LJ Summers

Jerk- or Bluntward

Monday September 20, 2010 at 8:43 AM

"Actually, I want more Imperfectly Perfectward," I believe the request went. Paraphrased, but still.

Oh, pardon me. I'm running late with my list this DELICIOUS Monday morning. I am blaming Ranger JennyFly for this. I have been (and still am) caught up in her story From Innocence to Experience here in the Forest and shells, it's all in my head.  Anyway...

The request was for Blunt. Or Jerkward. When I approached Ranger JandCo about this, I informed her it was going to read Jerk- or Bluntward, because one girl's blunt is another girl's jerk.

Which sounds...wrong...but too bad!

So this is a Fic Rec Campfire – the forty-first such on the MASTER FIC LIST –  and I want to invite you, Campers of ADF, to share with us the best out there that showcases Jerk- or Bluntward.  He is up front.  He not an a$$, but he's honest. And honestly doesn't care if you're offended by his honesty. He's not out to mess with your head, but he doesn't particularly worry if he does, either.

He's just...BLUNT.

Have you seen him?  Share the fics around the fire!  My (obvious) rec will be inside. ;-)



Thanks for sharing your favorite Jerk - or Bluntward around the fire!


Clockwork Angel

Monday September 20, 2010 at 7:51 AM


My thoughts will be in the campfire.

WARNING AGAIN: There will be major spoilers.

*Thanks littlesecret84 for approving!*


FF Sneak Peek

Monday September 20, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!


sigh... Monday~

Monday September 20, 2010 at 6:49 AM

Hey Hey Campers!

I have absolutely nothing to say today other than it's Monday omg.

I had a VERY busy weekend, and honestly, I'm glad it's Monday because it feels like my day off.  I need it...i'm spent.


this video has been entertaining me for the last few minutes...

Some Random for your Monday:
~If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
~The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
~The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
~Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
~Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.
~American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating 1 olive from each salad served in first-class.
~Turtles can breathe through their butts.
In my search for random facts, I stumbled across a list of random questions to ask people to get to know them better.  Answer all of them...or just one question.... let's play:
When was the last time you lied and to whom and why?
Tell me about something you would happily do again?
What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?
Who was the last person you hugged?
What body part do you wash first?


Monday September 20, 2010 at 3:28 AM


Would you be so nice as to just take 2 minutes to fill out a questionnaire for my final project at College?
It concerns kids around the ages of 4-7 yrs old and I need to get some feedback about healthy eating. There aren't many q's.

I know i've done one before on here, but this one is slightly different, shorter and less complicated.


(The q's will be in the comments)

approved by miss capricorn75 (:


When is a fic too long?

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 10:08 PM

I like that fics update so I'm not tempted to read as much as possible in one sitting. So for many that have or will be completed soon, I'm looking at the word count and shaking my head no because it just seems like too much for one story.

So when is a fic too long? Is there a reasonable limit? I just saw one that hit a million word and I'm speechless. What could possibly be necessary to tell in ONE story at that many words? I'm staring at it wondering why it's not chopped up into like 10 stories. I understand that some don't like sequels and I can't blame them but what's wrong with stopping and having a "to be continued" in parts instead of all in one fic? Why all in one and not in parts?

A story can be 75 chapters but moderate in word count. If 75 chapters and 500,000 words, there's something wrong there. That needs to be a trilogy or something.

Most books are around what 75,000-100,000 words right? I'm hesitant to read anything that goes over 250,000 because I'm thinking the author just doesn't know when to quit. A two part story - 125,000 and 125,000 would be great but fics just keep going and going and making me wish I had a dollar for every word.


Which Cullen are you?

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 9:47 PM

I think about this a lot.

Which Cullen are you most like?

I'm sort of a mix between Bella and Emmett. I'm quiet and I don't share a lot about my life if you don't know me. Once you become my friend, I'll joke around with you and make fun of you and pretend to be offended when you make fun of me and laugh and tell you about my adventures. Idk why, but I've always pegged Emmett as a drinker. That's me, too, hah.

