LJ Summers

Badward Fics

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 5:33 AM

Tattoos. Leather. Piercings, maybe.  He's a player with a mouth on him and perhaps an affinity for alcohol or recreational drugs.  He's often in trouble in one way or another.

He's BADWARD, and for girls that like bad boys, he's the ultimate catch.

Now, I don't have a lot of personal experience with BADWARD, but I know some of YOU do... ;-)  Share him with the class, hm? 

We've got a lot of 'wards on the MASTER FIC LIST, so after you've shared your favorite ALL HUMAN BADWARD stories, you can check out what other faces Edward wears in the Forest.  Daddy- Husband- Sports- Dom- and even Dark- . The Campers of ADF like a lot of variety to their Edwards!


Thank you for sharing your own personal bad boy Edward around the campfire!



I want to know what you write :)

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 12:58 AM

FF is down, and I'm a little bored and I'm trying to stave off the shiraz for a little longer as it's not even 6pm here in Oz.

Anyhoo, I recently discovered that a person I talk to on twitter also writes a fic I love, and I never made the connection before now because I only remembered the name of the fic.

I am a doofus, yes, but I was wondering, does everyone know what their ADF/Twitter pals are writing or have written?

I would love to know what you write. I'm suggesting twitter id & name of stories you've written.  Links for extra points!



FFn Error

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 12:04 AM

Apologies if this is an illegal campfire - I wasn't sure if I needed a Ranger Permit.

Is anyone else getting an error when they try to log into FanFiction.Net? I was able to view chapters fine this morning, but now can't. I hope my work hasn't blocked it!  It is coming up with a 502 error.

Please... ease my troubled mind... let it be a temporary problem with their server...



More Jackson Girlfriend Goodness

Monday September 13, 2010 at 4:46 PM


THE MOVIE IS A HIT!r-word.org








The movie premiered to so far positive reviews and totally sold out shows!!! The actual general release is not until December but the buzz so far is really positive and the young man with Downs,Evan Sneider is winning hearts and minds.

The band, the 100 MONKEYS! Has been rocking their asses off and supporting the movie with shows all over Toronto and tonight they are doing one final show at Brant House to raise money for the Special Olympics,(as if I didnt already love them enough!!) So if you are in Toronto, beat feet over there and buy a ticket for $20 bucks and get a fantastic show with the best band rocking and give to a great cause! 









BUFFY WATCHALONG - S1 Ep 8 I, Robot...You, Jane

Monday September 13, 2010 at 4:12 PM

The great purple fonted one is running around right now but did not want to leave you guys without your daily Buffy.

So, she called me and asked if I would start the campfire for it.

I don't have the links but if someone wants to help me with them (also as I am doing this from the couch where I am horizontal with ice on my back and don't really feel like looking) then I can edit as they are added or the crazy WTVOC can fix this and/or tack it to the top. idk, whatever she feels necessary.

This episode is a very Willow centric one and that's always good even if I personally am kinda meh on this one. 

Willow says come on in and join the watchalong with us.



Remember the rules:

No spoiling for others all you seasoned Buffyversers like myself.  

No blah blah blah Sasha can't remember them all *insert rules that you prob know here*





*Also, don't forget to wish former Ranger and VIP Author Lillybellis and fabulous camper AnnieJ13 a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That tramp Bella went and tried to steal their day but that's ok. We forgive!

purple edit: thank you, darling sasha.  i called up jandco earlier and made her be my taskmaster, but she told me to eff it all and take a nap.  anyway, here's the hulu link, with alternate links inside the campfire.

side note: tomorrow's episode is my favorite of season 1, so get caught up, yo.



Monday September 13, 2010 at 3:19 PM


I love me a good Em/Ro...And I have been reading Inconceivable since the get-go.  If you haven't read it...what are you waiting for!  It's in the Forest!

I just want to wax poetically about AccioBourbon.  I flove her.  This last update...Yeah, I literally squeed.

Lettuce discuss...

Also, let's throw out some more good Em/Ro fics...ones that are really flying super low under the radar, that you believe need to be pimped out!


FF Sneak Peek

Monday September 13, 2010 at 3:03 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!


Reunited and it feels So good...

Monday September 13, 2010 at 1:32 PM

Hey Ya'll...

