgent care.  I got the HPV shot and we believe I had a allergic reaction to it.

So, anyway, my doc walked in and I'm was pulling a Joey Lawrence and (in my head of course since I didn't want to embarrass myself and hubby was with me), I'm like "Whoa".

He was so sweet, friendly, and nice sense of humor.

I found him to be a cross between Carlisle and Scott Wolf.



Approved by grown.ass.woman


The Forest MADE Me Do It!!!

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 9:17 AM

I have grown to love the forest fairly quickly. You guys are so much fun! And I love to read the stories you all have made.

Well, this morning I was looking through the forest and laughing my head off at some of the things you guys say and checking out recs for stories, when I realized what time it was. I had just missed my bus (and the back up bus) that takes me to school on occasion.

(No worries though, I can take my bike...)

But I was wondering.... When have you been so wrapped up in the forest that you:

-Forgot to feed the kids

-Deliberately didn't go to school/work

-Ignored your hubby's needs (I'm talking about dinner of course ;) )

-Forgot to take the dog outside, resulting in a wet floor....

-Etc. etc...

We all love the Forest! What did the Forest "make" YOU do?


Lemon Weary

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 7:37 AM

So, I just flounced a fic I'd been enjoying quite a bit.

It updated yesterday and I didn't make it halfway through the new chapter before I closed the window and pretty much decided to ignore the updates from here on out. Like I said, I enjoyed this story. I just...couldn't handle it. The sex was getting to be a little too much. It was the only thing any character talked about, thought about, wanted out of life, you name it. It made everyone so one-dimensional and made the story seem really out of touch with reality. And, honestly, when we're talking about a novel-length fic, there are only SO MANY dirty thoughts, jokes, fantasies, and sex scenes in the human imagination. I just got tired of it.

Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy a good lemon as much as the next person, when it's skillfully done and avoids the usual overdone language (you know: ministrations, quivering, pooling wetness, etc...) I just find myself losing interest in the overabundance of sex in the fandom. I guess I want more from the stuff I read, more than the UST eventually culminating in lots o' lemony goodness. So, what I'm wondering is:

1) Anyone else?

2) I'm writing a T-rated fic and am trying to resign myself to the idea that no one is going to read it (absence of sex is not the only reason; it also happens to be about a certain someone whose very existence is a hard line for a lot of people).  To what degree do you find yourself reading fic for the sexual content of it? Are you disappointed in a story that doesn't go there? Do you avoid fics rated below M for that reason?

Please, satisfy my burning curiosity. :)

LJ Summers

Horror Fics

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 6:51 AM

I am seeing costumes in the stores.

There's pumpkin spice latte available at my Starbucks

Yes, it is AUTUMN and that means people are gearing up for Halloween...  And things that are SCARY.

Twilight is all about vampires and werewolves and... THINGS THAT ARE SCARY...  



On occasion...In the fandom...

Today, I am soliciting your favorite HORROR fics.  We have in the Twilight Fandom some truly masterful writers that make you reconsider whether or not hanging out with vampires is as...pretty....as Meyer makes it look.  Which stories are your favorites?

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1.  Keep it Simple.

2.  No Discussions.

Thank you!

This list and forty-one others are on the MASTER FIC LIST.  If you or someone you know is looking for a particular kind of fan fiction, you can just go to the list and I'm guessing you'll be able to find what you're looking for!  Thank YOU for compiling these lists for others in the fandom!


My recs will be within, as always.


Thank you for sharing your favorite HORROR FICS around the fire...  Read them with the lights on, maybe...

dawnmarie dreaming

Would the real Anita Blake please stand up

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 6:11 AM

uh, i guess my post was spoilerish, so i removed it to the comments.


random thought

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 5:11 AM

Did/does it bother anyone else that in Twilight,  Bella is in school, has a job, cooks dinner every night and cleans the entire house and does laundry? At 17. Is Charlie to you just dense or a i dare say sexist?  Do you think it´s because SM is a mormon?  Oooor .. ?

I should clarify that im not saying that the book and characters are so and so - this came to me when i remembered (not word by word) that in Eclipse or NM that Bella came home and realized that the house being neglected - so she started dusting, cleaning the bathroom ect ect - it made we wonder when i read it - why didnt the other person that lived there do some of it?  In my household - everybody helps out.  Not just one person.


again yes - i dont know why so many of you are focusing on the cooking aspect - i myself am referring to doing everything.  if she only cooked - great, fine help out at home, i love it!  But im talking about everything.  Also when, in eclipse - bella asked her father if he had some laundry because she was going to to one load he replied "guiltily" no.


College fics.

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 2:56 AM

I'm about to go crazy on my University's backside.

Damn, stupid, eBridge, won't bloody tell me my timetable for next year, and the damn administrative staff are censored and do my bloody head-in.

I used to read a lot of college fics back when I first started reading fanfiction, but I haven't found a GOOD one for ages.

So... Any recs? I don't mind any coupling really. I prefer Edward and Bella, but I've recently found a love for Jasper and Bella too. And I'm alright with broadening my horizons... So..

Hit me with your best shot.


(Ooo.. I like one shots too, they don't have to be full-length chaptered stories.)

tsk.  such language on my front page, lady!


Can't Find A Certain Story, Please Help

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 2:31 AM

Hey, I'm looking for a fanfic that's called Down the Rabbit Hole (and it's not any of the ones that come up when I search for it). Im not sure if it's been taken down, moved or it's just not coming up on my search (which sometimes happens). I don't remember who the author is and I only got a few chapters in.

Basically what happens (or as far as I got) is that Bella falls asleep outside and wakes up to a rabbit claiming hes late, she follows him down a rabbit hole (the first bit is very much like the beginning of Alice in Wonderland). Once she has managed to shrink herself she eventually meets Edward who is a Mad Hatter who insists on calling her Alice even though she tells him thats not her name. He claim's that she's his Alice (we later learn its actually a title). Edward tries to get Bella to go home with him but she is resistant, he finally convinces her by going along with her idea that all of what has happened is a dream. Bella soon learns that it's not a dream and the readers learn through Epov that it's actually very dangerous for Bella to be in Wonderland because the Queen of Hearts (for some reason I cant remember). Edward tells Bella that she is not allowed to answer the door for anyone, but Bella lets a dog (jake) into the house, not realizing he is more then he appears. Edward comes home and gets angry that Bella didn't follow his instructions....

does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Can anyone tell me what happened to the story or who it's by? sorry my explanation was long winded.



Male Fanfic Authors

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 2:18 AM

Hi Everyone

Im REALLLLY new to this so please excuse if this isn't the right forum to raise this!

I really would like some help fionding fanfiction written by males.

I have just discovered Johnnyboy7 and am loving the characters written from a male perspective.

Any other rec's would be appreciated!



Lets Tumble !

Tuesday September 21, 2010 at 2:13 AM

Tumblr... i've just gotten started recently and would love for us all to share them:


mines aragsure.tumblr.com


i'd love to see what you lovely people are up to :)

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