
Just Wait getting published!

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 3:36 PM

InstantKarmaGirl's authors note from latest chapter:

Author's Note: I just wanted to let readers know 2 things:

First, JW is being published in a series of books. I know some people will be shocked and horrified and have nothing but negative things to say, while others will be happy and supportive. Both are valid reactions. I'm sure Twitter will be abuzz…

Second, It's never been my intention to leave JW up indefinitely, so I wanted to give everyone ample warning that after the last chapter posts, it will remain intact on this fanfiction website for one week. If you have friends who are "waiting until the heartfail (what the hell is heartfail anyway?) ends" you might give them a heads up on that. (No, this is not the last chapter, and neither is the next).

Okay, three things: Third, I appreciate the support and loyalty of many people of this fandom. It's been a pleasure to engage with you all.


I'm actually quite surprised that she's intending to finish the story on first, I think that's very nice of her considering most people just pull them halfway through!


If they could see me now

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 3:13 PM

If my friends caught me reading _____________, they would __________________.


Or else Kellan will bite you. And you will die.


It's Vampire Thursday

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 1:39 PM

It's Thursday, September 9th and you know what that means...Vampire Diaries premieres tonight!  Recap of last season:

- Alaric's wife, Isabel is really Elena's momma

- Damon grew a conscience and became emo...but is thankfully still hot

- Stefan got all bloodlusty...but  remains boring while doing so

- Football captain douche guy is some sort of supernatural being but exactly what...I don't know

- Damon kisses Elena...but it's really vamp!Catherine

- Emo Jeremy is still painful to watch on TV

Damon:  "Stefan is different. He wants to be human. He wants to feel every episode of How I Met Your Mother."


Come in and tell me how much you love this show.  If not, just spam me with pretty pictures of Vampire Boone.

(approved by GAW.  Yay!)


Podcasting for the love of fan fiction

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 1:30 PM

Do you listen to podcast? Do you have a podcast?

I personally don’t really listen to podcasts. I have maybe listened to a few twilight fanfiction podcasts specifically when I stumbled across them and they said they were interviewing specific authors. A friend of mine (who yay I made through this fandom) loves podcast so she decided she wanted to do one and I said I help. Her goal was to make it a short and sweet straight recommendation podcast, not an hour long analytical play by play, and nothing full of spoilers. Her idea kinda reminded me of the master list post on ADF, just to the point recs.

Here is our first attempt its called THE LIT OF TWI:

Do you listen to any Twilight podcast, if so what do you get out of it? What are your favorites? Do you listen for recommendations or to hear the authors talk or just to reach out and touch other people in the fandom?

If you have a podcast, do you like doing them, what kind of hosting service do you use? My friend is still working on the technical part of hers (yeah I am just a hanger on, I’m not a technical idiot, but if it doesn’t involve clicking on a link to open a new fanfiction story I lose interest quick).


WTVOC approved my pimping and so did this guy:

Sir Rachel


Thursday September 9, 2010 at 1:12 PM

It's rainy here in New Orleans, but it's not dampening our spirits!

It's NFL Opening Night tonight, AKA the 4th Annual Brett Favre Retirement Party.


Saints v Vikings.

The Who Dat Nation is ready....




Who's your team? Any predictions for the season? Wanna talk trash? Bash Brett Favre?
This is a
sparkle -
(approved by the wonderful Grown Ass Ranger)

FingerP0rn picspam

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 8:34 AM

OMG I totally forgot to start the Rob appreciation campfire last week... I’m so sorry, you guys! But, I do have a very good reason for forgetting. It includes perving... and I’ll leave it up to you to fill in the blanks ;)

Anyway, to make it up to you, let’s discuss another favorite aspect of the delicious Rob...

His long, talented FINGERS.

Yes, campers, it’s time for a fingerp0rn picspam!
Show us your best and share your thoughts.

Mine are, as usual, in the comments.

Just a quick heads up: don't post all your pics/gifs of Rob smoking in this one! I mean, yeah, he looks hot doing it, and damn do I love his fingers in that position, but I'm planning a campfire dedicated to that all by itself!

LJ Summers

May-December Romance Fics

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 6:30 AM

She's older and experienced; he's young and enthusiastic.  He's older and confident while she's young and sassy.  Maybe. :)  Point is, there's an age difference, a difference big enough to be an issue for one reason or another.  