Share your thoughts with me. :)

Luna StarFire

Should I stay or should I go

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 6:35 PM

Hello beauties,

Hope everyone is doing great this fine evening (Or day/morning pending where you are).  Got a question for you guys because I have something that is plaguing me for some odd reason.

I have a story on FF.net that I've started.  I intend to complete it and would very much like to rewrite it as I've learned a lot about writing since I've started.  I mostly want to rewrite the story because

A-I would like the practice of writing better.  

B-its very broken english and goes from past to present tense.  yes I'm one of those losers.  

C-I feel like its my baby.  So to see how I've miss treated it has let me down just a bit.

However I've kind of signed up for one too many writing challenges and most likely won't get back to my original story until the beginning of next year.  I feel like I'm getting the 'too many ideas syndrome' and wonder if its better to pull my first fic until I've corrected it or just leave it as is for months without an update?

Thanks GAW for approving me!  

I really don't know why but this is how I'm feeling about all the situation.


Part 3 of the Hilarious New Moon Spoof Series!

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 5:08 PM

Check out parts 1 and 2 and other on GoJuliaSoCoolia's Youtube Channel!


Rec/Pimp Post

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 2:45 PM

I know Emibella has been super busy and we haven't have a weekly rec/pimp campfire lately. I thought I'd go ahead and start one now, but with certain criteria.


Let's make this one strictly for those hidden gems, secret treasure, little-known fics that don't get 50, 100, 200 reviews per chapter. We're all familiar with the flavors of the week. We see the names tossed around in various campfires, on Twitter, and in author's notes. However, with over 160,000 Twi-fics on FF.net alone, it's hard for the average story to get picked up and noticed. So in this campfire, give us your recs for those under-the-radar fics. Let's so with stories that have at least 4 chapters if they are a WIP (completed fics can be less than 4 chaps, that's fine), have updated in the last 4 weeks or so, and average LESS THAN 25 reviews per chapter.

Please give us the title, summary, and link if you would be so kind :-)

My last request is that if you choose to read any of these recommended fics, PLEASE show the author some love and respect and leave them a review- or even better, reviewS- as you go along.


Hours and hours of practice

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 11:44 AM

I know FFAF is over but when I got this through e-mail I was blown away. I thought some other campers might enjoy, (or need a smoke afterward). It's just...well, see for yourself.



I'm guessing they're...eh pretty close training partners...

Vetted with ranger jennyfly



Sunday September 19, 2010 at 11:29 AM

Calling All Artists And Their Victims.


Have any family members or friends been the object of your artwork? 

Have you ever been the subject of artwork?

Was it well received?

Knowing ChildODCrimsonMoon for several years, she's had many many instances to observe the organized chaos and insanity that runs rampant in my life.

We joked a couple of weeks ago about making cartoons.

Lord help me, but I have been immmortalized.

They are inside.

Tee Hee.


Interactive element:

I would love to see your art! Be brave and share!


*Thank you she-who-wields-purple-font-and-writes-awesome-viking-drabbles* for approving this campfire



EDIT: They are all up now. Enjoy! ? Be warned, they are pretty silly!


Weird Obsessions and Pet Peeves

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 11:28 AM

Self explanatory title.

So, don't hold back on the creepiness. Let it all out. Tell me all your weird, crazy obsessions that might not make sense at all to anyone but you, and things that piss you off to no end, even though it might not be so annoying to an outsider. Mine will be in the comments.

And, another question to you:What would our beloved Twilight character's obsessions and pet peeves would be? It doesn't have to make sense, really. For example, I think Alice would love the smell of coffee, even though she can't stand the taste. Does it have something to do with the canon character? Nah, don't think so. BUT I FEEL LIKE IT.

