

Friday September 17, 2010 at 7:54 PM


What are you writing?

What story are you most proud of?

Are there any reviews that you've tucked to boost your spirit when the going gets tough?

Who do you rant too when writing ticks you off? aka. Who's your fic wife?


Please share.


I love my beta owlsarebirdstoo. She's amazing and I know my writing would suffer without her. 

Every review creates a warm and fuzzy feeling inside of my heart, but there is one that never fails to make me smile:

"You should be justly proud of yourself. If your story brings a smile to the readers (and it does) you've done a very good thing. [...] As always, the charm of this story is in the realistic descriptive details [...] only a gifted writer would think to include personal details in order to flesh out the character. It creates a truly wonderful visual feast. [...] Still, it's fun to read just about Jared and Kim's developing relationship. Your pacing and build up are very ably done."

This reader reviewed every chapter of my Jared and Kim story "Sweetly Addicted." It's hard to show how much I appreciate my readers after a review so detailed and encouraging like that. All the hard work becomes worth it because someone (other than myself) is enjoying my writing. 

I'm most proud of the story I'm writing now: Saw You in the Wild



Happy Campers

Friday September 17, 2010 at 7:43 PM





Disclaimer: Just make me happy, dammit. 


I LOVE post

Friday September 17, 2010 at 7:20 PM

I want something you love.

No words. No discussions.

Just pictures.

Can be anything.

What do you love? I love my dog Squiggy  



Oooh more story recs!

Friday September 17, 2010 at 7:06 PM

Hi all!

A request campfire earlier made me want to post this request:

Edward/Bella's where one of them is undercover in high school...they THINK it's forbidden yada yada...

I've been recc'd Seducing Ms. Swan (entice me to read a T fic)...

Help me out?



Friday September 17, 2010 at 7:03 PM

i was just reminded of this, and i'm sharing it here because i haven't laughed this hard in a looooooong time.

back in the dark ages when twilighted was the only twilight forum worth a damn, i had this idea where i wrote a fic based off of a challenge.  a dare, if you will.  someone would come up with a prompt and i'd hafta write for 20 minutes and post.  no editing, no betas.  just write and post, lickety split.

the first challenge was from my darling upthedownslide.  

i just.... i don't.... i can't even...

(ps- no, you are not allowed to post any sort of fics as a campfire)

(and i'd give this a t-rating.  no profanity or graphic stuff, but if it bothers you, lemme know. i won't remove it, but i'll take your complaints under advisement.)

and side note- this fic was removed from due to violation of the terms.  lol forever

come inside, campers, and join me on the viking king carlisle's funeral pyre...


Grey's Anatomy fans

Friday September 17, 2010 at 5:58 PM


Sept 23rd, next  Thursday, 6 days from today...

The season premiere!

After the only season finale to ever make me scream at my TV and literally leave me speechless and covering my mouth in disbelief, I am anxious to see how everyone deals with the aftermath.

For your viewing pleasure...SNEAK PEEKS!!!

More sneak peeks inside!



Dude Looks Like a Lady

Friday September 17, 2010 at 5:43 PM

This was sent to me on facebook today.
What is the best feminine thing you've ever seen a guy do? Pictures / videos would be awesomesauce.

Singing Slacker!

Friday September 17, 2010 at 4:14 PM

Good evening, lovely campers. What? What's this? A karaoke campfire? No!

But it's true! Karaoke and is back and reading to belt it out! Except not me. I have hell of a throat ache and am ready to roll over and die. It's all very lovely, I promise.

Going to keep this short.

Basically, record your lovely voices on Remember to put the link, alright? It's polite. ;) If you have request, BIG COLORFUL LETTERS. Otherwise you get forgotten and nobody likes you. LOLJK.

No themes. Sing anything you want. Just don't kill any birds, okay?


how lame am i?



Friday September 17, 2010 at 3:57 PM

So that 90's music campfire got me thinking about some of the things I really miss about the 90's or my younger days.

And at the top of the list is this one:

Cory and Topanga are so my OTP. Do you like Boy Meets World? Do you miss it?

What ELSE do you miss from the past, it can be anything. Movies, TV show, food, place, person, memory. Come in here and share something that makes you nostalgic!


Where is the love?

Friday September 17, 2010 at 3:43 PM

So this is a big fandom, and there are a lot of authors and stories.

And people like reading stories, yes?

SO I wanted to do something fun.

Pick something you're most of proud of that you wrote. it doesn't have to be a fanfic story. it can be anything... or it can be your fanfic, too, if you want. It can be a story or a poem. You just pick what it is, and post an excerpt from it.

If it's a fic, you're welcome to post a link and maybe snatch up a few new readers, too.

Whatever you write, post it here :)


Autographs, etc

Friday September 17, 2010 at 2:20 PM

So last night I got my copies of Water for Elephants and Ape House signed by the lovely Sara Gruen, adding to my extensive collection of signatures from authors, musicians, etc.