It's the May-December Romance!  The story appeals to us on many levels in "the real world" whether or not the pairing makes news.  In the Twidom, this is equally true.  So share with us your favorite fics involving a May-December romance.  (This does not necessarily include NOR does it preclude the AU aspect of our fandom.  I think the biggest May-December romance issues will, though, be a HUMAN consideration.  I leave that to the discretion of the individual Camper!)

Remember, if you're looking for a rec, we have THIRTY-SIX (including this one) CATEGORIES of fic recs on the MASTER FIC LIST.  So if you or someone you know is looking for a specific type of story, chances are we have some winners to share. :)



Today, bring on the winningest May-December Romances!  My rec will be within.

marshmallow fire

Thank you for sharing your favorite recommendations around the fire!


Fanfic writers

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 4:36 AM

 Allow me to put this out there to you who follow ´canon´ Bella.

Never ever does she say out loud in any book of Twilight ; I´m so plain and pale and soo boring.  - She thinks it yes, but god it pains me to hear her say it word by word in every other story I read!  Its so AWKWARD!  

E; Hey Bella, you lookin cute

B; ... breath hitches, blinks, looks stunned (dream sequence´ OMG DID HE JUST CALL ME PERFECTLY EXQUISITE IS HE CRAZY WHAT DOES HE SEE IN ME WHEN HE COULD HAVE ANY (another fail in fics coming up) PERFECTLY PLASTIC FAKE BOOBIE TANNED BLEACHED BLONDE BIMBO HERE)) .. thanks Edward but you dont have to say that,  I know I´m really plain and really just boring.

Does this annoy you too?  Cos I´m reading a fic and I just gonna skim it to finish cos now it´s just predictable.


Favourite Fic Ever

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 3:30 AM

I'm lost in a sea of awesome fics and outstanding authors and I'm struggling with finding the time to read them all.  I need to narrow things down a bit and I need some help from you lovely ADF'ers.

What I'm after is your ultimate favourite fic. AH/Canon/AU/Vamp whatever.  What is the fic that is numero uno in your eyes?  The one you wanted to read again as soon as you finished. The one were you are jealous of the people who are reading it for the first time.

I know there is a master fic list on here (>3 LJ Summers), but it has gotten pretty huge, so I'm after a definitive list regardless of genre, rating etc


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^so pretty^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Pictures say a thousand words

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 2:41 AM

Pictures say a thousand words.

Lets share pictures of the cutest twilight character!

It should be illegal to have such abs, brown, cute face at his age! :D Love that smile!


Rob sits on a pinball machine and plays the guitar

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 2:09 AM

No seriously.

In Houston.  He has gone to bed now (I assume) so I think it's okay to post these:

Post pics if you find them!   Hope he got out of there okay...

And to make this interactive:

Would you go up to him?  Or leave him alone?


Fic Guilt

Thursday September 9, 2010 at 12:06 AM

I just finished reading Mockingjay and then my head exploded  I got all crazy and inspired and wrote an angsty Gale one-shot. After I posted it on ff I started feeling weird.

I've only ever written fanfic for Twilight. I feel like I'm cheating on it or something. And when I went to look at "My Stories" I feel weird about seeing something there that wasn't Twilight related. I don't know what to do with these feelings.

Has something like this ever happened to you?

Are you a one-category reader/writer, or do you stretch out a little?

If so, what do other fandoms do you read/write?

Am I a traitor now?


Bad Bad Bad Emibella

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 7:17 PM

Hi Campers? Remember me? Maybe not. The internet can be a fickle friend. 

I am just coming to do a confession of sorts. I have not been a very good ranger. In fact, I have been a downright poopy ranger. I have not answered PM's and I haven't kept up with my weekly campfires. I haven't told you all about all of the wonderful fics by our authors or told you each how much I care about you lately, either. So I am here to say that I am sorry for all of that. Even if you haven't noticed. I feel bad.

You see, I just started back to work this week, the kids started back to school and I am moving on FRIDAY. It's a lot for one week, don't you think?  On top of that, I have a lot of really nasty things going on right now that I feel nowhere NEAR able to handle. To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement.