Summer was a bit crazy for me with RL as has been really nuts (esp as of late) And slowly but surely I looked up and realized I haven't read a hint of fic in almost 3 months. GASP! lol I know its a small hiatus but for as many stories as I was keeping up on I feel almost lost trying to come back in. Now that school is back and life is in order a bit, I tried to go pick up on some of them but it's just not feeling the same, the spark is kinda gone...... I thought if I went back to my very first Fic I stumbled across and re-read it, I would be fine and i'd just fall back in love with everything like I first did and be mesmerized. But then I realized that fic was The Office and it's gone now. (sadface)

So I was hoping to get some good COMEBACK Rec's! Not really asking for the first fic that made you swoon, because for most of those they're not even around anymore but that fic of when things got a bit repetitive or dull for you (no insult to authors), it just put a fire under your tush to get it all read in one sit or something to that effect. Has anyone took a break before and when you have time to come back in was different for you? Or have you ever gotten a tad bored of these characters? Did you just go re-read SM's Books or watch the Movies or what?

So basically I just want any good fics you can recommend that just made you fall in love with these characters All Over Again... Thanks!


and mine. (my own mike newton)


I'm Dying Right Now

Monday September 13, 2010 at 12:58 PM

I'm hoping this is on topic enough since it's on the Eclipse soundtrack and is the best song on there.


I *think* this is new?  It's new to me and I'm in love.  I'm going to have a Florencegasm between her performance last night and waking up to this today.  I'm so inspired right now.  This video is right up my alley and I see a one-shot coming out of this.  Darkity dark of course.  Maybe even all human.  Gasp!
And in case you missed last night's performance:
To make this interactive post your favorite Florence videos or songs?

What Does That Sound Like?

Monday September 13, 2010 at 12:27 PM

A lot of fics mention certain sounds that characters make and I can't figure out what they would actually sound like, especially when combined with words.  For example, the common ones I see are:

1.  "More" I purred in his ear.  How does one purr a word?  Do you roll the rrrrr a little extra?  What if there's no "r" in the word that is to be purred? 

2.  Her whole body shook as she mewled softly.  How do you mewl?  Do you actually articulate the word "mewl"?

I understand whimpers, grunts and even breath hitches.  But purrs and mewls have also perplexed me.  Any other sounds you commonly see written that are perplexing to you?


Paying It Forward

Monday September 13, 2010 at 12:17 PM

Hello Campers!

I trust you all had a great weekend...it was an emotional one for many of us.

and things got sort of tense here in the Forest for just a minute...

But we made it, and we're all still here!

You know what I love so much about ADF?

We all have a MUTUAL RESPECT for one another.

We can have differing opinions on MANY topics, but the vast majority of us can still discuss and debate in a REASONABLE, INTELLIGENT, and RESPECTFUL manner.

That shows a lot of class, guys...srsly.


We all know why we're here.  We came here out of love for a story about a silly teenaged girl and a sparkly vampire.


this amazes me daily, i really love you all.

So let's do something nice...let's be good to one another.


Here's how it works:


~a gift card

~a photobucket pro account

~books or CDs

~original artwork

~a talent or service you'd like to share

~an awesome designer purse sitting in yer closet that you don't like (but I will love)


(we all have something to offer)

List it in the comments

When someone sees something they want, the giver & receiver can work out the details via PM or however you choose to contact each other, just remember not to put your email address in the comments!

Be Generous, Campers!

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.
~Maya Angelou


Just in time for Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa

Monday September 13, 2010 at 11:20 AM

I am sending two copies to Grown.Ass.Woman, seeing how she loved the movie so much. Just in case she wears one copy out, she'll have a spare to get her through.



Monday September 13, 2010 at 10:23 AM

I've pretty much had a horrid, no-good, terrible September so far, and it extends back into August. To make matters worse, I have given up all forms of sugar except fruit. I'm having to keep myself busy so I don't think about chocolate or cupcakes or anything that would ease my troubles. I've started to go through withdrawals so it's super hard to stay away from the kitchen. (I'm a sugar addict, if it isn't obvious.)

I'm not writing much right now -- with the exception of my FGB one-shot -- but the one thing that I'm always doing is playing in Photoshop or Sony Vegas because I'm a visual animal. While I'm playing around, and trying to keep myself busy (read: out of the pantry), would anyone like a banner for their story or one-shot?


(sorry, they mostly consist of my stuff b/c I haven't made anything for anyone else in a long time)

(I'll post more inside the campfire)


If you would like a banner just leave me a few things to go off of. The following would be great:

--Name of the fic--



--Taglines or an excerpt you would like to see--

If there is anything else that you can think of that isn't written above then feel free to let me know.

I will be posting the finished products in this campfire in replies to your comment so be sure to hit the "notify" option.