So what I would like to know is who's autographs do you have? Authors, musicians, celebs, artists, etc etc etc, and what did they sign?

Mine will be in the comments :)

ETA: And if you have pictures with any of these people, post them! :)

ETA 2: Incase you couldn't tell by the unoriginality of this, I'm super bored ;)


Harry Potter fic

Friday September 17, 2010 at 1:25 PM

So until now I didn't feel the need to read any HP fic. I love the books, over all I'm happy with the way the story went, and I didn't finish and immediately want more.

But with the film coming out soon, I'm getting excited. And a little bit curious. SO I know a lot of campers came here from the Harry Potter fandom so I want some recs.

What sites have the best ff? What are the best communities on livejournal? Your favourite fics?

I'd like mostly canon please. I can't see me reading any Snarry or Snermione any time soon. Pairings I am interested in: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Hermione, Cedric/Hermione. And maybe maybe Harry/Ginny, if its something really good because most of the time I picture Ginny as 11 yo Bonnie Wright . But mostly I just want something good.


Luna StarFire

Lets play a game...

Friday September 17, 2010 at 1:23 PM

Lets say you and I had a crazy fun time one night then wake up the next morning in a jail cell.  

In 6 words or less what are your first words to me.

Here's a pic for your viewing pleasure:



Friday September 17, 2010 at 12:22 PM

jandco and wtvoc need 90s tunes.  this is important.  best tunes of the 90s, please.  go go go go go


Nooks and downloads and shirts

Friday September 17, 2010 at 11:40 AM

I remember seeing a post for Nooks but for the life of me I can't remember where.

How are they as oppose to iPads (which is what I really want to get).

Also, I can't seem to download the ff i'm reading to my iPod...and I tried some links that I found on here...they are either really confusing or won't let me into the page (I'm a bit of a moron when it comes to technology...but good once I figure it out).

I was also wondering if anyone has experience with making shirts (i.e. logos and stuff).  We tried to make one for my little one but the stickers keep peeling off.




Leaving you with a nice (altered) pic of James that I found on Photobucket...

Because being bad is hot!

Oh, and TGIF!!! 


Friday September 17, 2010 at 10:31 AM

Hey, let's do a FFFA picture post, yeah?

I don't get to hang out here as much as I used to and there's a lot of people that are new to me.

Show me your gorgeous faces!

Mine will be in the comments. omg not my gorgeous face, just my picture

don't leave me hangin'!

I'll feel so lame if it's just a pic of me in this thread, lol


So, this isn't creepy, right?!

Friday September 17, 2010 at 10:19 AM

I was just organizing my chaud folder, it houses my collection of *rightclicksave* pics, on my computer, and I realized that I simply do not have enough pics of my girl: Kristen.  This made me very sad, seeing as I would leave the everlovin' hubs in .2 seconds if KStew asked me...not likely to happen, but I'm ready just in case.  DH knows this...

So here's my appeal: PicSpam me!  I need more Kristen, but really any of the cast would find a good home on my computer.  Show me your fave pics, show me the rarely seen pics, show me the hottest pics.

I hope this isn't too redundant considering we have both KStew and RPattz campfires weekly.  And trust, the folder has grown exponentially since they began...but I still seem to be lacking  :(

this is'nt creepy, right?  I know I am not the only one who has such a folder on her computer...



Clean your balls.

Friday September 17, 2010 at 9:55 AM

I just saw this again on TV and it cracks me up every time.  I think everyone should see his commercial at least once.  What commercials do you love?



Go...Go...Go, Shorty!

Friday September 17, 2010 at 9:13 AM

It's my birthday and I may have just dated myself by referencing that song but, IDK what you kids are listening to these days in the club...

So, usually around/on my birthday I am really emo...does this happen to anyone else? Except this year, I got some news that is really annoying and it's been a really tough week... BUT it only makes me determined to enjoy my day.

So, in spirit of the countdown - I'd like for you to share your best, worst, funniest birthday stories.

Also, Robward cheers me up, so you know what I would Edward story that puts 16 candles to shame.



*insert witty title here*

Friday September 17, 2010 at 8:35 AM

In light of it finally being Friday (thank god) I thought I would post a question that has been plaguing my mind lately....

I need a rec.

Very specific rec.

I know that a lot of people want to be rec'd certain pairings, certain scenarios. BadWard, DadWard, AssWard etc. What I need, what I would love to read, is a story (preferably completed) that has no romantic story line at all. I'm talking, the whole story is not based on so-and-so hooking up. Is there such a story, a good story, that has a story line thats not a romantic, lovey dovey, 'I love you, you complete me!' story line?

For your time :)

I dunno what he is doing here ^ but it made me lol

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