So what am I doing when I should be packing or any number of other things? I am reading all of your wonderful campfires and realizing how great you all are. Oh, and I am watching Buffy as well (Thanks, Kristen)

So who wants to help me be a good girl??

Tell me what motivates YOU!

Give me some good advice on how to stay on task!

Tell me your experience with moving or with extremely stressful situations!



On The Radio (Whoa-oh-oh-oh)

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 6:47 PM

Today, I discovered the new love of my life. I was at work, bored out of my mind, when I realized Freshmen by The Verve Pipe was playing on the radio. Being one of my favorite songs that I rarely get to hear, I got really excited. Then the next song was The Middle by Jimmy Eat World. After that it was Mr. Brightside by The Killers. And on and on and on with me being super excited about every song that came on. The only drawback that I've noted so far is they play Nickelback, but I guess you can't win them all. Since this radio station has officially changed my life, I felt the need to share it with you. Frequency 94.1 out of Cincinnati is probably the best AltRock station I've ever heard. Click here to go to their site and get the stream.

So for the interactive part, do you listen to the radio or are you a CD/iPod kind of person? What radio stations/genres do you like? Is there a radio station near you that I just have to listen to? Link if possible please :)

approved by G.A.W.

P.S. Ever listened to Ray LaMontagne? His song Beg Steal or Borrow is amazing. Give him a shot.


paper cutouts people:)

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 4:28 PM

Ok so paper cutout was just updated, and I read through just now and let me tell u people oh my god, go read it...


Okaayyy, I didn't mean to post this so everyone could nag abt it, even to those who are complaining I knw all of u adore this from bottom of your hearts:P PS I can't find ur cm but someone said that EP was crap, it is has the best writing nd story, that might actually exist in reality, so EP is NOT crap, its one of the best fics out there. Nd don't try to make other fics look bad... PPS I totally understand if u delete this post rangers:)



ranger edit: fyi-- there are lots of spoilers in here.  carry on :)


angel episode 1.07

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 3:22 PM

For a hundred years I offered ugly death to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in my heart.


in case you were wondering, "angel" also goes by the name "wtvoc's boyfriend"


Road Trippin' Rob?

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 2:49 PM

Hey everyone! So I've been somewhat of a lurker here for a while, but am determined to start getting more involved in  discussions, and topics here, as you all seem so very cool :0) I saw the previous posts about Rob doing a road trip across country, ending in New Orleans? Now I'm not trying to stalk the oh-so-delicious man, but am just wondering if this is true? Rumor? I saw the pic of him in Texas (poor thing, stumbling into a college town lol), and I'm curious as to when he'll end up in NOLA, if that's his destination. I live in Mississippi and am spending the weekend there starting the 16th for my birthday...should I keep my eyes peeled for a 6 ft tall Brit trying to be all incognito? (Like I'd recognize my own mother after a few drinks, but hey! Lol)

If it is true, that's a very sweet and cool idea, the whole road trip thing! Is she filming there? Jeez I'm nosy! Okay ladies, I'm off to have by heart broken by Paper Cut Outs....





ADF's Weeky Fan Video Post

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 2:28 PM







This week, in honor of Season 2 of The Vampire Diaries starting TOMORROW, I'm posting a TVD fan vid. (Who else is uber excited about the new season???)


"Katherine Pierce - This is only a game" by paradisedanifm1 and bresida92





The TwiSlash Awards

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 12:53 PM


Just little old me stopping by to remind all of the slash fans in ADF that the voting process for The TwiSlash Awards officially opens in 6 days. If you're interested in voting (you no longer need to be a member to vote) check out our Reading List to see what fanfictions were nominated. If you happen to have a livejournal, please join us.

In an effort to keep this campfire interactive, I'm curious to know how many campers have livejournals. I, myself, have two. One for fanfiction and one for personal usage.

If you have one, leave a link so other people can friend you (if they haven't already) and if you happen to have a fanfiction that too so I can have something to read!


approved by wtvoc

Majesta Moniet

You schmexy man

Wednesday September 8, 2010 at 11:22 AM

Because I can't remember the last time Taylor's beautiful self (who is actually here in Pittsburgh filming atm, I believe) was gracing the Forest.

Pleae share pics of Taylor and general remarks on his arms amazingness. Both these things would make me a very happy lady. :)

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