Go ahead, make me feel less like I'm the only weird one :D



(Campfire approved by grown.ass.woman)


Help? - Looking for Pictures

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 10:21 AM

I'm getting some banners made for my awards community on livejournal (you might've heard of it; The TwiSlash Awards) and my banner maker needs a certain type of picture that neither one of us can find. We need pictures of two men (it can be any two men) being sweet towards each other; hugging, kissing, or looking tenderly at each other. Nothing overly passionate or sexual. We want...realistic. If that makes any sense. :)

For you time...

Approved by wtvoc



Am I back?

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 8:56 AM

It's Sunday.

I'm reading fic. I'm telling myself that I'm working up to reading High Noon so I can get back to writing it.

But see, it's a big deal that I'm reading fic after ages of being on the wagon. I didn't go on the wagon for having a problem. I just had other things come up.

So I read one by LJ Summers called Young Man's Fancy and I recommend it. You can find it here in Storytelling. It's main drawback is that it's about a dozen chapters too short.

I also started America's Sweethearts by ciaobella27 (also here in the Forest), and so far I find it completely delightful.

And in order to fend off accusations of "Jenny plays it safe and never leaves the Forest" I got a rec last night for "A Garment of Brightness on ff by miaukuancha and I have to say that so far I am enjoying it well enough.

My criteria for things to read is always the same.

there used to be stories about grown-ups who had THINGS TO DO other than have sex, and as the plot played out the UST fired up but the ADULT characters carried on doing what needed to be done rather than abandon everything else in life to just fuck nonstop

Any reccommendations?


Devil's Pitchfork

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 11:41 PM

So I noticed that Devil's Pitchfork was removed from ff.net. The reason, I don't know. But anyway, did anyone ever piece together ANY answers to the multiple questions that were left for us to apparently figure out??? This is really bugging me because I know she said she was not adding anymore chapters or writing a sequel so I just want to know what the eff was going on in that story!


ah, ah, ah, ah stayin' alive, stayin' alive

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 8:17 PM

give/get bad advice

share your problems, and we'll give you absolutely horrible solutions and please don't actually do what anyone suggests omg


problem :my back hurts

solution: a punch in the face 'cuz then the back pain won't be so noticeable



Saturday September 18, 2010 at 7:47 PM


After seventeen months, and one hundred and fifty three thousand words, my first fanfic is finished.  I need to relax.  (I need a drink or an aspirin as well)  So, tell me, what do you do to celebrate when you feel like you've had a big accomplishment?


puff puff?

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 6:09 PM

ok so this is my very first campfire- posting my own fires is not really my style, I prefer to lurk other people's fires and shiz but I found this video, and I had to share it.  I posted it on twitter but I think maybe five people besides my parents follow me over there and I really wanted to share this with the masses:



this video also led me to some other awesome ones with pics of kristen allegedly smoking weed on her front porch. SO campers- I know this is soooo last year (or was it sooo two years ago? idk idk.)   but what did you think of the whole Kristen smoking weed incident?   I didn't know Twilight existed until after it came out on DVD so I missed this little gem. 

What do you think of the Twilight stars smoking and drinking publicly/privately?  good, bad, indifferent?  what do you think of Kristen smoking pot? Do you think Rob smokes pot?  I wanna know. No, really- tell me.  


my own opinion will be in the comments even though omg no one listen to me or what I think lol


also, I know it's not FFA (err I think it's no longer FFA) but from what I can gather this is a non-approval needed post, yes/yes?  and I haven't seen anything like this discussed lately but..if this is not campfire worthy feel free to delete this, wise rangers of the forest



Saturday September 18, 2010 at 3:55 PM

okay i know this is my second campfire in the last 24 hours, but i have some questions for everyone.

i know we have had campfires on this before but i cant find them.

Do you ever save fics? if so what program do you use?

also do you think its right to save fics?

i am saving a fic atm, but for some reason i feel a little guilty about it. Im not going to say which fic it is, i just know its almost complete, and i have really enjoyed it and should the author ever choose to take it down i could still re read it.

Help me out folks!<3



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