**This campfire was so graciously approved by Capricorn75.**


What Will You Be Doing In November?

Monday September 13, 2010 at 6:12 AM

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

So while I'm back at uni I will spend the whole month also trying to write a 50,000 word novel about anything I want.

The idea is not to edit, or for it to have perfect spelling and punctuation, but to simply flow. Write whatever the hell you want till you reach that 50,000 word total (approx. 1666 words a day) no matter how bad it comes out. Then once the month is over you can edit to your hearts content, and once it's done (as far as I can tell) you send your novel off to some place and get a hard copy back, how cool?

The plan for me is to start the month a pharmacy student who writes fanfiction, to end it a novelist pharmacy student.

Is anyone else doing this? If not, why not? If so is it your first time (it'll be my first) and if you are signed up, will you be my writing buddy =P. And have you signed up with the Twilight Counsel for help and support while doing it?

If you aren't doing it, what will you be doing in November?

OH! and if you are doing it, why don't you pop in your username on the site so people can become writing buddies...spread the love :D

I'm missrebecca if anyone wants to add me as a buddy :)

LJ Summers

Jasper/Bella Fics

Monday September 13, 2010 at 4:59 AM

Good morning and HAPPY MONDAY! [_]D anyone?  

Can you believe that you, Campers of ADF, have been sharing your favorite fics in THIRTY-SEVEN categories for over two months?  It's true!  You can see all these lists (and those categories still to come) on the MASTER FIC LIST.  It's amazing!

One of those that was on the Future Lists List is the JASPER/BELLA pairing.  This is an intriguing and popular pairing in the fandom and I know that it is with many here in the Forest!

So today, bring your favorite Jasper/Bella fics to share around the campfire. AU or AH, ratings G - NC-17, they're all welcome.


My recs will be within, as per usual.


Remember the rules of the campfire: 1) Keep your recommendation simple. Title, author, summary from the site where it is posted.  2) No discussions.  This is just a compilation of fics.  



Thank you for sharing your favorite Jasper/Bella fics around the fire!


Hot band action and paper cutouts

Monday September 13, 2010 at 1:39 AM

Hello dear campers!


So, i'm new at the whole camper thing, but there's one thing i have to say first and foremost : THANK YOU for the fanfic lists. It's a huge relief!

Anyway, this isn't the reason for my campfire.

I'm looking for a fiction, a special fiction. You see, I really loved "the runaways", and I really loved Twilight, and I thought : A fiction where Bella is a hot musician saying dirty things? Yeaaaah. But, eh, coudn't find any. 

So   - if you have some Twilight/runaways crossover,

        - if you have some fiction where Bella and Edward are hot rock musicians in a band, please, please, tell me all about it.


By the way, did anyone read the new chapter of "Paper CutOuts" yet? A-ma-zing. Didn't you want to smack Edward?



Monday September 13, 2010 at 12:23 AM



Sunday September 12, 2010 at 9:44 PM

There are so many birthdays today! First, you should all go over to my other campfire and wish VIP author Lillybellis a happy birthday. BUT IT'S SOMEONE ELSE'S BIRTHDAY, TOO!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone's either on Team Edward or Team Jacob. I'M ON TEAM BELLA.


And not just because she's portrayed by the beautiful and talented Kristen Stewart, but because without Bella, we'd have nothing. She introduced us to Edward, and it's through her mind that we fell in love with this story and its characters. Also, Bella's birthday always sucks, so let's make this a good one.

Let's discuss Bella, post our favorite Bella pics/gifs/videos/quotes/whatever, let's talk about favorite fic Bellas, or let's just hang out and have a good time.


Happy Birthday Lillybellis!

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 9:19 PM


She loves many things... Bunnies, Nick Jonas, the tall Volturi dude, Rpattz. Let's spam her with such wonderful things!

I'll start:



Non E/B fics? Canon and Non!

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 9:12 PM

Hopefully it's okay to post this- I'm see where others have asked for fic recs. I'm looking for anything not E/B that's well written and a decent length (eight to ten chapters at least). In particular I like Em/Rose, Em/Bella or Jasper/Bella. I've not tried Alice/Jasper, but am not opposed to it. I love, love, love All Human stories, but will read twi-verse fic as well. So hit me with your best shot!

And do any of the rest of ya'll feel a little dirty reading anything besides E/B? It kinda feels wrong and naughty, but I like it :0) What's your favorite canon or non canon pairing? Anyone have any unusual pairings they like (Charlie/Esme, maybe? Lol!)

For your trouble, a little eye candy, perhaps? :0)

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